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What Drives People to Bullying - Term Paper Example

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The purpose of this paper "What Drives People to Bullying?" is to identify the factors attributing to the occurrence of bullying. Furthermore, the writer of the paper seeks to describe the physical, social and mental, and emotional effects of bullying on individuals.
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What Drives People to Bullying
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Bullying Sometime, people do not realize how words can hurt. When someone bullies another person the bully does not realize the impact of his actionthe victim. This is what happened to a 14-year-old student named David Q. Phan, a student at Bennion Junior High School in Taylorsville who shot himself in the head in front of numerous shaken students on a skywalk leading to the school just before 3:00 pm on November 29,2012. Some of his classmates revealed that he was a victim of bullying for years. Some said that they saw it coming but did not expect it to be that far. Another victim, another life was lost because of bullying. Bullying has been a social issue that concerns all people from different walks of life. It has a number of reasons as well as effects. Various experts have conducted studies and wrote manuscripts about it. Over the years, more and more people have become aware about the matter. Indeed, bullying is a serious social concern that needs to be appropriately addressed by each sector and individual. There is no single definition of bullying. Several authors have explained it in various ways. Nonetheless, the definitions boil down to similar factors such as physical, verbal, and psychological behaviors (De Voe, and Chandler 1). It is the employment of force, abuse, or intimidation. Bullying can take in different forms like hitting, sarcastic comments, and insulting gestures. Few countries have policies regarding it. Nonetheless, there are already passed bills in the United States. This kind of violence is quite common than what people usually think (Romain 90). Evidences have shown that more than a few children have been targets of bullies. From childhood, this continues to affect teenagers, and even adults in the workplace. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, 20% of students in grade school suffered from bullying. Furthermore, the National Youth Violence Prevention Resources Center stated that around 25% of American students get bullied. The students having immoderate attributes such as homosexuality and obesity have higher risks of being victims. There are many factors attributing to the occurrence of bullying. These can be social issues, family factors, personal history, or provocative targets. For example, much of social recognition comes from having power or authority. In order for others to sense one’s supremacy, abuse is sometimes being utilized. Homes that do not foster respect and acceptance are likely to produce children who are not empathetic. This leads to selfish and insensitive behaviors. Researches have also revealed that people who have personally suffered from bullying are likely to bully others as well. Furthermore, there are certain people who can be really annoying for some. This kind of characteristic makes others goaded to abuse or intimidate. There are certain motives why some people become violent and demean others. Mostly, children bully because they want to ascertain their social status. They want to be perceived as “cool” or popular. This is affected by the social constructs that afflict the community. Those who appear bossy and insensitive are regarded positively by many. Another probable factor is the presence of role models. Some become bullies because of social learning. They want the recognition or reinforcements that other bullies have had. Moreover, violence in mass media has greatly affected young mind sets. More and more characters are being portrayed to be terrorized. Also, the mere show of violence in the contents of the films influences viewers to be likewise aggressive in their dealings with the people around them. Bullying affects an individual’s physical, social and mental, and emotional aspects. Due to the pressures involved, victims experience depression and angst (Coloroso 53). Related are emotions of sadness and seclusion. If not intervened, these negative feelings may persist until adulthood. Furthermore, a person’s sense of self lessens due to a negative concept brought about by the oppression that he has experienced. Since a person’s functioning is affected, the other aspects of his life are affected such as education, way of communication, and socializing tendencies. Many children who get bullied refuse to go to school and incur many absences. Moreover, the physical effects are induced by the stress undergone by the victims. The symptoms are skin disorders, panic attacks, insomnia, stomach ache, head ache, and flu. Many individuals have acne because of the strain of the bullying. Some have terror attacks due to the sudden anxiety that arises at the presence or thought of the bully or traumatic involvement. Other effects such as the inability to sleep, body pain, and simple colds are attributed to the decrease of white blood cells as a response to stress hormones. People who are generally worried are mostly having a hard time going to sleep because they are too preoccupied. Psychologically, bullying is quite detrimental. Aversive results such as neuroticism, eating disorders, and even suicide have been documented. For example, the victim may believe that he has physical abnormality though in actuality he has none. This kind of coping mechanism may arise due to the harassments. The victim may find ways to justify the harrying and may engage in