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Travelers Tales Cuba by Tom Miller Culture Book Report/Review
7 pages (1794 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
American tourists have been presented with a picture of Cuba in the media that may be somewhat far removed from reality. The portrayal of Cuba is that of a country that has rejuvenated itself from the bottom up; the revolution in Cuba has reached out to touch all Cubans; it’s a “social experiment, a grand sweeping vision....”(Miller, 2001:138).
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Surrealist Elements in Contemporary Art Culture Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many of Jonas Burghett's works are inspired by the 16th-century Flemish artists who were attracted to the fantastical and the grotesque. The nature of the art expressing the fears and darker natures in order to reflect the abstracted nature of humanity, raw and fertile for exploration concerning the atrocities that can be observed. He is also inspired by the surrealists, his work reflecting the dream state in the use of color and composition.
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The Culture of a Certain Civilization Culture Case Study
9 pages (2600 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Social Organization (UNESCO) defined culture as the collection of distinguishing religious, physical, intellectual, and emotional attributes of a society or social group, and incorporate, with the addition of aspects of the arts and social sciences, traditions, and beliefs.
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Modern Chinese Culture Culture Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Just like an adolescent youth goes through several stages prior to reaching puberty, the same case applies to China. China has had a long history, especially under the imperial rule. However, the country slowly reached its puberty after long periods of struggles and fight towards attaining her independence and self-rule.
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Islam: Struggles for legitimacy Culture Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The writer describes the practice of slavery in the late ninth century in various Islamic civilizations, its distinctive features and how African slave trade differed from the Turkish slave economy. The Islamic civilization form of slavery was considered to differ from the American form of slavery where slaves were not entitled to property and rights.
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Post Modernism and Globalization Culture Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the postmodern world has seen the growth and development of what today is commonly known as globalization. The concept of globalization entails the world’s westernization while others view it as the ascent of capitalism. Many scholars have noted that there is no concrete difference between modernity and globalization.
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Muslim Women and Family Culture Essay
1 pages (273 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Osman explained this in detail in several important situations that underscore gender equality in society, within the family and in the eyes of the law and of God. He cited the justifications of this premise in cases of the birth of a girl, in her treatment as a legal personality, in marriage, in her rights at school and at work.
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Play at the Theatre Royal Culture Movie Review
1 pages (346 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The main theme of the play centered around the Smith family whose members go to war as well as what happens to them on the home front. The film is based on the stage production depicting the events of the First World War that took place from 1914 to 1918. However, the film directed by Richard Attenborough in 1968.
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Cross-Cultural Communication Culture Assignment
7 pages (2488 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
ping women all over the place may have flashed in her mind, as well as other readers who were likewise fed the same information, and they would have shivered at the thought of coming to DRC in fear of their own safety. Such dreadful thoughts have been successful in preventing
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Difference Between Two of the Most Influential Nations of the World Culture Essay
4 pages (1081 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The United States and China are among the most influential countries in the world today and this is because of both the political and economic advantages that they have managed to build over the years. The ability of these two nations to project their influence across the globe is based mainly on strong cultural backgrounds. 
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Understanding Organizational Culture Culture Essay
1 pages (436 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are differences between Chinese customers’ role in influencing organizational culture as compared to Canadian customers. This section seeks to address the differences and the corresponding organizational cultures of the two business environments. The entire Chinese market is customer influenced and organizational cultures.
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Thoughts about Chinese Culture Culture Essay
5 pages (1292 words) , Download 4 , Essay
I still have trouble understanding the American way of thinking since at times if find it paradoxical. I have come across people who think same-sex marriage is immoral, but they still oppose anti-gay legislation because they feel everyone has a right to live as they wish irrespective of public opinion.
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Robert Barthes: Chopsticks Culture Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The importance that has been gathered around the Oriental food of the region is related to chopsticks being defined as the most instrumental factor in the ways of cutting off food stuff. The reason behind the smaller size of ingredients is this existence of sticks enabling it to grasp those tiny pieces before being the flavor of culinary delight.
