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Radical Islamic terrorism Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Unlike traditional interpretations of Islam, Wahhabism is a relatively new approach to how the religion of Islam should be interpreted and engaged within the mind and actions of the believer. As such, the relatively recent status of this particular movement is one that can trace its history to well before the Second World War.
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The Immigration In the Sultanate of Oman from 2009 till 2014 Military Essay
21 pages (5317 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Most of the immigrants working in Oman belong to the South East Asian countries of Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India, who contribute positively to the economy of Oman. Conversely, the immigrants have negatively affected Oman in a certain way, as unemployment has risen significantly in various sectors within the country.
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Camouflaged Emotions and Stoicism in the Military Military Essay
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Stoicism, therefore, takes a soldier away from his natural passions, forces him to treat the war prisoners in the worst manner. Such ill-treatment is still going on in different parts of the world. Nowadays there is a tendency in the soldiers to be set apart from the society and one can find notable changes in their handling of war prisoners.
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Success of the Anaconda Operation Military Essay
1 pages (488 words) , Download 27 , Essay
Anaconda operation has been among the most complicated missions in US warfare history. This is because they were unable to eliminate their enemy in the first account. The soldiers underestimated the enemy and thought that it was an uncomplicated mission. Success was realized after requesting reinforcement from Delta Force and Seal Team Six.  
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The Importance of Hard, Soft, and Smart Power in a Dynamically Changing Global System Military Essay
10 pages (2680 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Much discussion has been made within the past several decades concerning the rapidly changing and seemingly ever-shifting nature of the global system. Hardly a week goes by without some major systemic flux occurring at a rate of change that merely a few years previously would have seemed frenetic; however, now such occurrences are commonplace.  
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My leadership philosophy Military Personal Statement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Personal Statement
My personal values are a sense of duty, integrity, courage, loyalty, respect, selfless service and honor. These values are committed to be adhered at all times and despite encountering various challenges. I also have recognized that one of the guiding principles that should support a leader's actions in compliance with the ethics of reciprocity.
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Homeland Security: The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Military Essay
6 pages (1855 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Homeland Security News Wire (2012) counters the use of drones as posing a threat to safety by stating that the FAA 2013 established testing sites for UAVs set furthest from domestic populations. The move is aimed at developing safety and rules of operations for them to reduce the risk of causing unnecessary safety scares. 
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Is Eradicating Terrorism through Violence or War a Good Idea Military Case Study
8 pages (2142 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The current war on terror conducting by America, mainly in Iraq and Afghanistan has raised mixed reactions from the American public. 9/11 was definitely an unexpected and shocking incident for the Americans which revealed the futility of the safety measures taken by the US government to protect its citizens.
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Terrorism: AL-Shabaab Military Research Paper
10 pages (2724 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
When the ICU lost influence and support during its clash with Transitional Federal Government in Somalia (TFG), Al-Shabaab gained momentum and began to exert its influence in Africa. Besides, this terrorist organization was formed in the year 2006. One can see that the origin of this terrorist group is deeply rooted in the Islamic concept of jihad.
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Intelligence Support to Operation Anaconda Military Case Study
10 pages (2671 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Operation Anaconda proved to be a great success for the US troops that fought against the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in the year 2002. It was a true test of the prowess of the US military power. This is true considering the tests the battle forced the US intelligence to take. The use of multiple unexpected approaches in the battle. 
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White House and Political Psychology Military Essay
1 pages (337 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Concerns for the safety of presidents have been present throughout the history of the republic, starting with George Washington in 1974, when he led his soldiers against the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania. The preceding decades have experienced a range of occurrences of real and likely injuries to presidents (together with close family members and other powerful officials).
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Military Science: International Defense Profile Military Essay
2 pages (626 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Contemporary society is faced with the use of an array of modern technology ranging from wonder drugs, superior optical devices, PCs, wonder drugs, portable telephones, and highly nutritious foodstuffs. These improvements in household technological devices present an understanding of the advancement in strategic defense technologies.
