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The proposed counter-terrorist strategy, intended to address the US response to the Floola bombing, undoubtedly has both its cons and pros. If it’s implemented holistically, however, with special attention to the details, the strategy could successfully address the issue and avoid phenomena like irrational or irrelevant responses.
The paper tells that the decision of the military to attach reporters in combat units is unparalleled in its magnitude and a marked difference to earlier conflicts where in reporters’ access was limited. Nevertheless, thus far, there has been no comprehensive effort to identify whether this move was in fact revolutionary, in terms of its pros and cons.
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12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
This research paper is an investigation of the 1918 flu pandemic that caused more fatalities than the total number of people killed in the First World War. The first section discusses historical background of the Spanish flu followed by an investigation of mortality and morbidity patterns of the flu pandemic.
None has so far been able to define the term ‘terrorism’ in a manner that can be universally acceptable, but still, most literatures described that terrorism is an act of frightening or intimidating individuals, people or even governments. Organizations that are formed or are working under the title of terrorism do function differently, mainly being heartless and evil-minded with no perceived moral compass.
7 pages (2084 words)
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, Research Paper
A leader is a person to whom an organization or community bestows the responsibility of showing guidance to people. Leaders provide a sense of direction and guidance, which the rest follow to the latter in order for a community to achieve its intended results. Leadership is the process of influencing people socially where one individual enlists the help of other people under them in the achievement of certain goals and objectives.
Air Force Space Surveillance System is the multistatic government owned radar system used for the purpose of detecting orbital objects that happen to pass over America. It is simply called the Space Fence (Launius, 2012). It is part of the government but under the care and management of the space surveillance network (U.S).
Globalization is one and simple word abut it captures a variety of dimension in terms of meaning and its’ widespread worldview, as Mychal Brown puts in vs-1, “In an era where the priority of the state is called into question, the watchword of geopolitics has changed to globalization”. Globalization can be viewed both from economic, social, political.
14 pages (4380 words)
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, Research Paper
Kellogg Company is the world's most important producer of cereal and a leading manufacturer of expediency foods including crackers, cookies, toaster pastries, fruit-flavored snacks, cereal bars, vegetarian foods, and frozen waffles. Kellogg’s main brands contain Corn Flakes, Pop-Tarts, Keebler, Eggo, Nutri-Grain, Cheez-It, Rice Krispies.
In an urban setting, it should be recognized that rigid organizational boundaries are no longer effective in terrorist attack response. It is thus important for a disaster coordinator to summon representatives from these organizations so that a collective decision can be made regarding action during disaster situations.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
There is no denying the fact that the military use of drones by the US has accrued mixed response from the public, which is either of outright opposition or of a complacent silence. However, it is a fact that the usage of drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as military weapons is a trend that is fraught with serious and negative complications.
17 pages (5071 words)
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, Research Paper
Tacit knowledge is the kind of knowledge that has been considered relevant in shaping actions relating to real-world goals. This kind of knowledge covers three basic qualities. First, it is procedural; second, it is significant in the achievement of goals that individuals value; and third, it is gained with limited assistance from others.
As the war on terror wore on without any definite progress being gained in fighting terrorism and in bringing the terrorists to justice, it became more apparent that the war was becoming an ineffectual means to resolve the terrorist issue.
7 pages (1896 words)
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, Research Paper
It is essential to state that the primary role of Human Intelligence intervention is to collect intelligence information through means of interpersonal contact. The critical components of human intelligence include interrogations and conversations with people who have access to the required information.
According to the USA Patriot Act, some provisions would facilitate the US government to intervene in any financial institution all over to obstruct terrorism and corrupt practices. It has the authority to scrutinize any foreign financial body for the sake of preserving its national interest and the world.
The Strategy defines the range of terrorist organizations that pose threat to the United States and the core principles that guide the US counterterrorism efforts. The latter include adhering to US core values, building security partnerships, applying counter-terrorism tools and capabilities appropriately, and building a culture of resilience.
Operational design and art provide a connection between tactics and strategy —they assist the joint force component commanders to administer actions, which will generate the conditions to accomplish strategic objectives, as well as the desired end state (Mullen 29). Operational art is mainly regarded as the sphere of senior commanders.
The claim that the Marine Corps are trained to fight irregular warfare and the Air Force/Navy is trained to fight regular warfare and but the terrorist organizations make use of both irregular warfare and regular warfare is noteworthy but the combination of different units within the US Forces can withstand this threat.
