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The Effect of Excessive Alcohol Consumption - Research Paper Example

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This essay explores the effect of excessive alcohol consumption on university students’ performance. The key objective being ascertaining if there is an association between excessive drinking among students in the UK universities and the poor performance at the end of their semester exams…
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The Effect of Excessive Alcohol Consumption
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A proposal: The Effect of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on University Students’ Performance Introduction This paper proposes a study to be conducted on the Effect of excessive Alcohol consumption on university students’ performance. There are three objectives of this proposed study with the key objective being ascertaining if there is an association between excessive drinking among students in the UK universities and the poor performance at the end of their semester exams. Literature Review Excessive alcoholism verses performance among college and university students literature contains results of many research projects that were contacted over a period of time. It is evident that the total number of such publications is quite overwhelming, although this does not mean that all the pertinent publication were reviewed, though none of those that were applicable and useful to this work were excluded intentionally. Difficulties that were encountered in review of literature are an attempt to develop the relationship between the two parameters. Initially there has been an attempt to quantify the existing relationship between the heavy alcohol consumption and life frustrations, as well as cigarette smoking and alcoholism by a wide range of researchers. Ccording to AKsir & Charles, (2002); Boston Coalition (1998); Baer (1991); Core Institute (2001), showed that based on the DSM-IV-TR, the addiction to alcohol is characterized by various behavioural, psychological and physiological elements. The commonality of these studies is that alcohol is characterized by incidences of recurrent alcohol intake, which is accompanied by the failure to fulfil roles and responsibilities, such as domestic and job responsibilities. Secondly, this study showed that addiction is characterized by increased use of alcohol in the situations that are considered to be physically hazardous, for instance, driving under the influence of alcohol. In other independent studies Babo (2003), Borsari and Carey (1999) found that alcohol abuse is also characterized by the increased encounters with legal problems. This study, as well showed that alcohol abuse is also characterized by the continued alcohol abuse, even when victims are aware of the inherent problems such as domestic squabbles that they cause. In yet another study, Bailey, Fiore, and Cohen (1996) carried out a research on co morbidity and noted that alcohol abuse is associated with adverse health risks and social consequences relating to the alcohol intoxication, dependency characteristics, as well as its toxicity. Reporting on the treatment of Alcohol abuse, among college students, APA. (1994) noted that the main focus of the treatment for alcoholism is fostering abstinence. However, this is dependent upon the degree of alcohol dependence (DiBiaggio, 1998). Studies by Social support and motivation is recommended for alcoholics whose health has not been severely affected. The length of abstinence period, reduced alcohol intake and improved health and social functioning (Denzin, & Lincoln, 1998) often measures success in the treatment of alcoholism. As can be clearly seen, these studies have something on the effects on alcohol on an individual’s action, however, the researcher’s were too broad in their scope of covering the subject failed to address the issue under investigation. Methodology This aspect of the research shall be dedicated to knowing the step by step approach to be used by the researcher to arrive at data collected. It is also for a reflection on the major steps taken to achieve the purposes set for this research work in the early chapters of the research report. To this end, the following components have been discussed. Research Strategy A quantitative research design determines the relationship between two things (dependent and independent variable). In ensuring that the topic of excessive alcoholism among the college students the study would have to involve a series of interviews involving ten individuals, of whom are prone to heavy drinking and the none drinker. The experiments and interviews would be the basis for suggesting better ways through which current level of alcohols methods can be utilized in designs and for proposing the future methods Saunders et al (2003) outline six major research designs that can be used by researchers. Among these, the researcher shall settle with the use of survey research design. Generally, surveys entail a representative research whereby data collected from a group of people is generalized for a wider population base (Ogus, 2002). For this research, therefore, the researcher shall use the data to be collected from the sample size to represent the wider idea as it exists among the university students, as well as the college students within the surrounding area of the research and beyond. Because conclusions from surveys are generalized, it is always important to ensure that the selection procedure for the sample size is very fair and well represented (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998). It is for this reason that the surveying sampling procedure shall be used by the researcher. Again, it is important to make the scope of population wide in ensuring there is a variety in variables. It is for this reason that the researcher shall use as many as 10 participants. Even more, the conclusions from a survey can well be considered representative if the sample size is large enough. Research ethics applied Researchers are made to go through an array of ethical requirements. There is the need to meet professional, institutional, as well as standards for conducting any research related to human participants. In helping steer clear any ethical quandaries, this research would consider a number of research ethics. First, the code of ethics to be upheld during the study would be to make sure the informed-consent rules are strictly followed. Doing this properly, the consent process would ensure that the participants voluntarily participate in the research when fully informed of the relevant benefits and risks through filling of informed consent form (Appendix A). Secondly, the researcher would have to consider respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the participants. In this respect, the researcher would be keen not to question about any personal issues like family, origin or politics. Respecting individual rights