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This competitiveness criterion assesses the relative ease that new firms experience in entering the market. Obviously, if firms within a particular industry can erect entry barriers, they have power over product supply. The threat of potential entrants into the automobile manufacturing industry in China is very high.
The company can improve its inventory level by not holding back its inventory too much and quickly selling its inventory. The other way is not to buy excessive new inventory, and rather it would be better to sell the existing one to improve the inventory level. This improvement in inventory level would reduce the cost of goods sold.
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The methods and procedures are described in sufficient detail to permit replication. Included in the discussion are sampling design, measures of the constructs pertinent to the study, the data gathering procedure, and the estimation method to be applied in data analysis. The study adopts the company or organizational level of analysis.
The paper "Six Sigma SLPs; Probability and Randomness" is an outstanding example of a statistics assignment. A probability or random process is a non-deterministic system in which subsequent events are determined by probability (chance of occurrence). In operation research (OR), this technique is applied to manufacturing industries to analyse individual departments’ performance.
The dependent variable included in this research study was post-body perfectionism scores that were continuous in nature. The subject was to give any value for post-body perfectionism scores. The sample sites were the independent variables that were categorical in nature. A child was to belong to any of the five demographic locations.
In 1971, Al Francesco started working out ways to avoid defeat in blackjack. He came to the casino with his brother who was also a card counter. When his brother sat, Al Francesco, stood beside the table apparently engaged in conversation. Every time his brother placed a big bet, Al Francesco offered a $100 bet out.
The problem requires ‘prior’ probability assessment that forms the basis for further assessment like the construction of a decision tree. In the case of Dreamcatcher, the first approach is to evaluate the expected payoff from each of the projects. Expected payoffs determine the amount each of the three scenarios may give based on the probabilities
The paper "Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Models" is a wonderful example of an assignment on statistics. Under section one, this paper gives a discussion on ARCH and GARCH Models and their use in finance studies. We have used two stock market indexes (stock series y and stock series x) to obtain our empirical results.
Suppose a probability space has five elements- call them a, b, c, d, and e-, and their respective probabilities are .1, .1, .2, .2, .4. Suppose the random variable X takes on the values 1, 3, 4, 4, 5 on these five points respectively, and the random variable Y takes on the values 1, 3, 4, 7, 6. Compute the expected values of X and Y.
Generally, the Nash theory refers to a concept in which the best outcome of the game is achieved when non of the players has an incentive to change their strategy after knowing the choice of their opponents. For example, there is no beneficial outcome in changing actions when other players remain constant in their strategies.
The paper "Interval or Ratio as Scale of Measurement" is a delightful example of an assignment on statistics. Repeated measure T-test would be the appropriate statistical analysis here because the current research consists of more than one set of samples (two sets in this case) but from the same group of participants.
The paper "Data Analysis of Pharmacist Section" is a perfect example of a statistics case study. In this section, male and female respondent pharmacists were involved in the survey. A total of 17 respondents were involved in the survey and all of them accepted to participate in the survey. Male respondents were 8 while female respondents were 9 accounting for a response rate of 47% and 53% respectively.
Knowledge about statistics anxiety and attitude towards statistics can be very important in helping students to face the challenges they face in statistical courses and education in general. The knowledge is also vital for lecturers as it gives them direction on how to make students have a positive attitude towards statistics and overcome anxiety.
To establish a control chart, values of the sample mean standard deviation and upper control limits should be calculated first. In determining lower control limits it should be that which is relevant to this type of data because the lower time is better for arrival time. So we will determine a value of zero as a bottom line.
It is believed that fire can seriously harm the community if not well controlled. As such, Merseyside has come up with an integrated fire management plan that will ensure all harmful fires are put out before they cause serious damage. The establishment of a fire management plan has greatly assisted the county in reducing the incidences of fire damage.
The respondents were made aware of the purpose of the survey in regards to the research, while formal informed consent was taken from them which highlighted that their responses would be kept anonymous. In this regard, while some of their demographic information was recorded on the survey instrument, their names were omitted to keep their anonymity.
The protractor is used for measuring the incident and refracted angles. Before the real experimental research, this report also considers some pertinent past literature about Snell’s law. This is then followed by the experiment itself, recording the results obtained, analyzing the experimental data, discussing the results, and concluding.
