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, Personal Statement
I have always intended to succeed in life and help my parents and my family to ameliorate their standard of living. During my college years, I developed a tremendous interest in the theater. This was the culmination of my passion for the arts,
Using self-financing derived from the cocaine trade and ransoms from the numerous kidnappings it undertakes, FARC has been able to survive since 1964. Although the group had the support of the locals in the past, this support has waned significantly as the group has shifted its goals from ideological ones to criminal.
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The loss of the job can also be caused by the strain in the work and the missions that are planned in the army sector. When one does not show up in time, the people that they were to go to the mission will be forced to carry out their duties as well as for the person who comes late. This becomes unfair to the group that one was working with.
8 pages (2048 words)
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, Research Paper
In the present times, one of the examples of Guerrilla wars is like the one, occurring in Vietnam. In a nutshell, knowing about the guerrilla war tells us, that it is not always necessary to have a big and powerful army to win a war, instead the mind games, like those played in guerrilla wars, can change the war results altogether.
The American actions in both the Philippines and Iraq had many similarities. Both not originally intended at the outset of the wars that led to their occupation, both were hard-fought campaigns against rebellious local insurgents, and both led to profound debate and discussion about America’s role in the world.
The claim of global peace is that the commandment must be, and must be recognized to be, firm and stoutly advocated by public sentiment. Once this claim has been realized, the political causes of war will wane, and the course of humanity will sprint towards the greatest and most difficult duty mankind has ever deliberated, the formation and preservation of peace.
Subordination to the seniors and a joyful willingness to obey are the natural outcomes of this attitude of respect and discipline. In the absence of discipline and in an environment marred with insubordination, a unit or a military mission could simply come to its knees. It is mostly the non-commissioned officers in the military.
Police training includes teaching officers to face situations that would help them tackle the dilemmas of ethical misconduct. It is important to note that such classes are only held in the light of an embarrassing situation, wherein the media has highlighted an issue which calls for immediate action.
Given Washington's unwillingness to deal constructively on a diplomatic plane with either Vietnam or Cambodia (Kampuchea) in the war's aftermath, and given the choice by the United States to embark on a new globalism-- as evidenced by recent policy toward Central America and the Persian Gulf -- one must conclude on a sombre note.
We must all be vigilant so we can prevent 9/11 tragedy from happening again. It is one thing to disrupt an organization such as Al-Qaeda, and it is never too easy; much more to totally dismantle and eradicate them. We must continue to seek international effort and cooperation in every aspect of our aspiration to bring forth peace among nations.
It inevitably dawned on the military personnel that they were fighting a senseless war and this could have only made the effort that much more difficult for the soldiers. While the American public began to lose faith in the containment policy, their collective support for the Vietnam effort fell by the wayside.
The field of security is debated globally because it is fundamental in shaping International and domestic associations. A contested concept is one that is understood differently by diverse people. This means that the concept exists, but there is no distinct agreement on the significance of the concept.
When most people hear about the fight against terrorism, they only think of the war against radical Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab, which is happening in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia among others. However, terrorism has become widespread taking various forms carried out by citizens of countries.
Islam is a worldwide religion not just in Arab countries. Its foundations are in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Islamists always seek to establish their ideologies to further their struggles. They go ahead and distort Islamic teachings to be able to define common enemies. Their enemies always portrayed as democracy, capitalism, and individualism.
Several international treaties have addressed the use of weapons in space, the1967 Outer Space Treaty is the most widely referenced, but none contain rules or guidelines regarding China’s action. However, many countries including the United States, Russia, Britain, Japan condemned the test protesting that it could initiate another space race.
