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Features of Martial Arts Beneficial for Society - Research Paper Example

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This paper 'Features of Martial Arts Beneficial for Society' tells us that Martial Art is the systemized knowledge of various systems or styles formatted for combating with threats through physical and spiritual powers. This Art has been named after the Roman god of war named ‘Mars’ (Rousseau)…
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Features of Martial Arts Beneficial for Society
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?Table Of Contents Martial Science 3 Introduction to Martial Arts: 3 2.Types of Martial Arts: there are five major types of Martial arts. These include Stand-up or striking styles, grappling styles, low impact styles; weapons based styles, and MMA (A Hybrid Sports Style). There is a rich variety of styles with unique strength and weaknesses in each of the referred type of Martial art. 3 a.Striking or Stand-Up Styles; This style of martial art is applied primarily in mixed martial art techniques. It refers to refers to stand up fighting, or everything that’s not grappling (though strikes can be executed on the ground as well). Boxing, Kray maga, kungfu, kick boxing, tae Kwon Do and Karate are the examples of this style. (Rousseau) 4 b.Grappling or Ground Fighting Styles; This technique involves the act of hand to hand physical involvement with the combat in which the participant try to gain advantage with clinching, holding, locking, and leverage. (Centre) This technique is used in the martial art styles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,Russian Sambo, Shoot fighting and Wrestling. 4 c.Throwing or Takedown Styles; in this technique of martial art the participants begin the fight in the standing position. Hence, once the fight begins the throwing and takedown styles amidst the fight determining the victor. The art includes the styles of Aikido, Judo, Hapkido and Shuai Jiao. 4 d.Weapons Based Styles; this style has primary focus on weapons. It includes the arts of Iaido, Kali and Kendo. 4 e.Low Impact or Meditative Styles; This style encompasses the breathing techniques, fitness, and the spiritual side of things. It includes Baguazhang, Tai Chi and Chi Gong based styles. 4 f.MMA- A Hybrid Sports Style; In each style of martial art there are adaptations from other styles of the art. This styles includes an essence of various style and is propagated as a sport style of martial arts that allows for grappling, stand up fighting, takedowns/ throws, and submissions. It includes MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Ninjutsu and Shootfighting. (Rousseau) 5 3.Features of Martial Arts Beneficial for society; The practice of Martial Arts enables an individual’s capacity of self defense. The art was primarily focused in ancient times by civilians to combat with offensive governments and rulers. Hence, the same perception with advancement is adhered in modern times that are martial art in recent times is practiced for the sake of self defense, physical fitness, sport and law enforcement preparations etc. (Jason M. Winkle) 5 4.Benefits of Martial art in Human development: thus, it can be stated that physical grooming is a mere part of the benefits of Martial Art. Other than the fitness benefits, muscular strength, flexibility and capacity development in an individual the art also retain certain features that adds to the element of spirituality in an individual. A boost to psycho social variables eliminating the negative factors is the impact of this art on human psychology and mental health, endorsed by Weiser, Kutz, Kutz, and Weiser (1995). (Jason M. Winkle) 5 5.Spirituality in Martial arts; 6 6.Dimensions of the Power of Martial Arts; 6 The dimensions of the power of martial arts vary from spiritual evolution to physical vigor. The selection of the domain of power is the choice of an individual. Hitherto, the features to be adopted in each of the domain are discipline, desire, openness and focus. Although the origin n of the art is all marked by spiritual entities, yet the path to be chosen is primarily the choice of the learner. The word “Do” (as in Judo, Aikido, and Tae Kwon Do) means “way” or the path you choose to walk. In other words, logically a human entity comprises of spirit, mind and body. The three components are intimately related as the spirit controls mind which controls the body. Hence, the action of an individual is the consent of the three elements altogether. Therefore, martial art has the potential to groom all the three factors but it is the choice of the learner to select a prime area of focus for practicing the true power of martial arts. (Costabile) 6 7.Challenges of Modern Times; 7 Rapid environment change of present times demands constant behavioral modification to cope with stress due to devastation of traditional culture. The onset of such advancement poses great challenge to human development, as the successful