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Literature, History and Politics in 20th Century China
10 pages (2742 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "literature, History and Politics in 20th Century China" discusses that literature is a medium through which politics and history are narrated and formed.... Running head: literature, Politics and History ... he relationship between literature, history and politics in 20th century China ... There have been indications that literature, politics and history are interrelated.... Interestingly, history and politics are narrated and conducted in literature....
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Econometric analysis project
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
The data used was a time series data and was obtained from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spanning from the year 1991 to 2011.... Statistical tests were conducted to examine the.... ... ... Various tests for goodness of fit were also conducted to determine the appropriateness of the model....
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Review on Cradle Will Rock Film
1 pages (318 words) , Download 5 , Movie Review
The author reviews Tim Robin's 'Cradle Will Rock' movie which depicts the influences of socialism on arts and literature in the 1930s.... Also, it focuses on the left-leaning trends among many intellectuals, working-class people as well as the bourgeois class's headache.... .... ...
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Spiritual Truth In Literature Of Shusaku Endo
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Spiritual Truth In literature Of Shusaku Endo" discusses if Otsu dies at the end of the book, does he die as a Christian martyr or as an idealistic humanitarian.... Spiritual Truth In literature Of Shusaku EndoIf Otsu dies at the end of the book, does he die as a Christian martyr or as an idealistic humanitarian?...
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Valley of Saints Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Movies portray a message that relates to the societies and the economies that human beings operate.... The social differences from ranging races across the globe have driven producers to focus on such with an aim of teaching the audience.... .... ... ... In Roger Elbert review, the movie is a success based on exposure of the social aspect, political and environmental conditions Kashmir....
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Hispanics, Health Insurance and Health Care Access
7 pages (1749 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
able 6: Table describing the descriptive statistics coverage of insurance genderwise for the variable: How long ago was the last time BP checked ... able 7: Table of Descriptive statistics for the variable ... able 10: Table of Descriptive statistics for the variable ...
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The Underground Welder as a Piece of Literature
2 pages (627 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "The 'Underground Welder' as a Piece of literature" states that this work is not only a graphic comic novel but also a working-class of literature.... The plot and setting of the story make "The Underground welder' a great piece of literature.... The theme of the story in terms of its contribution to the literature and the overall world.... The use of such a device mostly used in literature and not comics....
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The Spanish Civil War in Literature
9 pages (2382 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This paper "The Spanish Civil War in literature" presents a comparative analysis of the accounts of the civil war experiences by the three authors Orwell, Hemingway, and Lee, focusing on their use of different literary devices to portray the Spanish Civil War.... literature and War....
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Story review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
It is brought out in a better way by the use of Socratic dialogue within the text.... The technique makes it possible for the reader to get more information from the story teller,.... ... ... Thus, it makes the reader to reflect on the ways that he lives his life and questions himself on how the functions in the society are....
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A Critical Appraisal of Selected Pieces of Health Research Literature
9 pages (2582 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
"A Critical Appraisal of Selected Pieces of Health Research literature" paper examines the association between the intensity of substance use with sexual experience and teenage pregnancy and describes the factors and prevalence associated with substance use among young women receiving prenatal care.... A critical appraisal of selected pieces of health research literature Lecturer's Introduction to the health issue ... The third literature piece is a cross-sectional behavioral survey examining the association between the intensity as well as the initiation of substance use risk for engaging in sexual intercourse without or with a history of teenage pregnancy....
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The Use of Character and Setting in Literature
6 pages (1678 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author of this book review "The Use of Character and Setting in literature" describes the use of characters in 'Who's Irish' and 'The Jilting of Granny Weatherall' and setting in 'The Location of the River' by Barry Lopez' and 'Why I Live at the P.... Analysis of the use of Character and Setting in literature: Craft and Voice Introduction The book, “literature: Craft and Voice” by Nicholas Delbanco and Alan Cheuse has been designed to help the students understand how to read and understand literature....
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Book Review 2: 19th Century
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the book Home and Work: Housework, Wages, and the Ideology of Labor in the Early, Boydston (the author) talks about work and values attributed to it.... The particular subject is the women's housework that were going unpaid in the antebellum (northeastern) and colonial.... ... ... Jeanne Boydston states that the uncompensated women's labor in homes remained outstandingly incessant during the time in both intensity and content; that is housework, once highly regarded, however, ceremoniously lost its entire recognition (Boydston, 37)....
