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Capital Punishment Should Not Be Legal and Should Be Abolished Social science Essay
6 pages (1562 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Capital punishment still remains a controversial issue all over the world and it is hardly possible to formulate a final opinion on this topic. Despite the fact that it was abolished in most countries, there are still states like Japan, Singapore or the United States that use this way of punishment, and the debates regarding the morality of such methods do not stop in these countries.
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Loss of Innocence in Geese by ZZ Packer Social science Book Report/Review
7 pages (1930 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The basic theme of the story shows that life is full of difficulties and chaotic situations that are difficult to manage. The story reveals that life is not at all a bed of roses for any person. Usually, people think that their life is miserable as compare to others, but in actual everyone has to face problems.   
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Why Do People Kill Themselves Social science Article
8 pages (2019 words) , Download 1 , Article
From time to time matters to do with suicide have remained a challenge among the psychologists and researchers of the related field. Previous researches have revealed suicide is one of the major factors that lead to the death of humans from the ages of fourteen to twenty-four years. It takes a position immediately bellow accidents.   
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Tribulations of the Young African American Males on the Criminal Justice System Social science Term Paper
9 pages (2507 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Youthful African American males have increasingly suffered in the Criminal Justice System, which is typically lined out as amongst the greatest social ills in the contemporary US society. The continuation of the trend denies the group of hope of becoming productive members of society. The economic existence of the African youth exposes the extreme extents of the unjust judicial process.
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Colonialism, Race and Photography Social science Essay
11 pages (2835 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Photography is the science, art, and practice of creating permanent images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by way of an image sensor, or chemically by way of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Therefore, Photography has been used to record history ever since cameras were invented back in 1839.  
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Gender Inequality in Oleanna Social science Movie Review
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
We have seen many movies which have raised various kinds of messages containing issues of society and public and one among them is the story of “ Oleanna”. This movie “Oleanna” is based on the play written by David Mamet and it introspects the relationship between a student and a professor from a wider angle.   
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The Evolution of Womens Roles in Society Social science Term Paper
12 pages (3387 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
According to Empey, the Fortune Survey carried out in 1946 revealed that most women in American society were more inclined to traditional gender and family roles (152). As a result, more women were more open to the idea of sticking to the traditional perception of women as housewives and PAs, as opposed to high flying career women.  
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Animals Should Be Used to Test the Safety of Products Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In conclusion, one cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs implying that product testing is necessary primarily for guaranteeing human safety and allowing progress within the industry with the creation of a variety of products ranging from toothpaste, deodorants, sun-block creams, and hair products.
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Effective Ways to Prevent Animal Abuse Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The cruel means of killing animals are also used, where animals are exposed to excruciating pain in order to die, or so as to prove a point (Phelps, 2007). This is especially so with fur farms that are said to apply the cheapest means available in the extermination of animals for the desired purpose.
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An Analysis of the Ethical Aspects of Euthanasia for Practicing Medical Professionals Social science Research Paper
6 pages (1816 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Theological perspectives on the issue opine that humans are the creations of God and they are bestowed with the “stewardship” only of their right and not “ownership” over the life on earth (145). Therefore, the religious view contends that the intentional termination of a person’s life is “inconsistent” with the laws of nature (145).          
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Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 Years Social science Research Paper
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
At present, the government funds education on alcohol and its effects among college students; however, if the legal age for consuming alcohol is lowered to 18, this means that high schools will also receive the fund. As such, students will be sensitized on the dangers of alcohol consumption early to avoid incidents of fatalities.
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How to Be Successful in Life Social science Essay
7 pages (1930 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Success has a different meaning for different people. To some people, it may mean being the best in what an individual does. Many people perceive success as having a lot of money only. This raises the question, ‘What is success?’ Personally, I think success is being able to achieve the desired goal, aim, purpose or attain prosperity.