implementation of modifications relies on adaptation of cultural and behavioral practices that are healthy and sustainable for future development. (Dewey)Hence, the element of evolutionary psychology helps to determine solutions to modern behavioral problems such as the disorders mentioned below; 7 8.Identification of Problem Behavior; 7 9.Treatment of Behavior Modifictions with Martial Arts: 8 10.Managing Challenging Behavior through Martial arts; 8 11.Hypothetic Scene Setting For Elaboration; 10 12.Identification of Emotional and Behavioral Problems and there root cause; 18 13.Elaboration of Positive approaches; 20 14.Strategies to assist behavior modifications with martial arts training 21 15.Conclusion: 22 References; 23 Student Name Instructor Name: Course: Date of submission Martial Science 1. Introduction to Martial Arts: Martial Art is the systemized knowledge of various systems or styles formatted for combating with threats through physical and spiritual powers. This Art has been named after the Roman god of war named ‘Mars’ (Rousseau). The history of this art evolved from ancient times when wars and hunting was every day practice. Initially, each civilization carried peculiar martial arts of the regions with individual specifications. Hence, with global networking these specialties mingled to form mixed martial arts. In the broader scope martial arts can be separated into the basic categories of armed martial art and unarmed martial art. As is clear from the identification the categories, the former category of armed martial arts focus on weapons such as traditional swordsmanship or archery with multiple techniques. On the contrary, the latter category of unarmed martial art is considered more as a cascaded skill in the prevailing era of weapon proficiencies. 2. Types of Martial Arts: there are five major types of Martial arts. These include Stand-up or striking styles, grappling styles, low impact styles; weapons based styles, and MMA (A Hybrid Sports Style). There is a rich variety of styles with unique strength and weaknesses in each of the referred type of Martial art. a. Striking or Stand-Up Styles; This style of martial art is applied primarily in mixed martial art techniques. It refers to refers to stand up fighting, or everything that’s not grappling (though strikes can be executed on the ground as well). Boxing, Kray maga, kungfu, kick boxing, tae Kwon Do and Karate are the examples of this style. (Rousseau) b. Grappling or Ground Fighting Styles; This technique involves the act of hand to hand physical involvement with the combat in which the participant try to gain advantage with clinching, holding, locking, and leverage. (Centre) This technique is used in the martial art styles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,Russian Sambo, Shoot fighting and Wrestling. c. Throwing or Takedown Styles; in this technique of martial art the participants begin the fight in the standing position. Hence, once the fight begins the throwing and takedown styles amidst the fight determining the victor. The art includes the styles of Aikido, Judo, Hapkido and Shuai Jiao. d. Weapons Based Styles; this style has primary focus on weapons. It includes the arts of Iaido, Kali and Kendo. e. Low Impact or Meditative Styles; This style encompasses the breathing techniques, fitness, and the spiritual side of things. It includes Baguazhang, Tai Chi and Chi Gong based styles. f. MMA- A Hybrid Sports Style; In each style of martial art there are adaptations from other styles of the art. This styles includes an essence of various style and is propagated as a sport style of martial arts that allows for grappling, stand up fighting, takedowns/ throws, and submissions. It includes MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Ninjutsu and Shootfighting. (Rousseau) 3. Features of Martial Arts Beneficial for society; The practice of Martial Arts enables an individual’s capacity of self defense. The art was primarily focused in ancient times by civilians to combat with offensive governments and rulers. Hence, the same perception with advancement is adhered in modern times that are martial art in recent times is practiced for the sake of self defense, physical fitness, sport and law enforcement preparations etc. (Jason M. Winkle) 4. Benefits of Martial art in Human development: thus, it can be stated that physical grooming is a mere part of the benefits of Martial Art. Other than the fitness benefits, muscular strength, flexibility and capacity development in an individual the art also retain certain features that adds to the element of spirituality in an individual. A boost to psycho social variables eliminating the negative factors is the impact of this art on human psychology and mental health, endorsed by Weiser, Kutz, Kutz, and Weiser (1995). (Jason M. Winkle) At present, martial art is an Exciting Addition to the Physical Education Curriculum of contemporary education. (Jason M. Winkle). The training of martial art has proved affirmative in boosting the self confidence along with positive effects on Behavior Modifications. 