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Essays on velocity

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Bullet Velocity
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
A bullet is a metallic projectile loaded in cartridges and fired from firearms, the cartridge consists of a cartridge case, propellant charge, primer, and bullet. Pulling the trigger strikes the primer which in turn ignites the gunpowder, high pressure is built which propels the bullet forward and ejects the casing. ... A bullet is a metallic projectile loaded in cartridges and fired from firearms, the cartridge consists of a cartridge case, propellant charge, primer, and bullet. Pulling the trigger...
Velocity circus
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
Velocity circus is the only circus that managed to capture the world in one tent and kept it rising in the sky. This magnificent circus is unique and full of wonders of the world. There is nothing too big or small for their attention.... “This circus was established 1987 in San Leandro by Greg Angelo Herrera”.He is a genuine San Franciscan and the artistic director of Velocity Arts and Entertainment and Velocity Circus.The persona of his has become synonymous with the exceptional nature in which...
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Velocity sensors
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Velocity Sensors Abstract of Sensor A Velocity sensor is a crucial tool that is used to determine the rate of change of position of an object. For instance, the device determines change of position when an object moves forward or backwards.... This means that the object must not revisit their initial position. The Velocity sensor is based on the movement further from the starting point of the object. Returning to the turning point means that the person has achieved...
Velocity of Sound
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Velocity of sound often varies with regards to various mediums. The metal rod's sound Velocity was obtained in this entire experiment through... A clamped metal rod was stroked in a lateral manner so as to produce energy and friction in form of the longitudinal wave. On entering the tube, the wave agitates the dust within and hence forming visible shapes. Measurements were then Sound is often part and parcel of our entire surrounding and has great significance in our daily life. Generally, sound...
Velocity in Soccer Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
Velocity in soccer Velocity is the measurement of the rate at which an object changes its position. Velocity involves the use of time, speed, and direction. The distance at which the object has been moved from one place to another is known as displacement.... This displacement has to be in a given direction. Velocity involves direction since it is a vector quantity. The speed of displacement is a scalar quantity, which means that it is described in a numerical value that shows the magnitude. The...
The Production of the Velocity
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
This assignment "The Production of the Velocity" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the Matlab assignment date evaluation. From the lessons learned about acceleration, position, and Velocity of a moving body, the equation is relating the three.... This project uses the MatLab program to load the data for acceleration, use the acceleration to generate the corresponding values of Velocity, and then plot the relevant graphs for the acceleration and Velocity of a moving body. Acceleration...
Velocity 3 - Part II
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3
Hi, as thorough as your presentation is, I still believe that there are a number of insights I can offer to what you have already indicated in your paper. Indeed, it is important that you noted the place of interrelatedness in the quest to achieving efficiency when you admitted... As much as this position is acceptable, my insight is that approaching efficiency through interrelatedness should be done with much caution and only after VELO 3 - PART II Response to KENDRA MOODY Hi, as thorough as your...
Velocity 2 - Part II
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
There are so many lessons learnt from your post on how to avoid waste and how well to utilize human resources to achieve the goals of the organization. Based on your last passage, I would like to add some more insight on how best the organization can achieve its employee... As indicated by Jacob (2010), in applying Velocity, it is important that what each member within the organization can do and do well be factored. Very unfortunately though, there are a lot of organizations that suppress the need...
Orbital Energy and Escape Velocity
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0
This paper "Orbital Energy and Escape Velocity" examines Orbital Energy as a term related to astrophysics and refers to the dynamic energy of those celestial bodies that rotate in an orbit. Out of the three laws suggested by Kepler, the 2nd Law is the one that explains orbital energy.... A good example of escape Velocity is that of the rockets and other man-made satellites which are sent to space using the logic of escape Velocity. The average speed that any man-made object needs to move out of the...
