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Modernization of Chinook Platforms: To Purchase New Composite or Re-manufactured Air-frames - Essay Example

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The United States has an outstanding record in army operations. The research targets the evaluation of potential remanufacturing of the defense equipment by conducting a comparative analysis in the technical credibility of procuring new composite frames in the latest version of CH-47 …
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Modernization of Chinook Platforms: To Purchase New Composite or Re-manufactured Air-frames
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Running Head: Modernization of Chinook platforms: To purchase new composite or remanufactured airframes? Modernization of Chinook platforms: To purchase new composite or remanufactured airframes? Abstract The United States has an outstanding record in army operations. The research methodically targets the evaluation of potential remanufacturing of the defense equipment by conducting a comparative analysis in technical credibility of procuring new composite frames in the latest version of CH-47 (Chinook helicopter). The research highlights the effect of the technical operation in this sphere of crucial aircraft maintenance on pilot & aircrew, aircraft maintenance efficiency, tactical missions, and operational savings. Moreover, the military, public and industrial experiences will be evaluated and analyzed with respect to the modernization operation. The research method would further focus on the reliability of data, procedures, instrumentation, and pilot strategies in relation to the core area of the modernization of Chinook platforms.   Chapter – I Introduction Background of the problem In a war situation, there are generally two options available when it comes to take an upper hand over the enemy. The first option is to cleverly utilize the existing and older technologies and if possible support them with innovative techniques. The second option is to find out novel ways altogether to sophisticate the war methods. This suggests the strategists to have direct technological advantage over the enemy. But if the obtaining a direct technological upper hand over the enemy had been the ultimate solution in a dynamic three dimensional battle field, problems could readily be solved. Let’s reiterate the experience of World War II. The Nazis had a decided technological advantage over the Allied forces in several fields. In the sphere of dog fighting, the Nazi Air Force or Luftwaffe had deployed the world’s first jet aircrafts. In those days, these were possibly the most advanced aircrafts in the world. But the Allied forces cleverly maneuvered the then existing piston engine techniques of those days. They worked hard on the older assembly lines in an organized way and the war was finally drawn inside the factory environment were manufacturing process were carried out rapidly on an emergency basis. Quick assembling, high production, and skilled pilots of the allied armies ultimately subdued the German Luftwaffe, although the latter had already obtained the futuristic jet engine technology. So when it comes to the question of choosing between airframes for the contemporary Chinook helicopters, we have to consider the matter in the light of the history of warfare in air. The remanufactured airframes provide for innovative implementation of the existing technologies, while the composite airframes provide for utilization of relatively new technology and expertise. Although the experience of the World War II suggests that the utilization of new technologies may not be the most ideal way to deal with the demanding and dynamic war situations always, advanced technologies must never be neglected. As far as the revitalization or modernization of the aging fleet of CH-47 (D/E/ICH) and MH-47 (E/G) SOA variants is concerned, authentic evaluation of the existing options become crucial. The first way is to rely on the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) or the Team Chinook of Boeing to develop the modern remanufactured airframes. This would be like working upon our existing techniques and expertise, and improve them further. The second way is to go ahead for the composite airframes. This is like implementing new and futuristic techniques. An appropriate, adaptive, and dynamic analysis of war situation would thus be accomplished if and only if the correct methods and techniques are adopted in the correct time. So this is the background of the current problem that that is being scrutinized by the present research. Statement A methodological, reliable, and valid analysis is required in order to decide whether the Government should invest in remanufactured airframes or procure the auspicious composite ones to strengthen the CH-47 (D/E/ICH) and MH-47 (E/G) SOA Chinook helicopter variant of the US Army. Significance Implementation of rotorcrafts (especially the helicopters) in war operations had not been completely known of during the World Wars. The Nazi Germany used helicopters rather in diminutive numbers during the World War II for