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The Role of Cultural Differences in The Movie Crash Social science Movie Review
7 pages (1927 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Many of the current conflicts being experienced in the world are as a result of stereotypes associated with cultural differences. Taking the case of the United States of America, the country seems unified from the international point of view. The United States of America has become a dream destination among citizens of both developing and third world countries.   
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Theater for Social Change Project Social science Assignment
7 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
When the theater for change activity was developed, the group been formed decided on the props and costumes that could be easily accessed and all the performers were responsible for their own materials and were required to aid in providing the general requirements. All the phases of preparation required a certain level of teamwork.
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The Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Social science Term Paper
7 pages (2178 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Marriage is a source of happiness, fulfillment and is a rite of passage that humans desire to go through. Over a long period of time, gay couples have continued to experience discrimination and stigmatization due to their sexual orientation. Currently, same sex marriages are illegal in 15 States in the US which include and not limited to; Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Nebraska among others.
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Kevins Speech at Whitney Houstons Funeral Social science Case Study
6 pages (1584 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In an event one is involved in public speaking, the major concern would be how to gauge the mood of the audience and present a speech that keeps in mind the targeted audience. The theme of the speech is driven by the current situation. Emotions may be a predicament in producing a quality speech. The manner in which a person interacts with the audience will define the effectiveness of the speech.
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Black Lives Matter, My Life Matters Social science Essay
12 pages (3257 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Killings and unjustified imprisonment of Black men must cease, black women must be erased from the state of abject poverty to the levels of meaningful living. There must equal opportunities between the Blacks and Whites for the American society to live practically as a community of one person. It all starts with perception. Then, when will the perception of Whites towards Blacks change? 
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Sexuality Transformation and Sex Education Social science Term Paper
14 pages (3682 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The other social problem that got created by the introduction of sex education among youths is the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among youths. STIs have become a common phenomenon among youths. Approximately half of the new sexually transmitted infections HIV inclusive being reported today are taking place among the youths.
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Causes, Remedies, and Solutions to Road Rage Social science Essay
10 pages (2806 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Over the years, there have occurred billions of instances in which a driver would lash out at another or act in an aggressive fashion. A local newspaper records a recent event when commuters were stuck in a traffic jam for hours as several drivers and passengers grew increasingly restless and impatient with the unceasing snarl-up.
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What Is the Role of Social Class in Fashion Social science Assignment
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The human nature the authors described also requires the human personal need to put some signs of identification on themselves because this mark would mean who exactly the person is within a social mass. Both authors don’t consider fashion as an independent phenomenon that could have existed apart from the specific features of human psychology. 
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The Problem of Abortions Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Hence, it turns out that despite those multiple opinions on the matter these women make their decisions whether to have an abortion or not according to their own beliefs and ethical standards. However, the legal issues concerning abortion are very contradictory almost all around the world, as they concern the entire population quantity and quality.
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Solutions to Improve Education for Orphanages in Tanzania Social science Coursework
9 pages (3302 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The low transition rate into high schools is partly a consequence of orphanages’ inability to meet expenses regarding a child’s education. Secondary schools in Tanzania are seldom free and students must meet tuition, uniforms, books, and examination expenses together with other miscellaneous expenditures (Okkolin, Lehtomäki & Bhalalusesa, 2010). 
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Unhappy Endings Caused by PTSS in Toni Morrisons Tar Baby Social science Book Report/Review
9 pages (2283 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
As Morrison reveals, the characters are not aware of these traumas because if they are, they would have addressed them right away, and each of the characters would have experienced a happy ending. The sad ending illustrates that if the blacks will not overcome PTSS, they will live desperate and lonely lives just like Jadine and Son in Tar Baby.
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Advocating a Solution for the Problem of Police Brutality Social science Case Study
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In contemporary society, policing officials have the utmost obligation and responsibility to ensure that adequate care is taken to ensure the safety and general well-being of society members who succumb to police custody. These are obligations mandated by legislation as fundamental principles of a democratic nation.
