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Most of the plays Shakespeare has written talk of fantasies and myths. Such plays include but are not limited to The Tempest, The Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet. All of them talk about magic, spirits, and ghosts. So these pieces have minimal connection or application in the real world. Mostly, it is the relations and man’s strive for power and money that apply in the real world.
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, Literature review
A campaign initiated against the illegal trade of drugs by President Nixon in 1971. According to the Global Commission of drug policy (2011), the US has spent $1trillion on this war and is considered as the longest and most in-effective war in which the US is engaged. Experts estimate the cost has approximately run to $40billion annually.
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Canadian Aboriginal societies are well known for their exceptional love and pride for their children. Aboriginal societies consider children the most crucial part of the community. To them, children are God-given gifts and their culture obligates all people to hold children with intense respect and equality as the primary aspects of their pride.
17 pages (5335 words)
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, Research Paper
Along with the demographic and industrial factors, labor market changes, observable in the UK working environment, can also be witnessed to impose significant influences on the OH trends in the economy. To be affirmed in this regard, it has often been witnessed that a few industrial sectors are more prone to OH hazards than other sectors.
That being the case, researchers have always had disagreements particularly with regard to the negative impacts of abortion. However, all researchers do agree to a substantial degree that abortion leads to stress on the women that undergo it. An analysis of various studies and literature has confirmed this hypothesis to be true.
It is disheartening when life is being put at risk just because one has to send that text. There may be devastating events that people could not control but harm resulting from irresponsible texting while driving is clearly not one of them. Death should not happen due to things as preventable as this. A second that a driver’s attention is taken off the road can result in irreversible consequences.
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, Research Paper
The paper 'The Impact of Ethnicity and Racial Aspects on Criminal Profiling' is an outstanding example of a research paper on social science. In criminal profiling, the race has been found to play a critical role in indicating the pattern of criminal activities. Security experts have everything to believe that areas with black communities experience high levels of criminal activities.
Although alcoholism is a problem that can affect anyone and everyone, studies have established that the problem tends to follow certain lines of economic and ethnic divisions. Besides peer influence like during college and stress-related problems that can lead one to drink, alcoholism can run in the family so that a son can be influenced into drinking by his alcoholic father or relatives.
The crime rates have been on the rising trend for a long time now. Criminal activities have been named as among the major problems facing the society in today’s world. The government has been steadfast in fighting the various forms of crimes. Although, there have been some notable achievements in this campaign, it is clear that a lot have to be done to bring the vice to the lowest levels.
Ableism is an attitude displayed toward individuals with disabilities. Every culture has a different notion for such disabilities some take it in a scientific manner, some as a religious sin while others take it as destined or ill-fated. Ableism is an act of social chauvinism and bias to look down upon those who struggle hard to uplift themselves against all odds.
In recent years, there has been controversy about the issue of same-sex marriage or gay marriages. For many years, most countries have existed in denial concerning the existence of gay relationships in their contraries. However, since 2001, most countries have acknowledged the existence of gay couples and the need to legalize gay marriages.
The video Frontline presents a discussion of the changing pension schemes within the US with a view of answering the question: “Can you afford to retire?” Within the video, the theme of retirement is presented in relation to the inability to retire among the American people who have reached the retirement age.
In this era of technology and entertainment, many are concerned with the impact of video game addiction. What begins with an interest in the game soon develops into an addiction whereby the gamer is unable to participate normally in other activities of his life. Video game addiction is known to impact both the social and academic life of a gamer.
National governments organize citizenship tests as required by naturalization procedures. An analysis of these citizenship tests indicate that these help in developing civic unity. In Canada, 2009-2010 citizenship tests have been used to evaluate citizens’ movement in various national settings. Such tests can be used as a tool to formulate public policy.
Computers are the modern technological advancements that currently spell out how far this generation has achieved. Computers are beneficial not only in offices but also in homes. They have become an integral part of everyday living. Communication is far easier with the help of computers. Information and learning became easily available on the internet.
6 pages (1703 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Set in Jackson Mississippi in the early 1960s, The Help provides a succinct description of the relations between people of different classes and races. The novel centers on a century subsequent to the American Civil War. During this era, African American women did not have job options than to work as oppressed domestic servants for rich, white families.
The United Nations General Assembly defined “torture” in 1984 as “any act by which severe pain or suffering…is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him…information or a confession” (Davis 163). The problem with this definition is that it failed to add a clause that explains the purpose of such information or confession.
