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The Motivation for Smoking among College Students - Report Example

The paper "The Motivation for Smoking among College Students" discusses that students that smoke either have a moderate consumption pattern of 1 to 3 cigarettes or a very high consumption pattern. They are all aware of the health disadvantages of smoking…
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Extract of sample "The Motivation for Smoking among College Students"

Table of Contents Abstract 3 Motivation for Smoking Amongst College Students 4 Introduction 4 Purpose 4 Objectives 5 Literature Review and Background 5 Methodology 7 Survey Limitations 8 Result 8 Demographics 9 Sample Survey Instrument 10 Discussion 12 Conclusion 20 References 21 Abstract The research undertaken seeks to identify the factors that motivate the students at the Zayed University of Abu Dhabi to smoke despite the increased awareness regarding its negative effects and warnings of health risk. A literature review was undertaken to determine the framework for the research as well as to identify the findings from the existing research on the subject. In addition to this primary research in the form of a questionnaire based survey was also undertaken based on 150 respondents who were the students engaged in tobacco consumption or smoking behavior at Zayed University of Abu Dhabi. The findings provided that majority of the smokers were adolescents and young adults who were involved in either light consumption of cigarettes or heavy consumption. The research revealed that the students are most motivated by social acceptance and personality and represented image in their social circles which encourages them to take up the habit of smoking. In addition most of them have distorted perceptions of the harmful effects of smoking depicting a self exempting trait where they do not perceive smoking tobacco to have harmful effect on their health if they engage in it occasionally or curtail it in the near future. The willingness of leaving this habit presently is limited for them, while they perceive they have high abilities to leave the habit in the near future if they desire. Motivation for Smoking Amongst College Students Introduction There are public service messages and advertisements all over the media which warn the public against the harmful effects of smoking. Despite the warning and the widespread public knowledge of the subject the trend in smoking is quite apparent. Speaking in context of university students, smoking is a habit that is widely adopted by males and females alike. The habit of smoking is addictive in nature while being injurious to the health of not just the person who is involved in the smoking, but others who interact and come in quarters with the smoker as well through passive consumption. Despite consumers being aware of these facts, the trend of smoking is still strong in the universities. The research is undertaken to identify and explore the motivators that influence college and university students to adopt the habit despite its negative impacts. Purpose The purpose of this research to is to determine why students at the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi smoke, despite them being aware of its significant disadvantages. The motivating factors being their behavior and their perceptions about the habit are to be identified by employing consumer behavior and perception oriented research. This can help in better understanding the psychology of the students, and designing public service messages that better warn them against the negative health effects of smoking by highlighting information that can motivate them to curb the habit. Objectives The following are the set objectives for the research project: 1. Identify the motivators that influence the college and university students to smoke cigarettes 2. Determine the consumption level of cigarettes per day for an average university student who takes up the habit of smoking 3. Determine why the students smoke, despite them being aware of its various disadvantages. 4. Determine the willingness of the university students who smoke to give up the habit 5. Determine the perception of the smokers regarding their smoking habit and their respective ability to give it up at a later date Literature Review and Background When it comes to tobacco, consumption in any form, be it though water pipes, hookahs, cigars or cigarettes, the consumption of the product is harmful for human heath (‘Questions About Smoking Tobacco and Health’, 2012). The degeneration of bladder and pancreas along with the risks of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases are significant amongst those who smoke (Brandon, 1994). Despite the prevalence of these health risks, and the public dissemination of warning regarding smoking, the consumption of tobacco and cigarettes is significant amongst consumers, particularly young adults and adolescents. The main motivators that are depicted through existing literature pertain to the perception and image portrayed for those who are involved in the habit of smoking. They are perceived as stereotypically popular social icons and images with a personality of being different and daring. The desire to have these characteristics motivates people to adopt the habit (Smith, 2010); (Gough et al., 2009). In some cases boredom and the pleasure from the activity is also depicted as a motivator (Ho, 1989). Aside from this other environmental factors like stress also contribute to the increase in consumption of cigarette and the likes as well as an increase in tobacco consumption through smoking (Salvatore and Snow, 1999); (Penny and Robinson, 1986). There existing different patterns of smoking and related consumption behavior between males and females, where males are mostly influenced by stress and pleasure seeking to indulge in the habit, while females are more likely indulges for social acceptance and sensation seeking (Zuckerman et al., 1990). Aside from these studies indicate that the differences in the sex especially for adolescents and young adults can be a main contributing factor for their smoking habits (Simantov et al., 2000) The teens and early twenties are the formative years for the personality of a person and in this phase adolescents are more likely to adopt the habit of smoking as a way of identifying themselves and their personalities (Denscombe, 2001). Smokers also tend to distance themselves on a psychological and cognitive level from the health risks associated with smoking which aids them in deflecting the seriousness of the health risks despite being aware of them. Their perceptions can be self exempting in regards to the disadvantages of their smoking habits (Chapman et al., 1993). Specially based on age, education level as well as gender, the smokers can often distort their perception regarding smoking risks by adopting an optimistic approach which undermines the risks (Stretcher et al., 1995). Methodology For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire based survey was employed. The students at the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi were the main respondents forming the population that were targeted with the survey instrument. Only those students who smoke, either occasionally or as a regular habit were included as the questionnaire survey based research participants. The respondents were made aware of the purpose of survey in regards to the research, while a formal informed consent was taken from them which highlighted that their responses would be kept anonymous. In this regard, while some of their demographic information was recorded on the survey instrument, their names were omitted to keep their anonymity. Survey Limitations While this research can provide significant insight into the psychology and perception of student consumers of cigarettes, it presents certain limitations as well. As the research is primarily conducted based on the students at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi, the research results cannot be generalized for other students as well. Some level of generalization can be made however regarding the application of the results to college and university students in UAE, and beyond this scope application of the results might not be relevant. Result The research resulted in gathering of data in the form of questionnaire responses from respondents who were primarily smokers. A total of 150 completed questionnaires were received of the 163 rolled out. Approximately 13 of the 163 questionnaires were not useable due to incorrect answering format or incomplete answers provided by the respondents. Another trend that was observed during the data gathering process was that most of the people who smoke are aware of the negative effects of smoking on health, but when it comes to them, they don’t believe their respective consumption of cigarettes leaves them with any long term negative effects. Demographics For the purpose of the survey, the students of the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi were targeted. All the respondents targeted were those who smoke, which included males and females. The age range for the respondents was between 18 to a little above 30. In addition, as the respondents were students, their respective level of education was also ascertained as to whether they are involved in graduate or undergraduate courses in the university. Sample Survey Instrument (This is the sample survey instrument, a questionnaire that was employed for the purpose of this research. An informed consent was taken from the participants prior to them being surveyed.) We are seeking to identify the motivations behind the increase and prevalence of smoking in students despite knowledge of harmful effects of the behavior. In this regard we need you to take 5 to 10 minutes of your time out to answer the following questions. You do not need to provide your names and you information will be kept anonymous; however some demographic information is required. 1. Your Age: 18 to 25 Years 25 to 30 Years 30+ Years 2. Your Gender: Male Female 3. What is the degree level you are currently pursuing? Undergraduate Post Graduate 4. Are you a smoker? Yes No 5. How many times do you smoke in a day? 1 to 3 times 3 to 5 times 5 to 10 times More than 10 times 6. Are you aware of the harmful effects of smoking? Yes No 7. What are your perceptions regarding smoking? It is significantly harmful for human health It is harmful but not that much It is not harmful in my opinion 8. Why do you smoke despite being aware of its disadvantages? I don’t believe harmful effects are prevalent much when I smoke socially I only occasionally smoke so it does not have long term harm If I smoke for some years and then leave the habit it does not effect in the long term 9. Which of the following best suits your motivation for seeking to smoke? I only do it to socially interact with my peers It is a fashionable activity and adds to my personality It is a channel to vent out my frustration It my choice, my way of making a statement I think it helps me control my weight 10. Who of the following are knowledgeable about your habit of smoking? Your parents Your siblings Your friends Both parents and siblings Both siblings and friends All of them None of them 11. Are you willing to quit your habit of smoking in the future? Yes No 12. How confident are you in your ability to quit smoking? Highly Moderate Low -------------------------Thanks for Your Response and Cooperation --------------------- Discussion The following present the research findings. The respondents were asked to provide their respective age in terms of age groups, and the findings provide that based on the sample population of smokers at Zayed University, majority of them are adolescents and young adults. Age 18-25 74 25-30 58 30+ 18 The findings depict that majority of the smokers are aged between 18-25 years of age at 49% of the population, with the second highest concentration at 25-30 years of age with at 39% of the sample population. Gender Male 103 Female 47 The findings indicate that the female students are less likely to be smokers compared to the male students; however the pattern of smoking by both genders is significant. Only 21% of the respondents who smoked were females, with 69% of them being males. Degree Level Undergraduate 119 Post Graduate 31 The findings show that majority of the smokers were those students who were studying at the undergraduate level, while those involved in post graduate level were less likely to be involved in the habit. This is depicted through the concentration of undergraduate students who smoke at 79% as opposed to the 21% of postgraduate students who smoke. In order to assess the level of cigarette and the likes consumption, the students were