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The United States was under the presumption that it would not rely on a diplomatic approach because Al-Qaeda cannot be weakened without bringing down the Taliban regime. A survey conducted by the International Gallup Association in 37 countries indicated that the majority of the nations preferred a legal response over a military attack.
The case for amphibious armed forces has been articulated for Canada and France (Couturier, 2005: Berard, 2008). In contrast, however, the United Kingdom has been a long-time member of the European Amphibious Initiative together with France, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain (UK Ministry of Defence, 2001, p. 6).
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Jackson had never commanded huge troops on the battlefield. He also seemed to follow Robert Lee in his strategies of confederation and had not attempted to make any direct impact on the strategic level of war. Also, he had realized the modern needs of defenses and had believed that to divide forces in U.S territory would be of great benefit.
United States' global commitments are now greater than its capacity to fund them, while the continuous high levels of rampant spending can and usually have turned major nations into minor ones. One of the most troubling problems affecting the impact of war on the economy was to deal with swiftly rising public debts.
The state of domestic and global affairs and international relations, nature of modern warfare, climatic changes, and experience in engagements during the Bush administration all point towards the need for the US military to transform itself. The world we live in is very dynamic and this necessarily impinges on every important institution, the US Army included.
Wars do not rage on battlefields alone. They are fought ideologically, politically, economically and even in the broad, amorphous realm of “information.” The greater war is fought as much in the media (through which information is distributed to people) as it is on the field. Few wars have better proven the truth behind these statements than the Iraq War, which has been raging since 2003.
For all of recorded human history and most likely beyond, mercenaries have been an integral part of structured warfare. Only since the nineteenth century has the use of mercenaries been the exception and not the norm during military conflicts. Only in modern times did armies motivated by nationalist allegiances predominate.
Their propaganda machinery that stems from social media accounts to highly reported news coverages, has given their terrorist group a sense of being the worst thing to happen to the world since the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden was formerly the most well known extremist terrorist leader in the world.
The role of the government remains of extreme importance because it has the authority to strictly ban websites that advocate violence and extremist ideologies. Hence, countries such as the United States must not consider hate websites as an implementation of free speech in order to protect the world from the extreme dangers of these sites.
Jefferson was leading the Confederate States at the most difficult times of American history. Though he wished to pursue the offensive polity against the North, which he indeed did in the initial phase of the conflict, due to pressure from different quarters, was compelled to shift to the defensive.
When the civil population is perceived as soldiers instead of victims, the country has more chances to withstand mass destruction and murder. When every capable individual takes responsibility for self-protection and protection of other people, terrorists have fewer chances to hurt the civilian population.
The ‘War on Terrorism’ is a phrase coined by United States government officials and is primarily used to justify the military or political initiative de jour. It is generally defined as the current conflict between the U.S. and radical Islamic factions. The ‘War on Terrorism’ cannot be won much the same as the ‘War on Poverty’ and ‘War on Drugs’ will never be worn in the traditional sense.
In general, it is really quite essential to state that terrorism, despite the shocking public initiation to it brought about by the September 11, 2001 incident, is not a new phenomenon to the world. Many other countries have had experience with it and some have actually had success in at least containing it.
Generally speaking, the terrorist groups often set their attacks on the specific enemy mostly a superpower nation but the world powerhouses often attack a group of countries they associate with enemy hence creating more enemies across the world. This, in turn, helps to spread the rate of terrorism further.
9 pages (2376 words)
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, Research Paper
It is really quite essential to state that this paper seeks to divulge on the nature of terrorism, the different schools of thoughts that have attempted to explain terrorism and noncombatant approaches that can be used in counterterrorism efforts, as shall be seen in the discussion that ensues forthwith.
While some thinkers praise Clausewitz’s theories on war, there are yet others who refute it. By making an investigation on what other theorists and thinkers think about Clausewitz’s ‘On War’, we get a broader and clearer picture as to how relevant and useful his insights on war can be to war in these contemporary times.
The target of terrorism is selected from a country other than that of the terrorists themselves. The commission of terrorism involves crossing national borders, and thirdly participating members and/or sponsors of terrorist activity are from more than one country. Terrorism is instilling terror mainly by inflicting force, threats, intimidation.
In a post 9/11 context, the International Maritime Organization ushered in new changes into the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, considering the vulnerability of the US maritime machinery and the US troops to threats originating from international terrorist organizations. Liberty in Navy means a regular time off access to the sailors.
