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There have been trends that have been readily available when we look at global capitalism, trends in consumer tastes, transnational migration, and online communication that has pointed towards globalization. There has been a section of people who have been supporting globalization and there has been a section of people who have been opposing globalization.
Corporal penalty being a contentious issue is highly debated within the Australian community. The entire Australian states, as well as territories, have various forms of legislation that permit reasonable chastisement on the side of a parent or an individual acting as a parent, for instance, a teacher. The pros and cons of both corporal and capital punishment are assessed.
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Aggression can be defined as the intentional behavior to harm or cause injury to another person or individual who is determined to resist such behavior. Resistance is aimed at avoiding harm that could otherwise be of adverse effects to the victim (Baron and Richard 7). Aggression can either be classified as physical or verbal, direct or indirect.
With the increasing potential to disseminate pornographic content, the internet has, without a doubt, turned out to be an astounding purveyor of what many argue as indecent images and messages. As a consequence, one of the most contentious leisure activities on the internet in modern society as analyzed in the paper is internet pornography.
Healthcare policies are one of the controversial issues in the Australian political arena. It has faced a lot of attention in every general election from the 1940s when the Commonwealth initially got into the platform. The health industry is the largest in Australia having a total expense of $ 22.8 billion in 2008-2009 or 10.0% GDP (Robert et al 2002).
9 pages (2705 words)
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, Literature review
Sociology is the science that seeks to give an interpretive understanding of the actions that take place in our social settings in order for people to interpret their courses and effects. Social research involves collecting, exploring, and reporting information about human beings and their societies. It is about social human beings; their interactions, behaviors, and actions.
There have been continuous debates over the relationship that exists between science and democracy. First, there are those who argue that the two fields are completely independent and do not influence each other. There is also the group that believes that science and democracy are closely tied and influence the paths that either of them takes.
8 pages (2293 words)
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, Literature review
Most people think that the biggest problem with expository teaching is the inability of children to pay attention, but the problem is that it is hard to know whether one is concentrating or not. It can thus be concluded that the expository mode of teaching constitutes a good teaching method given that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
The paper examines the influence ideologies have on the interpretation of social problems and issues, how the health policies are implemented, and who decides what is to be done and not to be done. Again, it will also focus on the implementation of the policy, how it is enacted, and the outcomes after the implementation.
Some of the challenging areas of social work professionals face included caring for older people; Aboriginal Australian people, people with diverse cultures and languages, acute health care settings, mental health care, addictions, homelessness, and domestic violence. At the end of the day the work was fulfilling and rewarding (Baird, & Brian 2011).
Members of the marginal groups thus achieve full admission to the services, rights, and opportunities accessible to the elements of the mainstream (Winthrop, 1991). Social integration is a complicated idea, which implies diverse things to different persons (United Nations, 1994). To many, it is a constructive goal, meaning equal rights and opportunities for every human being.
The globalization concept is a dominant affair across the world. This is one concept that is widely used while addressing issues of political, economic, and social on a world platform. It remains evident that we can never separate political affairs, economic and even the social factor in our society.
7 pages (1968 words)
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, Literature review
Giroux (2001) explains that there is presently a greater focus on looking attractive as a way of enhancing one’s success and acceptance than was the case before. The existence of a sex-saturated culture has a negative effect on the psychological development of girls. Fashion advertising always uses idealized models.
The book "Suicide" by Durkheim highlights studies carried out on suicide rates among the Protestants and Catholics. The researcher argues that strong social control among Catholics lowered suicide rates. Even though Durkheim published the book with a view of illustrating how sociological methods can be utilized to solve a social problem, his findings are still appreciated.
The National Health Priority Areas Initiative is a corroborative effort between the State, Commonwealth and Territory governments and draws on expertise from the non-government institutions. It aims to bring a policy emphasis to areas that are identified as bearing the greatest danger in terms of disease in the community and for which it is possible to intervene and reduce the burden greatly.
A non profit organisation is defined as on organisation whose beneficiaries and shareholders do not benefit from it financially. Just like other organisations, not for profit organisations have to communicate internally and externally. Communication is often defined as a process of getting messages across usually from the sender to the recipient (Koontz 2001).
When we try to do some comparison of the modern life and life in the last one hundred years, we can realize that indeed there is a big difference in people’s lifestyle. We can identify tremendous changes that have taken place in the social aspects of societies. Things are happening differently, even in case one of our departed ancestors peeps into our modern life, he/she can be left astonished.
