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Professional Application of Arms Military Essay
2 pages (576 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the wake of the developments observed since the inception of the internet and related communication devices, and while considering their feasibility in emergency operations, the modern profession of arms is focusing on capacitating military equipment with a reduced amount of human involvement by enhancing the areas of information technology. 
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The Impact of War Military Coursework
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is apparent that war and medicine correlate each other. Statistics have proven that war has led to various advancements in the health sector. One is the prosthetics and rehabilitation technologies that can be applied in the civilian world. The military has been proven to be the first in the use of healthcare technology.
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The Tragedy of the Space Shuttle Challenger Military Research Paper
1 pages (253 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
It's pointed out that the disaster took the lives of all 7 astronauts aboard, as well as that of Christa McAuliffe, who was a teacher chosen to be part of the crew and teach space lessons to schoolchildren across the country. After working for several months, the Rogers Commission availed details of its results
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Impacts of the Non-State Actors and Transnational Organizational Crimes on the US National Security Military Assignment
7 pages (1863 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to Robert, failed states have always lost control over some sections of the territories thus leaving them under the control of militant groups. Richard gives examples of Somalia and DRC, which are among the known failed states. It is under these uncontrolled territories the non-state actors get a chance to plot. 
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Security in the Airport Military Research Paper
25 pages (6701 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It cannot be dispensed that airport security remains one of the issues of serious concern for most airports in the world since it also touches on safety. As such, airport security comprises various methods and techniques that are aimed at protecting aircraft, as well as airports from criminal activities. This way, security protects the travelers, the airport employees and the freight.
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Homeland Security Policy Military Assignment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The branch of homeland security has the responsibility of protecting the US from any threats and demands from terrorists. It also works to ensure a reduction in the vulnerability that the country has to terrorists. In case of an attack by terrorists, the branch tries its best to ensure that the effects of the attack are not exaggerated. 
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The Defense Forces Canteen Organization Military Assignment
2 pages (587 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that an organization is conducted on cooperative principles exclusively for the advantage of the affiliates of the military and their families and the employees of DEFCON. DEFCON goods are exempt from VAT, customs, and excise duty. The profits of the establishment are not subject to Corporation tax.
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Different Types of State Sponsors of Terrorism Military Essay
2 pages (635 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This terrorist group was based in Palestine and Syria directly and openly controlled this group to tackle the influence of Yasir Arafat who was the most prominent leader of Palestine. Another active state-sponsored terrorist example is Pakistan’s support of the militant groups operating in Kashmir against Indian forces.
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Warfighting: Operation Desert Hope and Center of Gravity Military Essay
14 pages (3698 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The air force especially can accept risk in the following capability areas: 1) close air support to land fighting so that loss of lives of soldiers can be avoided, 2) crucial intelligence gathering, 3) deterrence through exhibiting a powerful presence 4) when the army under the threat of losing ground. 
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The Progress of the Department of Homeland Security Military Assignment
9 pages (2420 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Other than DHS, the other leading agency involved in the security of its borders is the Department of Defense; it is the U.S. military that has been always on the move to safeguard the nation from all kinds of enemies. The mission of defending the nation’s borders and internal security demands a changed strategy with the advancement in technology. 
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Exploration of Nazi Captivity Military Essay
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human history is full of books and records that are painted in bloodshed related to violence of the worst kind in the name of race, ethnicity, and religion. Amongst the most brutal of these killing and bloodshed was recorded in the time of World War II under the regime of Adolf Hitler. It is undoubtedly true that Adolf Hitler and slave owners exploited the unfortunates, using tragic inhumane methods.
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The Effect of Terrorist Acts in the United States Military Assignment
1 pages (325 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to the resolution that was passed by the United States Congress, which was known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) on the 18th of September 2001, the President had the authority to attack any persons, organizations or nations that assisted the terrorists in executing their dastardly act.