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Islamic Ceramics Traditions Culture Report
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 2 , Report
Islamic ceramic traditions have not figured significantly as an element of Islamic history. One of the main reasons is that there has been a limitation on the artifacts or historical records available for study. Most research on the subject was developed from the works of Arthur Lane, Richard Ettinghausen, and Gesa Febervari (Jenkins-Madina et al, 2002).
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To What Extent the Arab World Culture can be One Singular Culture Culture Assignment
8 pages (2511 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
As noted above, the current study focuses on identification and the evaluation of the cultural similarities and differences among 7 Arab countries – those examined by Hofstede. In this context, the study’s mains objectives can be described as follows: a) the identification of the social and political history of the 7 Arab countries – as described above
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Basseri of Iran Culture Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the end, the conclusion is reached according to which the Basseri may be regarded as one of the vivid examples of this form of societal organization.
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How Do Cultures Perceive Colours In Interior Design Culture Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Due to the record-breaking advancement in technology that our world is currently experiencing, interior designers have made full use of this advancement and are now able to use light, space, color, and decoration as specifically as possible. The paper reveals how the practice of interior design has become more specialized.
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Interest of Youth in the Pop Culture Culture Essay
3 pages (833 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It is rightly said that pop culture is affecting our life styles more in a negative way than in any positive aspect. Excess exposure of youth to pop culture is distracting them from their right path in every sense as in their character building, their attitude towards academics, and their social behavior.  
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A Key Role of Culture Culture Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that as the world is fast becoming a global village distances and boundaries are fast losing their meaning thus we are observing a constant fusion of diverse cultures and societies. This scenario has lead to the evolution of a new breed of individuals who are a part of a new brand of culture which has virtually no boundaries.
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Organizing a Trip to India Culture Essay
4 pages (1061 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Last July, I got an opportunity of visiting India in order to spend two weeks of my summer vacation outside my country. It was fantastic traveling that opened many new horizons of knowledge and wisdom before me. The main purpose of selecting India included the visit of the Taj Mahal situated in Agra, which serves as one of the Seven Wonders of the World and UNESCO World Heritage Site as well.
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Wedding-Ceremony: Our Cultural Heritage Culture Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The riches that culture has ensured the common man that he has the costliest thing available to him. The belief makes him confident enough to face the hazardous challenges and onslaughts of the counterpart nations of the world. To me, our ‘Cultural Heritage’ is our life: without life in culture, we are dead.
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The Roman Culture: a Vast Geographical Area as Well as Population Culture Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The history of the Romans is presented by indicating their military superiority and how they intended to maintain their culture. Despite their conservative nature, it remains essential to point out their cosmopolitan nature portrayed through the adoption of habits from their neighbours’ and foreigners.
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A Bibliography of Rosa Park Culture Essay
1 pages (424 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Rosa parks became an icon though she bumped into a lot of troubles as a result. First, she experienced a financial crisis due to the loss of her job; later her husband also resigned after his boss forced him to talk about his wife’s lawful cases. In 1957, the duo moved from Montgomery to Hampton to look for green pastures.
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Relationships between U.S. Cultural Patterns and Global Attitudes Culture Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper states that some of the elements of the culture related to opportunities and interests from other nations to identify attitudes from other parts of the world. These attitudes may vary with change in interest and data on global attitudes towards the United States explains this.
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The Role of Knowledge in Contemporary Society Culture Essay
6 pages (1523 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Society today is known as the ‘knowledge society’ and it is this knowledge that has brought about the change. While some consider it beneficial and desirable, others feel it has increased tension and anxiety amongst the people. While some find it has provided opportunities others see it as a threat.
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Modernist Argentina Culture Coursework
14 pages (3182 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Since the nation’s economic crisis in 2000, the shift in scholarly dialogues on the shape of Argentina’s civilizing complex have been primarily directed at its long-term market policies clarified by dedication to economic liberalism, despite oscillations in the ideological and political structure. The refutation of Argentina’s parallel history as a modern and modernist nation is likely to be met with incontrovertible evidence otherwise.