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Cosmetic Surgery Demand Social science Essay
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cosmetic surgeries involve reconstruction to correct or improve appearance in the cutaneous or underlying tissues aiming to enhance the look. The term has a synonymous association with anaplastic, beauty, and esthetic surgeries. It leads to changes in configuration, texture, and relationship with contiguous structures in the body.
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Factors Contributing To Individual Differences in Stress Response Social science Case Study
7 pages (2286 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Environmental factors like maternal care and other early experiences like child abuse play an important role in determining the response pattern to stress by an individual. These factors further interact with the genetic and other sociological factors in influencing the stress response. As such, the management techniques to be applied are also personal and specific to the individuals.
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Causes of Unemployment Social science Case Study
9 pages (2435 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The rates of the unemployed persons are much higher in the regions of western and southern Africa and the Middle East region. Furthermore, bin this modern era of globalization and in the current time of disruptions of the financial markets the rate of unemployment is rapidly increasing (Begg 2013, pp.156-267).
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Causes of Stress in the Modern Life Social science Essay
9 pages (2505 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Lifestyle diseases, unemployment, health issues are causing stress for many people today. Research has found that over 50% of people today are keeping awake due to worries over issues such as terrorism, identity thefts, and health.  
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Journal Questionnaire about a Person Social science Assignment
11 pages (2787 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In addition, I would like to be a photographer with a substance – a photographer who can touch the hearts of those who would be able to see my pictures. I would like to capture life’s gifts such as birth, marriage, love, compassion, and social concerns so I may be able to relate to society.
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Personal Narrative about Visiting a National Park Social science Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this personal narrative, I will give an account of my visit to the national park and what I saw there. In addition, I am going to explain why the visit was important to me and what the experience taught me. 
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Suicide Prevention Programs Social science Essay
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Based on the information obtained through the analysis of available data on suicide, one can draw the conclusion that the problem is acute and very serious in American society as thousands of people choose to end their lives rather than call for help. The existing programs do work but very often they are not enough for detecting and preventing suicide as the statistical data shows.
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Causes and Effects of Serial Killers and Killings Social science Coursework
6 pages (1604 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The mere thought of some pain on one’s body is devastating, let alone inflicting it on someone else, but that does not seem to be the case with serial killers. The guts that come with taking great pleasure in causing others intense pain is absurd. People have died in mysterious ways. Investigations have been conducted and mostly found that these killings have some connection to one another.
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English and Islam: A Clash of Civilizations Social science Literature review
13 pages (3505 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The article throws light on the Islamic perspective toward English and pinpoints how English learning is inevitable for the Muslim community in Malaysia to acquire contemporary knowledge. The article also exhorts English teachers to take into account the socio-cultural aspects of Muslim learners while teaching them English.
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Language, Society and Power Social science Assignment
10 pages (2715 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
When people in a society live their lives in a gendered way, it becomes inevitable to avoid expressing behaviors that act as examples in instilling gendered behaviors in other people. Learning English as a second language is challenging and takes time. The middle classes by taking over accents held by the working classes use these words in informal settings to refer to one other.
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Mill's Utilitarian Ethics Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1821 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Mills' theory ignores many moral and ethical factors that are part of forming consequentialism, this is because it only considers what happens after the action has already been taken and cannot be reverted to its original status. Additionally, it pays no attention to anything that is forms part of the history of that action.
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Hotel Employees Expectations of the Quality of Work Life Social science Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Probability sampling is based on the principle that one or more participants are likely to have all the characteristics set by the researchers – regarding the ability of individuals to participate in the study; in other words, participants are likely to meet the requirements set by the researchers for participating in the study.
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Do We Have an Obligation to Care about Future Generations in a Just Society Social science Coursework
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It is important to note that in a just society, as has been defined by Rawls, we find that there are certain moral and ethical principles under which we are obliged to safeguard the rights and claims of our future generations, and not repeat the same mistakes of our forefathers, for which we suffer today.