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, Literature review
People dream of successful marriages these days. There are many factors that play their role in making a marriage successful. Two of the most important factors that play a decisive role in the success of marriage are friendship and love. One factor that is common between friendship and love is that both inculcate positive sentiments in two people about each other.
8 pages (2346 words)
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, Literature review
“I cannot be just any parent, I want to be the best one so that my kid will also the best that he can be,” says one parent. Like other parents, Cathy is aware that her parenting style can shape the future of her children. She is anxious that she might be too lax or too authoritarian, which will result in her “stifling” the growth of her children.
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, Literature review
Violence is rampant in the community today. The use of physical force is employed in entertainment, sports, and advertisement. Violence has become a reality for people in their everyday existence. Violence is exhibited in schools, neighborhoods, advertisements, video games, and workplaces. It is virtually in all areas of society.
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, Book Report/Review
Nadine Gordimer is a world-famous and Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 1991 for a large body of literary work. She is of Jewish descent, being the daughter of a Jewish immigrant and refugee in Czarist Russia while her mother is from an assimilated Jewish family in London, England. Nadine Gordimer was born in the mining area of Gauteng which is a mining town near Johannesburg, South Africa.
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, Literature review
Within the profession of Criminology, gun control is a significant research problem. The three topics addressing this research problem include gun control and its effects, gun-related crimes, and gun control laws in the United States of America. Gun control varies from one country to another and from one state to another.
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, Literature review
Society has learned to adopt new measures and technologies in order to survive and make life easy in comparison to those who lived in medieval times. Rhetoric may be finely defined as the art of public speaking, being able to portray our ideas and thoughts to others. While talking about rhetoric in this day and age, electronic management systems come into play.
Investing in Colombia’s infrastructure is another policy to ensure the development and minimization of increased inequality and poverty. Excessively high home and rental prices, inadequate Internet access, insufficient power, and water sources are some of the issues that break down Colombia’s development strategy. This ought to be mitigated by the correct infrastructure.
Shooting of several black Americans has been an issue in the limelight for a long time. Several incidences of the same kind have repeated themselves in America and swept under the carpet as the voices of those who tried to talk about the inhuman act suppressed by forces stronger than them. These shooting incidences need a trial in court and the guilty have been thrown out due to lack of evidence.
According to Hugo (1995), the existence of such migrants has been also observed in more rich suburbs of Sydney like North Shore. This may be attributed to the fact that most of the Asian people settling in Sydney in the years between 1980 and 1990 had large financial assets and were equipped with great skills and therefore decided to settle in such affluent areas.
Redistributing wealth in a broad fashion is anathema to capitalism, yet a broadly redistributive society is the only way to counter the power that inherently seizes control in capitalist societies to propagate itself. Capitalist taxpayers bulk at their money going to someone else, which makes sense – they worked hard to earn it.
Sometimes, people do not realize how words can hurt. When someone bullies another person the bully does not realize the impact of his action the victim. This is what happened to a 14-year-old student named David Q. Phan, a student at Bennion Junior High School in Taylorsville who shot himself in the head in front of numerous shaken students on a skywalk leading to the school.
Video surveillance has been in existence for a long time now. Often you will find them in shopping malls, bank halls, workplaces, airports, transportation hubs and mostly in urban streets. As modernization and development increased, the number of risks also grew to an alarming point that employers, governments, organizations and even individuals saw the need for keeping close watch of their lives.
Alcohol abuse is a big problem in the United States of America. Alcohol and tobacco remain to be the most abused drugs in the US. Although alcohol consumption has dropped since the 1980s, it still costs the government lots of money in maintaining alcohol-related illnesses. The majority of US citizens start drinking at the age of fourteen.
In most of the cases reported to the university disciplinary authority in the past, most of the investigations have shown that the victims contribute greatly to the entire process of harassment. Most reports form such investigations reveal that the victims had been deeply involved in sexual charts physical talks with the culprits just before the incident (Tatiana 6).
8 pages (2112 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Colm Toibin’s construction of masculinity has the male seen as the stronger sex although, after lengthy strives, women can also come close or equal to this stereotype to acquire equal status with the males. In Brooklyn, Toibin has Eilis Lacey as the main protagonist to deliver the masculine construction, instruments showing status and power.
Every country has the desire to develop an ideal society that can be achieved by designing a country with the greatest happiness among the people. Different national interests should be accomplished in order to create an ideal society. An effectual urban design can only be accomplished if there is a good system of the government, good organization, having entertainment and advanced urban design.