Orbital Energy and Escape Velocity
1 pages (287 words) , Download 2
The author of the essay entitled "Orbital Energy and Escape Velocity" states that The energy which keeps planets in its orbits is called orbital energy. Every object has a certain amount of energy which is the sum total of its kinetic and potential energies.... The same way a planet which revolves around the sun in fixed orbits also has energies which are the sum of the Kinetic and potential energies. The kinetic energy of a planet is the energy processed by it due to its orbital motion which can...
Shared Practice: Velocity, Part 1
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3
Jacob, Bergland & Cox (2010, vii) stated that, “And Velocity – as a concept – is the means by which the organization orchestrates all of its resources, as well as all three improvement disciplines, and achieves both speed and direction towards strategic goals.” This... ge was selected and considered necessary to effective business management due to the premise it gives to the components needed to achieve performance within the workplace. Through this passage, it is highlighted that even though each...
Management in High-Velocity Setting
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2
In this research, one of the areas of human resource management will be examined, which is performance management. And also Is performance management capable of functioning as a primary integrative mechanism which will connect individuals' objectives and duties to the goals of the business.... Some scholars claim that performance management is the component of human resource management which can create the greatest effect on organizational performance. The employment of performance management systems...
Calculating the Radial Velocity
1 pages (485 words) , Download 2
The paper "Calculating the Radial Velocity" discusses that the level of salt in river water is small and since most rivers flow into oceans measuring the evaporative concentration of the salts reveals that the age of the earth is more than a million years.... The age of the earth and the formation of various specular objects is the point of contention among scientists for many centuries. However, there are features and theories which strongly suggest that the earth is at least a million years old:...
Escape Velocity and Orbital Energy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
As the paper "Escape Velocity and Orbital Energy" outlines, orbital energy is there with all the orbiting bodies and it facilitates the orbiting bodies to continue their motion in space. Escape Velocity can be defined as a speed with the help of which an object can escape from a gravitational field.... Orbital energy is the 'sum of potential energy and kinetic energy of an orbiting body per unit mass'. This means that orbital energy is the energy that is a combination of potential as well as kinetic...
The Velocity of a Galaxy
2 pages (599 words) , Download 2
The paper "The Velocity of a Galaxy" states that Marine mollusks have a number of series of million years in the universe. The world is old enough to have been completed for many years. The decay of the radioactivity processes also passes a number of age measures of the rocks and minerals on earth.... The world was molten many years ago. It took some years for the earth to cool and pass through the process of conduction and radiation. With respect to the laws of thermodynamics, the earth has around...
Velocity Distribution of a Circular Air Jet
3 pages (896 words) , Download 13
This paper ''Velocity Distribution of a Circular Air Jet'' tells us that the pitot-static tube measures two pressures, P0 and P, the Total and Static pressures respectively. The difference, (P0-P) varies with the square of the fluid Velocity and density, , of the moving fluid. The relationship is P0-P =1/2  air v 2.... Since the Pitot-static tube cannot measure the local Velocity at a point because P0 and P are not measured in the same places, the experiment has used a smaller pitot-static tube...
Investigation#4:Initial Velocity of a Projectile
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3
The path of a projectile is called its trajectory. An example of a projectile can be a moving airplane in the air with its engines and wings disabled. The force... Projectile usually has an initial non-zero horizontal Velocity whose acceleration is due to gravity alone. An object can also ceased to a projectile once any real effect is made to change its A projectile is any object that is cast, heaved, hurled and pitched or thrown from space or from the atmosphere. The path of a projectile is called...
Shared Practice Velocity Part I responses
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
It was very insightful to read about your post on Velocity, especially on your idea about how to avoid waste and do so in a well planned manner rather than thinking of change to happen automatically (Jacob, 2010). I agree with the point you made on lean production and primary... I am however of the opinion that there are a number of alternative ways that managers, can avoid waste and fix challenges when applying lean. In most of the instance, managers focus on visible forms of waste such as what...