6 pages (1771 words)
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, Literature review
The 21st century has witnessed not only the rise in the population rates, with the world population reaching the seven billion point but also, the most rapid progression in the development of new technologies and systems and globalization, which have both impacted the easy access, storage, and retrieval of information (Glatzer et al., 2004).
At present, the term globalization is significantly associated with Robert Gilpin’s (1987) description of an “increasing interdependence of national economies in trade, finance, and macroeconomic policy” (cited in Guillen 2001, p 236). This, in other words, signifies free trade and market openness, which are the primary vehicles of globalization.
The internet has become a home to almost every person in the world. Internet is not used only by those who are less fortunate to access computers. However, this is a worry since most people are internet users and also have access to every networking site available today. The internet consists of various networking sites which include, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Skype among others.
The practices of love and intimacy such as marriage and relationships relate to ideas of property. The word property is defined in order to understand and argue why marriage, relationships, and kinship are related to ideas of property. The essay will explore the historical context of marriage, traditional customs, the legal and social bonds of marriage, and how it relates to the ideas of property.
The non-material culture comprises the moral standards, believes, loyalty, supportiveness, and trustworthiness of the members towards the church and church leadership. Lakewood Church has a bureaucratic structure characterized by clearly defined responsibilities and roles, respect for experience and merit, and a hierarchical structure in the decision-making process.
The liberalization of trade is estimated to have started a century ago but it was interrupted by the great depression and World War I and II. It was started again after World War II was over and it became what is known as the World Trade Organization (WTO). The other types of liberalization have led to easy and faster movement of the factors of production i.e. labor and capital.
6 pages (1891 words)
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, Literature review
The world itself is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and peoples, and practices, as Zygmunt Bauman (2001, p. 121) rightly puts it, “culture is debated in terms of an individual, group or categorical difference, creolization and hybridity;” and ‘mixed’ forms or ‘hybrid’ forms have taken on a different connotation with the advent globalization.
There is more research needed to give insight into a broad range of mechanisms intended for use as part of the positive adjustment to visi¬ble difference. These findings inform both the provision of care to all individuals affected, including the develop¬ment of interventions to promote positive adjustment, and research aiming to help individuals who experience adjusting to a visible difference.
The rising population of street kids in the capital and other towns provides challenges to the Ghanaian policymakers who need to provide solutions for this innocent population. Through the Ghana National Commission on Children (GNCC), the government has been developing and implementing policies directed at helping needy children to get an education.
Western states appear so concerned about the security threat from international terrorism particularly after 9/11. Some of the most popular reasons provided are eliminating the world with evil, protection from ungodly and barbaric individuals who know no law and boundaries and shield against the menace of democracy and freedom.
One of the benefits of a clearly defined “place” in intercultural interaction is that it confers identity on the people in it. For example, students at the university, even though they come from many different places and cultures, can identify themselves as students, as integral parts of the site the University represents.
8 pages (2187 words)
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, Literature review
As the paper outlines, Marx’s theory of alienation explains alienation as the separation of things that initially stuck together, or to antagonize things that were originally in harmony. Alienation is mostly experienced by poor individuals and communities living in urban areas where the majority are the rich.
The paper highlights the wrong address of the Richmond report by successive governments since 1983 when the report was released. Though the two articles talk about the same issue, they have similarities and differences in how they address and present the situation to readers. David Richmond suggested that mentally people should be moved from the psychiatric wards.
The notion that Australians today live in a time that is characterized by endless modifications has become a cliché. In fact, the permanence of these modifications has been acknowledged among social theorists. It is certain that political reforms started a permanent procedure of revolution in modern societies. This manifestation of change has been described using the word globalization.
8 pages (2198 words)
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, Research Proposal
I relation to different programs such as PCYC, Home Safety and School-Based Policing, the unit is able to carry out its roles. This report is very important to students of criminology since it will assist them in understanding how to handle cases of drug abuse and what decisions they can make if they wish to pursue a career in substance abuse.
The author of the following research is going to delve into their effects on the creative industry which is a very critical part of society. The creative industry generally refers to a variety of activities that mostly deal with production or use of certain knowledge or information.” (Venturelli 2008).
8 pages (2292 words)
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, Literature review
Globalization may be defined as the process through which individual state economies rapidly get integrated, thereby creating a global economy that has unified policy frameworks, for instance through international organizations (Cosetta 2009). According to Molchanov (2005), it is a global culture in which there are a lot of interactions and mobility in factors of production.