The multi-agency coordination at federal, state and local levels also plays a critical role in establishing priorities between incidents and area commands. A functional hierarchy is needed during times of crises and multi-agency coordination does that. At the state level, this means coordination with federal agencies as well as local and tribal agencies.
The Alamo battle was fought in the year 1836 in the months of February and March between the Texan army and the Mexican. This battle was a part of the Texan revolution and a part of the Mexican government to take over Texas because an army of Texan dwellers and the United States had driven away from the Mexican troops the year before.
8 pages (2105 words)
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, Literature review
The literature that describes the role of the Interior Guard within the larger context of the definitions and roles of the US Marine Corps and its members is clear with regard to the necessity of the role for reinforcing the Armed Forces chain of command, and for the purposes that have been laid out as a response to the external environment by the Commanding Officer.
8 pages (2081 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The terrorist attacks οf September 11, 2001, in the US, compel many to think about that what actually had led up to that fateful day as well as the role οf US intelligence agencies in countering such threats. Steve Coll in his book – Ghost Wars -- gives a detailed chronology and analysis οf pivotal events, missteps, indecision, apathy, and ultimately tragedy up to the day before the attacks.
It was followed again with the first Indochina war which occurred between 1946 and 1956. It was a war between the government of South Vietnam and North Vietnam (Fall 351).North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other internal communists in Asia. South Vietnam got its support from the United States of America.
6 pages (1593 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The ATF chose to send a field agent undercover within the Mongol organization because at the time this outlaw motorcycle gang was pushing all bounds with its extremely violent conduct. The ATF and other organizations have been involved in an ongoing war with organized crime gangs in the United States.
The enlisted personnel possessed the top positions and exercised their knowledge and skill in the Marine Corps, these gained skills in marine matters were of much importance in expanding the history of NCO. The enlisted individuals had knowledge from the navy on various ways of studying the personnel issues in their diverse ranges those that were responsible for affecting the retention.
Literally, it would be morally wrong to facilitate another wrongdoing. By cross-checking nuclear deterrence, without a doubt, its practices are a hazard to human lives. Just because the west has, a belief that threatening with the use of heavier nuclear wars would stop the soviet from attacking is morally wrong.
Though terrorism is still plaguing Algerian society, the Armed Islamic Group's role in current violence generally appears to have abated. The GIA grew out of an early 1992 decision by Algeria's military government when it decided to cancel an election in which there were suspicions that a mainstream, moderate Muslim party, the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), at the time, was headed for victory.
There is the necessity of arms control and this necessity is felt by all, but practiced by none. “Deterrence represents a marked advance over strategic doctrines unhesitatingly committed to warfighting. The weight of the criticism does, however, mean that deterrence is not an easy solution, and points strongly towards the need for arms control,” Buzan (1989, p.215).
President Bill Clinton in 1993, which clearly defines that homosexuals may serve as a member of the armed forces in exchange for silence about their same-sex lifestyles. In conjunction, this policy further prevents undue discrimination against homosexuals in the military by providing a legal policy that prevents other servicemen from inquiring about suspected homosexual activities.
Generally speaking, terrorism will linger on for as long as there is the basis of human population because if two brothers within the realms of a home cannot live happily and contented always, it is pretty difficult to make the same realization for seven billion people in the whole wide world. (Lutz, 2004)
The paper “Are the Events of 9-11 and beyond Preage an Era of New Terrorism?” is a provoking example of the essay on the military. Terrorism has occurred throughout the history of the world, but today the world is experiencing a new age of terrorism which is threatening the peace and security of the entire world.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The U.S Military correctional System also consists of the Army Corrections Command which is organized within the Military office of the Provost Marshal General. The responsibility of the Army Correctional Command ACC is the management of resources like force structure, budget, personnel and the day-to-day operations of the U.S Military Corrections System (Grande, 2009).
The paper 'Generational Gaps in the United States Military" is an outstanding example of a military case study. The decision by the United States Department of Defense to ban the use of some social networking sites and popular websites highlighted a major issue that is prevalent even in major corporations worldwide; generational gaps.
The paper 'The United States Went to War with Iraq to Gain Control of the Oil Industry" is a good example of a military case study. The Global War on terrorism began as a fight against the organization that perpetrated the heinous attacks of September 11, 2001, but soon became a much more ambitious enterprise, encompassing, an invasion and occupation of Iraq.