5. Spirituality in Martial arts; The spiritual connection to the martial art in the words of masters (Leonard) is claimed to be attained with “simplicity and self-control, full awareness at every moment, and tranquility in the face of death set well with the samurai way of life, in which a duel was always possible and the difference between life and death lay in one swift stroke of the sword”. 6. Dimensions of the Power of Martial Arts; The dimensions of the power of martial arts vary from spiritual evolution to physical vigor. The selection of the domain of power is the choice of an individual. Hitherto, the features to be adopted in each of the domain are discipline, desire, openness and focus. Although the origin n of the art is all marked by spiritual entities, yet the path to be chosen is primarily the choice of the learner. The word “Do” (as in Judo, Aikido, and Tae Kwon Do) means “way” or the path you choose to walk. In other words, logically a human entity comprises of spirit, mind and body. The three components are intimately related as the spirit controls mind which controls the body. Hence, the action of an individual is the consent of the three elements altogether. Therefore, martial art has the potential to groom all the three factors but it is the choice of the learner to select a prime area of focus for practicing the true power of martial arts. (Costabile) 7. Challenges of Modern Times; Rapid environment change of present times demands constant behavioral modification to cope with stress due to devastation of traditional culture. The onset of such advancement poses great challenge to human development, as the successful implementation of modifications relies on adaptation of cultural and behavioral practices that are healthy and sustainable for future development. (Dewey)Hence, the element of evolutionary psychology helps to determine solutions to modern behavioral problems such as the disorders mentioned below; Autism Dyslexia Asperger’s Syndrome Pervasive development Disorder Bipolar Disorder Sensory Integration disorder Balance and Co ordinations. 8. Identification of Problem Behavior; The patterns of the destructive behavior need to be identified with an honest and accurate check to kill the problem from the root. Hence an evaluation of personal profile is mandatory to identify the reasons of behavioral problems. The behavioral problem originate from various situations often integrated with the intergenerational relational patterns through features that include family system theories and functioning, family rules, cognitive developments and genetic influences that together cast reflection on emotional disturbance and behavioral patterns. Hence, these features together create family genogram which adds to the influence of social economic development on individuals. 9. Treatment of Behavior Modifictions with Martial Arts: Training of Martial Arts aids to bring improvement in behavioral problems by teaching the techniques of Body talk. Body Talk can be defined as plain and efficient mode of therapy of modern times consuming biofeedback to align compromised energy flow and gentle tapping to reconnect it. This therapy tunes the energy system of the body for behavioral modifications and adaptation to add fitness specifications to compete with environmental changes. (Healing) Brief information of an individual aids to identify root cause of behavioral problems for suggestion of accurate style of martial art to tame mind, spirit and body of an individual for constructive advancement. Genograms are the illustrations of family structure in the shape of a map depicting transitions, including births, deaths, trauma, physical or mental illnesses, addiction, developmental or other challenges that make an impact on the family system. The purpose of genogram is to study the impact of intergeneration family relationship patterns that determines there impact on developing parents. Therefore, the learning capacity of a developing parent under the theory of genogram are determined by specifications that include critical events , major life cycle transitions and structural variations such as divorce, step-relationships, or adoption, engage in less genetically-linked disclosures. (Genogram, nd) 10. Managing Challenging Behavior through Martial arts; The illustrated behavioral and emotional problems can be treated with a vast variety of treatment that often proceed with aggressive drug therapy leaving an individual dependent on strong medications. A research study on analysis of martial arts treatment with alternative therapy was conducted by Doctor Morand in the spring of 2004 for his doctor of psychology dissertation at Hofstra University in New York. The findings witnessed greater success by the use of martial art techniques. Furthermore, this treatment also benefit an individual by teaching in a safe mode the constructive ways for dealing with conflicts of inner self independently in the long run. (Admin-AKI) Conversely, assisting