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Technology and the Transportation Security Administration: An Ethical, Legal, and Practical Military Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Transportation Security Administration is responsible for ensuring public transportation safety. In order to do this, the agency has implemented policies that have come under criticism for being intrusive and a violation of individual rights to privacy.
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Ethics of Biological Warfare Military Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks and Romans, although neither civilization behaved particularly well in war”. With the passage of time, the nature of war has changed. When the Japanese attacked the Chinese in World War II, the premeditated release of toxins and pathogens caused millions of deaths. 
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Challenges Facing the US Military Military Essay
10 pages (2995 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The military of the United States has been serving for more than two hundred years and over the years it has emerged as one of the most powerful ones. The “nerve center” of the U.S defense is considered to be the Pentagon in Washington which is the headquarters. All the final decisions regarding the affairs of the army are taken here.
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Medal of Honor Recipient: William John Crawford Military Essay
5 pages (1504 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are many women and men in the United States army who go out of their way to defend their colleagues when faced with dangerous situations that call for selfless sacrifice. Therefore, the American Congress award of the Medal of Honor underscores the value of courage and selfless act of its army personnel.
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Battle of Tarawa Military Term Paper
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
The Battle of Tarawa was proof of the concept of the United States Marine Corps Amphibious Assault Doctrine. The drive for the Pacific during the Second World War began in the Gilbert Islands as part of a strategy laid out by Operation Galvanic. The amphibious landing at Tarawa had technological implications that helped shape the outcome of the battle. 
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Intelligences Role in Operation Iraqi Freedom Military Essay
4 pages (1229 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Intelligence experts worked intimately with the “United States Central Command” (USCENTCOM) to provide intelligence data and expert service on target-based issues and to face critical situations and circumstances as they arose.
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Various Dimensions of Military Leadership Military Essay
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 3 , Essay
“In the absence of inspired military leadership... the more powerful side wears down the weaker- Bevin Alexander”(Military leadership quotes, n. d). An intelligent military leader can gain victory over enemies even with limited resources whereas an idiotic military leader suffers defeat even if he has access to enough resources. 
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The Wikileaks Organization and Its Affecting for Policy Military Essay
6 pages (1865 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The element of surprise is a very powerful tool, especially when waged by the smaller or weaker state such that it gains the initial advantage which it hopes can be translated into more permanent gains. At any rate, a combatant that gains access to military secrets gains knowledge of the enemy in what ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu termed as “know thy enemy.”
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Analysis of the Evolution of Strategic Intelligence Beginning in WWII Military Essay
3 pages (1053 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Such intelligence agencies that played a huge role in the war include the MIS, CIA, and the DCI among others, which were responsible for conducting covert activities on enemy territories and advised the government accordingly. It is also worth noting that each president had his way of dealing with military intelligence issues. 
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Factors behind Motivation of American Soldiers during Civil War Military Essay
10 pages (2518 words) , Download 2 , Essay
President 11 slave states of the south declared that they are separated from the United States and created the Confederate States of America. The other 25 states decided to remain with the federal government. The Civil war continued for four years and ended up with the surrendering of the confederacy and outlawing of slavery across the US.
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International Relations Theories: US-Iran Relations Military Admission/Application Essay
7 pages (1874 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Iran currently is concerned with domestic instability and the threat of violent riots in the country did not go away. Thus, Iranian leadership might be interested in the normalization of relations with the United States since Teheran can present these negotiations to a domestic audience as a success of the Iranian regime.   
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Good Soldiers: A Journalistic Ethnography Military Book Report/Review
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Modern war has put soldiers in heavy hardships as opponents can kill or injure them either with fatal weapons or bomb blasts. Their life is not at all protected and they may hear the footsteps of death at any moment. The book, ‘The Good Soldiers by David Finkel takes the readers to the factual description of the U.S.
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Conscientious Objection in Volunteer Forces Military Essay
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In history, many conscientious objectors had to face imprisonment and penalties due to their conflicting beliefs and actions with the army’s legal environment. Religious values and beliefs are the imperative reasons that caused the army personnel to fight “war against war” or other military-related activities.
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Veteran Benefits in America Military Research Paper
5 pages (1600 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
A Veteran Disability Compensation act was passed. Through this act, veterans with disabilities are paid compensation and this compensation is tax-free. The department of Veterans Affairs is even helping those Veterans who want to start their own businesses by providing them with financial aid and support.