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Strategies to counter global terrorism attacks Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The situation exists because the term includes definitions that fail to elucidate clearly between legitimate and illegitimate use of intimidation and violence. Various states act as sponsors of state terrorism including Iran, Sudan, and Syria.
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Arms and International Relations Military Essay
6 pages (1659 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Their long-established patterns of arms production and procurement were changed by these new requirements. The sophistication of technology engendered weapons to be more complex and expensive. The relationship between the military and civilian technology had changed drastically, with limited regulation on arms production, in the industrially developed nations.
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Analysis of Articles Concerning Military Science Military Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1492 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Harry Summers looks at procurement and other writers cover such diverse topics as biochemical dangers, relationships between the military and civilians,  and whether is there a need to reform ‘military culture’. These are only samples of wide-reaching work on America’s military difficulties, perceived and real.  
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The Lack of Combat Support in Armed Conflicts in Africa Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As the text has it, even today, many countries of Africa face the trauma of these armed conflicts and guess who suffers the most? The human civilization that actually is able to sustain in this area. Human beings are treated as slaves, rather animals in Africa due to these vis-a-vis rebels and militia.
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Pakistan Humanitarian Needs: Solar Energy and Clean Water Plants Military Assignment
1 pages (289 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
After the analysis of the claims, I have effectively understood the humanitarian needs of the Pakistan people. The cruel acts of militants evident after the destruction of the Kari-Dor Bridge and Sui gas plants have greatly contributed to answering the research question. This has given me a clear insight into the question.    
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Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement Military Essay
2 pages (583 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ACSA can be implemented in a country that lacks civil security, control, governance, and essential services through the training of personnel (MIDJLD).  This implies that the personnel are equipped with facilities that will enable them to promote stability and peace in their countries.
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Military Career in the South Korean army: Advantages Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I have served in the South Korean army. I took the military service for two and half years from 2003 to 2006. I was assigned to be a translator in Aviation Operational Command Center.
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Identity Theory of Terrorism Military Essay
1 pages (355 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Fundamentalist ideas founded on religious beliefs, shape a person’s identity into becoming a terrorist. Austin Cline supports this idea and identified that among other factors, culture and religion shows stronger correlations to involvement in terrorist groups. Cline goes on that the reasons for terrorism are “purely cultural”.
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America War Efforts and Just War Theory Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Alan Dowd's article titled 'Civilization's Reluctant Warrior: America and the War on Terror' is an essay supporting America's war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Given the readiness and enthusiasm with which the United States initiated war against Iraq in 2003, it is difficult to make sense of the phrase 'reluctant warrior'.
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How Rifle Technology Changed the Civil War Military Essay
1 pages (395 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Confederate forces, during the battle of Gettysburg, attacked the union flank at the Little Round Top. But, this operation resulted in heavy causalities for the offence. Offensive tactics were changed by the end of the war. Instead of massed lines, small groups were formed and fire and move tactics were used.
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How do Terrorists Justify their Actions Military Essay
2 pages (583 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For example, a child whose father had been a terrorist might in a natural process become a terrorist as well. Many terrorist groups are performing such acts in the name of the All-Mighty. A second justification might arise from the issues of humanity reflecting the terrorist actions to be their fights for humanity.
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North Africa Campaign Military Assignment
5 pages (1354 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
More than 400,000 soldiers took over Algeria and Morocco under the strong command of general Dwight D. Eisenhower. This kind of battle was famously known as The North Africa Campaign. It was a kind of battle fought in both the Egyptian and Libyan deserts by Italy, France, the United States, and Germany among others.
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Big Five Assessment Military Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author looks forward to counseling, support groups, presentations, case management and advocacy.  Personality assessments, such as the Big Five Assessment, can provide him with a clearer picture of his suitability and readiness for entering this career field. His highest score indicates that Conscientiousness is his strongest trait.
