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11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
The researcher states that wind energy, as a renewable energy source, has the potential of being cost-effective and has a high capacity factor. Most commercially operating wind turbines have horizontal axis designs with variable speed electric power generation. Variable speed wind power generation is superior to fixed speed generation in that.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Four hydrogen coolers exist in this particular generator. They exist in a veridical position in the frame of the generator. Two of the coolants are positioned at the end of the generator frame while the other two are placed at the axial center line of the generator. It is possible to take out one coolant while the rest remain performing.
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8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
The speed of sliding of these layers can be increased may be as twice as fast as the initial one, the fluid must be made to overcome the resisting force. Newton explained that the slower these layers slide over each other, the lesser resistance. If there were, no variance between this speed the resistance would not be there.
This discussion talks that in the Non- relativistic category, the vector force fields are considered to be the simplest physical fields. Faraday’s lines of force describing an electric field were the first time that these fields were taken seriously. The same method was used to describe the fields of gravitation.
The flow becomes turbulent in the layers adjacent to the airfoil. This causes an increase in drag force on the airfoil. Modern aircrafts use different features in order to avoid adverse effects of high speed flight, important among these include using thin airfoils, using supercritical airfoils and using sweep back angle
Although the image of the Carbon Nanotube structure might appear very visible to the eye, in reality, the tubular structure of carbon atoms has a diameter in the nanometer range while the length is in terms of micrometers. Multi-Walled CNT (MWCNT) has a greater diameter than Single-Walled CNT (SWCNT). MWCNT can have from 2 – 100s of concentric walls.
The major role of the pasteurization is seen in the milk packaging industries, juice manufacturing and packaging industries, packaging industries and other similar industries. It is common fact that milk is good after pasteurization or treatment of heat. Refrigeration also enhances the shelf life of the food product without spoiling it.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The speed gun calculated the speed by taking pictures of the vehicle at two different frames of time. The time difference between these two shots allows the traffic police to calculate the speed by using the equations of motion. Equations of motions are in fact the backbone of physics with regards to speed and time calculations
From the analysis of the findings of the experiment, it is evident that all results are in agreement with previous studies. The method, which the author of the paper has used to explain the effect of intensity of light on photoelectric current has highlighted a positive linear relationship with only slight deviations.
Recent development has challenged this structure. Electricity market liberalization introduced in 1989 has had a profound impact on the nature of the UK electricity delivering industry. This along with the technological advances and increased environmental concerns are reported to have fueled increased interest.
The value of the capacitor required to create the frequency of 2.5 KHz is calculated by multiplying the frequency by the resistance. A first-order high pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 4KHz. You are required to produce a circuit diagram for each case, and calculate the value of the capacitor required to meet the frequency response requirements stated.
Metals such as copper, molybdenum, zinc, and iron are crucial for innumerable enzymatic reactions as well as biological processes in the human body. However, the presence of these metals in our environment results in health hazards and risks. They are capable of causing acute toxicity. More so, through their insidious action mode, metals are promoting chronic conditions such as carcinogenesis.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Hundreds of years ago Galileo found that one could “slow down” the acceleration by not letting things fall straight down. Rather, he made them “fall” at an angle; in other words, he let them fall down an inclined plane. In this way, they didn’t cover as much distance in a given time interval and the change in speed was slower.
The author of the assignment lists three factors that determine the height, length, and period of a wave, examines distinguish between a flood current and an ebb current, defines the meteorology terms and describes the principle of the aneroid barometer and how the Coriolis effect modifies an air movement
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
A Large Ion Collider Experiment involves some of the hottest collisions being performed within the collider, in the hopes of breaking the bonds between quarks and gluons. If this occurs, it will produce a material known as quark-gluon plasma, which probably made up the universe in the time following the Big Bang.
According to the text, when this condition arises, a shock wave is created at the point where the flow reaches the sonic speed. As the speed increases, regions of very low pressure are created. This causes the flow to separate from the airfoil thereby substantially increasing the drag forces on it.
