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The war on terror, popularly known as the war on terrorism or the global war on terror, is an internationally recognized military campaign that is led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom. In this war, the US and UK are supported by other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries as illustrated by Ahmed (2003).
Special Air Service Regiment soldiers from Australia were some of the first foreigners to get into Afghanistan, just after the USA and British Special Forces. 1000 Australian soldiers were deployed and they needed a budget of $1.1 billion from 2001-2002. Like the USA, the Australian government insisted that it did not want to be engaged in long-term fighting, nation-building, or reconstruction.
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The Israeli have insisted on land swops by making certain areas of the West Bank part of Israel. Recent peace talks held between negotiators of both groups ended up in a deadlock due to controversy over the region. The Palestinian faction through their leader Abbas maintained that if some sort of exchange in the Land is to take place, then the size of the land has to be equal.
Religious extremism is perhaps the biggest challenge the Pakistani society is facing today. Since the emergence of religious military groups during the Afghanistan war involving the West and the Soviets, Jihadism has entrenched itself in the fabric of the Pakistani society to the point that it is considered to be state policy in Pakistan.
Transnational crime continues to grow, and globalization has especially facilitated the expansion of crime across borders. There have been efforts at eliminating the various groups engaged in these activities. However, it is not easy to deal with them as they keep evolving, and in some cases are so deeply rooted in society that removing them is a challenge.
The US comes second with about forty-five percent of the total global nuclear warheads. China and France both contribute about two percent (2%) each to the total global stockpiles, while the UK, India, Pakistan, and Israel contribute about one percent each to the total global nuclear arsenals. There are a couple of (less than 10) warheads in North Korea, which intends to increase its stockpiles.
Several questions have attracted heated debates in the security sector. Most of the questions have been left unanswered for various years due to the complexity revolving around the security issues whereas others have been discussed explored by various researchers and scholars across the globe. One of the issues is the question of whether security is enhanced through arms control measures.
Al Qaeda can be considered the epitome of global terrorism and international insecurity having orchestrated attacks on civilians and military bases around the globe by using suicide bombers and implementation of instantaneous terrorist attacks on varied targets to cause as much damage and fear against its real or perceived enemies.
The victory experiences over the Liberation Tigers by Sri Lanka offer insights into counter-insurgency strategies that have a higher possibility of success. In order to achieve victory over the insurgents, Sri Lanka had to transform its practices including tactical and structural alterations and modifications.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Literature review
From the examples provided and the opinions of different scholars on the matter, it can be seen that terrorism is based on achieving different socio-political objectives. Although it has undergone several changes over the course of time, terrorism, as practiced today, still retains the political objective that is based on religious fundamentalism.
The United Nations said that the nation has such high rates of crime owing to poor economic and political contexts. Murder rates in the nations are also among the highest in the world. Crime in the nation has become a profound part of people’s lives that it is one of the most important issues considered in voting and tourism.
The objective of conflict prevention and mitigation is to enable a country or region to attain sustainable peace. The impact and effectiveness of third-party interventions in conflict prevention and peace-building are well-documented, the challenge has been the development of capacity among local actors to embrace and effectively apply conflict management practices instituted by international partners.
Obama’s step against ISIS has added to the issues contributing to KSA-Iran rivalries and insecurities. Iran regards ISIS as a threat, not only because it targets the Shi’a and uses excessive force, but also because the fall of ISIS would lead to a more empowered Sunni, which would threaten Tehran’s claim to dominance in the region.
In Syria, Iranian-backed Shia fighters alongside Hezbollah are currently at war and on the side of the al-Assad regime which is against a predominantly Sunni-dominated enemy alongside the moderate rebels. However, the rapid deterioration of the Iran-Saudi relations is more than likely to interfere with other regional conflicts where both nations have vested interests in the domestic participants.
This essay will try to expose the CIA’s secrets on drone warfare and how it has affected the world, presenting intimate stories from the Pakistani victims of drone strikes, to the human rights advocates and lawyers challenging this new form of conflict, to the pilot’s struggling with the implication of drone strikes.
International Conventions on Terrorism is also a body of UN works accordingly to ensure that terrorist acts are dealt with, and nations are made more secure. The International Conventions on Terrorism aim at strengthening issues related to the legal basis, which are in line with fighting terrorism.
While South Africa’s nuclear weapons program coincided with the international sanctions of its apartheid regime and the disarmament with liberalization and change of political regime, the nuclear policies of Brazil and Argentina too followed a similar pattern of the military regime to democratic rule.
