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Social Work with Older People - Coursework Example

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The paper “Social Work with Older People” probes social reasons for old-aged humans’ stigmatization, discrimination, and marginalization and ways to eradicate this situation. Social workers should be careful and benevolent, while the kinship must be at the forefront of helping our elderly relatives…
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Social Work with Older People
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Social work with older people Introduction Social work is a specialized and educational discipline that aims to improve the life’s and well being of persons, groups most specifically the old people and general community through direct practice, research, community organizing, teaching and crisis intervention to benefit the elderly affected by societal disadvantages like poverty, disability, physical and mental illness, and social injustices. Social workers are normally involved in helping in the identification of clients with dementia and other like conditions (Mcdonald, 2010, p. 171). In these findings, social workers will work with together with healthcare expertise and the elderly family in order to set up a good care plan that will ensure their safety at home and provide stimulation. Dealing with the elderly with dementia can be frustrating, thus knowledge and skills of how to deal with these patients is important (Greene, 2008, p. 281). In the guardian newspaper the Author Terry Pratchett said that most people felt lost for words whenever with him because he is suffering from dementia. The case of suffering from dementia, leads to olds people stigmatisation, marginalisation and discrimination since it is believed that dementia only affects old people. There are multiple reasons for such stigma, but most have almost similar consequences. Because those affected by dementia also struggle to know the sudden changes that are occurring in their lives, some become isolated socially from family and their friends who are always afraid of associating with them. Lack of proper understanding and the habit of always avoiding issues that we don’t understand leads to stigmatisation. A truthfully holistic approach is however needed, if we are aimed at turning fear into understanding and teach our communities to effectively support and understand those with dementia n away from them. In this case, hospitals have major roles in ensuring that all the initiatives put in place are followed since they are the role models to many communities and those with expertise knowledge on how to deal with the elderly, whether they are in stable or unstable conditions. Integration between external agencies, governmental organisations and hospitals is very important in ensuring that dementia patients are well taken care off. Abuse of older people Abuse of the elderly people is sadly a fact that is more common in our societies today. These abuses can be sexual abuses and physical abuses from those taking care of them when they get tired with certain behaviours that they portray (Berkman & Harootyan, 2003, p. 191). Some take advantage of their old age to steal their belongings or money. This emerging trend is most common in developing countries where poverty levels are high living frustrated individuals with no choice than to even steal from the elderly. Sexual abuse of older people is also becoming a major crisis in developing countries. Lack of self control, Use of drugs and other harmful substances have subjected many youths to immoral behaviours for example raping the elderly. Leaving the older people alone more specifically women is also rendering them to a greater risk of sexual and physical abuses. In most parts of the world, many older people are marginalised and discriminated against. Majority of these elderly people have worked hard throughout their lives trying to earn a living for themselves and see their children through school. Now as they are near the end of their lifetime, they are shunted by the society. Unable to work or do anything constructive, they are always in need of clothing, food, beddings etc. What is worse about these old people is that they are left alone without friends, family, relatives and the general love of the society at large. Studies show that 33% of all the elderly people are being discriminated against majority being those from poor backgrounds and unstable families. As these people age the level of marginalisation and discrimination worsens. For example, studies show that 26.6% of old people that are aged between 52 and 59 are discriminated against, while the figure rose to 37.2% for those aged between 70 and 79. Studies further shows that groups with highest discrimination risk are better and learned retired people with low income levels. Reasons that leads to stigmatisation discrimination and marginalisation Disintegration of extended families In search of better living and jobs, many young people in the society move from rural areas to urban centres living behind the old people (Dominelli, 2009, p. 128). The situation gets worse when these productive generation don’t find better paying jobs and thus are not able to send any back to the other family members most especially the old people left behind. These will subject the elderly to depression of feeling neglected by their children. Some even go for long periods like 5 years without visiting the old people at their homes. General poverty in the area Some areas in certain countries are subjected to droughts, floods and other natural calamities. These natural occurrences lowers the general income level of their communities especially those who are dependent on agriculture for income. This leaves majority of people poor and depressed more specifically the older people who have no strength and only depend on the productive generation, good Samaritans, government and other well wishers for daily care. Diseases As people grow older they are at high risks of contracting chronic diseases such as cancer, which worsen their aging conditions or situations (Ray & Phillips, 2012, p. 167). Older people suffering from different kinds of illness are normally avoided by their family and other members of the public because they feel that older people are a burden to their lives. Others with disability and mental disorders also experience the same treatment from the general members of the society. When it means they have no one to look after them and they are dependent on social workers and other well wishers for their care. Neglect exposes them to many other diseases due to their lower immune levels which lead to depression and early deaths. How to help the older people Creating awareness Many organisations for example helpage international have created awareness on social work and helping the old people through school programmes where school children help to raise funds and they are thought about the needs of the old people. Another scheme that they use is its ‘Adopt a granny’ initiative