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Race and Ethnic Identity Social science Essay
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Australia is known to be a multicultural society. Race and ethnicity are huge factors that have dogged the country. The driving force behind it is the belief that society at large still holds against people, for instance, the aborigines who appear different from themselves. The two terms, race and ethnicity, often have been used side by side, though they have distinct meanings. 
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Methamphetamine Use Different Understandings Clash and Conflict in Thailand Social science Essay
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Methamphetamine (MA) also referred to as metamfetamine is a synthetic substance or psycho-stimulant of the central nervous system. MA base is colorless erratic oil that is insoluble in water. The most common salt in MA is hydrochloride, an off-white powder or crystals soluble in water. Commonly used street names for MA include crank, ice, speed, crystal meth, ya ba, shabu, and perverts.
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To What Extent Can Violent Video Games Be Said to Explain Violent Behaviour in Teenagers Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These range from lone, single person shooter adventures, to team-based military campaigns, epic battles in a fantasy world, or high technology combat on the futuristic planet and they can involve more or less realistic depiction of violent activities. 
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The Effect of Urbanization in the Developing World Social science Assignment
6 pages (1600 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
It is an ongoing process in today’s competitive era and its profound effects on the individual’s life as made it a noticeable move. The market globalization, thirst for higher studies, education, latest technology, better job opportunities, high living standards are the major forces behind the process of urbanization. 
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Illegal Drugs and the Young Social science Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The study was important in identifying that genetic factors are important in determining the use of drugs. Although genetic factors on themselves are not enough to predispose a young person to drug use, there is a high correlation between the use of drugs by young people and their genetic predisposition (Hornik, 2002). 
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Social Issues in Italy Social science Research Paper
6 pages (1826 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Italian culture, customs, and traditions are formed on the basis of its arts, architecture, food, music, and other values. In the Italian societies, it has been observed that greeting strangers at the first meet with a handshake is most preferable. In the case of relatives or friends, the greeting is done with air-kissing on the cheeks. 
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The Income Inequality in America Social science Case Study
7 pages (2063 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The U.S. is not the solely developed democracy where income levels have reached greater inequality in the past decades. This pattern is seen worldwide. A 2008 statement by OECD, which comprises 34 market-based democracies, reported that income inequality had grown in most OECD nations since the 1980s (Noah 4).
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Selling of Body Organs Social science Term Paper
14 pages (3855 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
People are also concerned about the risks of donating vital organs such as the liver or the kidneys or parts of the intestine and this is solely suing to the dearth of education or knowledge about such things. The liver is an important organ of the human body which serves a number of purposes. It detoxifies the body and helps in metabolism.
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Prenatal Testing for Disabilities is Eugenics Social science Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Using Diana Bianchi’s remarks, Sullivan exposes the dangers of the new prenatal test that has been developed. He argues that the new test will lead to more abortions as it is far more effective than the previous tests. This new blood test, which is ten times more accurate than other tests, reduces the chances of women going for the second test. 
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Violent Video Games and Children Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1807 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
If the government cannot amend such laws, then the parents and general public should pick up that responsibility. They should assist their children in selecting appropriate games according to the child’s age. The producing companies should ensure that the simulated content contains mild or no violence.  
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The Vitality of Cultural Climate in Children Upbringing Social science Assignment
8 pages (2105 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The cultural climate plays a vital role in how a child is brought up by its parents. However, like anything else, cultural values also change with time resulting in changing perspectives of parents regarding child-rearing. In the essay, “Coloring Lessons”, the author David Updike has described a trip he once made with his 3-year-old son, Wesley to an annual fair.
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Designing a Course to Educate About Religion and Culture Social science Assignment
8 pages (2355 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the first part of the structure of the course, the information provided illustrates the essential domains and usefulness of this course. For many years, the people of the world have co-existed irrespective of different believes surrounding religion and culture. These are vital elements of life that directs how people live, behave and perceive the material universe.
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Should the Government Raise the Driving Age Social science Article
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 1 , Article
Driving is one of the most ordinary actions that the human population experiences in the daily undertakings. The issue is because cars are a means of upholding efficiency and saving on time that is an important resource in the economy of the country. However, there is a need for care in the control that the drivers have on automobiles.   
