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Engaging with professional Practice
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Running Head: ENGAGING WITH professional PRACTICE Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Work based learning programs involve institutional attachment sessions meant to facilitate learning process.... These institutions usually deal with relevant professional services within one's area of expertise with respect to academic background.... Raelin (2008) says that in actual career development, work based learning plays a significant role in informing students about the nature of practical professional settings....
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Professional Nursing Practice Issues
5 pages (1448 words) , Download 5 , Essay
As the author of the paper "professional Nursing Practice Issues" states, in recent years, there is a lack of professional nursing staff in Australia.... Unregulated care providers 'replace' professional nurses performing formal duties and secondary care for a wide number of patients.... Running Head professional Practice Issues Nursing professional Practice Issues Nursing Recent years, there is lack of professional nursing staff in Australia....
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Professional Translation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Six theories of equivalence are defined in this paper.... Leonardi (2000) gives a detailed analysis of these theories as studied by the 'most innovative theorists in this field'.... The analysis is done in chronological order, beginning from Vinay and Darbelnet, then to Jakobson's concept of equivalence in difference, Nida and Taber's formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence, Catford's linguistic-based approach to translation, House's theory which favours semantic and pragmatic equivalence, and Baker's detailed list of conditions upon which the concept of equivalence can be defined. ...
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Conflict & Intra-professional Relationships at the Workplace
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research report aiming at understanding the nurses' perceptions of intra-professional relations at the workplace is based on a study conducted with three groups of participants, belonging to the same hospital.... Stockhausen & Conrick (2002) have suggested in this regard considering a variety of online database resources in order to broaden the scope of the research.... The author has concluded that there should be more research on how to avoid this conflict and that priority should be given to prevent conflict rather than resolving it after it has occurred. ...
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Inter-Professional Approaches to Ethical Issues in Health Care Practice
8 pages (2365 words) , Download 1 , Essay
nternationally, health care frameworks are require to put the patient's interest first, support ethical research and innovation, ensure independence and ethical conduct, and more importantly, promote transparency and accountability in health care practice.... The paper 'Inter-professional Approaches to Ethical Issues in Health Care Practice' is an informative version of an essay on nursing.... The paper 'Inter-professional Approaches to Ethical Issues in Health Care Practice' is an informative version of an essay on nursing....
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Siblings Groups
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Regardless of the lack of literature and research that has been previously collected regarding the importance of the relationship between siblings, far too many children are separated from their siblings when child welfare agencies have to intervene.... his essay will review the current literature concerning the out-of-home placement of siblings including the impact of separation of siblings and research regarding this sensitive issue.... This essay will review the current literature concerning the out-of-home placement of siblings including the impact of separation of siblings and research regarding this sensitive issue....
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Explaining a Concept Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this research paper is explain the concept of why adoption from an animal shelter should be considered first when choosing a pet, rather than select an animal from a pet store.... Name and Number of the Course Date Acquiring a Pet: The Importance of Considering Adoption from an Animal Shelter Rather than Selecting a Pet from a Store Introduction A pet is defined as “any animal that is domesticated or tamed, and kept as a favorite, or treated with indulgence and fondness” (Serpell and Paul 129)....
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Physiology research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research report by Bender, Uebele, Renger and Trussell delves into the scientific phenomena that investigate the control of firing patterns through modulation of axon initial segment T-type calcium channels.... owever, the article recognizes the deficiency in sufficient knowledge Human Physiology: research Paper summary report The research report by Bender, Uebele, Renger and Trussell delves into the scientific phenomena that investigate the control of firing patterns through modulation of axon initial segment T-type calcium channels....
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Military Salary Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research Rationale The purpose of carrying out the study is to determine why salaries that military officers earn are not sufficient to cater for the risks involved and commitments during their service to their countries.... Finally, the research can gather information through direct observation of military officers as they carry out their operations.... research Objectives The aim of carrying out the research is to establish why the pay of military officers is not enough to cater for their risks as well as commitments....
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Assessment Analysis on External Business Environment
19 pages (5312 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Advances in hospitality management research.... he EU has tax bias and favours services bought locally, and don't recognize foreign academic and professional qualifications.... "Assessment Analysis on External Business Environment" paper examines the impact of socio-economic change on the development of commercial organizations in a business and services industry context....
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Discovering Professional Resources
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The information is available as a paper publication in addition to being accessible in online research portals.... Over the past few years, there have been several studies over the current education system and the practices that have been adopted as part of school administration....
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Drug Abuse Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
METHOD The main method of information gathering for this interesting but controversial topic was through qualitative research (Wikipedia.... Qualitative research is where an in-depth analysis of the topic is done based on facts.... The general conclusions and propositions are an indication that quantitative research was also done in order to support the facts in this report.... However you will notice that the knowledge gained from observation and the propositions collected by doing general research, were used to support the facts drawn from qualitative analysis....