9 pages (2434 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The book ‘Thinking past terror: Islamism and critical theory on the left’ by Susan Buck-Morss investigates the possibility of Left-wing internationalism which hinder the growth of Islamic Fundamentalism and American Imperialism. The work is in the form of a collection of essays that include a wide range of subjects like Islamic thought, Islamic fundamentalism, Global spread of Terrorism.
6 pages (1792 words)
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, Literature review
There are a number of human behaviors that may aggravate enmity and hence give rise to conflict and war. These include character traits such as greed and violence. Seemingly, man can be very violent in nature and will tend to inflict harm to fellow human beings especially when provoked. Occasionally, two or more people may also develop an interest in the same thing and become rivals (Brown, 2005).
The Islamic believer uses the solution of Jihad and aggression as a way to resolve complex or sensitive problems. Islamic people tend to take offence at any behaviour or action that insults the Koran, Prophet Mohammed and its principles. The opponents to the insulting actions of Muslims tend to be innocent Christians and their associates.
Terrorism in its extreme sense can pave the way for civil wars within the country, unrest outside the country as it leads to a lot of violence, and anti-humanitarian actions all over the world. Almost every day the newspapers bring news about heinous acts of violent terrorist attacks, mainly on a civilian population.
Deterrence is a strategic concept that is based on international relations and on realism. Precisely, an act of deterrence aims at preventing an enemy from acting in a given way and convincing them to retreat, a failure to which they will face undesirable and severe consequences. Deterrence theory tries to give an explanation of two or more nations that threaten to retaliate if attacked (Riet, 2011).
The current “War on Terror” presents some insight into the relationship between insurgency and guerrilla warfare. During 2006 and 2007, the Taliban insurgents fighting in Afghanistan applied a three-track strategy that utilized guerrilla tactics in conjunction with information operations and asymmetric attacks such as terrorist-style bombings.
The USA and the UK governments asserted that Iraq was under the possession of weapons of mass destruction that threatened global security; Iraq had a history of hostility against its neighbors and had used poison gas on Iran and its own citizen. Therefore the aim of the US state's invasion was to disarm Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power since he was cruel and a violator of human rights.
While this method is usually successful in swaying the opinion of the reader but sometimes it's overuse can result in reversing the opinions. In relying totally on his personal experience, and using pathos to emotionally appeal to his reader, the author has demonstrated too much bias against the issue and no consideration for the opposition's stance.
It becomes essential for States to step up their security setup. In the current scenario of Unites States under a recession, its authority being questioned and the objective and consequences of War on Terror, a topic dear to its heart, being questioned, United States has to deal with the tough job of limiting the terrorists and the threat to its national security.
The group could not be considered as either reckless or as disregarding the consequences. Military action was eventually avoided despite the fact that Kennedy was responding to what he clearly saw as an aggressive act on the part of the Soviet Union. Krushchev had betrayed him, earlier having agreed to do nothing to raise tensions in the run-up to the Congressional elections.
Discipline and accountability of equipment in the military are relevant to establishing a successful military force. Discipline ensures that the officers are responsible for their actions and do not misuse their position military members to break the law by mistreating the members of the public whenever there is a military operation.
10 pages (2860 words)
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, Literature review
There have been instances where some states have unilaterally rolled back their nuclear programs and went on to become nuclear-weapon-free states, others have actively sought nuclear weapons through the assistance of their allies and friends while still others have secretly been hard at work creating these weapons of mass destruction.
Cold War is a great rivalry between two superpowers and political ideology was greatly influenced by them. Democracy and capitalism were the fundamental tenets of the US and its allies whereas the Soviet bloc supported communism. The United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Japan, and Canada were the principal allies of the United States.
Doran and Parsons (1980) illustrate that large-scale wars are more liable to break out during those times when these states were experiencing critical periods than when they are faced with “customary” circumstances. Furthermore, the more time that passes while a state’s previous passage through a critical period, the fewer extensive are the wars it initiates.
Throughout the period of the mid-1940s until the early 1990s, was marked by rivalry between the two superpowers that reflected in all areas as military coalitions; ideology, psychology, and espionage; military, industrial, and technological developments, and even in the space race; costly defense spending; a massive conventional and nuclear arms race; and many proxy wars.
It is evidently clear from the discussion that the military performs a very useful service in society. For thousands of years, it seems that whenever one group of people have found that they have an advantage over another they have sought to press that advantage, which may mean slaughtering thousands of innocent people.