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The Counte-Terrorism Policy of the UK Government Military Case Study
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Altogether it is asocial menace particularly to peace-loving generations. Terrorism has caused wide ripples in UK society in the last few decades. The UK society and government were affected initially by the Irish republican terrorism and later by Islamic terrorism. It is often seen that the UK tastes its own medicine.
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Forensic science: Operation Tigerlily Military Coursework
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is highly valuable and brings hefty profits upon selling. Their duty is to always undertake necessary mundane assignments in the field. However, in relative semantics, it can refer to a person who shows enormous but unglamorous determination and effort in fighting for a particular movement or cause.
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Ethno Nationalist Terrorism Military Essay
8 pages (2245 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The PLO, once more, turned down this request, claiming that it is not practical at the moment. Hamas challenges the political agenda of the PLO on the whole. Working with a secular PLO which has by now accepted Israel would weaken the core aspiration of Hamas. All these factors make it difficult to establish one unified government. 
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Analysis of an American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror Book Military Assignment
6 pages (1726 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Stephen Kinzer points out that, before the coup of 1953, the people of Iran considered the United States as a democratic nation which is capable to understand the nationalistic thoughts of the mass. But after the 1953 coup, their attitude changed to hatred because the Operation Ajax by CIA dethroned Prime Minister Mossadegh.
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The 100 Day Plan Military Assignment
8 pages (2089 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The strong point of the initiative is that it encourages collaboration in intelligence gathering, analysis and dissemination. In the 21st century, nations face similar security threats because of globalization such as terrorism. It is important for nations to collaborate for purposes of efficiently, and effectively eliminating the vice.       
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Global War on Terrorism: Its' Effect on the US Military Military Research Proposal
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Global War on Terror was declared by the U.S. Government at the rear of the al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. It was soon after the al-Qaeda terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon, that the President declared a “war against terrorism of global reach.” 
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Cuban Collection against the United States Military Essay
2 pages (630 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Cuban Republic and the United States of America have always had an interest in each other, even before the independence movements. Although the cold war ended in 1991, there were espionage cases still reported from individuals like Walter Myers, Ana Montes, and the Cuban five (Collins 2001, 60).
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What does it mean to securitise the environment Military Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper claims that approaches that consider the formation of security aspects in a discursive manner provide new perspectives in analyzing environmental security discourses, as well as their transformative potential. Initially, it provides thorough investigations in the political process.
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Terrorism in Global World Military Essay
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Coercion entails the use of mental or physical force with the ultimate aim of extracting information from the suspects. In some instances, the use of coercion has been justified on grounds that people’s lives have to be saved.
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Military Requirements for Intelligence Analysis Military Coursework
1 pages (314 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
A directive battle for the distant missile arsenal of a given country will require the strategic analysis of gathered intelligence. This is because such analysis largely entails intentions to invade another nation. Pinpointing enemy radar locations or anti-tank mine cells will require tactical military requirements for any gathered intelligence.
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General Patton Leadership during War Military Research Paper
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Command of military forces is an integral part of any war, and war is, without doubt, a significant event in the history of any nation, and battle command is a vital component for both the commander and the nation. The major focus of a commander is to fulfill his mission of defeating the enemy by strategies that will cause minimum loss of life.
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Non-Commissioned Officer Education System Military Essay
3 pages (1033 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Since I began working for the force, much like everyone else in the system, I fell into a routine that I thought those before me underwent. It was not until recently, at a function, that I overheard a former NCO, who is now much older point out the difference between the NCO system then and what it is now.
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Cultural Awarenesss for the Country of Germany Military Essay
5 pages (1561 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The country has employed dynamic and liberal cultural practices. Therefore, different people are entitled to various rights. As a result, society is also tolerant of other socio-cultural behaviors such as homosexuality. The rights of marginalized groups are championed by several civil unions since their inception in 2001.