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Identifying Essential Qualities the Personal Security Detail Professional Military Essay
3 pages (773 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They started their training at the age of seven and the intensity of their training varied with age. They had to undergo training and did not assume that they could have inborn security qualities.  The methodology at the time of the mailed fist of the emperor of guiding personal security professionals is quite different compared to the present time’s tactics.
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Historical Rise and Modern Day Significance of PLO, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah Military Essay
3 pages (957 words) , Download 3 , Essay
PLO or the Palestine Liberation Organization, created in the year 1964, is an important political group in Palestine. Earlier, PLO was influenced by militant nationalism. But the political situation in the Middle East forced PLO to be a political organization.
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Radicalization: the Terrorist Threat Military Essay
3 pages (957 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Everyone has his or her opinions and views that others define as radical. Bott, et., al (2006) asserts that radicals do not necessarily result in terrorism, some plays a big role in society and in politics. However, they become problematic when they use their radical thinking to condone or promote violence, terrorism, and extremist behaviors.
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The Origins and Evolution of Long-term Separatists, and Ethnic and Nationalistic Terrorism Military Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The Origins and Evolution of Long-term Separatists, and Ethnic and Nationalistic Terrorism In a brief definition, long-term separatists, ethnic and nationalistic terrorists, are organized groups that seek the independence of the ethnic group they represent or those who share the same ideological or political beliefs by means of surreptitious and ruthless underhanded tactics against both civilian and military targets.
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The rise of Al Qaeda, religious militancy and terrorism Military Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
After Afghanistan was freed from Soviet rule in 1988, due largely to Abdullah Yusuf Azzam and Osama bin Laden’s leadership, al-Qaeda was formed. Evil bin Laden’s means are, it must be noted that he was a genius in that he was able to create an internationally well-rounded organization that served to achieve his goals by strategically utilizing and maximizing his resources.
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Battle of Little Round Top: Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield Military Research Paper
6 pages (1897 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This gave the Union line a chance to hold on using the higher elevation advantage. The Union defensive position on the second day of the battle was like an inverted ‘J’ that extended from Culp’s Hill on the north, around Cemetery Hill, and south along Cemetery Ridge to Little Round Top. Thus, Little Round Top was the left end of the Union Line.
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Aircraft Carrier Military Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
All over the world, the navy normally uses Aircraft carriers in the sea to protect airpower, without any reliance on the local airbases to stage operations of the aircrafts. The essay gives a description of modern technologies likely to replace aircraft warship, and discuss difficulties experienced while using the warship as compared to other forms of weapons during the war.
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Implications of Naval Power in the American Civil War Military Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was one of the most dramatically one sided battles in Naval history on that day in March, 1862 – when the CSS Virginia defeated two federal warships, the Congress and Cumberland. The battle yielded the destruction of both ships and the deaths of at least 240 of their crew, making headway towards breaking the Union blockade of the lower Chesapeake bay.
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The Profession of Arms Military Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In the analysis, it compares military professionalism with civil professionalism, points out the differences, justify military actions, and points to the direction military professionalism should take. Military culture is also discussed in lengths in addition to being compared with military climate.
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Military Logistics throughout World War I Military Essay
7 pages (1903 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There was no aviation transportation division during World War I. Logistics was either via marine, motor vehicle, or horse. Within Palestine, FA300 controlled the air; their airplanes were quicker, superiorly equipped as well as additionally competent. On the other hand, logistics for them was a key disturbance, because petrol had to be carried by a donkey.
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Analysis of the United States Performance in the 1990 Gulf War Military Research Paper
4 pages (1234 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The operation was aimed at curbing the Strength of the Iraq military in the gulf region, especially after the invasion of Kuwait was later to be a major conflict that would expose the poor strategies and the unilateralism of the US in Iraq. Largely, the Dessert storm operation succeeded in uprooting Saddam's occupation of Kuwait territory.
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Can America Assassinate its Citizens Justifiably Military Research Paper
4 pages (1212 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Government actions against terrorists in the United States often pave the way for both positive and negative debates among the public as well media. Intelligence agencies like the FBI, CIA and the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) have generated an anti-terrorist perspective in their programs assassinating terrorists.