Psychotherapists should act professionally and avoid violating any rules or ethics, disclosing information to patients may make them lose trust in your methods and once that happens then a psychotherapist is doomed professionally. Most importantly professionals should differentiate between a patient’s desired outcome and principles versus the immediate reality that they need to teach them.
Bryan Kyle is fast at acquiring novel ideas as well as concepts for developing creative and innovative solutions to problems. Bryan Kyle can work with little or no supervision and can meet the toughest deadlines. Bryan has a resilient ability to perform pretty effectively even when the working environment is highly pressurized.
The subsequent power structure demoralized and continued undermining Aboriginal people’s role as cohorts with healthcare employees in their own treatment as well as care. With regard to healthcare delivery, practices that are culturally unsafe are described as actions disempowering, diminishing the individual’s well-being and cultural identity.
Most challenges often relate to environmental degradation, pressures on existing resources, and pollution from industrial activities. Besides, globalization has several effects on land-use practices. As a result, cities that have invested in developing global cities like Sydney are focusing on developing policies that would assist in reducing the negative impacts.
Partnership suffices to be the other principle of the healthcare system in Australia. It is evident that establishing partnerships with relevant healthcare institutions and sponsors play a significant role in enhancing access to healthcare services and healthcare infrastructure thereby improving the healthcare outcomes of the indigenous communities.
The lives of the young people in China have been affected because of the widening gap between and bringing people together through improving their interactions due to globalization. Young people do perceive globalization as a challenge to them due to the inequalities that are associated with globalization (Giddens, 2014).
The original inhabitants of the city were the Aborigines who are believed to migrate to the small setting during the Upper Paleolithic period. With the evolution of time, Sydney has grown to the level it is today, both in Geographical and Demographic terms. The infrastructure of the moment can not compare in any way to that of the previous centuries.
6 pages (1918 words)
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, Research Proposal
It is important to note that in order for a car to decelerate up to zero there is a need to travel through the stopping distance. Here, stopping distances takes into account the different conditions of the road, a driver reaction time, the distance between your car and the point of impact, and finally, the speed of your car.
The feminist perspective on research methods closes the first section. The next section compares explores the paradigm challenge in social research and compares qualitative and quantitative approaches as well as participatory and outsider research. The paper suggests mixed method research as the future direction of social science research.
AIDS is one of the diseases that have caused millions of deaths and it has no known cure (Gilbert & Walker, 2010). The illness has a lot of social implications. In developing countries, the disease has had a devastating effect on the social lives of the people. Most people have either been infected or affected by the disease.
Some examples of metanarrative include religion where the book Genesis explains how God created the universe and His plan for mankind. Another example is a science that tries to explain a large number of disparate phenomena that are physical through a set of ideas that are unified. Lastly, there is Marxism, which gives an explanation of forces that rule human society and historical changes.
8 pages (2254 words)
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, Research Paper
The research aims at determining the impact of the first marriage age on the fertility rate in Abu Dhabi, one of the UAE emirates. The research intends to conduct a survey on 1000 females within their reproductive ages (15-49 years). The research process will take place over a period of three months using a budget of AED 600,000.
Among all these methods, the deterrents are preferred by the majority and therefore are widely used, Sen-tree is among the most recommended ones as it is registered and deters browsing effectively thereby providing much protection for tree seedlings as is evident in the case of Yellingbo Conservation Reserve. Application of Sen tree browsing deterrent has had a great effect on the tree seedlings.
Resources in the developed countries are getting scarcer; this has made them go for resources such as knowledge and skills to in the developing countries because they are available and cheaper. The main engine for development is the knowledge that is being shared and used desperately. This paper is addressing the issue of the social impacts of the digital divide, in developing countries.
Sexual harassment and assault, however, are not only limited to the cases of rape. It involves any intimidation, coercion, or bullying that is of a sexual nature. It also includes seeking sexual favors in exchange for rewards of different kinds. For instance, some bosses may ask their female employees for sexual favors before being offered promotions.
Cities in China have accepted and are practicing western culture. For instance the presence of American hotels like Marriot and even the Chinese acquiring debt from the U.S.A. They have accommodated the foreign ideas making secure recognition both politically and economically. Extending from the cities, the Chinese still recognize their historical culture and ideas.