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Americorps National Civilian Community Corps Military Admission/Application Essay
1 pages (327 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
I was lucky enough to have a mother who, thanks to the help of the government, was able to turn her life around for my betterment. Even though we have become financially stable, I have never lost sight of the fact that my family and I would not be where we are today without the kindness of others and the help of the government. 
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Homeland Security Military Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Very significant changes have taken place in the security systems and procedures at all ports of entry and exit as well as at all domestic transportation points in order to check and nullify any potential threat. This Rogerian essay argues that such measures are unavoidable given the experience and the continuing environment in which we live and work.
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Why Is Education Important to Enlisted Service Members Military Essay
1 pages (428 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are groups of people for whom education is of the utmost importance, and one of those groups are enlisted service members, especially because of societal transitions and education. Free education provided by one hundred percent tuition assistance is simply what we owe the members of our armed services.  
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Features of the C8 Rifle Military Essay
6 pages (1566 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Diemaco c8 carbine is a powerful weapon and can be compared to many other models that have gained popularity. However, the decision of choosing the Diemaco C8 carbine rifle for the UK military forces must rest upon the comparison of the rifle to the firearms and weaponry capabilities of the terrorist groups and organizations.
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Ethics and the War on Terrorism Military Research Paper
9 pages (2577 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Following the September-Eleventh attacks on the United States, lively debates on the support of torture interrogation of terrorists emerged within the public forums. These arguments are based largely on the “ticking bomb” scenario. Although these virtue ethics provide incisive arguments from both supporting and opposing sides of torture, they remain subject to further practical evaluations.
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The Regionally Aligned Brigade Combat Teams Military Essay
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main reason for the development of regionally aligned brigade combat teams is to ensure that soldiers are prepared and trained for different operations in any of the regional six combatant commands (Tan). Their responsibilities will include learning the values of different cultures, political peculiarities, regional languages and tongues, and geographic aspects of the areas they are assigned to.
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Controversial Word: Terrorism Military Essay
5 pages (1523 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Urban Dictionary gives a populist meaning of the word by stating that it is when a person’s or a group of people’s fear is manipulated for gaining forceful agreements to certain objectives. Terrorism is not war whereby either a state or non-state actors carry out an organized conflict characterized by extreme violence and economic destruction. 
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Joint Military Operations Military Assignment
10 pages (2561 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Vicksburg was a fortress city that dominated the entire block of the last Confederate-controlled section and so defeating this section was not going to happen as an easy task. It was for this reason that it became necessary to use joint military operations, which were largely led by The Union Army of Tennessee’s Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.
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Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Military Book Report/Review
12 pages (3293 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Beah was born on November 23rd, 1980 in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, Sierra Leone. Facing attacks from rebels in Sierra Leone at the age of 12, Beah had no choice but to run for his life. As a result, he was separated from his immediate family. He wandered through the war-torn country and was then forced to join the army where he was brainwashed.
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Air Power and Its Fundamental Tenets Military Assignment
3 pages (726 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
There have been wars in the last century that have led to the destruction of life and property. Thus, has been possible through the use of the military sections of states that make use of aircraft. Aircraft have conquered space where much of their activities take place. This article examines air power and its fundamental tenets.   
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The Successes and Failures of Erwin Rommel in the German North Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Rommel could not keep up the fight against the British when his forces were slowly thinning due to lack of fuel, spare parts, equipment, and men. Both Montgomery and Rommel were closely on par with regard to their capabilities in battle tactics and strategies, but Rommel did not enjoy the same amount of support as Montgomery did.
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The Attacks of 9/11 Military Essay
1 pages (277 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The United States of America has been under a constant threat of attacks since 9/11 and before that period. The US is not alone in being threatened by terrorist attacks, there are several other nations that are being monitored by the terrorist forces and these forces are waiting for any possible chance of attacking these nations and the US.  