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GEOINT and Asia Military Essay
2 pages (661 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The conflict between the Western region and the Asian world dates back many years ago. The differences between the two regions are brought about by various issues. Key among them is civilization. The civilizations between the two geographical regions are differentiated by factors such as language, culture as well as religion.
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Killing of the US Resident Anwar al-Alwaki Military Research Paper
6 pages (1822 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In 2011, U.S unmanned aircraft took off from an airfield that the Central Intelligence agency had constructed in the Southern part of Saudi Arabia. The U.S drones targeted trucks that the U.S military believed carried suspected terrorists. In a deadly blow to Al-Qaeda, the U.S drones killed two American residents who played a big part in inspiring Al-Qaeda attacks against the United States and Yemen.
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International Terrorism as a Threat to the United Kingdom Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nowadays, it is very imperative for every government, especially, the developed countries to identify the motives of such terrorist activities. Moreover, identification of supporting bodies of such terrorists is another major step of a number of governments, especially the United States that is running the War against Terrorism since half a decade.
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Naval Recruiting District in Atlanta Military Case Study
4 pages (1089 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The naval recruiting district in Atlanta is one of the many districts that recruit young people into active navy service in the United States of America. As Commander Allan Devereux of the US navy will be touring the district, several issues will come up which will require him to address them for his tour to be successful.   
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The Role of National Security Council Military Coursework
1 pages (306 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Through effective communication and forms of communication, for the National Security Council to initiate any transaction, it needs to liaise with the office of management and budget to get accountability based on resources allocation, acquisition, and amendments that might have come across due to either outside on internal factors. 
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Terrorism Threats Analysis Military Essay
3 pages (936 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Targeting civilians and other innocent groups have been motivated by the fact that they are unarmed and cannot mount a challenge to the terrorists’ activities. In addition, civilian populations are often widespread in the entire country, and for this reason, terrorists do not need detailed planning and arrangements to make successful attacks. 
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Implementation of Convoy Operations Military Essay
1 pages (265 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Receipt of information by unknown people might result in adverse consequences such as mission failure and poor performance in an operation. In summary, a good communication plan is necessary for the smooth running of operations. In essence, before commencing an operation, all the necessary tools for effective communication should be well set. 
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The Threat of Terrorism for the Global Society Military Research Proposal
8 pages (2255 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
War in Iraq and Afghanistan brought the issue of terrorism at the forefront of world politics. Till 9/11 happened, apparently the US didn’t really catch up with the seriousness of the issue. There have been instances like the US embassy bombings in different parts of the world. But such instances were considered mainly as a failure of those nations in safeguarding the interests of the USA.
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Importance of Authority in the Military Military Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reason is that without respect there will be little reason to follow anything that the leaders have to say. In this case, the military is no different. As an organization, the military is extremely hierarchical with many different layers, sort of like an onion. It is these pre-determined layers that help the military to remain strong.
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The Bomb Merchant Military Essay
1 pages (358 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nuclear proliferation which encompasses the spread of nuclear ordnances, fissionable substance, and corresponding weapons relevant nuclear technology in manufacturing atomic energy and fundamental information to states that are not known as Nuclear Weapon countries by the conformity on the Reduction of Nuclear Weapons, is one of the major ways.
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Principles, Practices, and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Military Annotated Bibliography
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that the sources analyze the salient importance of nuclear energy in stimulating economic growth. The authors, researchers, and journalists argue similarly at a point, establishing that nuclear energy is the alternative to adequate alternative power utilities in the world.
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Miranda Rights & the US Terrorism Policy Military Case Study
9 pages (2447 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The government must develop effective and efficient agencies to protect the country from terrorist attacks. The process is precarious owing to the conflicts of interests that are likely to arise in such circumstances. Terrorism is a capital offence and suspects of such a crime require instant and equally effective justice dispensation.