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Article Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The aim of this article review is to conduct a critical assessment of the article entitled, “Creating Shared Value – How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth” written by Micheal E.... Porter and Mark R.... Kramer.... Furthermore, this paper will.... ... ... Herein, it is highly imperative to understand the main objective of the article i....
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Book review of Stories That Changed America
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
BOOK REVIEW OF THE “STORIES THAT CHANGED AMERICA” Name Professor Course Date Introduction The author of this piece of literature goes by the name of Carl Jensen.... The book has been written as an inspiration to all those that want to make a change in this world in one way or another....
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Article/Book Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Rainfall statistics shows that this country exhibits short and irregular rainfall.... Instructor Date Climate in Dubai Introduction Countries situated along the subtropics geographic climatic zones generally exhibits dry and hot conditions throughout the year.... Dubai city is a city along side the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn and parallel to both hemispheres....
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Digital Pedagogical Review
8 pages (2106 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Digital Pedagogical Review" focuses on the ICT model which is an effective tool that can be used to offer educational opportunities in Saudi Arabia.... The existing literature on ICTs adoption in Saudi Arabia's higher education as cited by Robertson and Al-Zahrani (2012) exhibits the significance of perceived and actual self-efficacy in the new paradigms....
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Project report
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
As shown in figure 1, there appears a positive linear relationship between sales per square metre and number of full-timers.... The value of the correlation coefficient between sales per square.... ... ... This suggests a weak positive linear relationship between sales per square metre and number of full- timers. ...
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Green Consumer Behaviour Analysis
6 pages (1546 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
Descriptive statistics is used to describe the basic features of the data in the study.... Descriptive statistics ... escriptive statistics will be used to describe the basic features of the data in the study.... Descriptive statistics help us to simply large amounts of data in a sensible way.... Descriptive statistics will be used to make inferences from our data to more general conditions and hence have a general overview of what is going on in our data. ...
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Article review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Name Institution Course Instructor Date Carroll, Archie.... The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders, Business Horizons, July-August 1991.... Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility is a critical tool that all business entities should embrace in order to accrue the desired success....
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ANOVA: One-Way Analysis of Variance
5 pages (1243 words) , Download 6 , Statistics Project
able 2: Descriptive statistics ... The project "ANOVA: One-Way Analysis of Variance" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the ANOVA, a one-way analysis of variance.... Is there a difference in the % water content between the groups of kidneys exposed to varying times of ischemia?...
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Relationship between Sales and the Independent Variables
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
egression statistics ... egression statistics ... The paper "Relationship between Sales and the Independent Variables " states that there is a linear relationship between the sales and the nfull.... From the scatter plot, it's very important to note that an increase in the nfull will lead to an increase in the sales....
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Book review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
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10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
SUNDANCE FESTIVAL – 2011 Order no.... 518486 Introduction One of the most prestigious film festivals is the ‘Sundance Film Festival' that showscases an amalgamation of films from different categories and awards the best films prestigious awards in various genres.... ... ... ... The lineup of films for the year 2011 was very interesting featuring more towards the exploration of religious thoughts and ideas and also a good number of films dealing with the system of criminal justice....
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Movie review
2 pages (434 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The film is about Lee Pace (Roy), who is paralyzed from the waist down, an injury he got while trying to jump from the top of the bridge onto the back.... ... ... While, in the hospital he thinks about committing suicide but then meets Alexandria, who is a Spanish girl with a broken arm who tries to bring him back to life. ...
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William Blake Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Norton Anthology of English literature.... William Blake understood that we need opposites in the world in order to appreciate everything that life has to offer and to completely enjoy our lives.... When he wrote, "Without Contraries there is no progression" (III.... 8), he was acknowledging that we need negative aspects in the world to help us appreciate the positive....
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Education in Rural France
62 pages (15495 words) , Movie Review
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Etienne-Sur-Usson is full of drills, formal exercises, and dictations, that staple of French education in which a teacher recites a passage from literature and the students dutifully copy it down.... This paper "Education in Rural France" tells that in ''To Be and to Have'' the French documentarian Nicolas Philibert takes us, on tiptoe, into a small school in a rural part of the Auvergne to observe the lives of a dozen children (ranging in age from 4 to 11) and their teacher, Georges Lopez....
