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( Fine Art) - Research Paper Example

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Research Paper (Fine Art) Name: Institution: Topic one The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the city of New York is a state facility that stocks an assortment of artifacts from diverse cultures. The museum of arts, just as its name suggests preserves artifacts from different cultures ranging from paintings to sculptures among other most common forms of products of arts (Sporre 20)…
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Research Paper ( Fine Art)
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This therefore implies that art is relative and differs greatly with the region either of origin or of representation. The metropolitan Museum in New York therefore stocks artifacts from diverse cultures among the most common of the current exhibits are The Sleeping Eros, Birds in the art of Japan and Plain or Fancy among many others. The above artifacts have unique features that set them apart from the rest. Additionally, the creators of such works employ different artistic features to ensure that the above artifacts communicate effectively and draw the attention from their audiences.

Each of the three artifacts has specific placing and draw relevance to specific cultures. However, the modern society is integrated and culture therefore is increasingly difficult to distinct between the different social groupings. This requirement by the modern consumers of art works dictates the use of familiar and modern features that best earn the artifacts familiarity with the modern audience. Owing to such features as time and the social stratifications, the different artifacts possess distinctive features, which readily set them apart in terms of both their time of production thus their target audience.

The Sleeping Eros for example is an iconic artifact in the museum, one of the oldest and among the finest. Set during the Bronze Age in the human history, the artifact consists of pure bronze. Man had identified a number of metals throughout the evolution history. The discovery of bronze was an integral period in the development of man since with bronze, man could make very strong and durable (Semper and Harry 33). Bronze was therefore the only essential tool man had, he artifact is therefore also made of bronze and set in the early times.

The sleeping Eros is a simple artifact, which simply depicts a sleeping male child with curly white hair lying on his left arm but with a wing. The simplicity of the creation makes it easier to understand and is typical of the timing of the artifact. At such early periods, man had not developed sophisticated features that could influence the development of more sophisticated artifacts. However, in its simplicity owing to the use of bronze, which was arguably easier to manipulate, the artifact conveys complex social features of the early Greek society.

The hair of the Eros among other pertinent features sets it to the early Greek culture. Its other intricate features such as the wing and the missing left arm set it in the supernatural world thereby earning it some elements of divinity. Plain or fancy is yet another beautiful artifact, which just as the name depicts a comparison of two iconic artifacts bound into one. It is a painting of two different jugs. One of the jugs is earthen while the other is metallic. The difference between the jugs is conspicuous yet it becomes increasingly difficult to select which is more beautiful.

In such a simple creation, the artist manages to conceal his intended meaning in the contours of his creation. The relativity in the comparison of the two jugs is also applicable in the analysis of the message that the artist communicates in his artifact (Foster and Judith 51). It is evident that the artifact compares a number of features of both the earthen jug and the metallic one. In the history of man, the use of earthenware was characteristic of the

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“Research Paper ( Fine Art) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words”, n.d.
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