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Lifespan Development Have Altered Peoples Perception of the Life Course Social science Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The use of the term life course has been favored over the term cycle by psychosocial and sociological perspectives since the latter can be criticized for implying a circular process whereby in the later years of life, the individual returns to the dependency of childhood, which is disputed by life-span models.
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The Extent of Cultural Capital in the Technological Age Social science Literature review
9 pages (2362 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, a book by Pierre Bourdieu, analyses surveys and empirical studies conducted on the middle-class sector of France. The study made a distinction of the different cultures and ways of life of the people in that era and concluded that cultural capital begins at home, in childhood upbringing, the way children are brought up or dressed, taught and schooled. 
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Hispanics and the Racial Discrimination Social science Case Study
8 pages (2323 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study has shown that the prison is serving a better option for the people from a Hispanic background as the facilities provided to the poor people are all available at the prison. 3 percent of the people in prison between 25-29 years are from a Hispanic ethnic background. The war on drugs has resulted in 2 to 3 times more arrests than their actual use of drugs.
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The Rise of Black Consciousness and its Impact on Non-whites Social science Literature review
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The uprise of black consciousness in the period of 1967-1977, was a driving thrust of black people across the world to build self-importance and unity amongst all the demoralized. In American history, the term came into existence due to the feeling of American Blacks perceiving that their race was viewed as filled with spinelessness, feeble and non-accomplishing laypeople.  
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Social Welfare Policy Analysis: Child Abuse Social science Coursework
8 pages (2306 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The efforts tend to create fear in the minds of children and parents, making them anxious about the conditions.  As discussed earlier, those programs have indirectly affected the mental development needs of children to some extent. Statistical data indicate that child sex abuse is more prevalent in third world countries mainly because of poverty and lack of education.
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Reflective Journaling on Bachelor of Social Work Social science Case Study
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Generally, the efficiency in the application of these theories is primarily determined by the nature of a case, the people involved and the efficiency of the level as may be required by the situation. An important issue that has been explored relates to the kind of skills that may be required by a co-facilitator in the course of dispensing his or her duties.
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Lifestyle in the Emile Habiby's The Secret Life of Saeed Social science Book Report/Review
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Day claims that political satire has gained strong ground in different cultures. This is depicted in Habiby’s novel of how the Israeli political satire has gained ground in their popular culture. The Israelites believe that everybody, across the globe, admires their lifestyle and cultural phenomena.
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The Special Place of Children in Society Social science Research Paper
9 pages (2685 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
In anything that is well-planned for the good and is bound to succeed, there are always bumps along the way to test its integrity.  In the case of Every Child Matters’ proposed reforms,  some pessimistic individuals or organizations may prove to be obstacles that are powerful enough to hinder the plans from pushing through.
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Urban Planning Perspectives Social science Assignment
8 pages (2293 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Within the overall policy for sustainable development, the emphasis has been placed upon the idea of sustainable communities, accompanied, and perhaps exemplified by, the transformation of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (OPDM) into the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
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The Country Needs Its People Social science Case Study
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The concept of mental health simply speaks about health and its capacity to perform in a certain environment. The concept of social and emotional wellbeing is broader in the sense that it takes into account individual’s association with land, family, culture, community and many such related aspects in which a person lives through.   
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The Effectiveness of Parole Social science Coursework
10 pages (2881 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Parole is designed to either control behavior or treat inmates for integration, with the ideal being somewhere in the middle. The objectives of the parole board are defined by the culture of the prison system in a specific area, thus creating conflicts between the law enforcement and social services duties of a parole system.
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Non-Verbal Communication Social science Essay
8 pages (2124 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are also ways of establishing a good participation framework. This is through the spatial arrangement that influences a lot on how the non-verbal cues are put across. Some of the arrangements, for example, the side-to-side discourage people from looking at each other. There are also attributes of being engrossed.
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Is Class Still Relevant in Contemporary Britain Social science Coursework
9 pages (2585 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In general, with technological advances came the rise of the post-industrial worker and as time goes on, the lines separating the upper-crust and the underclass get considerably murkier.  Sociologists are forced to reconsider the relevance of class in present-day Britain and all industrialised countries.