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Immigration Reforms and the Effects on the Service Industry Social science Case Study
7 pages (2146 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The recent efforts to tighten legislation and enforce the existing rules are having a significant effect on the hospitality industry. On the one hand, there is a greater amount of clarity on the legal status of workers, and the law is being obeyed more consistently than before the reforms of the 1980s and 1990s.
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The Impact and Possible Effects of Witnessing Domestic Violence as a Child Social science Coursework
8 pages (2520 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Whether caused through direct intervention with DV, the emotional turmoil of the experiences, or through improper parental coping and behavioural modelling that occurs with domestic violence, it is clear that the potential implications and consequences of DV are of substantial concern to society and require significant research focus to identify and combat.
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Veblen and Conspicuous Consumption Social science Coursework
12 pages (3650 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Generally, it is quite essential to state that this pаper hаs considered three mаin issues thаt hаve been rаised by critics of the theory of conspicuous consumption. Eаch issue hаs been discussed by exаmining the originаl conception of the theory by Veblen аnd the contemporаry contribution of Bourdieu.
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Determinants of Child Mortality: Role of Poverty & Policy Social science Research Proposal
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In general, it is quite essential to state that the role of strategic policy in reducing the mortality rate among children is not adequately supported because the regression statistics do not provide evidence that we can reject the null hypothesis that the coefficient associated with strategic policy is equal to zero.
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Protecting the Rights of the Worlds Future Social science Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Many agencies are after safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Every Child Matters defines such as: “protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
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Nationalism and Identity in Europe Social science Coursework
8 pages (2209 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In recent years, racism has gained a boost in Germany and many Turks have been victim to it. The growing racism in Germany has caused many Turks to think of retreating from Germany, but this is a big decision for a vast majority of Turks who had originally come to Germany with the mind to settle and establish themselves.
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Appraisal of Evidence for Professional Practice in Social Work Social science Coursework
9 pages (2614 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
To implement the EBP effetely is critically important that all nurses’ staff which is primarily responsible for treating the patients and taking care of the patients should be trained properly and all the practices and methodologies should be explained and understood very well explained clearly ( Woodward & Mestecky 2011).
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Social Work with Older Adults Social science Coursework
7 pages (2171 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It is an obvious assumption that social care of older adults has greatly improved over the years. This has been made possible by the fact that there has been a significant advancement in policy, research and practice in the provision of social care. With the advancement set to be increased, social care would be more effective and socially appropriate.
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Races Are Social Constructions Rather than Biological Givens Social science Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The race is an outcome of socio-political as well as historical construction and not associated in any way with biology. In the words of Graves (2005) "Despite what we have been taught, despite what we seem to see, the race isn’t gravity. It is a social construct, a myth in the service of social dominance".
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Environmental Colonialism Social science Essay
9 pages (2607 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The 20th century witnessed the pivotal inauguration of Western expansion, historically known as the Age of Exploration. The Europeans were the first people to manipulate global affairs to a large extent. Consequently, this period of discoveries, occupations, and colonization put forth a remarkable boost in trading activities and the inflow of money to the civilized societies of the Old World.
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Use of a Dramaturgical Perspective Enhances Our Knowledge of Social Control Social science Coursework
7 pages (1993 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The advent of dramaturgical perspectives has in fact enabled a better understanding of relative efficacy of social control mechanisms and in fact, led to the incorporation of the psychology of influencing and persuasion along with technological advancements in the form of electronics coupled with theatrical elements to effectively influence behaviour.
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The Urban Way of Life Social science Literature review
7 pages (2144 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Urban development cannot be separated from its social, economic and political context. Globalization has resulted in a restructuring of most urban areas, with growing income disparities, which has been accepted as an inevitable consequence of economic development. This has resulted in a spatial concentration of urban poverty within inner-city areas, with the wealthy moving into suburban areas.
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Religion & Discrimination In The Workplace Social science Coursework
12 pages (3240 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
As the years go by and people continue to evolve, some things remain a constant force throughout modern society.  One such thing is that of religious discrimination and how, to a degree, it factors in for those which it does.  Having to find a common ground between the right to believe something and the opportunity to work.