an individual in the true development of the brain by blending academic, emotional, and social and self-control traits while mastering the developmental task necessary to enjoy a satisfying and productive life. (Martial In fact, at present focus is being laid by authorities to include martial arts in the curriculum to add and calculate self confidence in pupil. The objectives of the programme intend to add below mentioned features in pupil personality; a. To boost self confidence and personal image amongst family members and relatives. b. To refrain depression, stress and anxiety. c. To enhance vision of pupil to devise acceptable and mature methods of conflicts resolution. d. To make better the capacity of critical thinking. e. To improve social relationships that is with friends and family. f. To control impulsive attitude. g. To groom interpersonal skills in terms of communication and understandings etc. (Abrahams) 11. Hypothetic Scene Setting For Elaboration; Genogram of Rosie U. Rosie is a fifty-three year old single woman who lives in a small one-bedroom house with her thirteen-year-old autistic son, Justin. At the time of this paper Justin has been in an in-patient psychiatric unit for a little over three weeks due to aggressive behavior in the home. This is his second stay in the hospital and residential placement is being considered. The thought of Justin leaving the home has his mother beside herself with grief. Rosie has cared for Justin for thirteen tumultuous years. She describes herself as someone who did not like children before she had Justin and was indifferent to them when she came in contact with friend’s babies or children. However, at age 41 Rosie and her husband, Edgar, became pregnant. Rosie fondly remembers the moment she held Justin for the first time how she felt herself transform and how the love for the baby in her arms changed her life, and perspective on children. From that moment on Rosie was a passionate mother who also took joy in other children. In fact, to this day she is extraordinary with all children and displays an above average ability to connect with them. At age two Justin was diagnosed with autism. This devastating news threw Rosie into the quest of doing everything in her power to help her son. Justin was a difficult child. He was, and continues to be, very strong willed and stubborn. He is a very social, verbal and bright child with a very big presence. He tends to dominate situations with his agenda and is inflexible when this agenda is challenged. In fact, he can become upset and aggressive when others attempt to interfere with his agenda or engage him in spontaneous interactions. Justin displayed this profile from a very young age and Rosie reports how this prohibited them having a normal life and that there was very little that they could do outside of the home and school. She reports that every event, class, party, daycare she ever attempted to include Justin, in ended in disaster. She also reports a very long and frustrating history with state agencies and their lack of ability to help Justin and their family. I will explore this more later. Rosie and Edgar were divorced when Justin was only three and although Edgar remains minimally involved in Justin’s life, he is not financially or emotionally supportive of the family. Edgar has been observed blaming Rosie for Justin’s difficulties and berating her in public. His perspective is that Justin needs discipline and that Rosie babies him and lets him get away with bad behavior. This treatment causes Rosie to limit her interactions with him even in times of crisis. As Justin has entered adolescence his behavior has become increasingly dangerous and resulted in institutionalization. His behavior has taken on a sexual nature and is often related to sexual feelings about girls and his “agenda” with them. These feelings are complicated by significant sensory challenges, developmental weaknesses in social and emotional capacities and limited abilities to accurately express himself and effectively communicate with others, especially in times of stress. He lives alone with his mother who is now much smaller than her son physically. Their relationship is very close and loving, but inconsistent. What I mean by this is that Rosie does treat Justin much younger than he is as it relates to self-care, privileges and communicating. She has stunted his progress in self-care by doing everything for him. She also does this in public (e.g., “Justin do you have to go poo poo?”), which embarrasses Justin and can cause him to protest and become upset. In contrast, she has very high expectations for him academically and for his future. She also shifts into more of an equal role with Justin when in conflict with him and will fight with him as if they are husband and wife rather than mother and son. She reflects on their life together as completely intertwined due to the lack of support from family and friends. Rosie describes herself as having no life, no friends or family and that