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Intelligence and US Foreign Policy Military Assignment
1 pages (341 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The investigation recommended that a special unit be established that was going to be responsible for collecting information concerning the security situation and sensitive information that could probably lead to attacks. The surveillance system after the attack was able to monitor the terror risk indicators and advise on appropriate timely actions 
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Strengths and Limitations of Multinational Coalitions: The Gulf War Military Term Paper
12 pages (3392 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Inclusion, it is clear that multinational coalitions, just like most union have its two sides; the strong and the weak. Some of the strengths include the sharing of skills and capabilities that one nation could not have, sharing of supply and maintenance costs and the coalition boosts the unity and morale of the forces involved.
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The Effects of the Drug on the US Society Military Essay
2 pages (666 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although Isotretinoin has been proven to cause harmful effects on users, the drug is still on the market. In 1988, several independent scientists working under the supervision of the FDA concluded that the drug has life-threatening side effects. The drug, however, has enjoyed continuous support based on its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer.  
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Okinawa: The Last Battle Military Research Paper
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The battle of Okinawa also known as Operation Iceberg took place on the Ryuku Islands of Okinawa. This was the largest battle in the Pacific War of World War II. It was fought for 82 days from April to mid-June of 1945. After implementing the strategy of Leapfrogging which is a military tactic, the opponents planned on using Okinawa which was away from central Japan and utilizing it as an airbase to take over Japan.
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The Disintegration of Yugoslavia Military Essay
2 pages (579 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since Serbs from Serbia proper differed from Bosnian Serbs, Vojvodina Serbs, and Montenegrins just like Americans from different states, Serbian could have succeeded if the melting-point mentality and essential tolerance that gave birth to American national identity had been embraced (Schwartz, 1999).
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Convincing Irans leadership to stop its nuclear program Military Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
As you well know, this is a way of thinking that is dangerous. The notion is that violence or the threat of it, must be responded to with violence, though in this modern day and age, seems outdated and uncivilized. As per your government’s behavior, you well know that vexing problems cannot be solved with force. This is not the correct method for America and the international community.
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The Gulf Cooperation Council: the Cooperation Council Military Essay
61 pages (10368 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The goal of the GCC has been to establish regulations relating to different fields of endeavor including religion, finance, customs, legislation, as well as administration. The GCC has mostly been driven toward securing scientific and technical developments in different industries including mining, agriculture, water, as well as animal resources.
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Intelligence Analysis Question Military Essay
2 pages (512 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Roger, the issue is not quite rampant and this is because of the strict rules incorporated by the government where anyone that carries out this type of behavior faces strict legal action. This action has been a positive factor in ensuring that the number of these people reduces to a point that the concept of hacking stops completely.  
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Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Weapons Military Essay
10 pages (2661 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The government of the United States should increase the scrutiny and observance of Arab and Pakistani tourists and residents because Al-Qaeda’s terrorists mainly belong to these parts of the world. Along with this, the US should make its borders more secure so that the risk of entry of illegal immigrants can be reduced as much as possible.  
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Organizational Change in The U.S. Army Military Case Study
8 pages (2137 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The US army has been regulated by strict rules and procedure. The soldiers are trained to serve the interest of their nation. They are trained in several strict modules which nurture them from a simple civilian to a strong army personal. It will not be easy to introduce new changes in the army and expecting fast results.
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National Police Force Service Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A national police force with mandate to operate on each and every level of governance will be the best option to handle the terrorism cases. This is so because they can learn different neighborhoods scout the neighbors and their activities and report on suspicious terrorist activities to the federal government to handle it from there.
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Israeli Private Military and Security Companies in Defence against Terrorism Military Research Proposal
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Prior to conducting the research, the researcher must obtain informed consent from all the participants. It is unscrupulous for a researcher to conduct a study without fully disclosing to the participants' tenacity and nature of the research, and unequivocally explaining to them the research procedure.
