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This essay "Measurement Instruments in Social Science" discusses an empirical study which is about a population sampling method done on a rural African setting on the measurement of mortality. In this study, the measurement instruments are a census and a health survey. …
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Measurement Instruments in Social Science
Task 1: Description of terms
1: Conceptualization
This is the process of concept development and clarification. It involves the clarification of one’s concept with examples and words which is aimed at arriving at a precise verbal definition. In simple terms, conceptualization means to design, plan, imagine or to conceive (Blalock, 1982).
2: Primary Data
Primary date is the data which is collected directly from the first hand experience. This is the type of date which is originally used in a research and is obtained through direct methods like surveys, direct observation and interviews. Primary data can also be referred to as that data that has not been previously published.
3: Nominal scale
Nominal scales are usually composed of set of categories in which objects are classified. For example, when dealing with household pets, the nominal scale includes categories like birds, cats, dogs or even fish. Nominal scale is the category into which a subject falls into and where one category is higher or even lower than the other (Blalock, 1982).
4: Random error
Random errors are statistical fluctuations which occur in the measured data and are mainly because of measurement devices precision limitations. Random errors are due to unpredictable and unknown experimental changes (Viswanathan, 2005). These changes usually occur in the measurement of instruments or in environmental conditions.
5: Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is the measure of dispersion in a given set of data. Higher standard deviation is an indication of how far apart the set of data is.
Task 2: Interpreting the specification of a construct
Reflective indicators are usually caused by latent construct whereas the formative indicators usually cause the latent construct. Reflective indicators establishes important practises at each item level while formative indicators establishes the practices at the construct level when it comes to the concept of the measurement of errors (Siguaw and Diamantopoulos, 2002). The main difference between formative and reflective indicators lies in the direction of causality or in the correlation which exist between the indicators and latent variables. The same rules of validity apply in the two measurement indicators.
The scheduled departure and arrival times of this Lufthansa flight listed in the flight schedule meet my requirements is a reflective indicator. The traveller feels and believes in the use of the flight schedule as its meets his requirements.
The frequency of Lufthnsa flight connections for this route corresponds to my travelling requirements is a formative scale. The travelling requirement is as a result of the flight connection and one would require the frequency of the flight connections to determine his travelling.
Lufthansa and its cooperation partners offer a route network which corresponds to my travelling requirements is a formative indicator as the travelling requirements of the traveller are enhanced by the route network provided by Lufthansa (Siguaw and Diamantopoulos, 2002).
Task 3: Assessing measurement instruments from other studies
I strongly disagree with the fact that the papers published in s that it does not apply totally. A better proposition for this item should be ‘Do the papers published in this journal have a high visibility beyond the scientific community?”. If Yes, Kindly explain.
I strongly disagree that accessing papers published in this journal is free from any country. The problem here is that it does not apply totally. A better proposition for this questionnaire would be “Are the papers published in this journal free from any country?” If yes, give the location.
The problem with the above item is that it does not apply totally. The questionnaire should be formulated to suit a specific department in the airport.
The problem in the above item is that the number shopping’s done is not stated. In each case, the interviewee should state the number of times he or she goes for shopping from the department store.
The above item is well formulated but it should allow the interviewee to give further explanation of each point as to how the new toll has been improved.
Task 4: Assessing measurement instruments from other studies
The important factors of measurement in this case are ENF, ATT and EFF. The ENF of the scale items range from -0.06 to 0.78 while the ATT of the scale items range from -0.25 to 0.81 and the ETF range from 0-0.07 to 0.78. The EFF or the regulatory effectiveness factor is high as compared to other factors a clear indication of the effectiveness of the motor vehicle operations. The ENF or the effectiveness of enforcement was also high though with many negatives which are a clear indication of the enforcement was either too low or high (Blalock, 1982). The ATT or the general regulatory attitudes for the commercial operators can be described as moderate judging from the ratios obtained on the exploratory factor. The alpha reliabilities of the dimensions were 0.81, 080 and 0.70. These reliabilities were positive and this is an indication of acceptable reliabilities in the motor vehicle operators.
Task 5: Assessing measurement instruments from other studies
The published empirical study is about a population sampling method done on a rural African setting on the measurement of mortality.
http://www.pophealthmetrics.com/content/6/1/2. In this study, the measurement instruments used were a census and a health survey. These two instruments were used as parameters to help the researchers in data collection. Sampling procedures were then used and then compared to the survey results obtained. Stratification methods, random methods and DSS-style sampling are some of the sampling methods adopted in this stud (Fottrell and Byass, 2008). In order to gather adequate and valid information on mortality levels, there is the need to use sample based surveys in the rural African countries and this makes this study a feasible one. This is because the sample survey used is able to provide useful health and demographic profiles for the target population. The use of sample surveys in the study makes us to make sound assessment of the measurement used. 21% samples were used in the study. The samples used a both formative and reflective and are quite leading and that is why the researcher was able to come up with a conclusion. The study is socially desirable as it measures the rate of mortality in the rural African setting.
Blalock.HM, (1982). Conceptualization and measurement in the Social Sciences. Beverly Hills. California: Sage
Fottrell. E and Byass. P, (2008). Population survey sampling methods in a rural African setting: measuring mortality. Licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Obtained from http://www.pophealthmetrics.com/content/6/1/2.
Patton M.Q, (2001). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. SAGE
Schmelkin L and Pedhazur. E, (1991). Measurement, Design, and Analysis: An Integrated Approach/Student Edition. Routledge
Siguaw J and Diamantopoulos A, (2002). Formative Vs. Reflective Indicators in Measure Development: Does the Choice of Indicators Matter?. Cornell University, Center for Hospitality Research
Stromborg M, (2004). Instruments for Clinical Health-Care Research. Jones & Bartlett Learning
Viswanathan M, (2005). Measurement Error and Research Design. SAGE
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