she and Justin have had to do everything together including showering, going to doctor visits and other activities that are less than appropriate for a mother and older son. She willingly shares this information and then quickly defends it by stating she has no choice. Until the time of Justin’s first hospital stay, Rosie had never spent a night away from her son in 13 years! This most recent stay in the hospital and proposition of a residential placement has left Rosie distraught and at times manic. She considers Justin her everything, her life; If he is gone, she has nothing. She has not been completely cooperative with hospital staff and the state agencies attempting to support the current situation. She fights letting go even in the most literal sense. For example, she continually gets in trouble with hospital staff for visiting in Justin’s room (visits are only allowed in the common area) to floss his teeth, clean his ears, help him with poo poo, etc.). She feels they are not caring for him in the hospital while staff stresses the importance of increasing Justin’s independence in this area. She has been given warnings about her behavior, which has resulted in her becoming verbally abusive with hospital staff. Now security escorts Rosie on visits, which only makes the situation more painful. Justin and Rosie have a large team of people supporting them. This includes Justin’s school staff, his school district case manager, a variety of state agencies meant to support families in the home, and minimal support from Justin’s father. No other family members or friends are involved. Rosie expresses feeling very alone in this process and is extremely dependent on school staff. She is not able to communicate effectively with the professionals trying to help and often offends people, which impact their efforts to help. School staff often play mediator with these agencies while coaching Rosie on how to navigate the situation for herself more successfully. The school staff, including the director, mental health professionals and teachers supports every aspect of the case with a heavy focus on supporting mom and encouraging her to get help for herself. An important note is the history Rosie has had with state agencies. She reports that none of these agencies have been able to help her or her son. She describes Justin as a unique child because he is verbal and appears high functioning, but has significant challenges. His severe behavioral difficulties often result in professionals saying they cannot help a boy like Justin. These repetitive experiences have hardened Rosie to these agencies and contribute to her hostile way of interacting with them, which creates a vicious cycle. Rosie has shared some of her family history. She describes herself as having a lot of the same tendencies as her son. She calls herself inflexible, stubborn, highly anxious, and a bad communicator. She feels she has more to offer, but is limited by these challenges and does the best she can to support herself and Justin. She is a secretary at a University and is scheduled to retire in the next few years. She often says “If I can just keep him safe for a few more years, I will be able to give him everything after I retire and be able to help him more then.” She often references that she had Justin when she was too old and that this may be what caused his disability. She also connects her age to her difficulties in managing his challenging behavior. Rosie reports that both sets of Justin’s grandparents emigrated from Columbia. She identified mental illness in Justin’s maternal grandfather and also feels this may contribute to Justin’s issues. She blames herself and her family history for many of Justin’s challenges and is terrified that there is a co-morbid diagnosis and that Justin is “crazy.” She worries about him killing or raping someone. Rosie shared that her mother suffered sexual abuse from her uncle and this caused her to be a very closed person. She feels that her mother was not very warm or caring with her or her sister and therefore Rosie wants to be everything she did not get from her mother for Justin. She reports that her mother got divorced and that she became estranged from her father in the 80’s. Her mother remarried and Rosie maintains a very distant relationship with her. I do not know much about the sister, only that they are not close. I do not know about Rosie’s father’s extended family. I also do not know about Justin’s father’s family history. However, Rosie connects some of Justin’s personality difficulties to his father and feels that Justin gets his stubbornness from him. There are also cultural implications that impact the relationship with Rosie and Edgar and Rosie and Justin. Rosie and Edgar have a very heated relationship and Edgar will often talk down to Rosie in the presence of others. She in turn becomes passive and doesn’t fuel the fire as she did when they were married. She states there is no point, as he doesn’t listen anyway. Cultural influences are also seen in how Rosie