The TALON was a US Air Force program authorized in 2002 by the then Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul to gather data on probable threats to American armed forces personnel in the US and abroad. The program was so secretive that not even the amount of reports, the agency's (the Counterintelligence Field Activity) size, and its budget were known.
The American military has bases all over the world in allied countries and these have been put in place to protect American interests in these respective regions. Among the most prominent military bases can be found in the Middle East where they have been continuously used to fight terrorism in this region.
13 pages (3991 words)
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, Research Paper
FedEx is one of the biggest logistics and express delivery providing companies in the world. It has expanded to more than 220 nations. The company has successfully placed itself as a dominant player in the logistics and shipping network. Presently, FedEx possesses a strong international consignment network, through which it can rapidly deliver packages globally.
This paper will attempt to answer the question of whether the concerns of the critics are founded. It will also try to show whether proponents are honest when they say that it is the safest and green energy to use. This report will also explore whether radioactive waste is a permanent problem or can it be solved.
4 pages (1211 words)
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, Research Paper
Saudi Aramco through its management of 98% of the country's oil resources has had a significant impact on Saudi Arabian Society. Saudi Aramco has had a history of improving the lives of Saudis whose livelihoods in the past were dependent mainly on agriculture, making oil a very important commodity in the Saudi Arabian economy.
In World War I the major players or the countries who participated were the Axis and the Allied powers. The Allies' side mainly comprised of the United States and Great Britain along with countries like France, China, and Canada with many countries joining later. The Axis powers mainly comprised the countries like Germany, Italy, and Japan.
The Gulf war was the first significant use of the US military power since the Vietnam War; however, the gulf war involved an assembly of large and numerous countries that contributed military assets although the US capabilities outstripped other nations. The gulf war in 1990-1991 was a reaction to Saddam’s threat to the region, which eventually caused significant changes in the Middle East.
10 pages (2598 words)
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, Research Paper
Such a challenge places a toll on the organization’s culture, collective psyche, and also motivation. The apprehension emanating from the employees from both the company stems from the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring to the company and its impact on each of the employees from both companies.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
As the world integrates into a global village, it is vital to be aware of various cultures. In this case, Iran is examined in terms of its distinct culture. This relates to how Iranians perceive things in their own way. It also relates to their perception, of the world, and reaction.
The answer to what the Tamil Tigers are rallying for lies within a subjective approach to the subject. The Tamils of Sri Lanka and south India may see them as soldiers fighting for the ethnic group’s liberation, while government officials may see them as terrorists. The phrase in the book “Harry’s Game” is often quoted when analyzing such distinctions.
As the staff officer for 1-25 SBCT, I have been tasked to provide a Course of Action Statement for the order of battle against Ahurastan. As intelligence assessments predict that the enemy’s forces will not attack prior to 3 June 2017, which should give the unit approximately eighty-five days to prepare and be in position.
China’s technological advances in the space war further counter America’s unipolar moment. Another explanation signifying the end of America’s unipolar moment is the rise of Russia’s military capabilities. Russia and Iran are currently involved in helping Syria’s government to fight rebels and its citizens.
3 pages (1092 words)
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, Research Paper
It is essential to state that little danger from wild animals and no hostile Indians to contend with; the government is secure and selected by a democratic method and the people of the nation have the most dominant army mankind has ever seen in addition to numerous levels of law enforcement to defend it.
4 pages (1138 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The author concentrates on intelligence operations by both Navies. The vastness of this field can be realized after reading the book. It covers various types of intelligence gathering techniques employed and their role in decision-making. The techniques mainly cover fleet recognition, signal interception, and decryption as being a major part of military intelligence.
This research paper provides a comprehensive account of a well-known terrorist group that goes by the name of Al-Qaeda. Discussion will focus primarily on the modus operandi of the said terrorist group and how they became notoriously known worldwide after the 9/11 incident.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Proposal
The author states that the National Security Act outlines the responsibilities formerly assigned to intelligence. To begin with, it was the duty of the DCI to give the President and other senior officials in the government national intelligence. His duties extended to providing the same information to Congress when the institution felt necessary.