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The medieval era and The Renaissance Era Culture Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The medieval era began from 300 A.D with the downfall of the Roman Empire and terminated around 1400 A.D. Middle Ages art was fragmented in to minute periods namely the Early Medieval art, the Carolingian art, Ottonian Art followed by Romanesque Art and subsequently the Gothic Art. The paintings, sculptures were religious in nature.
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The Creation of Youth Culture Culture Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The definition of culture has always been considered in the context of music, arts, literature, architecture, and language. However, the primary function of a culture is to create a harmonized environment that is relevant to all the occupants of that environment. This, therefore, implies that culture is something that is ordinarily taught, shared and learned.
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Kants Ideology Culture Movie Review
1 pages (267 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The video sites Kant’s assertion that one should never tell a lie irrespective of the situation because the consequences are always unknown. This assertion is presented in a categorical manner, thereby making it a categorical imperative. The video implicitly states that a virtuous individual follows orders that are in enforced often externally.
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The Food Culture of Greece Culture Essay
11 pages (2832 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The food culture of Greece and the Greeks is very much based upon the stereotypical Mediterranean diet, yet in some aspects is also a rather unique source of it.  The Greek attitude to food is definitely an intense one, and food is associated with wealth, with celebration, with socializing and with happiness. 
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Qualitative Method and Cultural Studies Culture Case Study
8 pages (2206 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Ethnographic methods allow researchers to present a more qualitative approach to understanding a particular topic. By supplementing one ethnographic method with another; i.e. a combination of interview, participant observation, and diaries and recordings, an ethnographer could provide more vivid detail and a more holistic approach. 
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The Media and Popular Culture Culture Essay
1 pages (417 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Modern popular culture is the representation of aesthetic elements of human life with a colored pattern of artistic essentials for promoting enthusiasm and activeness among people. A study of the reflection of popular culture in human life refers to the study of development taken place at different stages of cultural progress of the population.
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Communication of the Saudi Arabian Culture Culture Case Study
8 pages (2654 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Paralanguage is the speed, frequency, vocal tendency, intonation, stress, or degree of an individual’s voice (Neuliep, 2009, p.287). Paralanguage is not just restricted to speaking through silence, the tone and pitch of Saudi Arabian people are also of great attention. Also, significant to note down is the Saudi Arabian’s assessment of silence. 
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Cultural Phenomenon of Anonymous Culture Personal Statement
1 pages (343 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The paper also shows that this is a personal response to her speech in which, she exemplified the cultural aspect of anonymous. The cultural phenomena defining anonymous are difficult if not impossible to disentangle. However, Coleman did a great job deconstructing the structure of this mysterious culture.
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Tradition and Culture in the Third World Countries Culture Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that some of the acquired ideas from the western culture include traditions, economy, technology. Learning others’ culture is important in strategizing for further development. This is apparent in the realization of the Ottoman Empire. The cornerstone of the establishment of the Ottoman Empire was the introduction of Islam.
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Detailed Analysis of United Arab Emirates Culture Research Paper
12 pages (3291 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The people of the United Arab Emirates are called Emirati and thus their culture is known as Emirati culture. The United Arab Emirates consists of seven states or Emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Ajman, and Umm Al-Qaiwain. These seven emirates were united as a single federal state on December 2, 1971.
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International Culture and Communication Culture Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The changing of the facets of business in the 21st-century, require every company to work in collaboration with various other countries. These countries usually have an entirely different work culture. The organizations are forced to become global to manage competition and hence become sensitive to the various cultures.
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Does Historical and Cultural Heritage Hamper or Stimulate Foreign Real Estate Investment in Historical Cities Culture Coursework
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Away from it, lies the famous Astoria Hotel, a masterpiece made out of red brownstone that was constructed in 1912. There is also the statue of Nicholas one a top reining horse and across the bridge, one can also see the impearl Mariinsky palace made remarkably visible by the gallant anchor and grappling hook themed flag of St Petersburg flying high.