medical evacuation, observation, and transport. Probably, serious deployment of advanced, multipurpose helicopter fleets took place during the Vietnam War. By the commencement of the twenty first century, the defense analysts, technologists, and scientists have developed a valuable knowledge base in regards of rotorcraft techniques. The experience gathered from the Vietnam War (1970s), Somali Crisis (early 1990s), Iraq War and the War on Terror in Afghanistan is important. The defense history of the USAF and US Army clearly explains the issue of modernization of the existing fleets. In the sphere of cargo conveyance and special operations, rotorcrafts have played a critical role in the recent past. The importance of analyzing the modernization drive of the Chinook platforms thus lies in the multifarious nature of the research and development projects of the US Army in correlation with the USAF too. Limitation The research will be based on the current data available for evaluating futuristic designs in aviation. This means that we might have to work on a number of hypotheses. The final upshot is not immune to unpredictable deviations. Various technical aspects of the modernization program and the probable outcome have to be carefully analyzed. Modernization of Chinook platoforms will involve an evaluation of the post modernization equipments outright in the existing scenario. Lots of hypothetical information and even scientific speculations will have to be utilized to counter the potential challenges of future warfare. Lots of data required for the research are available only from theoretical resources and analyses. So the practical results will have to be further referenced and tested. Acronyms All the acronyms have been defined when used for the first time. However, for the convenience of the readers, an ample list has been offered in the Appendix. Chapter – II Review of Literature and Research The Chinook helicopters have served the US Army mainly during the Vietnam War (1970s) and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (Late 1990s till now). These helicopters and their variants have also been deployed in Iran – Iraq War (1980s) and Falklands War (1982). In the majority of operations, Chinook helicopters and rotorcrafts in this assortment have triumphed. In the sphere of real time warfare, Chinook helicopters have been used in combats, rescue operations, medical evacuations, and logistic conveyance. The maneuverability of these helicopters in a constrained three dimensional air space has been extensively tested, particularly in the rescue operations in Vietnam. The earlier versions of Chinook helicopters were deployed mainly in war situation. These included CH-47A, ACH-47A, CH-47B, etc., and the experience gathered in this way was utilized to develop the more sophisticated versions that have culminated today at CH-47F (ICH) and MH-47G (SOA). With the lapse of time, implementation of these Chinook helicopters was diversified. Chinook helicopters were especially designed (and redesigned again and again) for ample interoperability. This interoperability gradually covered industrial and civilian operations too. The logistic operations in geographically inaccessible areas have been successfully carried out by deploying Chinook helicopters at the industrial level in countries like Canada. Chinook helicopters have also been used in rescue operations during natural disasters and similar calamities. Specialized equipments for rescue and medical relief can be amply accommodated in these helicopters, especially in the Improved Cargo Helicopter versions. In this way, these helicopters not only account for defense interoperability, but also cater to various levels of public utilities at civilian and industrial levels. Commercial Aspects and Military Utility In language of Boeing, the company that manufactures the Chinook helicopters, “The Chinook is a multi-mission, heavy-lift transport helicopter. Its primary mission is to move troops, artillery, ammunition, fuel, water, barrier materials, supplies and equipment on the battlefield. Its secondary missions include medical evacuation, disaster relief, search and rescue, aircraft recovery, fire fighting, parachute drops, heavy construction and civil development.” However, the product information must be referenced with and verified in the real time market scenario too. The diligence and versatility of these helicopters have further been explored and testified in the recent issues of the Helicopters Magazine. A report dated May 20, 2009 reveals the new horizons for the production and deployment of Chinook helicopters. According to the magazine, Augusta Westland has recently been awarded a contract of supplying sixteen ICH-47F Chinook helicopters to the armed forces of Italy. This Contact has been executed under the directions of the General Directorate of Air Armaments. The value of the contract is at almost 900 million euros. The more potent ICH-47F Chinook from the BOEING CH-47F Chinook production line would replace the pre-existing CH-47C Chinooks of the helicopter fleet of Italian Army. Augusta Westland – Boeing agreement at the industrial level further