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Workplace Violence in Health Care Social science Assignment
9 pages (293 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Workplace bullying is any repetitive behavior, systematic and which is directed towards a particular employee or a group of employees in such a way that any reasonable individual and having regard to such circumstances would expect to be humiliated, threatened, victimized and in the process will create a risk to the health and safety (Timo et al, 2004).
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People with a Mental Illness Should Be Exempt from the Death Penalty Social science Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nowadays, capital punishment is a burning issue that limits the scope of humanitarian concern in the global context. Within the scenario of crime and punishment, law-making bodies and law enforcement agencies neglect the problems faced by mentally ill persons who happen to commit a crime without any motive, but due to the influence of illness.
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Smoking Tobacco in UAE Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1902 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
To bring the nation in line with the World Health Organization’s structure convention of tobacco control, the United Arab Emirates has started to clamp down on products that contain tobacco by controlling their use, sales, and content. A major part of this control was the banning of smoking in public places and government buildings.
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Bullying Experienced at the Workplace by the Members of Staff Social science Term Paper
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The seminars will persuade the female bully victims to come out in the open to stop the male chauvinistic culture. Furthermore, the company anti-workplace bullying seminars will train the female workers to stop the abusers. Charlotte Rayner conducted research affirming workplace bullying is a significant reality.  
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What Are the Arguments against and in favor of Mercy Killing Social science Assignment
6 pages (1763 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The entire study is quite relevant to my research project and provides an ample amount of information regarding the research question of why people are in favor of assisted suicide. The study confirms the fact that individuals want to be in control of decisions regarding their death and due to this they opt for assisted suicide.  
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Child Physical Abuse Social science Term Paper
7 pages (2050 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Child abuse refers to the physical, emotional or sexual maltreatment of a child by adults. According to the Department for Children and Families (DCF), child treatment is defined as any act of commission or omission by a parent, guardian or any other caregiver, which results in harm, or a threat to harm a child or children.
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Role to the Whole Society Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The doctor is the ultimate believer in science. Marcet presents initially her background in chemistry by elaborating on how she was introduced to the industry. Her husband was a practitioner in vaccination Matters where he was said to be among the people aiding in the formation of the smallpox vaccination.
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Promoting Equality within the LGBT community Social science Term Paper
11 pages (3027 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The support for children's development in a country is paramount to its future as the children hold the potential to turn the fortunes of the country and make it more progressive. However, this can only be achieved through the stabilization of family units without discriminating based on the couple’s orientation. 
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Human Rights Violations and the Possibility for Change Introduction: Sexual Abuse in India Social science Term Paper
12 pages (3289 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Most people in Indian society agree that there needs to be changed in the way sexual violence in the country is perceived and treated. With regard to the proposal in this paper, the first change required is in the investigations of rape and gathering of evidence essential for supporting the prosecution.
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The Mental Mindset of the Modern Man in a Consumer Society Social science Essay
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The process of rejecting consumer culture to achieve a sense of being alive isn't complete, though, until something truly valuable is lost. In Fight Club, it is Tyler who discovers there is a rush of feeling to be found in being close to death after receiving a brutal beating from Lou, the owner of the bar above the fight club's basement.
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Mandatory Monitoring of Childrens Internet and Social Networking Activities in the U.S Social science Research Paper
6 pages (1841 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
In total, it becomes evident that the virtual world is considerably different from the real world for the absence of important elements of social stability like social conformity and social reward. Therefore, raising children in the virtual world is far more dangerous than raising them in real society. 
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Inequity for Women in America Social science Term Paper
7 pages (2126 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The society provides different genders and should also provide equal opportunities to them. The impact of the inequity in modern-day America is attributed to the cultural composition and failures by the female population to take up challenges with challenges range from political, leadership and employment opportunities. 
