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Music, Film and Software Piracy - Coursework Example

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In the paper “Music, Film and Software Piracy” the author discusses globalization, which has brought immense change to the world and people. There had been more flow of goods and service across borders, reduction in transport barriers and policy on trade, change in internal capital flow…
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Music, Film and Software Piracy
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 Music, Film and Software Piracy Introduction Globalization is a phase through which the world is going through nowadays. Globalization is the phenomenon by which different cultures, regions and societies integrate through a worldwide network of political ideas through communication, trade and transportation. Generally globalization has had an impact on many nations in many ways; economically, socially and politically. It is a term that can be referred as the quick integration and interdependence of various nations, which shapes the world affairs on an international level. Globalization has influenced the product people consume, the culture, environment, security, and idea exchanged between different nations. Globalization also poses many challenges to the development of world on social, cultural and political level. (Thesis). According to Collins (2010) “Globalization is an economic tidal wave that is sweeping over the world. It can’t be stopped, and there will be winners and losers” .Globalization has had many positive effects on the world but it also poses many challenges to the development of the world. The world has become culturally diverse and population and quality of living standards are increasing .The globalization is utilizing more of natural resources and human resources and it is demanding for many changes in the world. Globalization means the whole world works at same pace and the integration process require many changes which need to impose by government, people and various actors in a country. Globalization means a changing phase and challenges it pose on the development is crucial What is globalization? Globalization may be defined as the integration of economics and societies due to innovative technologies, economic relationship and national and international policies by various actors, government business, international organization, labor and civil societies. The recent flow of globalization direct towards a neo - liberalism philosophy and this phenomenon has been taking place since the beginning of 21st century. However, the term “globalization “has various interpretation. As per Koujianou ( 2007,pg 39-82 )“Globalization is a broad concept casually used to describe a variety of phenomena that reflect increased economic interdependence of countries”. Globalization includes much complex technological, cultural, economical, environmental and political process. This is a recent change in the global economy and world is yet to face the challenges it impose on us. Globalization has brought immense change to the world and people there had been more flow of goods and service across borders, reduction in transport barriers and policy on trade, change in internal capital flow, more international activity, increased foreign direct investment, increased exposure to exchange rate volatility and immigration. These activities have lead to the spread of knowledge, technology, culture and information across borders. Globalization has changed the way in which people look at race, religion and culture. According to Akram () “People of world especially people of rich countries are getting less conscious about their nations cultures and they have started emerging in world culture. Globalization has resulted in increasing the diversity and boosting telecom and tourism sector of the world”. Challenges globalization poses on development Remove Social inequality Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon and it is impacting every nation on the globe. However globalization is posing problem to the government to extend its benefits to all countries. It has been seen that only a particular segment of the globe is getting benefited from globalization and the rest is suffering from underdevelopment. Globalization is impacted more on urban residents and wealthy groups of people and mainly population of developed and developing countries. According to Mander (2001 ,pg 2-6) “Clearly, poverty and inequality are rapidly accelerating everywhere on earth. A 1999report by the United Nations Development Program found that inequalities between rich and poor within and among countries are quickly expanding and that the global trading and finance system is one of the primary causes”. There is much social inequality in the world at present as rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. Many countries like America, India, and China are gaining many benefits out of globalization while many countries In African continent and South Asian region are still under poverty and economic underdevelopment. Globalization had been a major influence on business world and people involved in it are prospering on large scale. Since many poor areas of certain countries do not have proper infrastructure, communication system and resources they are lagging behind other countries. The benefit of globalization does not reach the poor class and this is creating global chaos and protest. Global inequality is increasing rapidly as technological change and financial liberalization cause fast increase in number of rich households shrinking the distribution at poor end. Since a decade the world income going to poor reduced while the rich earned more. Globalization have encroached