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Behavior Support Program Social science Case Study
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The specialized classroom management task requires social intercourse to be of a particularly higher order. It’s here that the pedagogical skills are shaped and reshaped. It’s, in fact, a contingency demand for the teacher’s social interaction skills which vary in dimension and depth. Strategic teaching skills require a degree of enhancement. 
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New Deal For Lone Parents Social science Case Study
9 pages (2478 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The different aspects that are a part of the social reform and policies for lone parents in poverty are creating several new opportunities and regulations for resources, as well as levels of resistance in the community. The historical and ideological developments have been designed to empower those in poverty. 
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Child Behavioral Development Social science Coursework
9 pages (2446 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
A contingency is a relationship between behavior and its consequences. The reinforcement which develops skills must be immediate. Otherwise, the precision of the differential effect is lost. To illustrate points (6) and (7) Akhil ran outside the fence too when he wasn’t able to finish climbing the monkey bars.
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Domestic Violence Being a Gender Issue Social science Research Paper
12 pages (3138 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The authors were able to suggest a course of action, which is not really novel, nor is it commendable in any sense because they only suggest letting the government do something about the problem. Hopefully, in their future researches, they will be able to better address the multitude of issues surrounding domestic violence. 
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The Cultural Significance of Urban Development Social science Assignment
16 pages (4003 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
When we discuss political ecology, or the social communication, debate, and struggle for power related to the decision making process and organization of resources and power in communities, we can determine differences between social movements based on place or location, human-environment interaction, movement, and region.
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Themes and Theories for Service Users and Social Work Practise Social science Essay
9 pages (2863 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Part A: Themes and Theories for Service Users and Social Work PractiseThe first theme that I would like to discuss is the predisposition of Coral to mental dysfunction, brought about by her experiences of being an indigent. The manifestations of these have already become apparent, such as the periods when her two children are sent to foster care.
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An Understanding of Obesity as a Societal Risk Social science Term Paper
10 pages (3049 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
World Health Organization (2000) defined obesity as the excess of body fat (Moreno et al., 2011). However, the definition is limited because of the need to consider other impacts including associated long- and short-term adverse metabolic complications, physical, and psychological problems that should be included in obesity as a concept.
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Specific Traits of Evolution Theories, Socio-Economic and Gender Patterns of Society Social science Assignment
12 pages (3289 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The theory of human evolution focuses on the physical changes in humans with the passage of time leading to anatomically modern human beings. On the other hand, creationism lays stress upon the creation of humans and their life on earth. In addition, the Theory of Intelligent Design looks for estimating the intellect and mental capabilities of some metaphysical power.
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Whether the UK Prison Environment Is Conducive to Effective Rehabilitation Social science Case Study
8 pages (2145 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Overcrowding hinders rehabilitation since each individual will not have the adequate attention needed to ensure that he or she is effectively rehabilitated and reinstated back to the society as a responsible individual. Conversely, overcrowding in the prison facilities hinders the effective monitoring of the inmates.
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The Victorian Health Policy and Funding Guidelines Social science Essay
6 pages (1755 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to the current National Health Information Agreement (NHIA), the guidelines are in line with its objectives. It promotes the timely and effective collection and processing, and appropriate/effective use of health information in accordance with standards and protocols that have been agreed upon nationally.
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Indigenous Perspectives in Criminal Justice Social science Essay
6 pages (1923 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Implementation of policies involves sanctions and penalties that apply to lawbreakers and those who commit crimes. The arms of government that are in charge of implementing the system ensure that the accused persons enjoy their rights from abuse through investigative practices. Implementation of criminal justice takes different forms as the society responds to the indigenous cultures that exist.
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The Effect of the Differential Treatment of Races Within the Criminal Justice System Social science Essay
10 pages (2844 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In order to be able to come to proper and logical solutions for this problem, we need to thoroughly examine all of this information that has been given, as well as all of the rest of the data that is known including the statistics, and from all of this, we will be able to come to understanding and intelligent answers for this overall problem.