2 pages (500 words)
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, Book Report/Review
This research study began by gathering VEGETATION (VGT) data in order to get a synoptic perspective of the extent of fire in Roraima State. P-products of 21 April 1998 were obtained from VITO (Vegetation Imagery Processing Centre, Belgium) via CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France).
Stepper Motors A typical stepper motor has four coils evenly spaced around the field and a permanent magnet armature. If any combination of field orientation can be generated by controlling which coils are turned on, and which direction current
The most emissions are produced to fulfill the energy requirements in the United States. In this way, there is a need to find such resources that produce no or less harmful emissions. Renewable energy resources and nuclear energy are free from harmful emissions while coal and other fossil fuel resources produce much greenhouse emissions.
GE Aviation is the most interesting of all the blogs. It is because their concepts are well articulated with examples, and keep on updating the site. They have integrated Twitter where people can access others' comments. They create the urge to learn more by posting concepts about future systems and how they will impact the aviation world.
Vibrating electrons move to the next atom and transfer their energy onto its electron, making it vibrate and produce another electromagnetic wave. The absorption and remission process continues. The speed of the wave depends upon the density, material, and atomic structure of the medium. Hence, the article briefly explains the nature and production of electromagnetic waves.
1 pages (250 words)
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, Literature review
Alclad exhibits a longer fatigue life than the bare material in both arsenated and saltwater, by a factor of two. Aircraft skin is made from aluminum 2024. Its major alloy is copper. The copper gives it strength, but it reduces the aircraft's skin’s resistance to corrosion. A clad layer is added because of its high resistance to corrosion as illustrated previously.
The imaging from a color flow Doppler applies pulsed wave ultrasound. The procedural action of color flow and pulsed wave Dopplers varies. The average Doppler shift is encoded as red for positive Doppler shifts moving towards the transducer and blue for negative Doppler shifts moving away from the transducer.
The author states that force is defined as the changer of motion. Meaning that there is a conventional tendency of an object to maintain its current position. All objects tend to resist changes in their current motion state. When the unbalanced force is absent, the object in a moving motion will maintain its motion state.
As the discussion, How does the Study of Heat Relate to the Kinetic Theory of Matter?, stresses, according to the kinetic theory of matter, all the substances (matter) are made up of small particles. These particles have a rapid random motion. The kinetic theory of matter explains the differences between three states of matter such as solids, liquids, and gases.
To some extent, I have subscribed to the popular idea that climate change is beyond human control and that we should let nature take its course. However, my learning experience has changed the majority of the beliefs that I have held before about sustainable management of natural resources.
For several decades big bang theory has been the most successful theory about the beginning of the universe. Other theories about the beginning of the universe come and go. As the new research and data are continuously eliminating the alternative theories about the existence of the universe, the roots of the big bang are becoming stronger.
Metaphysics is a philosophical branch which examines true scenario of reality. The reality can be evidenced or not evidenced since. In this case, there are relationships between matter and intelligence, attributes and matter, and, reality and value. Metaphysics is not a religion, but it is associated directly to spirituality.
6 pages (1839 words)
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, Research Paper
Hornblende andesite type of rock is formed through igneous and metamorphic processes. It is a major rock-forming mineral that is found in different types of igneous and metamorphic environments. There are two varieties of hornblende andesite rocks. One that is gray and slightly purplish in color, friable, fine-grained, and somewhat porous.
A refrigerator is a household appliance that is artificially kept cold to preserve food and beverages for a reasonably long period. It consists of a thermally insulated compartment accompanied with a heat pump that is used to transfer heat from inside the fridge to the external environment.
Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space and has mass. This is the alltime definition of matter. Mass on the other hand is the quantity that a substance possesses depending on the gravitational force acted on it when it is assigned a unit of weight. The formula is w=mg. even though sometimes the weight can vary.
The greatest challenge facing mankind in the Twenty First Century will be reversing the effects of global warming and combating the perception of nuclear generated power from the general vilification it has undergone in the past two decades.