The paper "Statistical Analysis - Simple Linear Regression Model" is a good example of an assignment on statistics. Y = β o + β 1 x + e, where β o is the y-intercept and β 1 is the population regression line. That is the slope. In the first case, the regression parameters are estimated by the use of least-squares.
The project Global Optimisation Techniques aims to investigate and explore application areas for Simulated Annealing and the Genetic Algorithm. These techniques are used for finding the optimum value for an objective function. While simulated annealing is a random algorithm method genetic algorithm uses regression.
Error Variability: - this is attributed to the effect of extraneous variables in the data. Ideally, this error is randomly distributed across conditions in an experiment. Error variability is normally evaluated and controlled within the statistical analysis of the data. There are individual differences in the data condition.
The paper "Importance of Statistical Package for Social Sciences and Data Analysis " is a remarkable example of a report on statistics. This report intends to show the use of the statistics software- SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) during research. SPSS is a software package, mainly used in the social sciences.
As a matter of fact, the research company had made several estimates of demand by employing a forecasting model. For instance, a 4% heads of household at the 12 postcode locality claimed they were “very likely” to patronize it and if the same persons spent an average of $200 a month in restaurants and would be willing $18 on average for an à la carte entrée.
Insurance companies take risks when they are offering insurance policies to individuals who participate in their offers (Azcue, 2009). When an insurance company is wrong on their calculations, they make losses, and thus there is a great need for the companies to be right to ensure that they are profitable.
Big data enhances the existence of data capacity, which influences the development of several levels of data analysis. Through big data, individuals develop the capacity to integrate both individual and collective data analysis processes. The integration of varied data analysis processes enhances the viability levels attached to the existent communication processes.
The paper "Data Analysis for Decision-Making" is an outstanding example of a statistics essay. Organizations and other business premises need timely, concise accurate and objective information in order to assist in the process of effective decision making. One approach from which such details can be derived is from a business report.
The paper “The Report on Regression and Correlation Analysis and Hypothesis Testing” is an engrossing example of a statistics project. Regression analysis is employed to analyze the data between two continuous variables. Nevertheless, regression is ideally suited for examining functional dependencies between two factors. Functional dependency means that X establishes the level of Y.
The paper "Quantitative Methods for Business " is a perfect example of a statistics case study. Vippy transport has proposed to add two new minibus services in Sydney and one outside the local region of Sydney. The main purpose of the services is for groups of people to hire buses for transportation to areas around and outside Sydney.
The paper "Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making - Deloitte Company " is an outstanding example of a statistics assignment. In a business environment, quantitative concepts and methods are utilized to assist in business decision-making (Epstein, 2004). In order for a business to be effective and profitable in the modern world, managers should be able to use quantitative concepts and methods in a reliable and confident manner.
The table below shows the information on the approximate enrolments in a large university by Course Level and Mode of Study. The student union intends to interview a sample of students to obtain qualitative information about their satisfaction with the University’s student services. It draws a sample of 500 students, stratified by both Course levels.
Statistics enables the researchers to convey their information and findings in a scientific manner that will require the knowledge in this field to interpret it. Statistics is applied in many fields such as economics, health, agriculture, and engineering. It is, therefore, a fundamental part of any research study.
The paper "Business Analytics" is a perfect example of a statistics assignment. Of all the respondents who took part in the study, most of them were employed in the private sector, standing at approximately 378 workers, forming 75.6% of all employees. The second-largest employment sector for the employees was the government, which employed 15.6% of all the employees.
The paper “Methodology, Explanation of GGM, GLS and Endogeneity Analysis” is an outstanding example of a statistics case study. Generalized Least Squares (GLS) longitudinal panel regression with robust standard error is carried out to test the research hypotheses. GLS is a technique for estimating the unknown parameters in a linear regression model.
The paper "Data Analysis Using R" is a perfect example of a statistics assignment. Data Analysis is very important in the field of business since many organizations utilize it for different purposes. In many cases, organizations face the challenge of analyzing huge databases of information from different sources.
The paper "Food for Fork Restaurant Analysis " is a perfect example of a statistics case study. Food for Fork restaurant enlisted the services of Nada & Associates Research firm to explore some business decisions with regard to establishing a successful upscale restaurant within the city. The main objective was to find out whether there exists a market for the proposed business.