to confidentiality, as well as privacy is a key tenet for every researcher. The researcher will, therefore, have to discus confidentiality limits giving participants information about how their data will be put into use and also know the law of the state, as well as taking practical security measures. Last but not least, the researcher would stare clear of restrictions about age, gender, ethnics or believes. This would ensure reduced biasness in the final outcome. Instrumentation or Data Collection Instruments The instrumentation simply refers to the mechanism of data collection. In all, the researcher shall make use of two major research instruments. These are the interview, and questionnaire. It must be emphasized that the selection of these two research instruments are based on the need to get both qualitative and quantitative data for research. However, the two named research instruments shall best help in the collection of quantitative data (Moustakas, 1994). This is because they all deal with data that can be quantified on a given scale. For instance, if respondents answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a questionnaire, the data can easily be quantified into x number of yes and y number of no. The same is true for the other research instruments selected. One other important consideration also is that two different orientations of research instruments have been selected in order that kind of data to be collected will vary. Seeing that there are outlined purposes of this research, it is just appropriate that the means of data collection become wide and varied. This research instruments are considered very appropriate for the sample size as they were all in a position to write, understand the questions and answer them appropriately(Appendix B). The questionnaire shall be attended to by respondents through writing. The questionnaire shall contain both open ended and close ended questions. Due to the size of the sample size, however, a lot of the questions shall be closed ended to enable easier analysis and handling of the data. Close ended questions do not demand that respondents give answers from their own discretion (McLeod, 2005). Rather, respondents are supposed to answer questions by choosing from among suggested options of answers. Examples of closed ended answers are ‘yes’, ‘no’ ‘agree’, disagree’, ‘always’, ‘often’ and so on. Reliability and Validity Measurement of the reliability and validity of the research cannot be underestimated in any way. As a survey, it is the level of reliability and validity that will give the research the needed credibility for its findings to be generalized (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998). Due to this, there are several factors to be put in place to ensure that the results are highly reliable and valid. Some of the factors include the selection approach used in selecting secondary sources of data for the research. In the absence of such selection mechanism, the data presented under the secondary and primary data collection cannot be trusted as reliable and valid because they will not have any empirical backing. Another factor has to do with the use of random sampling technique to select members in the sample size. With that technique, the implication is that the researcher shall have no control what so ever over the results. The data shall be coming from one hundred (100) independent minded experts in the field of Education. Even more is the extensive reliance on quantitative data analysis method. With quantitative data analysis, figures and values shall be displayed for all people concerned to have their own calculations to check the accuracy of results. Finally, the researcher is based on compromise to ethical standards such as the confidentiality of respondents. This means that there shall not be any legal issues to litigate the research findings. In some cases, legal litigations lead to the withdrawal of certain components of data, rendering the whole research conclusion compromised and academically paralyzed. Evaluation of the Research Proposal Given that each of the two instruments shall contain some facts that deal with personal data of respondents. These personal data are simply data on the personality of the respondents. Some of these shall include age race, gender, highest educational status earned and administrative achievement. These personal variables shall be necessary for establishing links between how each of the variables affect the subject of the thesis. Indeed, it must be mentioned that these variables shall be collected from the primary data collection procedure, and it shall serve as a very good avenue for testing the data from the secondary sources. This means that the personal data have very important roles to play as far as the research topic and outlined research purposes are concerned. On the questionnaire, the personal data; thus data on age, gender, race, educational qualification and educational experience shall be under a section to be known as demographic data. Due to the fact that the whole research shall be anonymous, it can be trusted that these demographic data can be collected confidentially. References APA. 1994. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th edition). Washington, DC. Bailey, C., Fiore, M. & Cohen S. 1996. Alcoholic addiction. Clinical practices guidelines no. 18. AHCPR publication no. 6-0692. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  Babo, P. 2003. Alcohol: No ordinary commodity: research and public policy. New York: Oxford. Baer, J. S. (1 991). “Biases in the Perceptions of Drinking Norms Among College Borsari, B. E. & Carey, H. 1999. “Understanding fraternity drinking: Five recurring Students.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 52(6): 580-586. themes in the literature, 1980-1998.” Journal of American College Health 48(July): 30-37. Boston C. 1998. Task Force on Underage & Problem Drinking. Boston, Cooperative Agreement, Boston Area Colleges and Universities. Core Institute. 2001. ”1 999 Statistics on Alcohol and Other Drug Use on American Campuses.” littp://www.siu.eduldepartiiieiits/coreiiist/public~htinl/receiit.litinl, Denzin, N. IS. & Lincoln, Eds. 1998. The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications. DiBiaggio, J., 1998. Letter to President’s Alcohol Task Force. Tufts University. Gleason, N. A., 1994. “Preventing Alcohol Abuse by College Women: A Relational Haines, M., and Spear, S. 1996. “Changing the perception of the norm: A strategy to Perspective 2.” Journal of American College Health 43: 15-24. McLeod, J. (2005). qualitative research in counselling and psychology. Rev.ed, sage publication. Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods.Sage publications. Ksir, O. & Charles, P. (2002). Drugs, society, and human behavior. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Ogus, E.D. (2002). Stress Coping Mechanisms.Journal of Social Behaviour. Volume 7(1):111- 124. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003) Research Methods for Business Students. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. APPENDIX A. [YOUR INSTITUTIONAL LETTER HEAD] [Informed Consent Form for a research in the university students in the UK] This informed consent form is for a research in the university students and who we are inviting to participate in research titled ‘the influence of over consumption of alcohol on performance among the University students in the UK. [Name of Principle Investigator] [Name of Organization] [Name of Sponsor] [Name of Project and Version] This Informed Consent Form has two parts: • Information Sheet (to share information about the study with you) • Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you choose to participate) You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form Part I: Information Sheet Introduction I am a researcher, working for research organisation in UK. I am doing research on the influence of over consumption of alcohol on end of the semester performance among the UK university students. I am going to give you information and invite you to be part of this research. You do not have to decide today whether or not you will participate in the research. Before you decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the research. This consent form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask me to stop as we go through the information and I will take time to explain. If you have questions later, you can ask them of me or of another researcher. Purpose of the research In this university efforts towards better performance, for decades, have been frustrated. We all know that better performance is extremely vital for the growth of a healthy society. This research illustrate the importance of responsible alcohol consumption on performance in its totality, as well as to the university students in the UK. The proposed research seeks to find attributes that the world and in particular the UK ought to embody in order to achieve equality delivering better services. We want to find ways to promote performance in this university. We believe that you can help us by telling us what you know both about over consumption of alcohol and about local end of semester performance in general. Type of Research Intervention This research will involve your participation in a questionnaire that will take about one and a half hour. Participant Selection You are being invited to take part in this research because we feel that your experience as a responsible citizen can contribute much to our understanding and knowledge of local health practices. Voluntary Participation Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or not. If you choose not to participate all the services you receive at this Centre will continue and nothing will change. The choice that you make will have no bearing on your job or on any work-related evaluations or reports. You may change your mind later and stop participating even if you agreed earlier. Procedures We are asking you to help us learn more about the effect of over consumption of alcohol on performance. We are inviting you to take part in this research project. If you accept, you will be asked to sign a agreement with us. Benefits There will be no direct benefit to you, but your participation is likely to help us find out more about how to increase the level of counseling in your community. Reimbursements You will not be provided any incentive to take part in the research. Confidentiality The research being done in the university may draw attention and if you participate you may be asked questions by other people in the university. We will not be sharing information about you to anyone outside of the research team. The information that we collect from this research project will be kept private. Any information about you will have a number on it instead of your name. Only the researchers will know what your number is and we will lock that information up with a lock and key. It will not be shared with or given to anyone except the researcher. Right to Refuse or Withdraw You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so, and choosing to participate will not affect your job or job-related evaluations in any way. You may stop participating in the questionnaire at any time that you wish without your job being affected. I will give you an opportunity at the end of the session to review your remarks, and you can ask to modify or remove portions of those, if you do not agree with my notes or if I did not understand you correctly. This proposal has been reviewed and approved by IRB, which is a committee whose task it is to make sure that research participants are protected from harm. It has also been reviewed by the Ethics Review Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is funding/sponsoring/supporting the study. Part II: Certificate of Consent I have been invited to participate in research about malaria and local health practices. (This section is mandatory) I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this study Print Name of Participant__________________ Signature of Participant ___________________ Date ___________________________ Day/month/year If illiterate: I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely. Print name of witness____________ Thumb print of participant Signature of witness _____________ Date ________________________ Day/month/year Statement by the researcher/person taking consent I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the best of my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following will be done: 1. 2. 3. I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.     A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant. Print Name of Researcher/person taking the consent________________________ Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent__________________________ Date ___________________________ Day/month/year APPENDIX B QUESTIONNAIRE. Name------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gender------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question Answer When you hear of alcohol consumption, what comes to your mind? What do you think about? In what ways is consumption of alcohol relevant to you? How many times have you over consumed alcohol and which semester was it? Do you feel you it affected your performance that that semester? Do you think you need you should avoid over consuming of alcohol? Why or why not? In your own opinion, what are the factors that promote poor performance in your exams while at the University? In this university, is there any organisation works to advice students on responsible alcohol consumption? In your own opinion, how often do people seek counseling services on this issue of alcoholism? In your own opinion, has the university done enough to discourage students from heavy consumption of alcohol? What do you think can be done to improve performance in the end of semester examination? Read More
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