Spinal High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 1
"Spinal High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust" paper states that spinal manipulation and mobilization have been used for many years to treat neuromusculoskeletal disorders. This is in reference to low back pains that are prevalent in the elderly population.... Spinal manipulation involves a major component of the human body and as such, it affects the nervous system. Studies have been conducted to show the effects of manipulation on short-latency stretch reflex amplitudes and motor evoked potentials...
Discussion 2: Shared Practice: Velocity, Part 3
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Success has been noted to be a shared practice, which is best achieved when all stakeholders put their efforts together in a bid to getting the best for the organization (Corbett, 2006). The reason shared practice has always worked for companies that apply it is that it gives... Once this is done, it can be guaranteed that there will be much effectiveness and efficiency because the delivery of work does not come to rest on only a few DISCUSSION 2: SHARED PRACTICE: VELO PART 3 DISCUSSION 2: SHARED...
Projectile Lab: Velocity with Which a Projectile Is Launched
2 pages (582 words) , Download 2
The "Projectile Lab: Velocity with Which a Projectile Is Launched" paper argues that projectile motion refers to a form of motion in which a body referred to as a projectile is catapulted obliquely near the surface of the earth. This motion can be analyzed to find the speed the object moves.... The projectile was positioned in such a way that it launched the ball horizontally. The height where the ball leaves was then recorded. The ball was then pushed into the back making sure it did not move forward....
Flutter Velocity and Torsion-Flexure Unsteady Flutter Analysis
2 pages (790 words) , Download 2
The "Flutter Velocity and Torsion-Flexure Unsteady Flutter Analysis" paper focuses on flutter, a dynamic instability of an elastic body in an airstream, and like divergence the only forces necessary to produce flutter are those due to the deflection of an elastic structure from its un-deformed state... When there is no flow and the rocket's fin is disturbed, say, by a poke with a rod, oscillation or vibration occurs, which is damped gradually over successive vibration cycles. When the speed of flow...
Dimensional Analysis - Kolmogorov Velocity Scale, VT in Homogeneous Turbulence
5 pages (1573 words) , Download 0
... The paper 'Dimensional Analysis - Kolmogorov Velocity Scale, VT in Homogeneous Turbulence' is a fascinating example of coursework on physics. The dimensional analysis of the kinematic viscosity yields L2T-1. The dimensional analysis of the fluid density yields ML-3. For the kinematic coefficient of viscosity, it is the dynamic viscosity to the fluid density ratio. FV2001 ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Name Institution Instructor Date 1. Dimensional analysis 1.1 Kolmogorov Velocity scale, VT in homogeneous...
Centripetal Motion: The Rate of Change of Velocity
1 pages (317 words) , Download 1
Acceleration refers to the rate of change of Velocity, therefore, if a circulating body, there is change in Velocity which implies the body is accelerating. Centripetal acceleration refers to 'the acceleration of a body which is moving in a circular path at a constant... The magnitude of this centripetal force is given by: There is an indication that there must exist a net force on a body moving in circular motion at constant speed. This net force is what is referred to as centripetal force which...
Light Source Voltage and the Velocity of a Solar Car
2 pages (739 words) , Download 0
In most cases, the photovoltaic cells inside the solar panels change the energy of the sun into electrical energy. In this case, the solar energy is utilized in powering the propulsion of the car.... Additionally, solar power could be utilized in providing power for controls, communication, and other Auxillary functions of the solar car(Pimentel 31). In practice, solar cars are never supplied as daily transportation, but are normally seen as primarily vehicles for The paper 'Light Source Voltage...
Designing a Solids Flow Meter for Velocity Measurements
43 pages (11080 words)
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This research paper "Designing a Solids Flow Meter for Velocity Measurements" focuses on the measurement of solid flow meter that is done to determine the amount of solid that can be measured in a given time of flow. This method is most applicable for dry solids. ... Coriolis Effect is the effect that occurs when rotating solids have an apparent deflection. Another objective that may be aimed at when designing this solid flow meter is to achieve a flow meter with constant Velocity. It is guaranteed...