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, Research Proposal
The productivity has been measured in two formats for the experiment: scoring the retention amount and quantifying the speed and error-free data entry and recording. Both of these variables will be continuous. For the independent variable, the comparison is to be made between the effect of rhythmic classical music and no music.
These uneven intervals between rank points prevent ordinal data from being subject to arithmetic operations. Nevertheless, logical operations can be performed on ordinal data. For example, in a race, we can establish the finishing ranking of the participating athletes, but the time interval between the finishing times between each athlete is not even.
The paper "Statistics of Employees " is a perfect example of a statistics case study. This paper employees various statistical tools to study information on 474 employees working for a large organization in Wales. It emerged that most employees are clerks while those working in administration, technical and security make up 8%, 7%, and 6% respectively of the total employees.
The paper "The Behavior of Men and Women to Spend on Their Partners" is an outstanding example of a statistics assignment. In the study, “Willingness” is an ordinal scale. An ordinal scale can be described as the measure of the order of the values as to what is important and significant while giving the differences between each one of them cannot be quantified.
The selected test is a Large sample z-Test for Difference in Proportions.The test statistic isThe p-value isp-value (right-tailed) = .2890 {Using Excel Function =1-NORMSDIST(0.556)}In conclusion, there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that more people are now using LinkedIn to search for jobs as compared to three years ago.
The paper " Capecari Consulting Statistics" is a great example of a statistic assignment. Capecari consulting has collected and analysed a sample of transaction data on used cars from North American used car markets. The data consists of information about customer id (column panid), total time spent to search (hours) for used cars and transaction price of a used car (AUD).
The paper "Difference in Overall Marks " is an outstanding example of a statistics essay. In general, the overall mark of On-campus students is believed to be higher than that of distance students. This is because on-campus students are assumed to have more ample time to study without interference.
It also discusses various issues related to multi-user access to a database including concurrency, locking, security, and access control. The report is classified into two tasks: Task A defines the implementation details of the physical database and describes how the database is populated with the given data and reports are generated for given business requirements.
The study aimed at calculating the pair-wise correlation coefficients between sales per square meter and each of the other variables and test their statistical significance; writing down an equation representing a linear regression model where sales depend on a constant, the total number of hours worked and floor space of the store (in square meters).
The paper "Statistics for Decision-Making - Mutual Funds" is a great example of statistics coursework. This report presents a case study where the investment analyst conducts an analysis to guide clients regarding investment decisions on available mutual funds. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) software was used for data entry and statistical analysis.
The regression results indicate that the linear equation for the relationship of cost to taste perceptions is as follows. This means that for every increment in the cost value, there is a corresponding one unit increment in the respondents’ taste perceptions. This equation may be used to predict the taste rating based on a cookie’s cost.
5 pages (1233 words)
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, Research Paper
This static group comparison design has some limitations for the study in the problem stated above. In the first place, the non-identical pattern of respondents may not be relevant as all of them are CAD patients. But they may not be of equal health status each having a different problem both before and after their discharge.
Table 1, which was used to interpret the Pearson coefficient of correlation was excerpted from a couple of books in statistics (Monzon-Ybañez, 1993; Portney and Watkins, 2009), while the rest of the tables were researcher-devised. All the tables used in the interpretation are shown in the appendices.
The author states that all patrons for one night are considered. Moreover, Saturday nights are usually busy and are filled with people as it is a weekend. So the data on a Saturday corresponds to the maximum number of people visiting the restaurant or in other words, the worst-case scenario. Hence it can be considered as a population.
Moreover, there is an ever-increasing trend of texting and talking through text messages among the youth due to its affordability. In most of the cases, youngsters driving a vehicle with a cell phone in their hands and busy in texting or talking via hands-free devices are the unskilled drivers that do not concentrate completely and as a consequence.
2. The angle a = -4π/3 is equal to -240 degrees to the x-axis positive as shown in figure 1. The angle a lies within the second quadrant. Note that the sine function is always positive within the second quadrant. Both cosine and tangent functions are negative in the second quadrant (Spector 2010). The sine function is positive within the first and second quadrant.