where people agree to pay for old people needs and they are sent regular reports on this old people. However in order to make old people feel important and wanted, they are integrated in initiatives set up for them. Courses to help these have also been set up and they include; healthy ageing, management of older people, nutrition etc. as such their control might be important to the recognition and treatment of older people depression. Histories, ideologies, theories and national and international research influences on current future work in relation to older people. Charity concepts and welfares go back to prehistoric times, and providing for the old people practice has roots in many early religions and civilizations world. Churches were providing social services to the old people even before modern European states were arose (Gordon & Donald, 1993). The earliest welfare and social work services that were organized by Christian churches was the creation of burial societies, which was followed by provision of shelter, alms, food, good care to the old. Monasteries served as hospitals, home for the elderly, orphanages and general social service and welfare agencies. The casual serving systems of the family and the church began to split and prepared social interests services emerged to succeed it (O'hagan, 1996, p. 293). Social work profession is considered to have been started from the following movements: Settlement House and Charity Organization Movements, the development of institutions movement to deal with the whole range of societal problems. All these movements grew rapidly in the nineteenth century, and have all resulted to major social centres for the elderly today. Social services and welfare have its roots also in the economic and social disruption formed by Industrial Revolution, most specifically the social effort to deal with poor and unable old people; and problems that resulted from this (Hothersall & Bolger, 2010, p. 218). This is because old people problems, needs deficiency was their main focus in the early social services and welfare. Activists. There are many activists that supported the fight for old people welfare and care. They included Jane Addams, who emphasized community solution to old people rights, care, protection etc and political activism. Currently, social services and welfare is known for its significant and holistic move towards accepting and intervening in old people social problems (Holosko & Feit, 2004, p. 89). This has led to the acknowledgment of old age as having both economic and social impact on any country`s development process. This tendency also points to other historical development in social works evolution. Once an occupation engages in social work control, the technique is directed at societal and individual empowerment. Social workers expected responsibilities Engagement- social workers are required to first engage the older people in early on meetings to enhance communication and promote mutual relationships. Assessment- data and information should always be gathered social workers to guide and direct them. Planning- social workers are often required to negotiate and create an action arrangement within the societies that they work for and ensure consistency of their actions to avoid conflicts between them, societal members and the older people. Implementation- they are expected to support source acquisition and improve their performance in their respective tasks allocated to them for effective and efficient service delivery (Lymbery, 2005, p. 82). Supportive Counselling- they affirm, challenge, encourage, inform and explore options. Associations that support and protect people include; International Federation of Social Workers and National Association of Social Workers and American Association of Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work, AAPCSW , amongst many others. Role and function of welfare and social work in relation to older people Case management -they are concerned with linking old people with clients programs and agencies that will help them meet their needs (Gehlert & browne, 2012). They are most commonly found in the US and UK. These programs ensures that older people rights are protected to avoid cases of discrimination and abuse from members of the society Counselling- old people most often require counselling because these services often are concerned with bereavement, guidance and other issues that affect the older people. They guide families throughout the change from the residence environments to extensive care. Psychotherapy- social workers provide the elderly with psychotherapists’ services that helps in changing elderly people’s general lifestyle increasing their lifespan Human services management- social workers visits the elderly people at their homes and perform various activities like cleaning their homes, cooking, washing their clothing etc. Social policy analysis-social workers are responsible for general societal analysis whereby they carry out analysis on various needs and behaviours of elderly people in the society Policy and custom development- various communities have different cultural beliefs and norms that guide them. When providing social work, social workers are always on the forefront of supporting these norms and respecting them in order to avoid any form of conflict with other members of the society and the elderly being helped also. Organizing Community`s activities – different community with different people have many cumbersome activities that need to be organized for effective service delivery to the older people. Social workers are therefore responsible for organizing these activities therefore done at communities Promote social justice and change- many elderly people in the society are deprived of their rights which subjects them to depression. Social workers are therefore responsible for promoting social justice and change for the elderly in protection of the elderly. Clinical interventions – social workers provide therapy for old people who feel lonely and are suffering from depressions or anxieties. They encourage the elderly to do activities that are stimulating that are healthy for their physical and mental developments. Service interventions – social workers operate links between the old people and the many communal and personal programs intended for the aging. Social workers are of importance to the elderly in helping them apply for suitable services. It’s their role in helping them sort out service delivery problems. Advocacy – social workers may help the elderly by providing them with for example an Advance Directive outline and help them understand what it is and how to fill it correctly. They are also responsible for protecting the elderly against any form of abuse. Experience of social care and welfare delivery from older people. Continuity of care: old people dint see the same social workers each and every day and also the social worker was not well informed about old people needs. Lack of continuity is very stressing to the old people because coping with different people coming to