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Newton's Second Law for an Elevator Accelerating Upwards Physics Essay
1 pages (469 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The higher the acceleration of the elevator the higher the normal reaction registered. For example, a normal reaction of 704N corresponds to an acceleration of 1.2m/s^2 whereas a normal reaction of 616 corresponds to a -0.128m/s^2 acceleration. For zero acceleration, the normal reaction remains constant as shown in table 1. 
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The Science Fiction about Robotic Mission Physics Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The journey to explore the outer space has not only been limited or restricted to exploring the other planets and the moon.
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Earth's Magnetic Field Physics Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A magnetic field is produced by the movement of particles with electric charges. The movement of electric charges produces an electric current. This electric current creates a magnetic field which can be large or small. Without the production of electric current, the magnetic field cannot be experienced.
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The population of Kenya Physics Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Kenya is located in the eastern part of Africa covering an area of 582,650 square kilometers which is equal to 224,962 square miles. The country has a coastline of approximately 536 kilometers (Blades 17). Its capital city is Nairobi which is strategically located slightly south of the country’s center point.
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Alternate Energy Engineering - Turbine Blades Physics Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Wind turbines have been in use for many years. Wind turbines were used earlier in the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17 and 18th century to grind grains. Turbine blades were made from wood and cloth to extract as much wind energy as the blade can. Previously the designs of the turbine blades are not very impressive to attain the maximum amount of energy from wind.
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Process of Heating the Water Physics Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
During the process of heating the water, every 500-W increment is dissipated through the insulated tank wall so the increase of power input ought to be compensated with the addition of foam (in direct proportion) with relative thickness so as to prevent unnecessary heat loss until the water has achieved the desired temperature at 65°C.
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Newton's laws Physics Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor, philosopher, and alchemist. A man of profound genius, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history. Among his scientific accomplishments, Newton wrote the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, wherein he described universal gravitation.
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Geology / petrology: Classification of Granitoids Physics Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the report granitoids are rich in iron and magnesium which are dark minerals. Granitoid is an assortment of rock which is coarse in texture and predominantly contains feldspar and quartz. Granitoid is classified in to different types according to mineral composition, chemical and isotopic characteristics, petrographical feature and their field.
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Two-Way Crossover and Second Order Butterworth Physics Essay
4 pages (1188 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is a passive filter circuit that combines inductance and capacitance to allow a specific range of signal frequency to pass and stops those out of its range. The simple LC network forms a series-tuned network, where if we consider the low pass filter the series component reactance increases while that of the shunt component decreases.  
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The Vectors of the Magnetic Moment Physics Essay
3 pages (978 words) , Download 2 , Essay
By applying pulse with 180o, the pulse with double length as the length of RF pulse with 90o angle will be achieved, and magnetization would be rotated to the –z-axis. Thus after the RF pulse is applied, the spins at the armour frequency of the rotating frame will rotate forward (clockwise), and those moving slower will rotate backwards.
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Gas turbine engine basics Physics Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Under these conditions, the constant k is unity. Therefore, F=ma The turboprop propulsion system consists of a core engine and a propeller. The general principles in
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Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Sources Physics Coursework
1 pages (350 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
Solar energy is another renewable energy source presented in the video. Man traps sunlight using solar panels, which in turn converts it to usable energy. In addition, liquid fuels generated from straws obtained after harvesting of corn and similar crops form a renewable, alternative energy source. The materials are then put into a processor that converts them to ethanol.
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A Detailed Photographic Maps of the Lunar Surface Physics Essay
2 pages (631 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Terrae: The very large land masses on the moon’s surface; used to describe the lunar highlands. Mare, Maria: The term(s) means “sea.” They are used to describe the circular planes, and low basins, that are comprised of previous basaltic lava flows. Lacus: “Lakes” is the actual translation, and describe the smaller plains on the surface of the moon. 
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The Problem with a Clockwork Universe Physics Assignment
1 pages (358 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Empiricism theory claims that individuals need experience because it expands their knowledge about the world. Uncertainty Principle evaluation of the universe is not essential to the empirical model because it focuses on observations. It does not depend on physical theories like uncertainty principle.
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Minerals and Rocks: Inks Lake Physics Research Paper
3 pages (1026 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The rocks under study were Magmatic Gneiss, quartzite, granite, amphibole/amphibolite, and igneous intrusions. The basic idea was to identify how these rocks within this area were formed, their basic mineral composition, and their strata arrangement. This trip was also aimed at establishing a historical background on the formation of rocks and minerals.