specifies and implements the marketing and production of the Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters to the UK and several other countries of Europe (particularly, in southern Europe). The Issue of Mobility and Global Reach Of late, the issue of air mobility has once again obtained ample attention from the high level defense strategists. Air mobility and global outreach during a strategic crisis might be primarily the concern of USAF, but the US Army too needs to remain alert about the standards that are being set. Recently, the Air Mobility Command (AMC) of the USAF has publicized a new Mission Statement along with five novel focus areas. In AMC’s words, the mission has been concisely explained as to: “Provide Global Air Mobility ... Right Effects, Right Place, Right Time”. Contextually, the AMC is also assisting in modernizing the framework of expeditionary operations. The deployment planning of the United States Air Force Expeditionary Center (USAF EC) entails Aerial Port Operations, Maintenance, Supervision, Production, and Mobile Command & Control at the advanced logistic standards of Air Mobility. This implies that a modern helicopter fleet must be in conformity with the standards of the expeditionary exercises set by the USAF explicitly. Indubitably, the CH-47F and MH-47G helicopters need to be revitalized in this context from time to time. In this manner, it can be further observed how the public, industrial, and military implementations of the Chinook helicopters are based on certain critical and common standards. Thus a comparative analysis of the composite and remanufactured airframes contextually with the modernization of Chinook platforms becomes extremely necessary and thought provoking. The research under discussion targets to address the key controversies in this regard and elucidate the complicated issues of technological transformation of the US Military. In such a scenario, a transformation to composite airframes becomes more plausible. As early as the1980s, the potential of the composite airframes had been thoroughly examined under the patronage of US Army/Sikorsky Advanced Composite Airframe Program (ACAP). In the Static Test Techniques for Composite Airframe Structures Developed on the U.S. Army/Sikorsky ACAP (issued in July 1985), the strategic significance of this novel technology had been explicitly presented and reviewed. Thus, in a nutshell, it can be said that there are several reasons that might advocate acquisition of remanufactured airframes, but the plus points of composite airframes too cannot be disregarded. More Technical Concerns At this point, we must also look through the principal focus areas in relation to Aircraft Engineering. An overall study of Airframe Stress Analysis & Sizing (by M. Niu), which is a quality reference book for aircraft maintenance studies, reveals that “the key areas of technical expertise in the aerospace industry count manufacturing, maintenance, repairing, and overhaul. Moreover, the power-plant, safety, and airframes of the aircrafts and rotorcrafts are also very crucial considerations in this regard”. In this way, we can conclude that the airframes have a propound effect on the general functionality of an aircraft or rotorcraft. It must be further noted that aircraft vibration is another important effect of the airframe geometry. Structural nonlinearities of the airframe geometry can control the degree of aircraft vibration (Breitbach, 1978). To what extent can these structural nonlinearities be systemized and devised in order to minimize vibrations? As far as the remanufactured airframes are concerned, it is a difficult move to restructure the airframe geometry as a whole. But we can likely achieve more curvatures and better shapes with the composite airframes. We must mention contextually that the composite materials are chemically designed to impart thermal stability, flexibility, fracture resistance, and compressive strength (Clyne, T. W., & Hull. D., 1996). Exploring ahead, now we expand the realm of our discussions to acoustics in the context of aircrafts and rotorcrafts. Aerodynamic sources can affect aircraft vibrations (Journal. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 44, Issue 1, pp. 364-364), and this was comprehended as early as 1968. Engine noise, combined with atmospheric factors like aerodynamic drag and boundary-layer pressure may test the stability of the airframe severely. The surface exposure to atmosphere of a helicopter fuselage is really high. This results into fuselage drag, which is a detrimental form of aerodynamic drag (Roskan, J., 2000). This leads to accumulation of harmful corrosion too, which can be prevented by proper “galvanic and barrier metal coating” (Jones, D. A., 1995). A combined effect of the factors discussed above may result into a crash load. We can find resources on the accidents of Chinook Helicopters from the Chinook Helicopter News service. Indubitably, a careful selection from the future technology options can help us a lot in preventing the accidents. In fact, almost ninety seven percent of accidents in aircrafts can be considered to be survivable (National Academies, 