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The Phenomenon of Elderly Abuse Among Middle-aged Males and Females Social science Essay
8 pages (2591 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The abuse of the elderly is a pressing societal problem but its confrontation is rendered quite complex as a consequence of its subtle nature. Indeed, in its report on the phenomenon, the House of Commons referred to it elderly abuse as “an extremely hidden topic” (Harding cited House of Commons, 2004, p. 6).   
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Are Sex Offenders Rehabilitative and Should the Government Impose the Death Penalty on Them Social science Literature review
12 pages (3514 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
It is essential to state that Macgregor develops the argument that if the barometer for measuring successive periods of offender recidivism post-treatment complete treatment is not adequate, this effectively undermines the reliability of any evaluations determining program effectiveness (Macgregor, 2008).
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Correctional System in America Social science Essay
9 pages (2449 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Edward Raver (2007) has rightly said that by continuing with what is being done and hoping people will change, things are not going to be different. He further says, “If civilization is going to survive itself, then a better system must be created to ensure its safety.” Education, drug treatment and vocational training will certainly go a long way in reducing recidivism rates.
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Examining Contemporary Poverty in Canada Social science Case Study
9 pages (2501 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Generally, poverty is not a simple issue of not having food, shelter, or clothes. It is an issue that reflects maladies at three different levels: personal, communal, and national/governmental. Each level has its own problem in relation to poverty eradication so each level requires unique solutions.
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Different Eras of Resistance from Aboriginal People Social science Coursework
8 pages (2186 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Most Australians today agree that the Aborigines had suffered extensively and were mistreated and imprisoned for no reason apart from the white man’s fancy. The unanimous belief that rings in the air of this subaltern are perhaps a conscious and prompt effort could have saved them from being completely washed out.
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How Experiences of Being Looked After May Contribute to Teenage Pregnancy Social science Research Proposal
9 pages (2315 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
It can be stated that the article under review is a well-knit piece of research that brings about a great number of conclusions that are equally beneficial to the young people who are prone to teenage pregnancy and all others who are associated with them. The article calls for timely support and counseling assistance to the young victims who suffer from the ill effects of teenage pregnancy.
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Renewable Energy Target Initiative in Australia Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The target has received irresistible public support with the majority of people optimistic that the forecasted renewable energy infrastructures will achieve the set target (Clean Energy Council, 2014). Most people have criticized the abolishment of RET. The initiative is both economically sound and environmentally friendly.
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Factors Involved in Understanding Helping Behavior Social science Case Study
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
What we have is proofs of a helping continuity that, most probably, is altruistically arbitrated since when we examine one at a time the descriptive power of key egoistic options, helping stays grand. Even though the theoretical and practical quality of the literature itself is noteworthy; the empathy-altruism assumption is confirmed indirectly. 
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How Does Foucault Explain the Emergence and Persistence of the Prison Social science Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
It is difficult to sum up all of Foucault’s theories about prison, because they tie in with many other themes that he wrote about in other books such as madness, and the nature of knowledge, along with further reflections on the way that humans relate to and with the body within the larger context of society. 
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U.K Flood Insurance Policy Social science Case Study
8 pages (2264 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This system is composed of among others the financial sector, securities sector not forgetting the insurance industry, the insurance industry is, in fact, the largest under the financial system taking of up to a percentage of over 50% of the financial system and a financial driver to the key most sectors of the UK's economy.
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Behavior of a Social Worker in Contemporary Social Work Social science Term Paper
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The changes happen not just physically but also emotionally. Groups of people having a mutual attitude towards certain matters and common behavior are the ones who make up a society. As the years pass, there have been changes within people in this society that contributes to the change the society undergoes.
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Childhood Obesity Prevention in Los Angeles Social science Case Study
10 pages (3010 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Obesity shatters the self-esteem of the child and inculcates depression. Essentially, measures must be promoted to prevent the situation by adopting a healthy lifestyle instead of developing an eating disorder and being depressed. It is unfortunate that the rate of incidence of obesity is reported to be exceptionally high for the minor population.