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Book Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This paper is a book review of “The social media MBA in practice: an essential collection of inspirational case studies to influence your social media strategy” by Christer Holloman.... This books is one of today's best selling given its analysis of extensive and details.... ... ... The book also offers tactical advice to companies interested in perfectly using social media to re-image their interaction with all who engage with their Through the analysis of different companies, the book also covers cutting-edge strategic social media activities including customer relationships improvements, sales' improvement, and team building amongst others....
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Book Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
United States and the Global Economy since 1945 by Henry C.... Dethloff INTRODUCTION In the year 1996, on November 22nd, Cengage Learning published a book containing 176 pages which have turned out to be one of the most insightful documents on the trajectory of United States as a nation in the development of global economy....
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Book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Mark Briggs is a sportswriter who made a discovery of what the internet could do for journalism in the year of 1998. ... ... he book centers episodically in the context of journalism and has its.... ... ... The chapters majorly give detailed information about people, webs, software and the latest technologies in the field of journalism....
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Review of an Academic Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Review of an Academic Paper Titled “Educational Validity of Business Gaming Simulation: A Research Methodology Framework” Written by Andrew J Stainton, Johnnie E Johnson and Edward P Borodzicz The article entitled, “Educational Validity of Business Gaming Simulation: A Research Methodology Framework,” coauthored by Andrew J Stainton, Johnnie E Johnson and Edward P Borodzicz, appears in the journal Simulation & Gaming, Issue 41, Volume 5, published by Sage Publications....
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Statistical Status of Bank Based in UAE
8 pages (2397 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
This statistical project "Statistical Status of Bank Based in UAE" would empirically highlight one of the leading UAE public sector banks known as Union National Bank situated in Abu Dhabi.... It fundamentally calculates the mean and variance of the stock prices associated with the institution.... ....
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Book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
24 January, 2011.... Rational planning and the state Review: “Rationality planning and the state” is a very thought provoking article by (Darke).... Darke has made a very good attempt to define “rationality” in his own way that may / may not be very rational.... ... ... ... The article begins by discussing the conventional ways in which rationality is defined that frequently give rise to dualism of rationality and various thinking and acting modes....
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Chinese Women in Myth, Literature, and Film
8 pages (3027 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Chinese Women in Myth, literature, and Film" discusses the roles for women in Chinese society that has changed through reforms that took place in the late Qing Dynasty, a period of Chinese civil war, followed by the creation of the people's republic of china.... Shiyuan (Sarah) Huang Zhang Laoshi Chinese Women in Myth, Lit and Film 04/15 Chinese Women in Myth, literature and Film The roles for women in contemporary Chinese society has significantly changed through reforms that took place in the late Qing Dynasty, a period of Chinese civil war, followed by the creation of the people's republic of china, which dedicated itself to gender equality....
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Predictability of Exchange Rate: USD and Yen
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
statistics TOPIC PAPER: statistics – predictability of exchange rate (USD/Yen) PURPOSE MENT AND MODEL The platform of social science in the modern world has encountered an immense usefulness with the application of statistics and their useful tools in developing certain assumptions and inferences.... In the economic forefront there have been various implications of statistics.... The platform of social science in the modern world has encountered an immense usefulness with the application of statistics and their useful tools in developing certain assumptions and inferences (Haferkamp & Smelser, 1992, p....
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Report on resarch methods and a literary review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
It is due to this reason that qualitative research method is Report on Research Methods and literature Review Report on Research Methods and literature ReviewSection 1: Qualitative MethodsThere are a number of qualitative methods that are used by researchers for measuring different variables in a study....
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Film review The Little Mermaid
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
It is one of the finest creations of the Walt Disneys Pictures, came in existence in the year 1989 with colorful animation and.... ... ... The moral of the characters have been superbly defined, with the motive to inculcate good character feelings in the audience.... The story begins at the sea where Ariel protracted with Flounder, Movie Review- The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid, is a contemporary illustration of a dazzling animation and musical amalgamation to glorify the significance of being human....
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Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Principal Component Analysis
6 pages (2271 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
ault Detection Using Q and T2 statistics PCA is highly effective in reducing the overall dimensions of varied input data for analysis.... Real time monitoring of plant operation data was compared to both data sets with thresholds settled through Q statistics in order to detect faults (Villegas, Fuente and Rodriguez, 2010).... Independent PCA models suffer due to the control limits required for the Q and T2 statistics.... Polyester film process monitoring has been attempted using Q and T2 statistics through a PCA approach for multivariate quality control (MQC)....