Different researchers establish that the history of the war in the human society dates back to over 4,000 years ago. The continuity of differences among the human society reflects the individual indulgence to develop new tactics to combat enemies and ensure sovereignty over their aggressors on an undisclosed future date.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Various soldiers have risen up the ranks from adhering to the values. Their hard work in their training and value system has yielded fruits in battle field, bringing victory to nation. This paper will talk about General Henry Harley Arnold who was a General of the Army, and was later made the general of the Air Force.
6 pages (1589 words)
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, Research Paper
The history of military earthwork and fortification could be traced back centuries. To define, ‘any primarily earthen structure termed interchangeably as entrenchments, trenches, rifle or shelter trenches, rifle pits, parallels, earthen defenses, or breastworks’ erected for military purposes is an earthwork.
In the Philippine Insurrection, the strategy of the insurgents was to use the national will of the population to deprive the Americans of achieving their objectives. The American strategy was to achieve the end state of a stable, democratic, and independent Philippines. To this ends the full power of the nation was used.
The author states that George Washington had a military career that spanned over forty years of service. As the commander in chief of the Continental Army, Washington led the Americans to a victory over the British in what is now termed the American Revolutionary War. Washington lost both his elder brother.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
Counterinsurgencies (COIN) are described as a common war tactic. Foe groups engaged in wars often use this particular tactic to identify and overcome insurgencies prior to their occurrence. The authoritative governmental military groups since time immemorial have organized COIN campaigns.
The period between the first gulf war in the 1990s and the second in early 2000 has witnessed many changes in the military. The changes include the application of more advanced technology and overhaul of tactical approaches, transformations that have achieved mixed results. The paper discusses the benefits and drawbacks of applying the US’ advanced military technology in Iraq and Afghanistan.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Operational Leadership is very important for military particularly during warfare. What exactly makes a successful operational commander, however, has long been debated, and forming a coherent definition is difficult. Some attributes that might function incredibly well in a peace keeping context might not work in out-and-out warfare, which might also require different needs from force readiness demands in peace time.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
A strategy is the most important factor that needs to be considered before going to war. As in sports, the coaches of a team create a strategy for their players; similarly, it is the job of military professionals to create a strategy to fight a war. A strategy is based upon the information that these professionals have obtained.
4 pages (1126 words)
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, Book Report/Review
In this historical book, all the occurrences are chronologically put across as Roy tries to give an account of what happened that triggered one of the greatest Islamic resistances in this society. He examines the historical, structural, and ideological composition of the development of Afghanistan’s military and political condition.
6 pages (1647 words)
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, Research Paper
The Defense News, on September 21, 2011, said that the United States organized a high-powered, mobile X-band radar organization to Israel all along the tiny dependent of support people. In a trial to reassure those who may be alarmed by such news, rest confirmed that the United States military presence in Israel has been aimed for some reason.
4 pages (1086 words)
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, Research Paper
Ethics is an important aspect of different professions. These have a code of ethics, which serves as a guide to the professionals and their practice. Similarly, ethics are of great importance in the military and is the backbone of the military. The military is taught to employ ethical reasoning in areas, where there they will need to make crucial decisions, whose outcome might have greatly influenced the image of the military.
Humane institutions play vital role in inmate diversion programs. Various humane institutions organize several promotional activities for prisoners during their stay and also undertake rehabilitation programs.
The report intends to analyze mission command during The Battle of the Marne, the first battle of the World War I that took place between the 5th and 12th days of September in 1914. This battle resulted in one of the Allied victories against the German Army under the command of Chief of Staff Helmut von Moltke.
10 pages (3104 words)
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, Research Paper
The conflict and war on terror have an erratic and unpredictable outcome as the perceived enemies of democracy are apparently in the stage of structural changes using factors that shape reform agendas in those regions. Such is complemented by the increasing education of people, who were subject to the monarchical system, about the need for them to participate and nurture democratic and transparent governance in their respective systems.
An important aspect of the flexible deterrent option is that even though the flexible deterrent option (FDO) has an aim of securing Nakhchivan airfield to facilitate force and sustainment flow into the entire Nakhchivan region, this aim would be seen as a collective goal that cannot be achieved by performing only one task.
The war which ‘made the world safe for democracy,’ was caused by a myriad of complex issues but was initially instigated by the signing of the Versailles Treaty at the end of WWI on June 28, 1919. In essence, the treaty was intended as punishment dealt out by the allies to Germany as retribution for its unprovoked aggressive military actions.