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North Wales Police and Its Equal Opportunity Policy Social science Case Study
8 pages (2643 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The development of moral principles and respect among the members of the society would help in the reduction of activities of discrimination. The North Wales Police should put more emphasis on the informal resolution among the members of the community in order to foster a healthy relationship among the community members.
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Peculiarities of Crime in London Social science Research Paper
8 pages (2312 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
It is thought that a third of the population that is living in London is of ethnic minorities (Butler and Hamnett, 2011, p. 57); living together too are people from all over the British Isles plus other numerous nationalities of UK origin.  Some groups have their own slums that are popularly known as Ghetto based near the national school such as the French, Spanish.
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Elder Abuse in Gary Social science Case Study
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The project will be carried out in Gary. While the actual land where the home will be constructed is not identified yet, the project will have to get a plan within the community. The donation of the land, if it will come from a private or individual will be either as the land itself or as a financial donation that can be used to buy the land.
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The Societal Implication of USA PATRIOT Act Social science Research Paper
8 pages (2255 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The USA PATRIOT Act is a legislation that was formulated to improve the ability of the US to curb terrorist attacks on home soil. The Patriot Act has enhanced security by granting security agencies more power to gather intelligence. It has led to unfair profiling, physical abuse and other forms of human rights abuse.
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Ethical and Cultural Dimensions in Suicidal Behaviour in Native Americans Social science Case Study
9 pages (2793 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Generally speaking, it is essential to state that there is still a need to understand Native Americans and how suicide plays a part in their understanding of the world around them. The literature does not give examples of how they perceive suicide or what it means to their culture when this happens.
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Difference in Leadership between the East and the West Social science Research Paper
8 pages (2195 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Both types are mainly concerned with high performance but while the former focuses just on the effective completion of a task, the latter attempts to build effective workgroups by paying close attention to the human aspects of the employees. Leadership studies, on the other hand, identified two significant kinds of leader behavior - consideration and initiating-structure. 
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When Kids Get Life Social science Movie Review
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
It’s difficult for any individual viewing this film to not have an immediate and strong reaction to the issues and cased it examines. Consider the opening Jacob Ind case one immediately becomes angered at a judicial system that is too blind to understand that the abuse these boys received ultimately forced Ind to commit his horrific acts. 
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Women and Information Society Social science Case Study
8 pages (2219 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The demand for educated labor has increased in different industries over the last few years. The level of education in women today is no less than men. Thus the demand for female educated people is high in the information society. To become an active part of the information society women must overcome their fears and taboos.
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Disaster and Emergency Planning in the UK Social science Case Study
8 pages (2399 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
There exists a regulatory framework that governs disaster and emergency management in the UK. There are a number of measures that the framework has taken in order to improve the current response mechanism of emergency management professionals. There is also a system of informing and warning the public about an imminent emergency situation.
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Do Women Prefer Part-Time Jobs as Compared to Men Social science Research Proposal
8 pages (2844 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The OEDC Employment Outlook Report (2002) revealed that more women are participating in the corporate world as the number of male employees decline. Because of the gender wage gap between the two sexes, male employees tend to work for a shorter number of hours as compared to female employees who work more than 45 hours/week (OECD 2002).
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The Skill of the Mediator in Managing the Mediation Process Social science Case Study
10 pages (2878 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Before we talk about the roles which the mediator played in solving the problems between the communities, let’s first describe the ultimate role of the mediator. The mediator’s ultimate role is to reach such an agreement between the conflicting parties which should be acceptable by both parties with no interference of element of racism.
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Care of Individual Who Is Substance Dependent Social science Coursework
9 pages (2525 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The addicted individuals should be treated with the utmost love and affection by the persons who are in charge of their treatment. They can be the nurses of the hospitals and health centers or can be their family members but their duty is to identify the cause of their addiction and the exact needs, which they are fulfilling by consuming such substances.
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Assimilation or Acculturation Social science Assignment
9 pages (2764 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
 It will help to stipulate the arbitrating instrument of “this status boundary enforcement effect and to determine the nature of the threat involved.” Finally, the effectiveness of the multiculturalism option as a means to break down this vicious cycle received support in the present study. More research is certainly needed on this important question as well.
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