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Conventional Warfare: Armed Social Work - Article Example

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In the paper “Conventional Warfare: Armed Social Work” the author discusses two articles: “The New (and Old) Classics of Counterinsurgency” and “Scholar, Pope, Soldier, Spy.” Laleh Khalili depicts the idea of counterinsurgency that militarizes “social work” in other countries…
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Conventional Warfare: Armed Social Work
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Counterinsurgency is “armed social work” because it has the usually armed component that employs brutal strategies and tactics against local guerillas (Khalili “The New”16).  Khalili narrates that counterinsurgency has its roots in colonization. She explains that many people naturally oppose foreign forces that intend to control their local political, social, and economic systems, and when this happens, one of the past counterinsurgent strategies is “butcher-and-bolt” (Khalili “Scholar” 427).

It pertains to the swift and violent destroying of villages, crops, and livestock for the “infractions” of the locals, such as leading revolts or supporting insurgents (Khalili “Scholar” 427). Though not directly illustrated, this strategy is common in the counterinsurgency against Native Americans, whose lands were burned and whose people were nearly decimated. The “race” factor is clear because those who were not whites were easily slaughtered, while their lands and remaining human and natural resources were taken away.

Counterinsurgency is “armed social work” because it has the usually armed component that employs brutal strategies and tactics against local guerillas (Khalili “The New”16).  Khalili narrates that counterinsurgency has its roots in colonization. She explains that many people naturally oppose foreign forces that intend to control their local political, social, and economic systems, and when this happens, one of the past counterinsurgent strategies is “butcher-and-bolt” (Khalili “Scholar” 427).

It pertains to the swift and violent destroying of villages, crops, and livestock for the “infractions” of the locals, such as leading revolts or supporting insurgents (Khalili “Scholar” 427). Though not directly illustrated, this strategy is common in the counterinsurgency against Native Americans, whose lands were burned and whose people were nearly decimated. The “race” factor is clear because those who were not whites were easily slaughtered, while their lands and remaining human and natural resources were taken away.

Counterinsurgency, nevertheless, is more “social work” than armed warfare because the military and related personnel are trained to influence the hearts and minds of the local people, especially women and other marginalized sectors, through social programs and the media. By social work, this includes outright colonial administration. General David Petraeus acted as a colonial administrator in Mosul, Iraq, where he rebuilt some of the war-damaged buildings and created local security forces and public edicts (Khalili “Scholar” 427).

He embodies the quintessential white man who seeks to “save” the natives from their inept and corrupt local administration. Counterinsurgency intersects social class issues because it appeals to the poor and the marginalized. In addition, counterinsurgency maximizes the media, in order to portray a benevolent savior image to locals and the international community.

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