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Sedimentary or metamorphic rocks and engineering issues Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the major parameters that affect an earthquake’s shaking intensity is the physical parameter, which includes such things as soil types and rock types (Monroe &
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Path Followed Light Physics Lab Report
1 pages (407 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
Light is electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength. In a vacuum, light travels at a speed of 3.0 x 108 m/s = 300,000,000 m/s (Lynch and Livingston 6). There are various sources of light with most of them being thermal. Light behaves like a particle and wave. Light has various properties. One such property that the experiment tries to prove is to determine the path traveled by the light.
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Brain-Eating Amoeba Issues Physics Essay
5 pages (1572 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The brain-eating amoeba in most cases finds suitable thriving conditions in soil and warm water, especially in rivers, hot springs, and lakes. The first identification of the brain-eating amoeba occurred in Australia. However, researchers believe that Naegleria fowleri evolved in the United States of America (Cajigal, 8).
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Reflection and refraction Physics Lab Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 11 , Lab Report
The popular examples include the reflection of water, light and sound waves. On the other hand, refraction refers to the change in the direction as the waves pass from one medium to the next (Strong 8). The change in
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Europa's Subsurface Hydrothermal Vents, 'Super-Earth', Eccentricity of Saturn etc, Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bii, Lipps and Riebold (2005, p.3) insists that the changes within the hydrothermal departments are enough to produce life, as proven by photographs of fish and other life forms in such
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El Nio and La Nia Physics Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
El Niño is said to be due to the warming of the surface water of an ocean that usually takes place somewhere in the equatorial zone of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. The La Niña on the
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Fuel Systems and Alternative Fuels Physics Article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Inversely, Dowling has also been thoughtful to outline a few threats posed by the invention of biofuels. However, the article seems quite descriptive with no clear objectives. The writer sees two conflicting ideologies in the use of
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Dark Energy: Theory and Observations Physics Essay
2 pages (571 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Astronomers have proposed three principal ideas that attempt to explain dark energy. The proposed ideas include; cosmological constant, quintessence, and moduli. Cosmological constant refers to a constant energy density that fills empty space in a uniform manner. Ideally, it is the volume of space that consists of intrinsic basic energy. 
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Against nuclear power Physics Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Some Sophisticated radical groups have even shown some degree of keen interest in the acquisition of nuclear weapons. Similarly, nuclear stuff and the nuclear material assembly have turned out to be even more complex to control. The energy security as well as the
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Explaining Saturns Ring Physics Essay
1 pages (364 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Different theories have been put forward to explain the catastrophic events that are responsible for Saturn’s ring. Creationists have argued that Saturn’s rings are less than 1 million years old but evolutionists claim that it is 4-5 billion years old hence leaving it a center of arguments and controversies.
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Comparison of Satellites Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A single orbit around Jupiter lasts Io only 42.5 hours. Io has high volcanic activity, and its volcanic lava flows and plumes paint its surface various shades of yellow, white, red, green, and black due to compounds and allotropes of sulfur.
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Energy Statistics Physics Admission/Application Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Rotation of wind turbines by wind results to rotation of magnets. This finally creates and produces electricity. Usually, wind turbines and wind towers are built on wind farms together. In the recent years, wind power has
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Earth and Space Sciences Physics Assignment
1 pages (494 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The continental crust comprises rocks and areas of seabed that are near the shore. The oceanic crust is the slim part of the earth's crust that is beneath the ocean basin. The oceanic crust is heavier and simpler than the continental crust. It is, therefore, the one that is beneath the continental crust because of its heaviness.
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Effect of Different Materials on Radiation using the Shielding Material Physics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Radiation is used by health care industry for many purposes like UV rays for disinfection, x-rays for imaging etc. Every time radiation is used by any instrument, the intensity and time of exposure to the particular type of radiation have to be determined to make sure to reduce the ill effects of over dosage of radiation.
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Conceptual Shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards: Opportunities and Challenges by Pratt Physics Essay
1 pages (431 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The benefits to be gained give a good reason as to why the challenges have to be overcome at all costs. Achieving this, however, comes with proper planning and coordinated implementation. The seven shifts to be implemented need the careful determination of how many changes have to be made or how policies have to be reoriented to fit with the shifts
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Heat Energy and Climate Change Physics Term Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
seful in industrial set ups such as in geothermal electricity generation, its effects environmental effects of global warming that also extend to health effects are evident. An understanding of heat mechanism, heat and mechanical work, and mechanisms of heat transfer is
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Solar System Formation Lab Physics Lab Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 12 , Lab Report
Mentally note the Sun-Earth-Moon positions. Where is the dark side of the Moon? Facing away from sun Where is the far side of the Moon? Facing away from sun_ Position yourself and the Moon so that the Moon is in its 3rd quarter phase.