The research is about how much physical fitness is important for the CPO. The result of the research project will be very useful for the clients and CPO’s because it will provide a accurate information of importance of fitness testing for CPO’s who are expected to be well-trained and skilled to protect those who are in need of protection.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The United States stands as the world’s superpower, besides being the largest economy in the world (Hafiz 2). This puts it in a good position to ensure that everyone in the world lives in peace and tranquility. In fact, as the world’s superpower, the U.S. has had a huge influence on the major decisions affecting the world.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
This essay demonstrates that being a police officer is a decision that is both challenging and rewarding. Joining the police force fulfills my dream to make a difference in society. Police officers contribute their fair share to the improvement of the current community relationships as well as other police patrol activities.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) broke through the cost and timetable in the enhancement of their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. Furthermore, both the Navy and the Army have had some shortfalls and failures in their operations. The Airforce, on the other hand, is re-standardizing their program.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The GCSS-MC initiative described above came into being due to the Joint Vision 2010 and Focused Logistics, which suggested the beginning of the process of transformation. Research indicates that the capabilities of future logistics are akin to pattern shift referred to as "Revolution in Military Logistics”
As the paper outlines, globalization, despite its numerous advantages is impacting negatively on the world, through creating victims, including those of crimes. Crime, which was traditionally an internal country affair has now gone to a whole new level, with the concept of transnational crime coming into place after globalization.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that the hectic schedule of modern life has thrust heavy pressure upon people of all segments which has resulted in unnecessary stress and strain in everyone’s daily life. Today most of the people are seen workaholic or bound to be in the same condition either to meet both ends or to meet the assigned career goals.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The United States always held a strong position against terrorism and it is conscious of the security and peace of both its civilian and the international community. Thomas W. Sulcer rightly comments that “without organized opposition, the terrorist, like a wolf among sheep, could kill one or two or three may be more before police arrive”.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Finally, the lessons that the soldiers need to learn in order to help the US military implement these two strategies are briefly discussed in the paper. Throughout history, the US Military has attempted to bring about changes in the military; some of these changes were successful, while some were unsuccessful.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The main reasons attributed to the cause of injured soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are found to be chronic pain, other physical problems and lack of proper medical attention. A survey conducted on the wounded soldiers in a period of four to seven months after the end of the war.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
„The just war“ theory explains that only government-led groups can lead an attack, but they must do it for a just cause. It’s been said that Al Qaeda broke the just war theory because they attacked civilians and they did so with no cause. Furthermore, the attacks on the Pentagon, one could argue, was a government-driven attack.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The Taliban poses security concerns to the US. Even after overthrowing the Taliban group in 2001, the group especially the Pushtun movement in Pakistan reemerged and regrouped, presenting a serious security threat to the US and its allies. The group is still teaming up with Al-Qaida to organize terrorist attacks against the U.S. and its allies.
In a keen observation, one can deduce that the influence of the civil-military relation is large. It entails indirect and direct dealings that institutions, citizens have with military over-regulation, use of military, and funding. The definition and implementation of national security policy are because of collective bargaining between military elites and civilians.
Whereas the events of September 11th have had the most impact upon immediately redirecting the energies of the United States intelligence communities, the fact of the matter is that the ultimate level of change that has been realized has not taken place all at once or even directly following the attacks.
If you do not agree with the contentions made by the authors regarding the joint issue of redeploying a large military force and equipment from a potentially hostile environment such as Iraq, explain why the authors’ justification in using JP 4-0 capabilities to demonstrate the redeployment strategies cannot be applied to a joint issue.
Women should undergo training before any performance is conducted and implement safety issues. Considering women during new design systems helps tackle health issues among the military women when they operate this equipment. The equipment’s design should also not bar them from operating their daily duties effectively (pg. 44)
Intrastate war is a recent phenomenon and is commonly present in poor or weak countries. A recent study cited by Cashman and Robinson (2007), the Uppsala Conflict Data, documented that in the post-Cold War period, 94 percent of the conflicts are intrastate and that the rest is the only interstate conflict to date.
Company Commanders make plans and train their squads. They are accountable for equipment maintenance, unit readiness, and the platoon's physical fitness. This job entails great discipline. They lead their men from the front, thereby setting an example for them. As the military often does not separate professional and personal lives.