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Hong Kong as the Welfare Society Social science Case Study
7 pages (2006 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Generally speaking, capitalism empowers the people, and then the government. Hong Kong is notable in the Asian economic block because of its high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and high standard of living of her citizens. This reveals that capitalism could produce political strength through economic freedom.
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Health Social Care: Issues of Alcoholism among Young Aboriginals Social science Essay
7 pages (1982 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Because petrol sniffing is most encouraged by boredom, idleness, and poverty, the youths engaging in drug-sniffing are removed from society to places they can be easily supervised and made to participate in work and cultural actions. The leader of the groups that sniff petrol is also identified and removed and necessary actions are taken. 
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Child Protection - Ethical and Child Development Issues Relating to Foster Care Social science Essay
9 pages (2607 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Removing a child from a birth parent due to insufficient parenting or unstable home environments is never an easy decision for those who enforce child protection laws. Every situation involving at-risk children is different and protection efforts must weigh the consequences of placing a child in foster care based on ethical issues or the severity of the dysfunctional family environment.
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Elder Abuse: Need for Educational Interventions to Create Public Awareness Social science Coursework
11 pages (3237 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It is really quite essential to state that the treatment and prevention of elder abuse, therefore, requires more researches and more awareness in all levels of society. The need for a multidisciplinary approach is essential to ensure a productive outcome for this problem (House of Commons, 2003, pp 17).
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Programs of Social Care for Homeless Persons Social science Coursework
12 pages (3282 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In this case, the healthcare industry depends on the mastery of the theoretical framework and the ability to articulate knowledge in devising practical solutions (Skolnik and Louise 34). In any given society, medical and social care programs play a significant role in addressing the needs of patients and individuals with various disabilities.
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Security Studies in a Changing World Social science Coursework
7 pages (2220 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The definition of security according to the CS is determined by three core principles. The creation of sectors that group security into five distinct but interconnected sectors is the first principle. 
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To What Extent Joining a Particular Youth Sub-Culture Might Be Viewed as Deviant Behaviour Social science Coursework
9 pages (2743 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The influence of deviant culture or behavioural aspects has long been witnessed to cultivate unusual social skills against the usage habits of the youth population. Nevertheless, the social injustice or policies abided by the government can often be recognised to influence this segment of the population to involve in severe and extremism based cultural behaviour.
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The Public about Public Services and Life without Them Social science Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Public services play a major role in creating a social consensus, expressed by the democratic elections. The social consensus encompasses the fact that certain public services and facilities would be provided to all the people in the jurisdiction without the consideration of the income levels of different groups of people. 
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Personal and Social Context of Agnes Price Social science Case Study
7 pages (2043 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case is being opened as a result of concerns raised during a family health visitor’s regular visits to the home where Agnes resides with her daughter and the young woman’s family. In addition to creating a case plan for Ms. Price this document includes a discussion of the rationale, theory and ethical concerns related to this case.
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Recidivism in America Social science Literature review
9 pages (2661 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
While removing these barriers will not remove recidivism altogether it will certainly reduce recidivism to an appreciable degree.  As it is both society and institutions are creating an environment in which it is impossible for a released offender to lead productive lives.  Once society does its part, it is entirely up to the offender to chose the path he wishes to take.
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The Effectiveness of Community Policing Social science Case Study
9 pages (2673 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Contradictory to well-founded practices have most of the time provided the primary capital of creating the character of community policing and communicates this in ideal-ordinary terms. A number of points have been emphasized. First, under philosophical analysis, community policing is viewed as clearly political and officers negotiate motives.
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Groups Influence on Consumer Behaviour Social science Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This form of interaction is the precursor to group formation. Different groups hold different values and ideas. Such ideas shape their opinions, perceptions, and choices. It is on this realization that the remark, social classes inform individual consumption choices, is held. This is supported on the basis of the evidence presented in this paper.
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