1962). Hypothesis and Research Question The purchase of new composite airframes would benefit the modernization of Chinook platforms a. To purchase new composite airframes would increase the safety for both pilot and crew. b. To purchase new composite airframes would increase the efficiency of aircraft maintenance. c. To purchase new composite airframes would increase proficiency of tactical missions. d. To purchase new composite airframes would increase operational savings. Should the US Army invest in replacing its aging Chinook platform with re-manufactured airframes from Vietnam-era helicopters or should the Government purchase brand new composite airframes? What is the most effective solution for the overall mission of the CH-47F (ICH) configuration and MH-47G (SOA) Chinook helicopter variant with respect to safety, efficiency, tactical mission, and cost & operational savings? Theory Implementation of a novel technology may initially be unsuccessful, but with the help of continued experimentation and research, we may ultimately culminate at rewarding results. Particularly, in war situation, there is less scope of sampling and experimentation although the urge to develop new weapons is great. So, in comparatively peaceful times, the Government must explore the implemental aspects of new technologies by means of high end experimentation, sampling, surveying, analysis, and research. Summery The research focuses on the comparative, strategic, and technical analysis of the composite and remanufactured airframes in relation to the modernization of the existing Chinook platforms of the US Army. Prediction Preponderantly in the sphere of war technology, the new has always replaced the old in the due course of time. A scrutiny of the present research subject conceivably reveals that composite airframes are the future of aircraft and rotorcraft technologies. The Chinook platforms are thus likely to be remodeled with the aid of brand new composite airframes in the long run, and the scope of remanufactured airframes is rather limited. Variables Under the crash loads and during real time maneuvering, the primary variables that determine the performance of a given airframe are: (i) Airframe Geometry (ii) Structural Arrangements (iii) Devices of Energy Absorption (utilized for dissipation of Kinetic Energy under a crash load) (iv) Interaction of the above variables. More in this context, the variables like fuel efficiency, aerodynamic drag, number of man hours to teardown & rebuild, coil overlap, etc. will be analyzed adopting statistical methods and survey techniques. Measurement Techniques With references to the scientific resources available on composite and remanufactured airframes in relation to helicopters and aircraft technology, numerical modeling can enhance the measurement techniques practically a lot. The numerical modeling would further be based on the failure criteria, material models, geometric definitions, etc. entailed in the dynamic loading of the airframe under investigation (particularly, in a crash scenario). Moreover, the measurement technique would also involve analysis of the statistical frequency distributions obtained from the survey regarding payload, fuel efficiency, coil overlap, and other related variables. Chapter - III Research Methodology Research Model The research is intended to find out an indicative solution to the question and the topic “Modernization of Chinook platforms: To purchase new composite or remanufactured airframes?” The approach would be based on a comparative and factual analysis with the help of a quantitative study model based on the research survey. The research would culminate at a valid prediction in relation to the modernization of Chinook helicopters in the UA Army. Survey Population The participants will be chosen from the pilots, co-pilots, crew, helicopter maintainers, phase and corrosion technicians, and airframe technicians. The survey population is supposed to be informed about and practically involved in the aerial operations of the US Army. Also, personnel from the commercial and civilian operations are welcome. Instrument Pre-Test The research is technically instrumented to an analytical and comparative study that would amply address the research hypothesis. The survey population and resources to consult have to be identified and determined reasonably in the pre-test environment of the research instrumentation. In this context, five graduate students at the Embry-Riddle University and five Chinook Helicopter maintainers at 209 ASB Wheeler Army Air Field, Hawaii. All of them resorted to skip the Survey Questions #28 and #29. Instrument Reliability The purpose, design, and questions of the survey must be clearly understandable to the pilots, crew members, maintainers, and technicians in all the sectors of helicopter operations. The questions should strictly address the subject matter and the survey method must put emphasis on staff meetings and question-answer sessions. Instrument Validity The validation of the data collected is meaningless without a scope for numerical interpretation, modeling, and analysis of the same. The survey questions must cater