into the land and facilities of the poor and left them homeless, landless, hungry and poor. The privatization arose due to globalization has destroyed the livelihood of millions of people worldwide and removing their access to public services, health and medical care, sanitation, education, fresh water , employment and public transport. According to Birdsall (1999 ) “For developing countries, any risk of increasing inequality associated with active participation in the global economy is even greater, if only because of the greater inherent institutional weaknesses associated with being poor”. In such an inequality the development of a nation is not possible. In such a condition the population of a country would be undermined as a large percent of the population remain in poverty which would adversely affect the development and prosperity of the country. On a global level, a nation would remain behind as its population are not entering into work force and cannot contribute to the economy of the country. If population of a country is poor then the country would remain undermined and less developed. There would be less per capital income and prosperity and education in a country. According to Global Finance ( 2005) “Over the last ten years, economic inequality has been growing, particularly in developed countries where, historically, it had been more contained”. Remove economic and Financial Instability Globalization is technologically driven change which dominates societal trends. The spread of information technology has definitely caused economic growth to many small nations and also given opportunity to prosper in international market place. However, many other countries are still in the same position as they were before and remain economically underdeveloped. Such nations can cause future risk for many insecurity and instability to many developed and developing nations. With population growth there can cause geopolitical stress both internally and externally. The emergence of new deadly infectious disease can destabilize transnational regions while humanitarian and peacemaking forces attempt to rescue people. In such a situation, there can be risk of terrorism as there is flow of people across borders. As per Ackerman (2000) “The emergence of new and deadly infectious diseases threatens to further destabilize entire transnational regions while similarly menacing humanitarian and peacekeeping forces that attempt to rescue people and restore order. Concurrently, moving these forces abroad opens them up to technology-enabled terrorists always on the lookout for targets of opportunity”. With such advanced technology and communication medium like internet terrorism and mal practices can flourish. For example, it was since the use of internet that the terrorism got intensive which led to terrorist attack on Work trade centre and attacks in India and Spain. The technology also is aiding deception in communication, trade and transactions which create more instability to different areas of life. The issue like money laundering, credit card theft, hacking all is situation creating instability to the economy of world. The globalization has allowed people and business to move funds around the world with much ease. Narcotic business and other illegal activities have become more efficient due to money access worldwide. Such activities are against the economical development and can create instability on many levels. Even the financial instability is a result of globalization. The exchange rate of currency is volatile in recent times and in such a case recessions can occur easily. The speculation in stock market has also increases which add to financial instability. According to Hetex ( 2009)“The high volume of speculative operations specific to the global financial market is another potentially volatile factor”. Lessen global competition Globalization has made world more exploring and people are confronting each other on many grounds. People and resources are more integrated and they compete for wages, employment, wealth and resources. As globalization, the demand of the world is also simulataneously increasing. The industries are becoming more global. The global corporate giants are competing to gain profit and reputation. They watch each other’s market moves and implement strategies to gain customer attention. Everybody wants to dominate global market and they clash on price, quality, target market and service. This is an ugly side of globalization which can even confuse the customers are put pressure on the economy and business market. As per Mourdoukoutas (2011) “Corporations that previously have been enjoying the benefits of globalization, now face unstable and unpredictable demand and business opportunities”. Their products quickly become commodities, leaving them little or no pricing power and under constant pressure by new competitors that undermine profitability”. The global competition affects the small business heavily as they have tough time making profit within their trade or services. The outsourcing prospects of business can also be a bad effect on the development of global economy. High companies can hire people from various countries on a small wage scale which the small business has no access to. They do not gain extra benefits or capital to expand outsourcing facility and countries like United States manufacture goods in China at a cheaper price and earn more profit and market segment. Small enterprises gaining less profit create a barrier in wholesome development of world economy. The competition is also on other entertainments and sports activities. People have been betting on sports and technology has made things easier. This put a challenge on the sports sector to be vigilant about the malpractices in the international