The meteorites have remained a significant comic jackpot since April 22, 2012. The meteorites of California remain very pivotal in the history of earth and meteorological sciences.
The hypothesis can also be termed a research question. The outcome of the hypothesis is usually unknown and the research is aimed to answer these questions. Write an equation for the following scenario: You drive your car for T hours at a speed of V km per hour. Find the total distance, D, traveled.
This presentation uses the information obtained from the crash site and as was reported on the statement of the various witnesses and participants that were involved. The aim is to establish what really happened on the day that Sandy’s car was totaled by a van while on her way to make the world a better place.
This paper analyzes the USGS interactive map and consequently identifies the most seismic hazard areas in the United States.USGS interactive map can also be used by both the federal and state agencies to regulate and control development and construction of property such as buildings within some areas with regard to...
This paper is aimed at providing a comparative study of the various material properties of the five selected materials. After comparison of the five materials, a single aluminum alloy and the composite material is chosen for our aircraft design. The conclusion of this paper discusses the reasons for the material choices.
Under the earth's surface, the conditions available do not allow the rocks to exist in their solid state. They exist as magma is a hot liquid. As the magma moves upwards, cooling takes place, and it finally solidifies to form igneous rocks. Some of the magma under pressure during the process of volcanicity moves out as lava on the earth's surface.
However, we have just been considering life forms that may have developed in the presence of water and in the earth-like conditions but there is every possibility that life forms may exist in conditions that we may discard as being unsuitable for life since those are not the conditions for life as we know it (Greene).
It is undeniable that Orlando is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Actually, the city is nicknamed The City Beautiful. This title may cease to make meaning if the current water pollution is not addressed appropriately and promptly. Orlando has failed to control water pollution to the extent that the federal government had to intervene.
In calculating the specific heat of the solid for the two experiments, an error of 0.006cal/g-degrees became found for copper while an error of 0.003cal/g-degrees became recorded for Iron. Therefore, iron recorded a percentage error of 2.86% from the accepted value while copper recorded a percentage error of 6.45%.
There are three sets of gradient coils, one for each direction. The variation in the magnetic field permits the localization of image slices as well as phase encoding and frequency encoding. The set of gradient coils for the z-axis are Helmholtz pairs, and for the x and y axes, paired saddle coils.
To begin with pool applies many laws of physics like Newton’s first law of motion which describe the fact that a body will always remain in its state of rest. This is clearly evident when the ball is struck with the cue stick. Theoretically unless the ball makes contact with a wall or a ball its speed will remain constant.
A car ascends a steep hill The potential energy will be increasing while the kinetic energy decreases water is forced upward through a pipe The potential energy will be increasing while the kinetic energy decreases
The advanced imaging technique uses the highly powerful magnetic field to align atomic nuclei, after which the radio frequency systematically alters the alignment of these nuclei. The activity produces a rotating magnetic field, which is detectable using a scanner. The information is then read recorded and to create an image of the scanned body.
The projectile was positioned in such a way that it launched the ball horizontally. The height where the ball leaves was then recorded. The ball was then pushed into the back making sure it did not move forward. A test shot was then made to determine where the ball lands after which a carbon paper was placed on the white sheet.
Place the coins in the box with all coins turned to "heads" up. Record the total number (50) as the number of parent radioactive atoms at time equals zero. Shake the box well (up and down, not side to side as the coins might just slide and not flip over). After shaking (representing one time period), remove all of the coins which end up as "tails".
The fundamental outcomes of the physics and chemistry of solids is the understanding that solids are subject to the microstructure, that means the chemical structure and the atomic structure and the mass of a solid in one, two or three dimensions. If any of these factors are altered, the material properties of a solid differ.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
The percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is constantly increasing because of massive industrialization and use of fossil fuel resources. The constant increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is disturbing the balance between various natural processes. The balance between natural processes is important to maintain a healthy temperature.