Replacing the Outer Vehicle Constant Velocity Joint
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that the CV joint of a car is the Constant Velocity joint, attached to each end of a drive shaft. It is used in transferring torque to the steered wheel and accommodating up and down motions of suspension.... In conclusion, the processes presented in the paper should be observed keenly, to avoid damage to other parts of the vehicle especially during the removal of the wrecked CV joint. A step by step procedure with keen observation will lead to...
Orbital Velocity of the Earth Using Stellar Spectra
2 pages (698 words) , Download 2
The paper "Orbital Velocity of the Earth Using Stellar Spectra" states that by measuring the Doppler Effect in a stellar spectrum, scientists can establish the orbital revolution Velocity of the Earth, the Earth's orbital radius, and the radial velocities of the stars (in astronomical units).... This experiment uses authentic scientific observations (spectra) of the stars Arcturus (a Boötis) to establish these values. The experiment will also create familiarity with astronomical measurements...
Effects of Grip and Lower Arm Strength Training on Throwing Velocity
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2
The study assessed the effects of strengthening programs on the hand and lower arms in improving the distance and Velocity of a throw. The study recruited 18 participants for an experiment. Half of the participants were subjected to training while the other half was not for a period of five weeks ... One of the earliest researchers that pointed to the role of weights in training in improving the Velocity of a throw or a pitch was Pedegana et al. (1982). The authors were able to show that the strength...
Ventilation of Tunnels Fires, the Effect of Ventilation Velocity on the Burning Rate in Tunnel Fires
14 pages (3894 words) , Download 0
The author of the paper "Ventilation of Tunnels Fires, the Effect of Ventilation Velocity on the Burning Rate in Tunnel Fires" will begin with the statement that the occurrence of fire in tunnels has been a common incident that has always brought about devastating effects. ... Tunnel fire incidences such as the king's crossfire in London in 1985, in 1999, the Mont Blanc tunnel fire, in 2001, the St. Gotthard tunnel fire, and the Channels tunnel fires in two years 1996 and 2008, have raised a various...
Effects of shoulder and hip rotation on velocity in 400-m front crawl swimming
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2
While anatomy refers to the study of the composition, ‘human anatomy' is the study of structure of human beings (Payton, Bartlett, Baltzopoulos & Coombs 1999). Human anatomy is also considered a primary medical science which provides information on the analysis of morphology of the human body. ... Time and again people have often come across the term anatomy or human anatomy and if questioned as to what this particular term means, majority of them would answer that it is the study of one's body...
Measuring the Velocity of Sound Applying a Standing Wave of a String
7 pages (1327 words) , Download 0
The paper 'Measuring the Velocity of Sound Applying a Standing Wave of a String' is an intriguing version example of a lab report on physics. The purpose of this experiment was to delve into standing waves on a string and to establish the relationship between the Velocity of a wave in vibrating string and its characteristics including; mass per unit length, frequency, and tension.... The paper 'Measuring the Velocity of Sound Applying a Standing Wave of a String' is an intriguing version example...
Newtonian Physics to Predict the Speed of Gravity Racer
5 pages (1362 words) , Download 0
The Velocity was affected when parameters were changed.... When weight and distance were varied, the Velocity of the racer was affected.... This showed that the Velocity of the racer depends on its size, distance, and mass.... When the drag force is introduced, Velocity is reduced.... When air and friction are introduced, Velocity goes down.... However the Velocity was affected when parameters were changed....
Square Duct Experiment
15 pages (3690 words) , Download 0
Velocity profiles 9 ... Velocity profile for ... his section we look at the Velocity profiles when the flowrate from the flow meter was 94.... Velocity profile for  QUOTE   9 ... Velocity profile for  QUOTE   9 ... Velocity profile for  QUOTE   10 ... Velocity profile for  QUOTE   11 ... Velocity profile for =187.... Velocity profile for  QUOTE   12 ...