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The Policy Making Process Military Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the struggle is a central point in the US constitution thus a relationship between the congress and the president. The constitution states directly to separations and other balances of powers as it offers little guidance between the legislature and executive. Division in power is an invitation to struggle.
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National versus Military Intelligence Military Essay
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The processing of military intelligence is better done using computers than mentally. The method of dissemination used in this type of intelligence is using database systems, Intel bulletins, and briefings to the different decision-makers. However, the effectiveness of military intelligence is seen in the case of increased democratic control. 
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Following Unethical Military Orders Military Essay
9 pages (2332 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ethical considerations as a mode of conduct cannot be ignored in any institution in society. This is attributed to the fact that through them it is expected that the employees and the employers will know how to relate through them. It limits the mode of interaction with reference to an individual’s gender, religion or cultural background.
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The Transition of US Intelligence Over Crucial Years Military Essay
2 pages (595 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The US Intelligence has exceeded expectations in regards to combat terrorism is background checks. One of the key aspects to emphasize to combat terrorism is background checks. This paper will discuss the transition of US Intelligence over crucial years.
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Considering the Anthrax Attacks Military Coursework
2 pages (600 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Anthrax attacks involved a bioterrorism attack where letters containing anthrax antidotes were mailed to different offices in the US. This prompted terrorist organizations to seek legitimacy through media coverage of their acts. Supporters of the military frame cast potential responses to “threats” as battles that must be won after the attacks.
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Foundations of Terrorism - Al-Qaedas Origin Military Research Paper
11 pages (3034 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The modern media, whose efforts are to communicate a complex and convoluted message in the shortest amount of print or airtime available, has labeled a range of violent acts as terrorism. One finds that acts like bombing, assassinations of states’ heads, and massacre of civilians based on inadequate groundings are described as incidents of terrorism.
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Trends in the Development of Intel after World War I Military Assignment
1 pages (424 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The fact that the Directors of the Central Intelligence could not have the full measure of authority to execute their duties has frustrated several of them; thus, leading to several reforms aimed at increasing their powers. These reforms have consistently been pushed forward by the National Security Council; they have faced several obstacles. 
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The Death Penalty and Criminal Justice Military Term Paper
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In criminal justice, the death penalty is one of the topics that have generated intense discussions. The discussions on capital punishment have attracted a wide array of experts and individuals such as economists, health care professionals, politicians, and law specialists. Capital punishment raises discussion about the reason that human life is a priceless commodity that is irreplaceable.
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Conference wk 5 Military Coursework
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
They then use this to form an integrated framework which links the strategy performance and the planning of resources. This is a strategy for ensuring
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The Connection between Generalship and Age Military Assignment
2 pages (734 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The ages when one is really considered young may differ from person to person. As it touches on generalship and the rate of performance, Fuller seems to opine that it is between the ages of thirty and forty-nine. This is the age when most generals are found to be most efficient. As this position is not exactly corroborated in the body of his book, it may not be taken as his conclusive opinion.
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Current Issues of the U.S. Military Military Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The presence of homosexuals in the U.S. military remains a hot political debate. Homosexuals are serving the military for decades now. But they are the real threat to the discipline and high standard of moral of the soldiers. Liberals want gays to serve in the military and on the other hand conservatives wish to completely ban homosexuals.
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Analysis of Report on Hungarian Refugees Article by Guy E. Coriden Military Coursework
1 pages (350 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
I learned about the need for effective methods of collecting information. Dedication and professionalism are important aspects of human intelligence. Moreover, the intelligence community should aim gathering the information at a minimum cost and with the utmost respect for the rules of human conduct.  
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Department of Homeland Security Military Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that the U.S Department of Homeland Security has a wide jurisdiction that includes immigration enforcement, cyber security, countering terrorism, emergency response to all disasters, and custom issues. The U.S federal government formed the U.S Department of Homeland Security to respond to the September 11 terrorist attacks.