The United States and its closest allies achieved all its objectives. The war had totally decimated the Iraqi nation and the international arena had been left wide open for the United States to play around at its convenience. There had been only one winner: the Coalition called US- Israel (Yetiv, 2004).
In order for the PPRR to succeed, interoperability between different agencies and jurisdiction is vital. In fact, Australia has a legal and administrative framework that considers terrorism as a crime. As such penalties for planning and conducting acts of terrorism in Australia are punishable under Criminal Code Act 1995 (Australia).
The Black Hawk crash entails an accident that took place in June 1996 at the High Range Training site. It involved a collision and damage of two helicopters resulting in to a death toll of eighteen Australian Army members and several others injured. The incident was highly aligned to leadership issues in the military.
Clutterbuck highlighted that the previous causes of terrorism in Europe stemmed from the actions of communist or ideological groups that received maximum support and financial assistance from countries like the former USSR, China, and the Marxist regimes that spawned series of terrorist activities or nationalistic protests across Europe.
There are many factors that make counterinsurgencies more difficult. Insurgents easily mingle with the civilians and therefore are difficult to detect. Aso use of force against insurgents is useless as they fight in forest or mountainous terrains. Insurgents are highly motivated and have an ideology that backs their cause.
Reciprocity is the key to ending the conflict in this region whereby both nations take genuine positive steps towards ending this conflict. Since both states are engaged in a cycle of escalation with no possibility of a military solution, embracing crisis management techniques would be among the first steps towards the ending of a rivalry that has cost both nations dearly.
The change of equipment from the old to those that are modern has occurred since the Second World War. Countries have changed the way of their military operation, the technology used, and the organization of the military. All this has been caused due to the kind of weapons and machines used in improving military operations.
After the end of the Soviet-Afghan War, bin Laden went back to Saudi Arabia. In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, and Osama bin Laden offered his services to the government of Saudi Arabia to recruit people to fight the troops from Iraq in Kuwait. Saudi Arabia was against the help offered by bin Laden and instead permitted US forces to occupy its territory and get involved in the war.
At the end of the Cold War, many had assumed the dangers associated with the acceleration of nuclear weapons would disappear. However, this particular notion proved short-lived. In fact, if anything, Allison & Myers (2004) highlights that the twenty-first century appears even more dangerous as well as less predictable as compared to the experiences of the previous century.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Literature review
Since the establishment of Israel as a state, the nation has faced a number of security challenges and difficulties, an aspect that has resulted in the eminence of security in civil society as well as politics. This can be understood through the fact that the nation’s leading politicians have in the past held high positions in the military
After the 2001 bombing, the Australian intelligence authority realized that the Jemaah Islamiyah posed a great risk to its citizen’s security and also the security of its political system. The bombing of the Australian embassy in Singapore affected the interests of the Australians in Singapore. It proved to the Australians that the Jemaah Islamiyah had interests in Australia.
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Literature review
Although everyone acknowledges that it is preferable to have peace rather than warfare, it has not dissuaded countries all over the world to develop lethal weapons and advanced technologies over the years. Since 1915, the world has witnessed the development of various improved weaponry, starting from poison gas to upgraded airplanes and tanks, to gain supremacy over each other.
From the indefinite past experiences, several concerns relating to nuclear weapons have emerged. The justifications for using nuclear weapons remain attractive to countries that consider themselves insecure and otherwise ruthless nations. Despite the unimaginable impacts of nuclear, it has lead to inventions and innovations that have solved some human problems and science progression.
Palestine and Israel have been in conflict since time immemorial. The conflict in Sudan-the Sudanese crisis has resulted in the loss of lives especially in the Darfur region where the most advanced humanitarian crisis in the history of humankind has come into play. The conflict between Israeli and the Palestinians has been an ongoing one and is wide-ranging.
The acts of terrorism are often perpetrated by a group of people who are out to accomplish a political, religious, or ideological goal. Most of the time, the civilians or iconic figures are the targets of terrorist activities but the act is meant to discredit a government or a body acting as the government. It has been practiced by religious and nationalistic groups, ruling governments.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Literature review
Currently, the main sources of funds include the Sunni-friendly business tycoons and extortions of businesses and banks based in the region of its operation. The main objective of the group is to establish a Sunni state in Pakistan and to eliminate the Shia minority and other unorthodox religions existing in Pakistan.