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Afghanistan Military Strategies Military Coursework
8 pages (2190 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is a sad fact that almost the entire economy is Afghanistan is opium-based. For every one individual out of seven, opium production is their main source of income. In 2007, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that for the second year straight, narcotic production in Afghanistan was the highest ever recorded.
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Waterboarding and Torture Military Essay
1 pages (335 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The person under this torture will gag, have difficulty in breathing, and believe that they are drowning. Torture refers to an act in which there is the infliction of suffering and severe pain, which may be mental or physical. The main objective of inflicting this pain encompasses obtaining information about a crime they may have committed.  
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Special Forces Responses to the New Type of Warfare Military Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Special Forces play an important role in US military operations and the Administration has given special forces much greater responsibility to provide worldwide counterterrorism operations. In the current world, the new type of warfare has become a threat to the lives of many people not just in the US but also in other areas around the world.
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The First Contra Groups in Nicaragua Military Essay
9 pages (2449 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Fabio Ernesto Carrasco testified in 1984 and 1985 that he piloted planes carrying weapons for contras based in Costa Rica. As a pilot for Colombian drug trafficker George Morales, he said that after the arms cargo was offloaded, drugs in military bags were loaded onto the planes for transport to the United States.
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Acts of Terrorism Military Term Paper
8 pages (2197 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Terrorism is specifically designed to create a public crisis with the intent that public confidence in political and economic structures are lost. Other forms of violent conflict are usually a response to a break down in political and economic structures. The discussion that follows examines these differences and greater detail.
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Adultery in the Uniform Code of Military Justice Military Essay
3 pages (812 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Adultery is not taken kindly in the military, it is punishable. The effect of adultery in a military unit can be very severe thus individuals involved in the act are strictly punished. In the United States military, adultery is prosecuted under article 134 of the UCMJ, and members who are found guilty of committing adultery are usually charged with a court-martial offense.
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Terrorism: What is It Military Research Paper
42 pages (10092 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Further, it is characterized by illegal state repression, publicized agitation by non-state actors, and illegal methods of warfare by both the state and non-state actors. Terrorism is mainly of two kinds namely terrorism by nonstate actors (revolutionary terrorism) and State actors (counter-terrorism).
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Factors that Lead to Fire Research in the United States Military Essay
1 pages (329 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Research plays an important role in eradicating or at least minimizing any future threats pertaining to fire outbreak in any locality or region. In the USA, many factors can be thought about that lead to fire research. The United States Fire Administration works continuously for minimizing the threat of loss of lives and financial properties.
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Globalization of Religious Conflicts Military Essay
6 pages (1612 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reason why this occurs is that as globalization expands, it begins to threaten other cultures around the world. This can include the threatening of religions, traditions, and even ethnicities, causing the tribal entities to feel threatened. When people feel threatened, they will often react with violence to rid themselves of this threat.
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My leadership philosophy Military Personal Statement
2 pages (549 words) , Download 7 , Personal Statement
Concurrently, I acknowledge that the goals to be attained are multi-faceted. As leaders, I am working towards attaining personal and professional goals of my
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Animal Liberation Front Military Research Paper
10 pages (2843 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Several critics have argued that Animal Liberation Front can be compared to other terrorist groups due to the violation of its activities. However, it is true that the activists of the Animal Liberation Front followed ethical values and morale in their activities. They were fighting against those individuals who used to torture animals.
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Comparison of Army vs Airforce Military Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
  Of course, education and flight training are on very different levels in both these branches. The army focuses on specialized training of helicopter pilots and raid style of aircraft infantry while the airforce offers specialized training which specializes on protective above the ground service in aircraft flying.
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A Leader in the Military: Challenge Assumptions and Perceptions Military Essay
1 pages (361 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A leader in the military must be able to adapt to any situation. Wong states that an adaptive leader must live with a certain level of unpredictability. They are able to be flexible and open to the possibilities that the environment gives at any given moment and time.