15 pages (3750 words)
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, Research Paper
The century year old relationship is the root cause of the problem with Ireland. Ireland is struggling to find and establish its real identity; its own productive and distinct culture. Not only the politicians, but the poets, writers, and artists also joined the movement to create an Irish national spirit by 1921.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
The paper has highlighted the theories of Carl von Clausewitz, in relation to the ongoing Global War on Terrorism. It is evident that strategists for the War on Terrorism should be required to use Clausewitz’s theories of war described in his book On War because they are timeless and applicable to all forms of conflict.
The exertion of various kinds of efforts on the part of various governmental agencies for HUMINT is commendable but undermining each other’s operations is not. Though official denial has sounded in Pentagon’s corridors as well as in CIA Langley’s hallways the truth is far removed from official statements.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
The management of crises developed at a national level has been one of the major problems for governments worldwide. In most countries, the appearance of severe political and social conflicts is related to certain facts or initiatives related to the strategic choices of local governments. Conflicts in countries around the world are usually related.
All studies begin with the design of selecting a subject matter and a methodology of research. Such fundamental decisions represent assumptions on how science should be conducted, what makes up solutions, criteria of proofs and legitimate problems. Various approaches for research include both theory and method
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Perhaps the most telling event of the EZLN’s success in harnessing the power of the media to their advantage is the February 2001 Zapatista tour. This was marked by the historic 12-state tour embarked by the rebels on their way to the country’s capital, Mexico City. The tour was not just a means of getting to Mexico from the jungles of Chiapas.
Due to the powerful network of resources, management, and equipment at the disposal of the military, it is possible for the military to reach out to war-ravaged locations and make a constructive contribution towards rebuilding a region. It can also intervene when necessary to provide both humanitarian as well as rescue support to affected areas.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
The failure of realism to predict or satisfactorily explain the end of the Cold War disputed the prowess of theory; equally, the unabated spate of intrastate conflicts of the past two decades, along with the rise of global catastrophic terrorism and the international response it generated, undermined the liberal vision of cooperative security.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
This paper investigates the effectiveness of article 15 on troop morale and the complex ethical situations that the military might face, specifically, the practice of torture. The conclusion is that the U.S should join the International Criminal Court (ICC) and look at the example of the Canadian Military which emphasizes the importance of morality and ethics in the armed forces.
17 pages (4250 words)
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, Research Paper
What favors the presence of America in such regions is the craze among people to be Americanized. The influence of America cannot be ignored. It is not just its military superiority but also the vast opportunities that it seems to provide to immigrants that have the East Asian nations acting in accordance to the wishes of America.
A counter-terrorism and homeland security emphasize the detection of potential attacks as well as the development of effective responses address the same. More often than not, counter-terrorism strategies involve an increase in intelligence both in its standard police and domestic forms.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
In conclusion, it is evident that there is the need for enduring efforts in addressing needs and developing long-term sustainable programs that will meet the challenges that are faced by the military families. The amount of research conducted on the deployed personnel and their families have not been significant
In the military set up, the use of the term is slightly different. In the civilian setting, one must acknowledge that information is power and as such a person who is a custodian of information has a high potential in undertaking many tasks. Armies with the large information over their enemy are most likely to win battles.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The U.S. drew a symbolic line in the sand in Southeast Asia after the Soviets built the Berlin Wall and continued in its aspirations to dominate other Eastern European nations. The fiasco that was Vietnam triggered anti-military reactions for the majority of Americans whose subsequent response contributed to the Cold War’s end.
Some scholars suggest that military OR originated during the Cold War or as early as the 1950s, just after the end of World War II. It used to be the classification for the discipline, which modeled the effects of the diverse technologies and systems that include radar, antisubmarine warfare, or antiaircraft defense.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
Runway incursions rates increase if the air traffic volume increases and decreases if the air traffic volume decreases. The paper sheds light about the incidents that have occurred due to severe runway incursions. The severity of runway incursion takes place due to an obstacle present on the runway and while two aircraft are taking off
Finally, the paper recommends improving the scope of the support centers, area specific training curriculum and observation of the individual’s wellbeing as part of the solution to this worrying problem. The military personnel does face one of the toughest challenges in combat zones and other front-line confrontations.