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Static Equilibrium Physics Lab Report
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
Through the experiment, a number of measurements indicated in an appropriate table and later the values calculated. The final results found is shown at the results table that proceeds
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Global Ocean Currents explain why Northern Hemisphere is the soggier one Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2013), the article contends that this pattern arises from global ocean currents that come from the Polar Regions that are far away. There are intense rainfall regions in narrow bands within the deep tropics across the globe, which can be found closely
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Scale and Geologic Time Lab Physics Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
I. First you need to determine your scale of comparison. This is the human scale you are going to use to compare with the geologic time scale. For this exercise
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Natural Science short answers Physics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Who is correct in this argument about weight? Explain. The sluggers who prefer heavier bats are correct. Lighter bats are easier and faster to swing however, they have less inertia. A ball from a corked bat comes out with less velocity meaning a shorter hit. A
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Shoreline Erosion Control Techniques Physics Essay
2 pages (601 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The shoreline is a very vital geographical feature. Acting as a cushion for strong winds and waves, providing habitat and good breeding grounds for fish and a good leisure atmosphere to contemplate nature, these are but a few importance of the shoreline. Processes that change shoreline include erosion, transport and deposition.
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Scientific Misconduct Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Published research is some of the time inclined to be maltreated and when this is uncovered, the researcher mindful is liable to expert approvals (termination) and sent to correctional facilities. The unfortunate behavior has influenced
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PHY100 Writing Assignment 1 Physics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
bber band is able to stretch because its molecules are tangled together in unstretched state thus elasticity occurs because the molecules curl up when released. Since a rubber band is made up of many polymer chains, when in relaxed state, the molecules have significant freedom
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Coefficient of Kinetic and Static Friction Physics Lab Report
1 pages (247 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
Static friction is not necessarily always more than kinetic friction even though the coefficient of static friction is more than the coefficient of kinetic friction. This is because static friction is not constant and depends upon the force applied to the body to move it which is a bit less than limiting friction.
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Fibre-reinforced plastic Physics Coursework
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The author states that in certain cases, manufacturers of fibre-reinforced polymer use other fibres such as wood, paper and asbestos. Normally, the polymer is a piece of polyester thermosetting plastic, a vinyl ester or an epoxy. The aerospace, marine, construction and automotive industries are the most frequent users of FRPs.
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Moving charge create a magnetic field Physics Lab Report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
rges, the magnetic field can also exert a force on a current and for a straight wire with length L carrying current I, the magnitude of the force that is exerted by the magnetic field B is given by: From the lab experiment carried out above, the objectives have been met and the
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The Refraction Experiment Physics Lab Report
5 pages (1331 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
The aims of the experiment were to determine the refractive index of water and to establish whether the salinity of water affected its refractive index. The refractive indices of the first experiment as demonstrated in Table 1 indicate that there was a minimal difference. The average refractive index for the first experiment was found to be 1.38. 
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Homework in Science and Technology Physics Coursework
3 pages (827 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The expansion of air that occurred when the bottle was allowed to return to its original shape and volume was accompanied by a decrease in the temperature of air inside the bottle. These observations indicate that when air is compressed, its temperature increases, and when air expands, its temperature decreases.
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Physics lap report Physics Lab Report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
Using this round-trip time and the speed of sound, Logger Pro determines the position of the object. It can then use the change in position to
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Assessing the Potential Risk of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis Physics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This assessment paper broadly uses risk analysis techniques in order to understand the potential risk of earthquakes, tsunami and volcanoes at Dallas, Texas. Being a metropolitan city in the South, Dallas has a history of earthquakes that occurred every year. But
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A Short Paper on the Inside the Solar System Physics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Other materials stuck together to form planets, moon, comets, asteroids and other celestial bodies which make up the solar system. The solar system forms part of the galaxy which is a collection of stars and planets which forms the Milky Way. This
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Solar System and Moon Phases Physics Lab Report
1 pages (290 words) , Download 9 , Lab Report
At night when darkness sets in, it glows by reflecting light from the sun. It revolves around the earth making a complete revolution in thirty days. The revolution ensures that its position in relation to both the Earth and the Sun varies. The changing positions result in its light being felt differently on Earth.
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Moving Charge Creates a Magnetic Field Physics Lab Report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
This law states that if the right handed screw moves forward in the direction of the conventional current, the direction of rotation of the screw gives the direction of the field. Moving electric charges create magnetic fields B described
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College Application Personal Statement Physics Personal Statement
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Personal Statement
I would like to expand my knowledge in these two areas and be able to pass the same knowledge to students. I hope to be able to change the attitude of students about these subjects. My
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