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Professional organization
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
he Doctor of Nursing Program (DNP) is the future in nursing education and research.... In this case, AACN will be in equipping me with the necessary information that will enhance my capacity to advance my nursing education, research, and eventually my career.... There are various professional organizations in all fields and it is a challenge for a professional to participate in all these bodies.... s the role played by personal and professional development through nursing education, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the most appropriate professional organization that will help me achieve my professional and personal development goals....
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Essay Planning for Organizational Culture
2 pages (610 words) , Download 3 , Essay
To make sure that I use credible sources, I preferred looking into journal papers and books to other kinds of sources available online.... I also used the sources only that were published in the last five years to ensure that my paper covers recent research and is updated on the latest findings in the subject.... Then, I did some research and quoted sources in support of the argument reflected in the statement.... Thirdly, I did some research to write the counterarguments to the statement so that the viewpoints and opinions of the critics would be considered....
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Domestic Violence Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Commitments in personal and professional life have been increased a lot at present.... Kara Hunt Domestic Violence Domestic violence cases are increasing day by day not only in America, but in other parts of the world as well.... The intimacy within the family members has been decreased considerably over the past few decades because of the drastic changes happened in life styles and life philosophies....
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Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 10 , Essay
The aim of this study is to examine the professional, ethical and legal issues of which a qualified nurse should consider when dealing with a patient's dignity; to discuss social and cultural issues, confidentiality in respect of patients' information.... Nurses should be well versed with such legislation, in order to evade liability in their professional role.... As such, the NMC Code of professional Conduct requires nurses to document and systematically assess the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients, clients and communities (McSherry & Ross 2010)....
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Computer Ethics for IT Professionals
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
oor (1998) stressed on the relevance of computer ethics by defining it as a ‘special field of ethical research'.... he result, of the research in the field of computer ethics, has been that various vital aspects have been noticed by professionals and researchers to improve the security, safety of user's data and systems.... More research and study needs to be conducted in this domain to formulate effective standards for the code of conduct of IT professionals....
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Managed Care Professional Autonomy and Income
1 pages (380 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Managed Care professional Autonomy and Income" states that The emergency doctrine in the Good Samaritan Law exempts only nonprofessionals from rendering the required standard of care should they act intuitively in order to help a victim in need (Stoddard et al 1).... Since am a professional, the law does not protect me from a negligence suit should any accidents occur in the process of administering the CPR.... In society, they have the role of counseling and advising parents, writing medical articles to enlighten the public and providing professional testimony on behalf of victims of torture seeking asylum....
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Personal Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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When considering palliative care patients, it is an even bigger issue.... Advocates of the legalization of euthanasia for palliative care patients contend that a person has a right to die and to opt to end his.... ... ... These advocates also point out that with the cost of health care continuing to increase with each passing year, euthanasia should be considered as an option in health care....
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Exploratory Literature Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This has led to an increased interest in research in the management.... This research review aims to answer the following three questions: ... n examining the already existing pirical research about the "best" type of leadership we find support for every leadership style from “the transformational leader”, who encourages followers to ignore their self-interests for the good of the organization, to “the authoritative leader”, who runs a paternalistic organization, but treats employees with respect....
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Examination of the Role Played by Paramedical Professionals
1 pages (458 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Examination of the Role Played by Paramedical Professionals" paper states that a paramedic professional needs to possess basic skills of understanding his duty and human psychology and should be able to confront emergent situations and deal with them through proper evaluation and quick response.... CFR (Certified First Responder) is a paramedic professional whose duty is to provide pre-hospital care for medical emergencies....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
CORPORATE research PAPER ABOUT US AIRWAYS A.... From the research it was found that if the merger is successful then it has the potential to create the largest airline in the world in terms of global market access.... Introduction US Airways is one of the major airlines operating in United States and it is owned by the US Airways Group....
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Professional Limitationhology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One should know and explore one's own professional limitations, because it is this awareness that makes us better professionals.... professional Limitations One should know and explore one's own professional limitations, because it is this awareness that makes us better professionals.... Furthermore, professional limitations must be known because when dealing with children of any age everybody is interested and prone to speculating anything that seems out of place....
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Doing Business in the Midst of Cultural Change: South Africa: Specific Industry Analysis
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Hence, I would like to make further research studies in the country in future (atleast after 10 years to know exact situations and environments of doing businesses in the country; mainly after proper implementations of current policies and strategies of the South African government to boost up the business perspectives of the country.... On the contrary, Deloitte has been one of most important professional service providing firms in the country....
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Confidentiality and Relationships with Professionals
3 pages (975 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The NCDA states the same intention as "career professionals act to avoid harming their clients, students, trainees, and research participants and to minimize or to remedy unavoidable or unanticipated harm" (NCDA, 2007, A.... Section C speaks to professional responsibility, Capuzzi and Stauffer state that this section says that "professionals must perform at the highest level of their ability" (p.... This means as an example, that a career professional does not engage in mental health counseling because it is not within the scope of practice....