cares for Justin, and in other people’s eyes “babies” or “spoils” him while also having high hopes for him as a successful adult. Finally, prior to creating the genogram on Rosie, I have been thinking a lot about her resistance to “letting go” or accepting that Justin is growing up and the connection to her difficulties dealing with professionals outside of Justin’s school staff. Initially, she also challenged school staff with her demands about Justin and her overprotective nature that interfered with his ability to participate independently at school. However, over time she gained trust in the school staff and they now serve as her only support system. Despite Rosie’s ability to connect with Justin’s school staff, she continues to have grave difficulties dealing with other professionals and this is exaggerated by how she still see Justin as a baby. Recently, she wrote a thank you note to school staff on the back of one of Justin’s baby announcement. There was much symbolism in this gesture as this mother grieves over the loss of not only her baby, but of her son to “a system that doesn’t work.” It has been incredibly emotional watching this mother go from having unrealistic expectations for her son’s future that often caused conflict with the professionals in Justin’s life to beginning to come to terms that she might have to separate from him and that he needs an intense level of care. She vacillates between being depressed to hysterical to realistic about what needs to happen for Justin right now. Most recently, she has even had her hair done and shared that it’s nice not to struggle to get Justin on the bus every morning. Our conversations are shifting from what to do for Justin, to what Rosie can do for herself within this opportunity. 12. Identification of Emotional and Behavioral Problems and there root cause; After looking at the genogram, I think more about the disrupted relationships in Rosie’s family and how these have contributed to her lack of trust in relationships. The genogram really illustrates the isolation of Rosie and Justin’s life together and her dependence on school personnel. The genogram suggests that negative experiences and relationships have driven Rosie to be dependent on other people in her life that have been willing to support her via a safe and trusting relationship. It also illustrates the dysfunction of this situation in that the core relationships should not be those between the professionals and client, but rather within the family itself. I have considered how the flow of anxiety has impacted the functioning of this family system. Although there are significant stressors on the horizontal axis, there are also many contributions from the vertical axis. The diagram clearly allows you to see the fusion between mother and son and also the over-dependent bond on the school staff. Finally, this genogram has reinforced to me the need to help Rosie be more independent in her advocating for her son and less dependent on school staff. If Justin does go into a residential placement, we will no longer be his school staff and therefore have fewer resources to support this family. I understand that it is critical for Rosie’s family to be the core of her relationships and that she will need a lot of work to support her through the transitions ahead. I have hopes that she will find herself again during this separation from her son, as this was lost the day he was diagnosed. My fantasy is that Justin and Rosie will both get the help they need while apart and this will someday allow them to be together again, both stronger and more available to a healthy existence together. 13. Elaboration of Positive approaches; As illustrated above identification of problem behavior is mandatory for Behavioral modifications with Martial arts training. The background of the hypothetical case is illustrated to pick up the root cause of behavioral and emotional problems and apply techniques of martial arts accordingly for improvement. Hence, the admittance of the problem is the first step followed by integration of positive approaches in the life cycle. Hitherto, the martial art training application can be broken into three steps. These include learning of techniques, determination of action and striving to maintain change. Martial arts training impose primary responsibility of change on the seeker only. It only facilitates the seeker by aligning the powers of mind, body and soul that enhances self confidence. This power of mind, body and soul is evoked through the features of reflective listening that invokes empathy, legitimization, respect, support, partnership and optimism. Consequently, the power of martial arts builds up self efficacy that boosts self confidence of an individual and eventually the conviction of bringing in progressive change. Apart from the adaptation of the techniques of martial art in the hypothetical setting described above, certain positive approaches are and also recommended to help the individual overcome aggression in a positive manner. Some of