unhealthy convictions. Since many people take out their negative emotions on their eating habits, conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or obesity may occur. Those who are very overwhelmed see committing suicide as the only resort to their crises. Unfortunately, their humiliations and subjugations have led them to view the end of their lives as the sole answer to their difficulty. On the other hand, those who bully also suffer from their respective insecurities and neuroticism. Some frighten others because they feel that they will be hurt or also abused if they will not show aggression. Bullies may view the school or the world in general in a pessimistic way. This leads to similarly pessimistic deeds. They may also drink, smoke, or use illegal drugs. At school, they may have failing or not so outstanding scores. Due to their nature, it is very likely that they get involved in fights and other illicit activities. Evidences have been established concerning this issue. “There are now clear indications of an increasing societal as well as research interest into bully victims in several parts of the world (Olweus 1171). Since this situation has been alarming countless sectors, there have been more empirical data gathered. As stated by the Canadian Council on Learning, “In 2005, a group of researchers conducted a major international study that looked at more than 120, 000 students from 28 countries. The study, which was published in the European Journal of Public Health, found that students who were bullied on a weekly basis are almost twice as likely to experience headaches, stomach aches, back aches, or dizziness” (3). Likewise, their international survey has indicated that loneliness, uneasiness, and weariness are additional upshots. It could also lead to a higher tendency of abusing psychoactive drugs. Increasingly, experts have verified that bullying has numerous undesirable effects. “Although schools, agencies and paediatricians can do much at the community level to mitigate bullying and its effects, the problem is clearly societal in scope” ( LeBlanc 411). The whole community is shaped in one way or the other concerning bullying. Where ever may it originate, the fallouts will have a domino effect on other aspects of the public. For example, an adult who got bullied in the workplace can express some of his torment at home. Thus, his relationship with his wife, children, and other relatives may be tumultuously affected. Moreover, his state may influence his peer groups, religious circle, neighbors, and others. In turn, the affected families, friends and acquaintances may transfer the negative vibe to their own social circles. Bullying can be in various forms. The most common ones are verbal, physical, social, and cyber (Wang, Lannoti, and Nansel 368). Verbal bullying encompasses the use of language. Examples are saying diminutive comments, threats, and name calling. Physical involves the use of brute force. Some of these are punching, shoving, or destroying the victim’s properties. Accidents, injuries, and bruises may arise due to the aggressive acts. Social bullying involves neglect or embarrassment. For instance, the victim may be deliberately not included in activities. Certain rumours may also be spread to make victims feel marginalized. Cyber bullying involves technology especially online social networks. The victim may be sent belittling messages or debasing photos and comments may be posted against him online. To address the abovementioned complications, several solutions and interventions have been proposed. Firstly, there should be sufficient awareness vis-à-vis bullying. It would be a great challenge to act on solutions if there is no clear comprehension of the reasons, effects, and kinds of this kind of mistreatment. Particular factors such as the interplay of heredity, culture, and age group must be looked into. Thus, any intervention would not be achievable if precise information would not be established as to its connection to the issue. Secondly, high quality plans must be put into action. These interventions may be implemented in necessary places such as educational institutions, work places, and other pertinent areas. This also means empowering the authorities involved. For example, teachers and school boards should have steps to follow in preventing and rescuing victims. Supervisors, managers, and chiefs must have the initiative to make their zones bully-free. Victims must also be emboldened to defend their rights. Since most get targeted by bullies because of their vulnerability, they should learn how to be assertive when dealing with tormentors. It is also helpful to employ the help of friends and other probable allies against the bully. It is of assistance to be quite reactive to significantly deter intimidators. Some bullies continue to harass others because they think that they can easily get away with their abusive behaviours. There are guidelines which can be used in responding to cases of bullying. Firstly, adults should do their part. They should stop bullying at the site of it. It must not be ignored. They should calmly separate the people involved and make sure everyone is safe. A show of respectful behaviour during the intervention process would also be helpful. When adults respond immediately and regularly to bullying behaviours the message that bullying is unacceptable is conveyed instantly. It is a proven fact that doing this can absolutely stop bullying eventually. Next, we should find out what happened. Get the facts and information from both adults and kids. During the listening process, blaming is a no-no. The act is not to be called bullying while it is being the incident is being investigated. There are different situations that look like bullying and each of these circumstances need diverse approaches. It is crucial to