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Professional Biography of Joseph Campbell
2 pages (760 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "professional Biography of Joseph Campbell" focuses on the critical analysis of the interview of Joseph S.... Campbell explains that investigating cases requires confidentiality and professional discretion to avoid compromising criminal procedures.... In maintaining discretion and confidentiality, the department conducts training for its officers based on professional relations and communication ethics.... In addition, I learnt that a criminal justice professional should learn to maintain confidence and remain informed of pertinent criminal activities within society....
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Accountability in Nursing Profession
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In our research paper we will discuss the professional nurse accountability, groundwork of the accountability and present and future accountability for nursing profession.... The professional nurse accountability is an act of taking responsibility of what the nurses are liable and being expected to do regarding their profession that is directly and indirectly related with the client's well-being and health.... The professional Nurse Accountability As mentioned above, the accountability is not only liable and considered necessary for the managers and leaders, but every individual in the organization is liable and accountable....
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Fine Arts research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this research, we attempt to explore the treatment of the female gender by two artists namely, Sandro Botticelli and Tiziano Vecellio on the identity of Venus in their specific paintings.... These artists belong to different time settings and thus have explored Venus in a.... ...
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Steps for Doing Research
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the essay 'Steps for Doing research' the author gives advice on how to write the research.... He finds out whether the topic he has is feasible for research and if it could be done effectively.... The author states that when a subject has been taken and accepted for research, finding the references and sources for the paper is the next important step.... With regards to finding the sources meant for this research paper, the materials required should have a strong academic background or that the author of the source should be credible enough to cite....
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Impact of TESOL Continuing Professional Development programs (CPDs)
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The article investigates several research papers on professional training programs, and outlines various findings to make a general summary regarding the impact of such programs.... professional development in any job is important in ensuring the skills, knowledge, and performance of staff is improved.... There are different professional development programmes constructed based on specific professional needs and experience of trainers....
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Health Information Professionals Care
21 pages (5992 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This paper ''Health Information Professionals Care'' tells us that it for patients by keeping a track of their vital medical data.... They are liable for maintaining patients' health information and they further ensure that information collected from the source is readily available when needed by the healthcare providers....
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Ethical Challenges Faced by Professional Communicators
4 pages (1336 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of the paper "Ethical Challenges Faced by professional Communicators" is to present ethical challenges faced by selected professional communicators through a closer analysis of three organizations' codes of ethics or standards of behavior.... Assignment #2: Ethical Challenges Faced by professional Communicators Number and Submitted Assignment #2: Ethical Challenges Faced by professional Communicators Section I.... Purpose of the Paper The purpose of the paper is to present ethical challenges faced by selected professional communicators through a closer analysis of three organizations' code of ethics or standards of behavior....
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Personal Career Development for Professionals
2 pages (548 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Personal Career Development for Professionals" notes that professional careers include a list of professionals but as time has changed other than doctors, engineers, architects and lawyers, artists, accountants, social workers, educators, and other professions are a part of careers.... Adopting one of the traditional careers I opted to be an educator, I am at just the beginning of my professional career.... professional careers aim is to provide the best of the services one is specialized at without any issues....
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Strategic Management Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
They have sale papers inserted in every Wednesday and Sunday paper.... Strategic Management [Submitted By] [Submitted To] ASBSTRACT Tolapp Corporation is a successful US manufacturing company located in Tennessee that builds power tools, lawn mowers, lawn furniture, microwaves, and ranges....
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Appropriate Policies for Professional Service Firms
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
It also shall aid the firm in possessing efficient research and Development (R&D) facilities with the assistance of which, innovative products and/or services can be offered to worldwide customers (Isoraite, 2009). ... k/filemanager/root/site_assets/research_resources/research/stimulus_papers/2012-Stimulus%20-%20Kennie%20-%20Professional%20Services.... The current paper "Appropriate Policies for professional Service Firms" examines that it is essential for professional Service Firms (PSFs) to formulate appropriate policies along with strategies in order to enhance their growth as well as development in the worldwide market segments....
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Understanding Professional Competence
1 pages (316 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Understanding professional Competence" states that the author totally agrees with the way you see and interpret professional competence.... professional competence is 'the ability to perform to the standards expected in employment' (Mitchell cited in Holmes).... It is only through experience, dedication, and determination that one gets to identify the fundamental drivers of professional competence at work, and thus control them in a way to improve his/her own professional competence....
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Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology
5 pages (1375 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Often professional psychologists tend to share personal and interpersonal information about patients with their peers, colleagues, family, friends, research participants, students, laboratory associates and even with other patients.... The paper "Legal Aspects of professional Psychology" highlights that in present times, more and more psychologies are extending their help to heal people suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, restlessness, and other numerous psychological problems....