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Propaganda and the Crimean War Military Essay
9 pages (2619 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was fought by the Russian Empire on one side and the combined forces of the French, English, and Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia (called the ‘Allied’ power. The war was largely a conflict between the colonial aspirations of the European elitist powers for the wealth and resources of the Turkish Empire.
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The Importance of Wartime Propaganda Military Essay
9 pages (2597 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With its existence traced back to ancient Greece, various individuals, governments, and corporate entities have used it to rally the populace to their course. Masters of many wars around the globe have used propaganda extensively to incite their subjects into taking decisive action against their perceived enemies over the centuries.
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Elements of the Iranian Economic Assessment Military Essay
3 pages (866 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Iranian economy has encountered countless hurdles since the culmination of the conflict with Iraq. The conflict reversed the accomplishments of prior decades. The conflict utilized enormous Iranian resources that would have spurred the economy. Since the 1990s, this economy has oscillated without making credible improvements. 
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The Medal of Honor in the United States Military Essay
3 pages (842 words) , Download 2 , Essay
His rank and organization was a Corporal in the United States Army of the 55th Massachusetts Voluntary Infantry. The citation for his award was “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and beyond the call of duty” (Richardson 3). Smith renowned himself in 1864 after saving his regimental colors.
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The United States Policy on Torture Military Research Paper
4 pages (1233 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The United States Military Commissions Act of 2006 is investigated as condoning measures of torture and detainment for enemy combatants. Prevailing strengths and weaknesses regarding the United States torture policy are examined, with the efficacy of torture remaining a contentious and politicized notion.
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Adolf Hitler: High-Profile Personality Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Adolf Hitler: High-Profile Personality The rise of Adolf Hitler as the authoritarian leader of the Third Reich during the 1930s was a monumental display of people’s preference for a socialist-oriented Germany and a prerequisite for an authoritarian nation under the political enthrals of Nazism.
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The Geography of Iran Military Term Paper
5 pages (1374 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
It will also be an instrument to understand the cultural, political and sociological makeup of the community. Iran is a country located in the Middle East of Southwest Asia continent. Iraq geographically borders it on the eastern side. Its immediate neighbours are the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan.
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The Effectiveness of International Cooperation in Combat Transnational Crime Military Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the era of globalization and advanced technical knowhow international crime which is widely known as terrorism has assumed tremendous rates of increase. This has resulted in a problem of tackling such high rates and advanced international crime. The major reason has been identified as inadequate intelligence due to underutilization of all possible in intelligence instruments and techniques to punish these international criminal offenders.
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Crucible Experience Military Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Robert J. Thomas’ The Crucible of Leadership is just that. A crucible is a vessel in which metals like gold are melted. It is another term for certain incidents in life that would make people change, just because the incident is so intense that change is inevitable.
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The reality of arms trade compared to its depiction in popular Hollywood Movie Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This industry has grown in both volume and its reach. Now more and more developing countries are being served by these arms producing entities.A huge sum of cash is being spent on research, development, manufacture and supply of military equipment to the developing world
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Increased Empowerment Of The American Non-Commissioned Officer Military Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are varied classes of non-commissioned officers such as junior non-commissioned officers as well as senior non-commissioned officers. Some people have referred to non-commissioned officers as the backbone of the armed forces (Bland, 2009). This is primarily because they are the most visible leaders for majority of military personnel.
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What Form Will Domestic Terrorism Take in the Future in the United States Military Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
What Form Will Domestic Terrorism Take in the Future in the United States? In 1995, a federal building in Oklahoma was bombed by McVeigh and his accomplices in a revenge mission against the federal government and FBI who were believed to have executed the Waco tragedy in which 75 followers of the Davidian cult were killed.
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The Tactics of Persistence: George Washington and the Virtues of Military Expediency Military Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
What did you learn from your “ride” with a great military leader? I learned that it was guile, resourcefulness and personal courage that made Washington a leader willing to take risks and utilize tactics that ran counter to military convention. History offers few examples of military leaders whose abilities were truly commensurate with the epic times in which they lived.
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A Humanitarian Work Force Mission Military Essay
4 pages (1239 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the request of the Panamanian government through the U.S. Embassy in Panama, the 961st Engineering Battalion was deployed to the country as part of the forces with the intention of helping the Panamanian residents whose schools, churches, hospitals, and other vital installations needed repair and maintenance work.
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