determine if it is bullying of something else. The law has a clear definition of bullying and it should be reviewed. State laws and school policies have additional guidelines in the definition of bullying behaviour. It does not matter who started the bullying or provoked it. There is no excuse for bullying. Once it is determined if the situation is indeed bullying, the involved should be supported (Johnson, Munn, Edwards 42 (7)). Giving support to the kids involved, may they be the victim or perpetrator or witness, is important since everyone who is involved can be affected. This is important to assure that the bullying stops and the lasting effects will be lessened. The focus and attention should be on the bullied individual. He should feel that he has someone to help him. It would also be helpful to guarantee the victim that it is not their fault why they are in that situation. Everyone involved in the life of the bullied should work together in resolving the situation and in protecting him. In school, school staff, organizations and parents have individual roles to accomplish. Bullies should be taught that their behaviour is ultimately wrong and hurt others. It should be established to them that bullying cannot be tolerated. In correcting this negative attitude, a respectful mood should be shown. Consequential teaching can also be effective in addressing the problem on bullying. Examples of which is leading a group discussion on how to become a good friend or letting the group write something about the effects of bullying or role-playing. Involving the bullies in fixing the situation brought out from his actions can also be fruitful. He can be asked to apologize to the one he bullied personally or just write a letter to him. He can also be asked to do something good for his victim or for other people in the community. Things like expulsion and suspension to respond to bullying should be avoided; this does not reduce the case of bullying. It will more likely make the victims and witnesses of such acts afraid of reporting incidents of bullying. Individual who bullied should continually be reminded about the effects of their action even after he bullying situation is solved. Bystanders on the other hand should also be supported and taught to act on bullying. Bullying is not a movie to watch. Bullying is seen every day by kids. Bystanders want to help but they do not know how. Some might be afraid to step in at that moment but there are other ways that can be done. Onlookers can tell the situation to a trusted adult or anyone in authority that can address the situation quickly. They can also be a friend to the bullied person and help them get away in that situation that they are in. Parents should also be involved in stopping a bullying situation even if it is not their own child that is involved. In reality, bystanders who just look and watches bullying happen gives the bully power to the bully. They make the bully think that nothing is going to happen to him and no one will help his victim. I contrast to this, when a bystander steps in and get involved in the prevention of bullying; it will give that individual a very good feeling and give him a source of power knowing that he was able to have a role in helping someone (Borg 18). In a nutshell, bullying is known as any way of making the victim feel or think relegated which leads to biased situations. The effects range from mild headache to something very severe such as taking his life or taking someone’s life. It can happen to anyone, everyone from any status in life. The negative results do not only concern the victims but the people around him as well. To tackle these problems, wise interventions need to be employed. Guide lines should be followed. Fair policies should be actively promoted and applied. In the implementation of such policies and guidelines, role modelling should also be observed. Bullying can be efficiently interfered with the mobilization of all the sectors in the society, parents, teachers, families, friends and organizations. Each of us should put our insecurities aside and stand up for people because at the end of the day what happens to you will not matter. It will not be important who bullies you and who does things to you. It will not matter if you get hurt or die trying to save someone from being bullied. What will matter is you have been there for somebody and might have been saving someone’s life. At the end, you will be a hero. Works Cited Canadian Council on Learning. Bullying in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Learning. 2008. Print. Coloroso, Barbara. The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander. New York: Harper Collins. 2004. Print. De Voe, Jill, and Chandler, Katheryn. Student Reports of Bullying. United States: National Center for Education Statistics, 2001. Print. National Youth Violence Prevention Resources Center. Facts on Bullying,2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. Olweus, Dan. “Bullying at School”. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 7 Dec. 2006: 1171-1190. Print. Romain, Trevor. Bullies Are A Pain in The Brain. Minneapolis: Free Spirit, 1997. Print. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. Bullying, 2011. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. Wang, Jing, Lannnotti, Ronald, and Nansel, Tonja. “School Bullying Among Adolescents in The United States: Physical, Verbal, Relational, and Cyber”. Journal of Adolescent Health Aug. 2009: 368-375. Print. M. Johnson, P. Munn, L. Edwards. “Action Against Bullying : A Support Pack for Schools”. Edinburgh: The Scottish Council for Educational Research. 1991: 2-22. Print. Borg, Mark G. “ The Emotional Reaction of School Bullies and their Victims.” Educational Psychology, 1998: 433-444. Print. Read More
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