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Arts and culture of Baroque period Culture Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Baroque period is a unique and important era for most historians and scholars worldwide. This period includes both the seventeenth and eighteenth century in Europe. Baroque period is mainly characterized by a unique lifestyle, cultural, and economic activities across Europe, which is the reason for the much importance and emphasis on this period.
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Earlier 19th-Century Fashion Styles and Their Cultural and Historical Significance at the Time Culture Essay
6 pages (1797 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As Lynch and Strauss point out, it becomes evident from history that the concept of beauty is not set by women but by the mainstream society and also that the mainstream society redefines the same from time to time. In other words, it can be said that the evolution in society and social thought is well expressed in fashion too.
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Study abroad: Cultural Differences of Students Culture Research Paper
11 pages (3225 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Thousands of international students all around the globe come to study in the UK, particularly postgraduate students get a chance to light up their future. Consistently, numerous well known UK colleges and universities are offering scholarship programs for international students to provide them a chance to study in a portion of the world's best institutes.
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Life and Art of Claude Monet Culture Essay
1 pages (386 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the present time, Claude Monet can be described in four parts: Early life, later life, death, and posthumous life. In all the four-part Claude Monet left an indelible mark that is ostensibly visible to those that are inspired by his deeds during his life. On early life, Monet was born on 14 of November 1840 in Paris, France.
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External and internal pressures Ukrainian art and culture Culture Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As a result, there was significant movement and progress in Ukraine’s arts and culture. Ukrainian church architectures may be distinguished from churches of other countries by their hipped roofs, one or two towers on the eastern portion of Catholic churches and “cubic frameworks with massive roofs in several tiers.
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Postmodernism in European and American history Culture Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay explores postmodernism era. Europe and America were facing a perpetual fluctuation and vicissitude in the political, economical, social, military, and cultural conditions. In such a world of violence and skepticism, the artists launched a movement called "Modernism" according to which they gave up all the romantic Victorian traditions.
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Barriers Cross-Cultural Communication Culture Case Study
9 pages (3016 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author explains that this paper has shown that in situations in which cross-cultural communication needs to be conducted, several barriers can present themselves owing to the cultural differences. An example of two cultures that are in many respects poles apart was given as the Chinese and American cultures.
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My Familys Culture and Traditions Culture Assignment
10 pages (2643 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
In my family’s ecological system, our parents held on to their principle that everyone is equal regardless of age or gender, which is opposed to the prevailing values in the Middle East, where we come from. The macrosystem in our culture puts women in a lower position than they are constrained in their activities. 
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Hieronymus Bosch Culture Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In Bosch’s “Last Judgement”, one would easily see the influence of the advancements in livelihood towards the lives of people. Here, it is shown that instead of using these advancements to do good or to achieve something beneficial, people with their sinful nature used it to harm, abuse and inflict pain upon others.
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The Grea Painters Paul Ruben and Nicolas Poussin Culture Essay
1 pages (405 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It's pointed out that Ruben’s work is extraordinary in terms of how he represents different aspects of the French culture in the painting. For example, as Marie disembarks from the ship, she is welcomed by a man wearing the royal blue mantle which is decorated with the golden fleur-de-lis and is also wearing a helmet.
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Batsheva Israeli Dance Company Culture Assignment
1 pages (331 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
With time the group won the hearts of many especially in North America where the group has taken several trips for the past eighteen years. Most of the dancers in this group are between the ages of eighteen to twenty-four. The group has also managed to win several awards in America and is well known as an acclaimed dance troupe internationally.   
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The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America by Michael Taussig Culture Book Report/Review
5 pages (1518 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Taussig and Marx share similar values in that they both criticize capitalism. In Taussig’s view, anthropology which frames the object of study as the cultures must be directed towards a critique of Western, capitalist culture. Marx’s primary concern was also the intellectual destruction of capitalism.
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