with the knowledge and expertise of both military and non-military personnel. The literature and research consulted in this context must be feasible. Procedures The Procedures would include question-answer sessions, meetings, and surveys. The answers would be recorded and tabulated in a statistically interpretable form. The final information would be utilized for analysis of and comparison between the composite and remanufactured airframes. Sources of Data Sources of data would include results of the surveys. The surveys were conducted in the Hawaii National Guard Unit during the weekend training exercises. Moreover, the literature and research reviewed would provide ample technical and non technical data. Data Collection Device The survey questionnaire is the primary data collection device. Meetings, question-answer sessions, discussions, etc. will have to be organized and exploited to acquire sufficient data. Print, web, and other forms of resourceful media would also be consulted. Distribution Method The survey questionnaires would be put forward to the various staff and crew members involved in Chinook helicopter operations. A distributed system of question-answer sessions would cater to the formation of a randomized and unbiased database. Treatment of Data The data is to be principally obtained by surveying the military & non military personnel and reviewing related literature from reliable sources. The empirical data obtained in the form of subjective feedbacks and objective responses by means of the surveys would be coded, tabulated, and processed to generate authentic and systematic information. Also, the analyses, inferences, and results obtained from different web, print, and other resources would be examined in the light of the survey outcome. Statistical analysis with special stress on numerical modeling would be adopted. Appendix Acronym List ACAP Advanced Composite Airframe Program AMC Air Mobility Command DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency ICH Improved Cargo Helicopter MOS Military Occupational Specialty NCATT National Center for Aerospace & Transportation Technology SOA Special Operations Aircraft USAF United States Air Force USAF EC United States Air Force Expeditionary Center References Air Mobility Command - AMC Focus Areas. (n.d.). Air Mobility Command - Home. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Armaereo awards Chinook Helicopter contract - Helicopters Magazine. (n.d.). Helicopters Magazine. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Boeing: Boeing: CH-47D/F Chinook Home . (n.d.). The Boeing Company. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Breitbach, E. (n.d.). Effects of Structural Non-Linearities on Aircraft Vibration and Flutter,. OAI. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Clyne, T. W., & Hull, D. (1996). The strength of reinforcements. An Introduction to Composite Materials (Cambridge Solid State Science Series) (2 ed., pp. 22-23). New York: Cambridge University Press. Factsheets : AMWC to USAF EC: A history timeline from 1994-2008. (n.d.). U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center - Home. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Helicopter News. (n.d.). Chinook Helicopter News (CHN).. Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters and Company H, 4th Battalion, 7th Aviation Regiment - "Pegasus".. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Helicopter News. (n.d.). Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter News from Vietnam.. Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters and Company H, 4th Battalion, 7th Aviation Regiment - "Pegasus". Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Jones, D. A. (1995). Preface. Principles and Prevention of Corrosion (2nd Edition) (2 ed., pp. xiv-xv). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall. Kay, A. L. (2002). German Jet Engine and Gas Turbine Development, 1930-45. Marlborough: Crowood. Kearney, H. L. (1985). Static Test Techniques for Composite Airframe Structures Developed on the U.S. Army/Sikorsky ACAP. Alexandria, VA: American Helicopter Society. Morris, R. (2006). Untold Valor: Forgotten Stories of American Bomber Crews over Europe in World War II (1st Potomac Ed ed.). Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books. National Academies (1962). REVIEW AND FORECAST OF IMPACT STUDIES UNITED STATES ARMY. Impact Acceleration Stress (p. 18). Washington, DC: National Academies. Niu, M. (1998). Airframe Stress Analysis & Sizing. Granada Hills, CA: Adaso Adastra Engineering Center. Raju, K. S.CRASHWORTHINESS OF COMPOSITE AIRFRAME STRUCTURES. Retrieved on April 5, 2010 from Roskan, J. (2000). Preliminary calculation of aerodynamic, thrust and power characteristics. New York: Darcorporation. Some Recent Information on Aircraft Vibration Due to Aerodynamic Sources. (n.d.). Scitation. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Survey Questions Should the US Army invest in replacing its aging Chinook platform with re-manufactured airframes from Vietnam-era helicopters or should the Government purchase brand new composite airframes. What is the most effective solution for the overall mission of the CH-47 F (ICH) configuration and MH-47 G (SOA) Chinook helicopter variant with respect to safety, tactical, and cost & operational savings? This survey is a comparative study between composite airframe CH-47F Improved Cargo Helicopter (ICH) configuration and MH-47G Special Operations (SOA) Chinook variant and remanufactured airframes for Graduate Capstone Project Survey. Thank you for deciding to complete this survey. It is important that you answer as honest as possible. Your response will be anonymous and will be use to justify the logic behind why the US Army should invest in upgrading the aging Chinook helicopter platform with re-designed frames or acquire brand new composite airframes. Survey Questionnaire: 1. What version of Chinook helicopter do you fly? 1. Remanufactured CH-47 (D/F/ICH) 2. CH-47 (D/F/ICH) with brand new composite frames 3. Remanufactured MH-47 (E/G) SOA variant 4. MH-47 (E/G) SOA variant with brand new composite frames 5. Others (Please indicate the type of aircraft): ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________ 2. What is the average duration of your flight mission? 1. 1 hr 2. 2 hrs 3. 3 hrs 4. 4 hrs 5. 5 hrs and above 6. If not listed here, please indicate: _______________________ 3. What is your current MOS/job in the Army or Civilian sector? 1. Pilot/Co-Pilot 2. Flight Crew 3. Helicopter Maintainer 4. Airframe Technician 5. Corrosion and Phase Technician 4. In your opinion, in which airframe is there less physical fatigue during extended mission range flights? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 5. In your opinion, in which airframe is there less physical fatigue during extended mission range flights? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 6. In your opinion with which airframe is the payload greater? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 7. In your opinion with which airframe is it easier to maintain aircraft control during extended mission range flights? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 8. In your opinion which airframe has greater fuel efficiency during extended mission range flights? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 9. In your opinion which airframe is the one that is exposed to less aircraft vibration? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 10. In your opinion which airframe seems to have lighter weight during flight? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 11. In your opinion which airframe is the one that is easier to break down? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 12. In your opinion which airframe is easier to be built up? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 13. In your opinion which airframe is faster to remove? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 14. In your opinion which airframe is faster to re-install? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 15. In your opinion which airframe offers increased cabin pressure? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 16. In your opinion which airframe offers increased humidity inside the aircraft? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 17. In your opinion which airframe can counter aero-dynamic drag more efficiently? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 18. In your opinion in which airframe signs of cracks appear earlier? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 19. In your opinion on which airframe does corrosion begin to accumulate earlier? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 20. In your opinion which airframe does yield greater extended life of your aircraft? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 21. In your opinion which airframe requires fewer man-hours to teardown and rebuild? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe 22. In your opinion which airframe requires fewer days to complete a phase-reset test? 1. Remanufactured Airframe 2. Composite Airframe Please fill up the following table: Slot No: Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 23. Composite airframes are the future of the Chinook platforms. 24. Remanufactured airframes would be assembled and conveyed faster. 25. Remanufacturing of the airframes is a better and safer alternative with respect to buying the new composite ones. 26. Remanufactured airframes would offer less financial overhead relative to the composite ones 27. Composite airframes would help the pilot to quickly maneuver his aircraft in a war zone. 28. What is your opinion on non-conductive coating layers with respect to the (i) Remanufactured Airframe (ii) Composite Airframe? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29. What is the degree of coil overlap in case of the (i) Remanufactured Airframe (ii) Composite Airframe? ­ ­________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30. Your other comments and observations are valuable for the comparative research on the remanufactured and composite airframes and also for national security. Please furnish them below: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read More
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