Factors Controlling Elastic Properties in Carbonate Sediments and Rocks
8 pages (2482 words) , Download 0
odifications in the composition of the rocks play a vital role in altering their elastic properties, hence the sonic Velocity.... In addition, the modifications often result in varied connections among related elements: sonic Velocity, pore type, diagenesis, and porosity.... In carbonates, such alteration includes an array of sonic Velocity with the compress wave Velocity (VP) ranging from 1,700m/s to 1,600m/s and the shear wave Velocity (VS) ranging from 600m/s to 3,500m/s (Assefa, et al....
Equations of Motion
8 pages (2252 words) , Download 8
The kinematic principles such as Velocity, displacement, acceleration, and time can also be derived from the same equations.... he Graph for Velocity against Time 12 ... The kinematic principles such as Velocity, displacement, acceleration and time can also be derived from the same equations.... u = initial Velocity (m/s) ... v = final Velocity (m/s) ... rom the equations, the first one is based on Velocity-time relationship, In other words, when acceleration is constant, the rate of change of Velocity is constant....
Computing and Programming with MATLAB
4 pages (1198 words) , Download 2
The author of the "Computing and Programming with MATLAB" paper designs a MATLAB program to calculate the travel time and Velocity of two vehicles one moving horizontally while the other moving vertically downwards to cover a distance of one mile (1609m).... Therefore, to estimate the final Velocity of the beetle we need to incorporate the drag force due to air resistance and the gravitational component of the Velocity for the beetle to fall one mile below....
Glass Tube Fluidized Bed Pilot Plant
12 pages (2850 words) , Download 0
In the experiment, a graph of sedimentation Velocity versus superficial Velocity was plotted.... Relationship between sedimentation Velocity and superficial Velocity 12 ... Relationship between change in pressure and superficial Velocity 13 ... Relationship between voidage and superficial Velocity 13 ... In the analysis of errors the error associated with superficial Velocity was 1....
Lab report
2 pages (555 words) , Download 2
According to the equation elocity (McGill and King 12), momentum is directly proportional to the Velocity of the car.... In the results of table in question [1], as the Velocity increases the momentum also increases linearly. ... A fast moving car has got high Velocity.... Velocity is directly proportional to momentum, hence, a fast moving car has high momentum which has greater impact on objects. ... here m is the mass of the book and v is the Velocity of the book....
Uniformly Accelerated Motion
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
The acceleration units are the Velocity over the time taken.... This is because it has a direction of final Velocity minus the initial Velocity.... i is termed as the initial Velocity, vf in termed as the final Velocity while t is the interval of time where the change occurs.... The acceleration units are the Velocity over the time taken.... This is because it has a direction of final Velocity minus the initial Velocity....
Writing a physics report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3
If it rolls without slipping, its bottom is momentarily at rest and the distance, Velocity, and acceleration of the centre of mass is directly related to the angle of rotation, angular.... If it rolls without slipping, its bottom is momentarily at rest and the distance, Velocity, and acceleration of the centre of mass is directly related to the angle of rotation, angular Velocity, and angular acceleration of the centre of mass.... (Rotational Motion)Let m – mass of the objectv – Velocity of the object g – Gravitational pull h – Height above the reference ground I – moment of inertia of the object w – Angular Velocity of the objectThen:Total mechanical energy = ½ Mv2 + ½ Iw2 + mghWhere: ½ Mv2 – kinetic energy½ Iw2 – rotational energymgh – potential energy Apparatus 1....
Turbulent Boundary Layer
6 pages (1564 words) , Download 2
The author reviews the article "Turbulent boundary layer flow subject to the streamwise oscillation of spanwise wall-Velocity" by Skote which states that controlling turbulence and ultimately relaminarization has been a dream for many engineers and scientists.... In most numerical work, the wall oscillation is imposed through a wall Velocity (W) in the spanwise direction in the form of ... here Wm is the maximum wall Velocity and w is the angular frequency of the wall oscillation, which is related to the period (T) through w=2πr/T....