10 pages (2611 words)
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, Book Report/Review
There are several reasons for the rise of terrorism in post WW2, the first reason was due to the victory that Israel achieved over Arabic nations in 1948, its independence day. The Arabic nations attacked in units, a factor that led to the Israeli victory. These units became the basis of terrorist development.
9 pages (2336 words)
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, Book Report/Review
One of the reasons why the west should involve themselves in combating terrorism against Israel is that they have the best-required weaponry and machinery. They also have qualified experienced and the best-skilled personal in terrorism. Terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda have sophisticated machinery and weaponry. It, therefore, needs a great approach to combat them.
Veronique Pozner is representative of thousands of Americans who have undergone the agony of losing their loved ones in instances of mass shootings and gunfire homicides. The case in point led to the death of 20 children and 6 teachers in a local school in December 2012 after a mentally disturbed man wielded an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle ("Inside the NRA - the USA", 2016).
Osama Bin Laden and Muhammad Atef founded al-Qaeda during the 1980s to provide financial and material support to Afghanistan in a war against the Soviets. Afghanistan’s victory led to the emergence of the "Jihad" or (or the Holy War) movement. During this time, Mujahedin fighters trained in Afghanistan started dispersing to countries like Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt to continue the "jihad.”
The war in Syria has changed dynamics over the years whereby it more than the opposing groups demanding a change of regime. Different actors vested in the wedging war have joined in escalating the severity of the violence. The country is in chaos with different groups fighting to control different asset territories.
What happened during this fateful day was that members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and flew two of them straight into the Twin Towers which is also known as the World Trade Center. One of the remaining two planes crashed into Pennsylvania after a battle between the passengers and the terrorists.
Ullman and Wade felt that in response to Operation Desert Storm's concept of “Rapid Dominance” and “Shock and Awe” is imperative in ensuring US control in achieving expeditious victory in military combat. Moreover, the Bush Administration argued that this was a key element in the alleged US “success” in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
What is terrorism? Perhaps someone asks you to define, there exists a common notion that every Muslim is a terrorist, though in most cases so far documented, most of the terrorists have been established to profess the Islamic faith leading to a common belief that every terrorist is a Muslim. Terrorism can actually be difficult to differentiate from the normal crimes or acts of the bandits.
The standardization of the data to incorporate the aircraft data on all the flights in the current inventories of the US Navy will ensure better safety. However, the related issues such as the possibility of its misuse for terrorist purposes and others cannot be neglected. The judicious standardization of the FOQA data is all but inevitable.
The brain is one complex machine that all scientists have failed to understand. Although, they have reached close but are still unable to understand the thinking and behaving pattern. The pattern of the brain and human psyche is still an enigma for doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc. However, there lies a significant difference between the human mind and the brain.
As a soldier at a time when Prussian army was engaged in battles with France, von Clausewitz gained experience which enabled him to write the book ‘On War’ arguably one of the most studied books on war. His theory was mostly strategist and his contentions have continued to inform military chiefs and decision-makers on the course of the war.
In the 20th century, a lot of revolution took place in a majority of science and technology fields. A lot of discoveries and new inventions were seen especially in the field of telecommunications. Besides, the advancement in telecommunication and electronic fields, another discovery was made that would change the lives of people forever.
Based on the above overview of the aims and objectives of the coastguard services, it is possible to generally summarise these aims and missions and the implementation of maritime law, search and rescue, the protection and monitoring of the marine and coastal environments and the defense of the nation.
This is in the wake of terrorist activities around the world and the apprehension of western nations about the source of nuclear materials from abandoned and insecure facilities in the former USSR states. The IAEA has taken steps to locate the source and prevent further trafficking in the wake of loopholes across border securities.
17 pages (4250 words)
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, Research Proposal
In most countries, certain individuals are given permission to handle weapons that are usually considered to be illegal. However, there are also those who obtain them without the knowledge of the top authorities. As such, there has been an increased rate of gun trafficking in most of the West African countries that include Nigeria.
10 pages (2849 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Kennington writes that "...Enlightenment rhetoric has a permanently divisive social function" that encourages modem man to engage in the mastery of nature to advance science and communication between scientists; to promote "open" societies versus those that "seek the autonomous cultivation and preservation of their own morality and way of life." (Mark, 2003)
The main objective behind this report is to design safety plans and devise security measures for Australia, which is afraid of the reactionary terrorist attacks from the Hezbollah organization in the reaction of unflinching and unconditional support of Australian government to 2006 Israeli invasion on Lebanon.