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The Importance and Significance of Professional Identity Development
8 pages (2408 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They work in fields in order to undertake the research work and perform their duties for the betterment of the quality of lives and for the development of the group's or individuals' potential and strengths.... Exploring Inter-professional Collaboration within Action research Group in Health Care Sectors.... The paper "The Importance and Significance of professional Identity Development" analyzes and discusses how nurses and social workers tend to build their professional identity and develop a charismatic personality through their expertise and proficiency....
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Leading Role of a Training Professionals
6 pages (1685 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This encourages innovation and the entire academic fraternity is motivated to excel in education and research.... The industries provide students with demonstrated academic potential with resources to undertake further research in particular areas of interests.... This paper explores the role of professional training in promoting innovation and change in the current organizational setup. ... Unlike the previous specialists who specialized in a particular discipline, ability to multitask is a highly sought attribute in a professional in the current business environment....
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Research Paper on Fences by August Wilson
8 pages (2285 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This is the research paper on Fences by August Wilson.... research paper on 'Fences' by August Wilson 'Fences' by August Wilson is a prominent example of African-American drama.... August Wilson: A research and Production Sourcebook.... May All Your Fences Have Gates: essays on the Drama of August Wilson.... May All Your Fences Have Gates: essays on the Drama of August Wilson....
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Communication Skills and Health Care Professionals
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Lagging behind in these skills can prove to be a big weakness for the career prospects of a healthcare professional.... Hence communication skills relating to dealing with patients are an essential part of the healthcare professional's repertoire, lacking which professional practice cannot flourish.... Any deficiency in this skill can prove to be a big weakness for the professional.... In order to master this skill, the healthcare professional must also have good language comprehension and sentence composition skills....
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Critical Professional Biography: Nursing
6 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Listening to patients: A phenomenological approach to nursing research and practice.... The researcher aims to tell about his professional biography as a nurse.... The researcher also tells about one of the most important lessons that he has learned as a nurse which is that professional values are a critical part of one's career as they guide our actions and decisions.... The researcher states that throughout his nursing career, he has come to appreciate the importance of exemplifying the professional values as well as developing my communication and interpersonal skills....
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Frist quality management assays
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research study done on legal advisors, where the sample consisted of 600 commercial business organizations drawn from ‘Key British Enterprises' 1989 proved that “Clients with higher perceptions of service quality are likely to consider changing their legal advisers less often and expect to enjoy longer working relationships with their corporate legal advisers....
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The Persuasive Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize The announcement of the 2009 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize attracted opinions from many expressing their dissatisfaction and approval according to Phillips and Newman (1).... It is a tolerable position that any public debate would attract protagonists and antagonists, with equal measure....
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Statistics Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Statistics research Paper [Name of the student] [Name of Institution] Statistics research Paper Introduction The eating habits of people round the globe have contributed to the increased obesity rates, Americans being at the top.... research suggests that surplus sugar can modify metabolism, damage liver and elevate blood pressure.... It has also been suggested by research that sugar triggers similar pathways as conventional drugs like heroin and morphine....
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Professional Affiliations
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Journal is unique for it offers the latest advances in the area of clinical research, with special features.... The journal is based on current evidence, that is a threat to emergency nurses every day and features updates on the field and original research.... The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a professional organization that advance and protect the interest of nursing.... It appears to be the only full-service professional body representing the....
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Ethics and Leadership Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Cross-cultural management research: the ostrich and the trend.... In a healthy professional atmosphere, abuses and physical punishments are not part of the working environment.... The objective of the paper "Ethics And Leadership" is to analyze the scenario in which the company had to agree with such unethical behavior and if there were any initiatives taken by the company to avoid the situation....
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Professional Development Plan
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The first year of my studies gave to me a valuable lesson: existing skills, no matter their extension and uniqueness, can be always developed and improved in order to secure professional development in the long term.... Moreover, through the participation in tasks activities I was able to understand the practical aspects and needs of business management, especially in regard to ethics and....
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Research Paper ( Fine Art)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research Paper (Fine Art) Name: Institution: Topic one The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the city of New York is a state facility that stocks an assortment of artifacts from diverse cultures.... The museum of arts, just as its name suggests preserves artifacts from different cultures ranging from paintings to sculptures among other most common forms of products of arts (Sporre 20)....
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Mini Persuasive Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Arguments against breast augmentation: One of the most compelling arguments that is put against the procedure of breast augmentation is that research has proven time and time again that the procedure in itself and the silicone implants are dangerous to women's health in a number of ways (Food Drug Assosiation, 2011).... The research identified more than 34 cases of ALCL in which the patient had undergone breast augmentation around the world that were unique....
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