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Importance of following orders Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 40 , Essay
M. 2010). For a soldier, following orders is crucial as it enables them to be more combat effective, improves ones level of
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How Power Affects Moral Courage Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The influence of power can be positive as well as negative. It is essential for leaders who come in power to use their moral courage to make things right. In other words, the leader must use his power in the right direction otherwise the authority bestowed upon him will go to waste. He must use his power to fix things in accordance with ethical standards.
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Emergency Response Planning for Airports Military Essay
10 pages (2594 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Stambaugh et al. (2009) state that airports are crucial facilities that should be handled with extreme care. Security for both workers and air travelers should always be guaranteed to ensure smooth operations at various airports. Many airports across the world have experienced at least one issue that required rapid response. 
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US army reserve in Homeland Security Military Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper will expound on the military experience, homeland security expertise, global demand for army forces, and the operational environment in future as the main factors that make the Reserve Component fit for being utilized in Homeland security and guarding the US boarders.
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The Rising Cost of IMINT and a Future Prospectus Military Research Paper
8 pages (2119 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A litany of examples of course exists about this dynamic; however, the one that will be analyzed and discussed in depth in this particular analysis is contingent upon the changes concerning technology, and the corresponding costs associated with this, that are related to image intelligence (IMINT). 
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Behavioral Health Violence Military Essay
1 pages (341 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Preventing behavioral health violence towards mental health staff is crucial because it is receiving increased attention in the face of the increased amount of violence in the patient population. The assault against nurses by psychiatric patients is both a reality and a concern because of the devastating effects on the victims.
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Israeli Intelligence Agencies Military Essay
2 pages (619 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A good example is the idea of harmless espionage, which Israel’s most renowned failed spy illustrated, Jonathan Pollard, an American of Jewish descent born in Galveston Texas, and developed a career as a US Navy intelligence analyst. There are several theories provided regarding Pollard’s decision to betray his country of birth to the Jewish state. 
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Why Was a Second World War So Soon after the First Military Essay
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Rising of the Nazi ‘Adolph Hitler’ and the Nazi party, which had a great bearing on the extenuating circumstances behind World War II, started soon after a First World War. WWI crippled the whole country of France and this once powerful nation demanded retribution, but they pushed it to the very limits of establishing one of the primary causation factors of the Second World War.  
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Why Germany Was Unable to Use its Tactical Advantages to Attain Strategic Success during WWI Military Essay
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Germany was expected to lose the whole war if it was to keep its military campaigns longer than two years. Given that the German economy could not last long on its self-reliance, it had to conquer its adversaries as quickly as possible using the Blitzkrieg doctrines and make use of the resources from the regions it controlled afterward.  
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Whether Close Protection Officers Need to Complete Compulsory Fitness Tests Military Research Paper
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Of great importance is the effectiveness of the close protection officers who provide protection to the very important persons. This report evaluates the need for Close Protection Officers completing a compulsory fitness test as a requirement for Security Industry Authority front line operative license. 
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Personal Freedom and the American Government Military Essay
1 pages (305 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Terrorism is one of the phenomena, that is rapidly engulfing our whole world. Be it the 9/11 tragedy or the bombings in England or Mumbai massacre, terrorism is globally on the rise. With this continuous rise is terrorism, the need for extra surveillance and security has been born due to which personal freedoms of the people have become threatened. 
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How the Arab Spring Led to the Advent of the Arab Winter in the Middle East Military Assignment
3 pages (1133 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The Arab Spring movement received a whole new direction and reached as many people as possible. The video postings of protesting the government actions on YouTube had been viewed in large numbers worldwide and the pictures of various insurgencies on other social networking websites and blogs fueled the movement even more. 
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Strategic bombing campaign Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Murray and Millet have summarized them by saying that “strategic bombing played a relatively unimportant part in winning World War II”. In spite of this criticism, war analysts like Murray and Millet have pointed out certain impacts of strategic bombing campaign on the ability of Japan and Germany to wage war.  
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