events like world cup matches of cricket and foot ball. Also entertainment world is facing challenged due to globalization as piracy is downgrading the income of the music industry. With high – tech technology music and movie CD are in market at the same time when the original are sold. In such a condition, the marketers and artists face a threat to their business and profession. The rise in piracy is due to technology, specifically computers and the Internet, becoming more widespread. As per Attwell (2011 )“The report argues that these efforts have largely failed and that the problem of piracy is better conceived as a failure of affordable access to media in legal markets”. Also pirate’s software programs have posed a big challenge on software companies like Microsoft. The competition on products and services are also creating more fake products especially from China. Many cheap products which are duplicate to the brand products like Versace, D& G , Chanel is in the market at lesser price with somewhat resembling quality. The technology is so sophisticated nowadays that anything can be replicated with quality in less time at cheap cost and limited time frame. In such a condition the world is facing a challenge to secure, the price, quality and business of the countries on a local and international level. Eradicate pollution and diseases. Though globalization has brought about prosperity it has also imposed many problems like pollution and diseases on a global level. Due to globalization a large number of industries were established all over the world which has put strain on environment. Many forests have been clears which caused serious threat to the ecology and climatic condition of earth. Many plants and animals are destroyed and some have become extinct or endangered. Due to the decline in the number of trees, the temperature is rising and resulting in global warming. According to Pandita (2011)“Due to globalization and industrialization, various chemicals have been thrown into the soil which have resulted into the growth of many noxious weeds and plants”. This toxic waste has caused a lot of damage to plants by interfering in their genetic makeup. The industries are emitting more carbon and this increasing pollution on a global level. In earlier times, people used to consume locally grown food but with globalization people are consuming more of fast food. In such case, many countries are facing the challenge of fighting obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and other illnesses. Also people are more inclined to used computer and cell phone which put a strain on them and result in stress, depression and brain illnesses. As the prevalence of obesity increases in line with a higher consumption of fat and calories, attention is turning to the global food industry responsible for churning out products high in fat and sugar. Also the amount of fuel consumed by the world is exceeding which is putting a pressure on fossil fuel resources and also put a threat to the government to innovate renewable energy which is efficient and environmental friendly. Land intrusion, noise pollution all are problems resulted from globalization. So the government and the international organization have the challenge of reducing such risks posed by globalization. The government needs to look the spread of diseases due to increase flow of people for tourism, business and education. Sexual activities across border give rise to HIV, Hepatitis and other infectious disease like bird flu and swine flu. In such a case development is a challenging affair for world. On the negative side, globalization making people more integrated can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases (Kawachi,2007,pg. 7) Conclusion Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon and the world is progressing at a fast rate. Every corner of the world is yet to experience the dynamism of globalization.Globalisation has been evident in developed and developing courtiers but poor nation were relatively changed less due to this phenomenon. Globalization was not seen in village areas of developing nations and hence there was inequality in income distribution, quality of living and health status and employment. For this reason the government is facing lot of challenges in the country as such a disparity is critical for the development of the country. Since the technology is the main reason for globalization, the urban area and the wealthy class are experiencing this transformation. According to ( The Economist) “ Technology—an even less resistible force—is also destroying white- and blue-collar tasks in a puff of automation and may play a bigger role in explaining rising wage inequality and the sluggish growth of middling wages”. The challenges like environment al hazards, financial instability and social inequality all had made the globalization a threatening phenomenon. Globalization indeed has given many positive changes to the world like better technology, communication, infrastructure and employment .But if one look at many nations we can see that they are still backward and poor. If one look at Bangladesh, silence and some areas of Africa and India the situation is still poor. Government need to make sure the technology penetrates into the remote areas of the country and all the facilities are given to them and the disparity among rich and poor should be lessened. As per ( 2008,pg 39-82) “Economic analysis cannot evaluate the philosophical merits of these different responses, but can shed some light on the reasons for the disparity across nations in income levels and the role of globalization in their propagation”. So with all these problems globalization is a challenge posing issue for development. 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