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Clinical Assistant Rotation as an Experience for a Learner Military Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the author of the paper outlines, since they had not yet learned much about assistance, clinical assistant rotation turned out to be a great opportunity to learn. However, the clinical assistant had a different learning approach in the clinic and comprised updating appointments and being a runner when needed.
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Core Aspects of the History of Warfare Logistics since WW II Military Assignment
2 pages (649 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The Vietnam War also marked the commencement of live media coverage of wars with no or little restrictions on media personnel. Since then, the media coverage of any war has been a common feature and has caused the U.S military to develop ways of adapting quicker ways of responding to crises and potentially damaging media coverage.  
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Humanitarian Operations of the United States Military Military Essay
2 pages (743 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The humanitarian operations also lead to increased pressure on military personnel, and this can reduce the morale of the personnel. In the past, the need for humanitarian operations, such as the Haiti earthquake, have been spontaneous and unpredictable often-causing the U.S and other countries to marshal their personnel within a short period. 
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Army Strong Commercial Military Assignment
1 pages (440 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
These setting signs and diverse sections backgrounds of the casting showing home, normally they do form clustering associations of the video. Regardless of the characters’ talk that entails the goodness of a young person joining the army, here in the media it is a dissociative clustering sign and contrary to its setting.
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Defense Weapons System Military Essay
1 pages (237 words) , Download 2 , Essay
World War II led to the development of sophisticated defense systems to suppress reprisal attacks. However, complicated defense systems that survived into the modern era were developed during the Cold War. The Cold War also led to the development of the world’s most sophisticated and dangerous military hardware.
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The Needed of Critical Thinking for the Success of Military Leaders Military Essay
5 pages (1468 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Today's organizations function in what the United States War College describes as a VUCA setting. Volatility, complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity are continuous realities within the 21st century. The military tries to prepare for challenges it could probably face by creating realistic training scenarios.
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Analysis of Articles about Harakat al-Shabaab Mujahideen Military Annotated Bibliography
1 pages (420 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This article provides all the basic information about the Al-Shabab militant group. It contains information about the group’s leadership, its control in Somalia, and its foreign links. This article provides information about how Al-Shabab emerged, what are their financial sources, why are they attacking Kenya, and what are its links with Al-Qaeda. 
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Modern International Terrorism and International Terrorist Group Military Essay
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Subsequently, the terror activities which took place in the Balkans and Asia strengthened the idea of Modern Terrorism (Cameron, 2010). Here, it is important to note that Modern International Terrorism is called ‘modern’ because it was spread using the latest communication and transportation channels.  
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Iran in Country Brief on Their Economy Military Essay
3 pages (1091 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The European Union has levied significant sanctions on Iran. In recent weeks, these sanctions have been increased as President Obama levied sanctions against companies doing business with Iran’s energy companies. Ultimately, the US has remained committed to these economic sanctions as long as Iran continues its pursuit of a nuclear arsenal. 
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Active and Passive State Sponsored Terrorism Military Essay
6 pages (1650 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A large number of Al-Qaida militants reside in the tribal areas of Pakistan from where they carry out terrorist attacks in neighboring countries, Afghanistan and India. Pakistani government does not do anything against them because of the fear that if they take any step against them, they will start targeting their civilians and infrastructure  
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Military attack strategies in Singapore Military Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is astonishing to know how a small country like Singapore has built up a strong military force since its independence on August 9, 1965. Bilveer Singh revealed that the state was able to effectively strengthen its security “during the Cold and Post-Cold War era through a judicious mix of building up national defense capability and synergies with external strategic partners”
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The Battle of Trenton Military Essay
1 pages (296 words) , Download 1 , Essay
General George Washington was the leader of American troops at this period whereas colonel Rahl was the leader of the opposition. In the battle of Trenton, 2400 American troops with 18 guns fought against 1600 Hessians with only 6 guns. This battle lasted only for few days and George Washington was successful in capturing the entire Hessian force.
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