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Feminism, Sexism, Misogyny, Misandry in the US Social science Term Paper
9 pages (2438 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Fight for gender equality is far from over. Be it in our economic, political and social setups. We need to join hands and ensure that men and women enjoy equal rights in every aspect of life. Women are not objects for advertisements or shortcuts to getting jobs (Jones, 8). They are our sisters and mothers.
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The Effect of Twitter on Language Development Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2850 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Just take a look around and it will be readily noticeable that the way individuals communicate with one another today is radically different than just a few decades ago, and light-years away from the ways our ancestors interacted with each other. Communication then involved hand writing messages or delivering them verbally through a messenger.
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Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage Social science Literature review
9 pages (3297 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Couples living together before marriage or cohabitation are defined by Bruess and Schroeder as "Couples who are sexual partners, unmarried, and sharing a household" (130.). It is worth noting that this has become a common tendency in the modern world where two sexual partners have a joint household. 
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Solutions to Childhood Obesity Social science Case Study
8 pages (2280 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
One major way of providing a solution to this menace is through taking up preventive measures such as adopting good lifestyle habits. Good dietary habits, reduction in activities that cause less physical activity and increasing activities that increase physical activity in the children are some of the preventive measures to childhood obesity.
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Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech Social science Essay
6 pages (1973 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The increase in the number of groups that have their rights protected has also been a contributing factor to the change in the level of freedom of speech allowed in institutions. Although it was initially used in political matters in the society, there have been other sensitive aspects that have changed thereby causing a high level of tension in the freedoms allowed.
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Importance of Defending Human Rights Social science Case Study
9 pages (2488 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The overall domain of human trafficking has been increasing with the complexes evident within society. The societal complexities are thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the system and creating a diverse edge within the security process that is evident within the social domain, which is currently observed at a vulnerable trend to a greater extent.
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The Cause for Poverty, or Why There Is No Improvement of Its State Social science Case Study
7 pages (1928 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Poverty remains in the same state as it has been a century ago, with a number of new complications caused by peculiarities of the present time and added to its general description. Although there are many achievements of our advanced society, they are just used for the prosperity of rich people instead of their application for improvement of poverty.
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Happiness and Its Pursuit in Modern Society Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Philosophers, theologians, economists and literary figures have often thought of happiness as an ephemeral state that is surrounded on every side by the inevitable sorrow that crowds human lives. Happiness has thus, always been an elusive emotion as far as analyses of it are concerned. In life, people do experience happiness, though.
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Main Aspects of American International Group Social science Coursework
8 pages (2315 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The AIG crisis did not result from state-regulated insurance companies, but principally the crisis arose from the company’s financial products, which comprised written credit default swaps, derivatives, and futures with a notional amount of about $2.7 trillion, encompassing around $ 440 billion outstanding of credit non-payment swaps. 
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Recognition and Implementation of Human Rights Social science Coursework
8 pages (2200 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The liberty to live in the absence of persecution, fear or illness is all part of a person’s human rights. Therefore, living in peace also equates the ability to exercise human rights. The topic of human rights has a long list of arguments. 
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Cultural Identity: Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes Social science Essay
6 pages (1967 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Understanding one’s cultural identity is an important part of professional development for nurses. I identify the key elements of my cultural identity and resulting values, beliefs, and attitudes, as presented in the mid map above. I also reflect on the way these elements of my cultural identity affect my professional interactions and practice in the healthcare environment.
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The Fight for Women's Suffrage Social science Essay
8 pages (2097 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The way of thinking showed signs of change and the first seeds of women’s rights movement were planted. Women discussed and promoted women’s roles and rights. Women wanted bigger roles outside of their homes, roles that would use their intelligence and skills and talents, other than those required for domestic work. 
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Working with Older People Social science Case Study
9 pages (2741 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper demonstrates that the older age group population is acknowledged to possess the utmost requirement of health care services thereby they have emerged as the highest contributors. However, there are various issues that the older group of people have been facing in relation to health and social care. 
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