these are illustrated below i. Short Break from Situations; ii. Adaptation of Grudge Removing Techniques iii. Planning of Strategies for overcoming disruptions iv. Sketching of appropriate diversion strategies; v. Confrontation shunning techniques to avoid stressful situations vi. Learn from the action techniques vii. Identification of triggering situations viii. Managing techniques for emotional Reactions ix. Application social Circle enhancement techniques x. Tension removing techniques 14. Strategies to assist behavior modifications with martial arts training Spirituality is defined in a number of ways by scholars but the true aspect of attainment of spirituality is proper alignment of mind, soul and body with positive approach. The same practice is emphasized in martial arts in every style. The very fact is verified by the masters of the art as well. The great swordsman Myamoto Musashi was one of the early pioneers of this concept (Geis) . In addition, it must be stated that learning of principles such as the positive approaches indicated above for hypothetical settings. Hitherto, martial arts resolves the conflicts and struggles with in one self revealing our hidden strengths with the growth of emotional and psychological states. Although realization of problem behavior is always favorable for a cure but the hypothetical scenes describes a complicated set of issues revolving around the family. Thus, a safe and compatible environment for the subjects of hypothetical setting can only be formulated with professional assistance to reinforce conditions for changing habits and behavioral patterns. Hence, assisting the evolution of one’s psychology and emotion with external help by reinforcing habits for successful modification of behavioral patterns. Particularly speaking the role of martial arts for the sharpening of mind and refinement of spirit is far behind to be described in words. However, attitude is the prime factor that is developed through inner meditation in the individual’s through martial arts training. In the light of our hypothetical setting this is the ultimate requisite or solution of the family concerning their tribulations. Hence, meditation is what that aids in development of attitude that crop up the feelings of relaxation and clarity with an empty mind and strong stimulus to adapt circumstances positively. The movement of Kata or an aikibatto exercise is what teaches the referred attributes. (Aikibatto) that helps in the unity of mind , body and spirit. Precisely, to achieve the objectives of behavioral modifications, martial arts can be beneficial for the hypothetical subject or patients alike by substituting alternative and socially acceptable methods to conceptualize conflict, express differences and solve problems (Abrahams) 15. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is clear that the challenges of modern times are increasing with the pace of time. Therefore, an emphasis on cultivation of resistance against the negative practices needs to be addresses to maintain the ratio of positive attributes in the material world. The use of martial arts is suggested as a mean to instill the enthusiasm of a warrior in coming generations and the present one as well. Martial Arts is said to strengthen science with ancient practice emphasizing on the truth that that bad habits/unhealthy behaviors/bad behaviors can be learned, but just as they can be learned they can be unlearned. Hence, in an attempt to do so the art teaches the basic with simple techniques and styles such as Idea of Shu Ha Rhi, i.e. most things can be learned through Basics, Application and Creativity. When you put this with Positive Exposure, Practical Thinking and Positive Actions, the result is in the shape of a powerfully empowered adult. (MARTIALFORCE.COM) References; Abrahams, Christine. "InSpire Guidance-Based Martial Arts Program:." Martial Arts (nd): 193-200. Admin-AKI. Help Your Child Improve Self Control Through Martial Arts. 31 May 2010. 17 Oct 2011 . Aikibatto. Spiritual aspects. nd. 19 Oct 2011 . Centre, Progressive Martial Arts training. Grappling. nd. 17 Oct 2011 . Costabile, Lou. Is there a spiritual side to martial arts? nd. 17 Oct 2011 . Dewey, Dr. The Impact of Enviromental Change. nd. 18 Oct 2011 . Geis, Karl E. A christian response. nd. 19 Oct 2011 . Genogram. Constructing and Interpreting Interaction Patterns . nd. 16 Oct 2011 . Healing, Quantum Body. Quantum Body Healing. nd. 17 Oct 2011 . Jason M. Winkle, John C. Ozmun. "Martial Arts: An Exciting Addition to the Physical Education Curriculum." JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (2003). Leonard, George. "INTRODUCTION, Zen Way to the Martial Arts." Leonard, George. The Zen Way to the Martial Arts. California, nd. MARTIALFORCE.COM. INTERVIEW WITH DR. ALONZO JONES. Aug 2010. 19 Oct 2011 . Rousseau, Robert. "Martial Arts." What are Martial Arts (nd). Read More
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11 Pages (2750 words) Assignment
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