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, Literature review
The types of foods a person chooses to consume affect their health. This is common knowledge. What may not be as apparent is that food choices are greatly affected by family income. Generally, healthier foods cost more which eliminates them as a choice for low-income shoppers. It's also common knowledge that income inequality, the unequal distribution of wealth in the nation, is expanding.
The participants did not limit the definition of domestic violence to occur between husbands and wives. They have also expounded its definition occurring towards extended family members which implies that violence occurring between spouses can affect other members of the nuclear and extended family that might meddle or settle between the conflict of husbands and wives.
The paper "How Do Women Use Their Roles as Family Food Provisioners to Communicate with Their Families?" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Food and drink have been seen to be basic necessities for human beings to survive. Through different types of food and drinks, people describe their own culture and establish their own origin.
According to the (Abdulhakim 2008) female who has sexual relations with partners that use substance abuse as khat and alcohol do not use prevention gears during sexual indigence. This is subject to what motivated them to go there if they went there for sex work they might have had no choice of partners because their need is money.
Without anthropological conceptualization of the challenge of a child, trafficking can be skewed to be interpreted from the sexual perspective. However, it has been demonstrated that child trafficking happening for a variety of reasons besides sexual purposes. Child labor is very prevalent in many developing and Asian countries.
7 pages (1985 words)
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, Research Paper
To ensure many medicines, cosmetics, and food additive are safe for humans they are tested on non-human animals. Indeed, this practice has been in use from the mid to late 1800s. In the early 1920s, the phenomenon of using live non-human animals to study the potential effects of toxins in an array of drugs came into use.
Critics of the change decried rises in alcohol-related traffic fatalities among 18- to 20-year-old drivers in areas where the drinking age had been lowered. Indeed, one result of leaving states in charge of their own age was the creation of "bloody borders" between states that allowed 18-year-olds to drink and those that didn't.
In the current world where there has been increased technological advancement in the usage of natural resources such as manufacture and usage of gas and related products, accidents are bound to happen. The most important thing to note is what can be done in case of such unplanned calamities happen in order to reduce the loss of life.
Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (p. iv) in Terrorism 2002-2005 published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in United States of America.
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, Research Paper
Strict rules, such as the prohibition of possession of guns, a ban on underage individuals from buying firearms, and keeping a check on illegal markets (that sell firearms to youngsters) can also contribute to the decrease in gun violence. Moreover, rules on proper locking up of guns at homes and educational institutions can prevent gun thefts.
Where the government has delegated a representative with the power to bargain with the workers, the state should follow a path of promoting collective bargaining in agreement with the public interest. By adopting this measure the state strengthens the flexibility needed in a domain quite dominated by human aspects.
6 pages (1811 words)
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, Research Paper
Similarly, in this case, Lori Drew committed a felony by disguising herself as “Josh” on MySpace. Therefore, all of the actions and consequences, which include the suicide of Megan, Lori Drew should remain accountable for all of them. She remains solely responsible for ending a life, which was full of promise and potential.
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, Research Paper
While cell phones are giving birth to social and environmental hazards, economically, they have been nothing but most beneficial. This increase in the sales of cellular phones has helped boost the economies of several countries. They help raise business activity which means increased employment and increased purchasing power.
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, Research Paper
Americans have always been a progressive group of people. Their ingenuity and hard work have made the United States one of the leading countries in the world and given Americans a lot of the things they are enjoying now. It's unfortunate that these outstanding traits of Americans have failed in helping the society beat its addiction to many things.
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, Research Paper
Since the ministry of Health in China did away with homosexuality from its schedule of mental disorders in the year 2001, the public opinion and government policy have again shifted gradually. The ministry of public health has been focusing on gay bars with public awareness movement championing for safe sex and HIV examination.
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, Research Paper
Social media sites are an important discovery that brings great benefits to communications in the 21st century. Sites such as Facebook have numerous advantages that can be used by individuals as well as organizations. However, it is also important for them to be used in moderation when the user is seeking to establish personal relationships.
13 pages (3529 words)
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, Research Paper
Barring of same-sex couples from becoming parents is extremely discriminatory. In many cases, such prejudice has been associated with the parents’ sexual orientation. This should not be the case since every person is entitled to all basic human rights. It is evident that gay people are wholly embraced in work environments, among other areas.