visit them at their homes is quite a challenge because different social workers have different techniques and ways of approaching this elderly people. Time pressure: old people need a lot of time when dealing with them. This may be resulted from language barriers and also because many old people take much time in responding to questions. Social workers always have heavy workloads which must all be done by them, which means that they rush and don’t take enough to talk to and encourage older people. These time pressures have major effects on emotional and physical health of old people because they feel neglected and not cared for. Poor organisation: Problems with social workers at organisational levels are frequently occurring, most especially lack of good communication between them and their clients. It’s always important to inform the elderly if the current social worker is living and someone new is coming to avoid lack of proper understanding and communication. Inflexible service: this also has an effect on social workers routine programs with the elderly. Most inflexible services meant that some old people cannot be helped out of bed till some specific times that social workers visited or being put to bed quite earlier in the evening when they are not tired. This inflexibility is majorly as a result of poor organisational management and coordination. Social isolation: older people experience social isolation and they always feel that they are not a part of a family or society. Trying to make this people understand that they are still valued, loved and respected is a challenge because majority of them have no hope in life and always talking of waiting for death. This is very stressful for social workers since they are required to give moral and emotional support to them and always make them think positively. Impact of current developments, legislation policy and research in relation to older people. Protection and safety In many societies in the world today, older people are always deprived of their rights since majority believe that they are too old and irrelevant to know of their human rights. However through government intervention and other social aid agencies, regulations have been set to protect to protect the rights of the old people. These rules have ensured that old people in the society are not abused or mistreated. This initiative has enhanced the lives of many old people who had been denied this right in the past. Government being at the frontline of protecting elderly people provides essential services and programs that are beneficial to the elderly, this programs for example include; giving old people certain of money at the end of every month for self upkeep, visiting people from particular places every Sunday to help with chores etc. All these programs increase old people’s confidence, boost their self esteem and make them feel that they are still important and needed in the society. Improved health conditions Health programs founded by government and charitable organisations have helped in improving general health conditions of the elderly. This is because social workers teach the elderly about healthy eating, physical and psychotherapy programs which have had a great impact in prolonging elderly people lifespan. Today through government directive and funding many health centres have established special section of dealing with older people alone. Increased self esteem Social workers have help in letting the older people know that they are still important members of the society. This love given to them has increased their self esteem giving them prolonged life because they feel safe, healthy and appreciated. Social workers assist the elderly as well as their families find solutions to social, personal and environmental challenges that are associated with ageing (Adams, 2010, p. 83). Their main concern is to maintain and enhance older people quality of life and understand their complications that are associated with aging, cultural barriers mental health and organisational challenges in their communities. Other impacts are: a) Improved emotional well-being. b) Improvement of quality of life. c) Liberty from discrimination. d) Improved economic well-being. e) Personal dignity. Lessons learnt directly from the services users linked to the older people in relation to the experience and impacts of social work involvement The older people are important people in our societies and they must be shown given that respect. Guidance and counselling help in boosting older people self esteem (Corby, 2006, p. 212). Every member in the society should take an initiative in assisting the older people whether physical, emotionally and psychologically Family members attitudes towards the older people has greater influence on other society members, thus family should always give moral support and care to the elderly Conclusion Older people value the social services given to them no matter how others may see them as small and insignificant. Although problems on how socials services are being delivered exist, people should always be positive about older people and how to live with them. If the health and wellbeing of elderly people are addressed then provision of communal services to them will be much easier since majority of individuals in the society will all the aimed at helping the older people. Family members should be in the forefront of assisting the elderly; this is because when all families with elderly people take corrective measures to help the elderly it will relief the society from of burden as far as taking care of the old and needy thus leading to greater economic developments. Bibliography ADAMS, R. (2010). The short guide to social work. Bristol, Policy. BERKMAN, B., & HAROOTYAN, L. K. (2003). Social work and health care in an aging society education, policy, practice, and research. New York, Springer. CORBY, B. (2006). Applying research in social work practice. Maidenhead, Open University Press. DOMINELLI, L. (2009). Introducing social work. Cambridge, Polity. GEHLERT, S., & BROWNE, T. A. (2012). Handbook of health social work. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons. GORDON, D. S., & DONALD, S. (1993). Community social work, older people and informal care: a romantic illusion? Aldershot, Avebury. GREENE, R. R. (2008). Social work with the aged and their families. New York, Aldine Transaction. HOLOSKO, M. J., & FEIT, M. D. (2004). Social work practice with the elderly. Toronto, Canadian Scholars' Press. HOTHERSALL, S. J., & BOLGER, J. (2010). Social policy for social work, social care and the caring professions: Scottish perspectives. Farnham, Ashgate. LYMBERY, M. (2005). Social work with older people context, policy, and practice. London, MCDONALD, A. (2010). Social work with older people. Cambridge, Polity. O'HAGAN, K. (1996). Social work competences in practice. Bristol, PA, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. RAY, M., & PHILLIPS, J. (2012). Social work with older people. New York, Palgrave Macmillan. Read More
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