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From his parent’s view, Al Qaeda could have been the sole partner who worked with Abdullahkim Muhammad. Even though he had a regular childhood, everything changed when he went to college. He went to Hamas to study Islam and the people with whom Abdullahkim Muhammad was studying radicalized him because he showed changes after he started going to Nashville and Hamas.
Abdullahkim Muhammad changed both his name and attitude, and then he met people in Yemen who promised him that they would give him a place to stay while he goes there to teach English. After going to Yemen, he came back and expressed different views such as not wanting to dance anymore, he changed his attire and taking alcohol. According to the Daily Mail Reporter, Abdullahkim Muhammad did this act in retribution for the Muslim deaths that were caused by the US military who were in Afghanistan and Iraq. The report also states that his father stated that Abdullahkim Muhammad spoke with, wrote a letter to his friends from Hamas, and from the way he acted it showed something was not right in his head.
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