Projectile Motion
2 pages (500 words) , Download 17
was meant to verify that the ball launched at different speeds hit the ground at the same time interval after being shot while the range will depend on the initial Velocity that is vertical motions and.... From the results obtained from the data sheet the muzzle Velocity is supposed to represent the initial Velocity of the yellow plastic projectile.... It is evident that the range depends on the initial Velocity i.... was meant to verify that the ball launched at different speeds hit the ground at the same time interval after being shot while the range will depend on the initial Velocity that is vertical motions and horizontal motions are considered differently....
Fluid Dynamics of Fire
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 2
b) Let us assume that flow Velocity (V) is directly proportional to fluid density () raised to a power ‘a' and pressure drop (p) raised to power ‘b'. ... a) ‘Laminar Flow' is the flow in which Velocity vectors at a point do not change its direction with time and the Velocity vector of individual fluid elements are parallel to each other.... In case of a ‘Turbulent Flow', the Velocity vectors at a point keep changing its direction with time and also Velocity vectors of individual fluid elements are not parallel to each other, rather intersect....
Equations of Motion, Dislocating the Object
8 pages (2039 words) , Download 0
For linear motion, when an object is moving in a straight line, its speed in a given direction is the Velocity (Asada, Futamase & Hogan 2011).... Velocity increased with time is acceleration.... In a circular motion, speed in a circle is angular Velocity and when the angular Velocity is increased, centripetal acceleration increases.... or linear motion, when an object is moving in a straight line, its speed in a given direction is Velocity (Asada, Futamase & Hogan 2011)....
Nose Cone for Open Wheel Climb Race Car
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 1
he above equation represents the communication presumption between statistic pressure and Velocity.... Velocity of the fluid increases in this part to guarantee the massive conservation.... As Velocity increases, static pressure reduces to ensure that the total pressure is able to keep the flow constant.... Bernoulli's equation implies that increasing Velocity reduces pressure, therefore, reducing the lift on the lower surface of the nose cone....
Lab Experiment
1 pages (315 words) , Download 2
The paper "Lab Experiment" tells us about a direct relationship between its position and its average Velocity in relation to time.... Velocity is the slope of the position vs.... If that slope is not changing, the Velocity is constant.... Average Velocity is the change in the position of an object in a given direction, divided by the time it took for the object to move from the initial position to the final position.... The position vector r extends from the origin to the particle, while the Velocity vector v points in the direction of the particle's motion....
Fluid Flow Through an Expanding Channel
5 pages (1192 words) , Download 0
According to research findings of the paper 'Fluid Flow Through an Expanding Channel', the conservation of mass and the continuity of fluid flow are the key concepts used in the determining the sizes of the cross-sections as well as the fluid Velocity and the pressure distributions.... It is common for a fluid to develop a shear stress when it flows over any solid boundary; this will tend to slow the Velocity of the fluid since its Velocity is opposed by the developed frictional force....
Fluid Mechanics - Bernoullis Equation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
As soon as the Venturimeter filled with a higher volume of water, the fluid Velocity increases when the tube's Datun Line or the zero point energy line is unaltered, the Potential Energy of the fluid is kept constant throughout.... Moreover, both these laws pertain to certain conservation of fluid properties— (1) Continuity Equation: from the consideration of mass conservation one can show that the net volume of fluid per unit time always remains constant as the fluid is incompressible (no variation in density), giving us Q = A1 × v1 = A2 × v2 where Ai and vi are the cross-sectional area and fluid Velocity at the ith location....
Investigation into the Effects of Fluid Flow through a Venturi
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 3
Increase in Velocity of the fluid leads to decrease of the pressure exerted by the fluid.... The equation defines is the relationship between the Velocity of the fluid that is flowing in the pipe and the cross sectional area of this pipe.... As the radius of the pipe decreases the Velocity of the flowing fluid will increase and vice-versa. ... nd v2/2g is Velocity head ... : Velocity of the fluid specific point ...
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