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Book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Book Report/Review
Achebe Chinua, in his book ‘Things Fall Apart', narrates the anecdote of Okonkwo who is considered as a respectable leader among the Igbo people of the Umoufia tribe.... The book is an excellent interpretation of pride and ego displayed in the personality of an individual, so.... ... ... This mini-paper is a combination of book review and critical analysis of this remarkable yet tragic novel. ...
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Book Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind published in 2005 by Geert Hofstede is an interesting book that focuses on critical issues central to the culture of a nation.... The book is a revised edition of his 1982 book Culture and Consequences.... It is based on a twenty- five.... ... ... In the book, He explains the conditions under which societal cultures can be managed effectively....
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Economics Situation in France and Italy in 2008
7 pages (2068 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
This statistics project "Economics Situation in France and Italy in 2008" discusses France and Italy that are wealthy nations, located in Western Europe with a large-sized economy.... escriptive statistics ... escriptive statistics ... hange statistics ... hange statistics ... statistics An Introduction Using R....
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Review of Four Major Studies Relating to the Cognitive and Academic Benefits of Music to Children
6 pages (1807 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Academic Information Research Article reviews (Benchmark Assignment) 2 Research Article reviews (Benchmark Assignment) 2 ... "Review of Studies Relating to the Academic Benefits of Music to Children" paper states that speculation about the benefits of musical training on broader academic achievement is not new and the literature reviewed establishes the important role of music in enhancing cognitive performance.... This study involves a reflective literature review of four major studies relating to the cognitive and academic benefits of music to children and the scope of such an analytical study in the wider perspective of the learning theories is indubitable....
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The Review of the City of God
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Different definitions for childhood are found in literature.... It is stressed in research literature that being able to define childhood is of critical value as otherwise it can be a particularly daunting task to determine which rights apply to the status of childhood and which legal measures can children benefit from as a class.... The literature of childhood innocence focuses on preserving ignorance in children as well for which purpose adults are advised to guard some things strictly from the world of childhood....
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Significance Of Gender Roles In Literature
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Significance Of Gender Roles In literature" discusses one of the greatest works of Chinua Achebe "Things Fall Apart" and how it portrays various characters having significant strengths and weaknesses that significantly affect the way in which they relate to various challenges.... ignificance Of Gender Roles In literature ...
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Book review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Name: Subject: Book Report/Review, Sociology Topic: book review Date: The field of social science deals with the society as a whole and the relationships of all individuals living in it.... The term social science include a wide area of studies including humanities, political science, anthropology, economics, even cultural studies and other such areas....
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Peer Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
It deftly argues that the 20th century has seen a major revolution of the food industry in more ways than one.... The days of purchasing the locally grown.... ... ... fresh food, cooking at home and maintaining a healthy diet are all a thing of the past because giant corporations have forced themselves into the food markets and presently dominate the whole food industry....
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Article review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Article Review Bibliographic Information/Introduction The article in review is by Carroll B.... Archie titled, “The Pyramid of Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management and Organizational Stakeholders.... ?? It is an article that was published in the year 1991, which aims to discuss the numerous ideas behind organizations, their stakeholders, and the environment in which they are located....
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Gender Pay Gap
7 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The paper 'Gender Pay Gap' is a useful example of a gender & sexual studies statistics project.... Figures from the Wal-Mart employment statistics indicates that women are employed for a longer period of time than their male counterparts shown by the higher average number of years reported by women since hiring.... Figures from Wal-Mart employment statistics indicate 4.... he gender pay gap generated from the employment statistics in Wal-Mart chain store presents a human resource reality that cuts across many industries....
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Article Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Article Review: The article chosen for analysis is titled ‘Google to Fund, Develop Wireless Networks in Emerging Markets'.... It is published by the Wall Street Journal on 24th May 2013.... From a Managerial Economics point of view, the article throws light on Google's market expansion in emerging economies....
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Book Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
She has a specialty in history of the 19th century, especially women's history in the Civil War, and women's culture in the colonial Latin.... ... ... The book fills the reader's knowledge niche through a detailed analysis of the roles that were played by women in the Civil War.... It relates the struggle in the war to the gender issues arising, as well as the sacrifice and heroism portrayed by the women soldiers....
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
Leadership can be described as the setting of a new bearing or a vision for a grouping and must be followed (Kellerman, 2001).... Contrary, management is the.... ... ... In the interrelationship of these two aspects, leadership without management offers a vision without a direction on how success can be achieved PEER REVIEW Leadership and management can be differentiated when one of the two aspects is done without the involvement of the other....
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