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Evaluating and Grading of a Research Paper Military Essay
2 pages (612 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There should be soberness of mind while grading and working in the proper environment to avoid prejudices that often result from fatigue and moody status. It is always unethical to consider students' work as just any other piece of evaluation towards the fulfillment of a requirement for certain awards such as a degree.
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A Global Defense Policy for the United States Military Admission/Application Essay
13 pages (3382 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
The success and security of our country and the growth of our allies and partners depend on the nature of our international presence and activities. The threats to security and stability in the world have revolutionized into a world threat that demands the action of a concerted effort of allies and partners.
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How Napoleon and his General Staff Took Centuries of Monolithic Parade Units Military Essay
1 pages (333 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Napoleon’s name has been popular because of his loyal guards, and it took centuries for his men to remain the cream of the French army. This is because of his contingency plan and brilliant mind that resulted in the imposition of rigid admission criteria for Imperial Guardsmen, and he also trained them to handle rotating functions.
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Refugees in America Military Research Paper
15 pages (3950 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Generally, for a long time in history, the United States has had a history of being generous when it comes to providing asylum to those who are possibility of persecution. However, the United States government has become less receptive to refugees. They have established more restrictive refugee practices.
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Multi-National Joint Force and Future Stability Military Research Paper
2 pages (773 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
United States (US) has intervened to resolve the dispute and maintain global peace. However, the constrained national budget of the US has led to questioning whether the allocation of funds for military training and expenses is necessary. The study was carried out to determine whether constructing a multi-national joint force to promote equality and peace between the conflicting nations would lead to global development or strife.
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The United States versus Great Britain Naval Innovation Military Essay
5 pages (1223 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From a close look at the navies of the treaties, both the US and Britain navies were subjected to similar agreements that were restrictive of the innovations that they could pursue. The US response to the treaties and the agreements is however different from that of Great Britain and this was the result of all the differences observable to date.
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Dying for Your Country: Horizontal Recruiters Military Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Horizontal recruiters at first looks like a very bitter piece from a young man who went into the military because he thought it was what he was supposed to do. He did not realize that he could have stayed home because he was the only son in his family. He sheds a different light on the Arlington Cemetery where thousands of people go every year.
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Racial Relations during the Vietnam Era Military Research Paper
6 pages (1575 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Different units of the American forces played a major role in the Vietnam War. The marine force reconnaissance was one unit that had its camps in Vietnam. The marine force comprised both whites and other marines from minority groups. However, it is worth noting that the contribution of African Americans in the Vietnam War was prominent.
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How the State of Iran Controls Its Masses Military Essay
3 pages (875 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Islam has provided an extremely ‘inclusive’ identity that has overflowed its national boundaries into the broad concept of the ummah, the community of Islam beyond Iran, a sort of religious imperialism which has united Iranians. A common culture, rather than any strong feeling of national unity binds the Iranians together.
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Analysis of The Battle at Belmont Book by Greg Schroeder Military Essay
2 pages (552 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tappan saw Russell deploying for the progress and ordering his command headfirst, and enforced Tappan to charge to 70 yards before Russell ran out of ammunition. After Russell’s command discharged to the river bank, the Arkansans tied up in a firefight for about half an hour, yet fell back 150 yards. 
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Building Terrorism Resistant Communities Military Essay
1 pages (306 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The effects of terrorism cannot be underrated, especially on the safety of the public. Public security is crucial for the productivity of any nation. States all over the world have developed reactionary and resilience plans to tackle the effects of terrorism. While the latter minimizes the impact of a terrorist attack prior to their occurrence.
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Egypt's Sinai Peninsula hit by deadly bomb attacks Military Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The security agencies have failed in providing permanent solution and helping the government in stopping the terrorism threat in Sinai Peninsula.
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America and World War II Military Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The book “TAmerica and World War II” was written by a Northern Kentucky University professor of history, Dr. Michael C.C Adams. It is an excellent book for breaking up the myth and hypes of the greatest generation, not only devaluing their service but also to take look accurately at the culture of the Second World War era.
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