inquired about their smoking habits. The findings indicate that students are more likely to smoke 1 to 3 times a day at 39% followed by a consumption pattern of 5-10 times a day at 31%. The consumption pattern of 3-5 times a day is also significant but less than the other two patterns at 30%. Aware of Harmful Effects of Smoking Yes 141 No 9 When the respondents inquired about their awareness regarding the harmful effects of smoking a remarkable majority of 94% confirmed that they were aware of its harmful effects and disadvantages, while only 6% of the students were unclear or confused regarding them. Perceptions Regarding Smoking Significantly harmful for human health 34 Harmful but not very 97 Not harmful 19 The findings depict that the students who smoke are knowledgeable about the harmful effects of smoking but do not consider the harmful effects to be very significant. This is depicted by a 65% of the majority that highlighted smoking as harmful but not very. Reasons for Smoking Despite Awareness of Disadvantages Harmful effects not prevalent when smoke socially 22 Occasionally smoke so not harmful in long run 71 If leave habit in the near future it will not effect in long term 57 Similarly, the perception of the student smokers is such that they adopt the habit of smoking despite being aware of its disadvantages as 47% stated that they occasionally smoke and therefore their smoking habit does not have long term disadvantages. On the other hand a second majority of 38% of the respondents indicated they consider the harmful effects to be not long lasting if they leave the habit in the near future. Motivations for smoking Social acceptance 43 Fashionable perception 50 To vent frustration 28 Rebelliousness 11 Weight Control 18 The findings of the survey highlighted that 33% of the student smokers consider the habit to be fashionable, while 29% of the smokers adopt the habit in order to be socially accepted and recognized followed by 19% of them using the habit as a recreational sport to vent out their tension and frustration. Surprisingly 12% of the respondents depicted that they adopted the habit and continued with it as they perceive it as a tool to manage their weight and image issues. People Knowledgeable About Smoking Behavior Parents 23 Siblings 18 Friends 51 Parents and Siblings 18 Siblings and Friends 27 All 11 None 2 The research also revealed that in regards to the habit of smoking and cigarette consumption, it is mostly the friends (at 34%) and the groups of siblings and friends (at 18%) that are most knowledgeable about the student’s habit to smoke. Parents, and siblings are less likely to know of the habit unless in a group with friends as indicted by the statistics on the graph. Are You Willing to Quit Smoking Yes 79 No 71 The findings also depict that the current student smokers are relatively interested in quitting their habit of smoking at present, with 53% indicating the willingness to do so, and 47% depicting their lack of desire to take the step Confidence in Ability to Quit Smoking Highly 98 Moderate 34 Low 18 The findings also depict that the current student smokers perceive themselves to have a high control over their smoking habit, and therefore a high ability to stop it in the near future with 65% indicating a high ability to do so, followed by 29% indicating a moderate ability to quit. Only 12% of the students mentioned they have a low ability to quit their habit. Conclusion Through the research employed it was revealed that students that smoke either have a moderate consumption pattern of 1 to 3 cigarettes or a very high consumption pattern. They are all aware of the health disadvantages of smoking; however despite this they adopt and continue with their habit as it is their perception that if they occasionally smoke or leave their habit after some time, the health disadvantages will not be incurred by them. The main motivators for their respective behavior of smoking are based on their desire to be fashionable, to make themselves acceptable amongst their peers and desired social groups with a recognizable image. Simultaneously they have a very moderate bordering on low willingness to give up their habit presently, while they believe that they have a high ability to be able to give up their habit in the long run. Conclusively, it can be depicted that students smokers have a high desire to smoke, and perceive themselves to be capable of controlling their smoking habits, ultimately being able to curtail it altogether if they seek to do so. However this is entirely their perception, and not something that they are willing to do so in the present. References Brandon, T.H., (1994), Negative Affect as Motivation to Smoke, Current Directions in Psychological Science 3(2), pp 33-37 Chapman, S., Wong, W.L., Smith, W., (1993), Self-exempting beliefs about smoking and health: differences between smokers and ex-smokers, American Journal of Public Health 83(2), pp 215-219 Denscombe, M., (2001), Uncertain identities and health-risking behavior: the case of young people and smoking in late modernity, British Journal of Sociology 52(1), pp 157–177 Gough, B., Fry, G., Grogan, S., Conner, M., (2009), Why do young adult smokers continue to smoke despite the health risks, A focus group study, Psychology & Health 24 (2), pp 203-220 Ho, R., (1989), Why do people smoke? Motives for the maintenance of smoking behavior and its possible cessation, Australian Psychologist 24(3), pp 385-400 n.a., (2012), Questions About Smoking Tobacco and Health, American Cancer Society, available at Penny, G.N., Robinson, J.O., (1986), Psychological resources and cigarette smoking in adolescents, British Journal of Psychology 77(3), pp 351–357 Salvatore, S., Snow, K., (1999), More people smoking despite known health risks, CNN Health, available at Simantov, E., Schoen, C., Kkein, J.D., (2000), Health-Compromising Behaviors: Why Do Adolescents Smoke or Drink? Identifying Underlying Risk and Protective Factors, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2000(10), pp 1025-1033 Smith, N., (2010), Five Reasons People Start and Continue to Smoke, American Medical Network, available at Strecher, V.J., Kreuter, M.W., Kobrin, S.C., (1995), Do cigarette smokers have unrealistic perceptions of their heart attack, cancer, and stroke risks, Journal of Behavioral Medicine 18(1), pp 45-54 Zuckerman, M., Ball, S., Black, J., (1990), Influences of sensation seeking, gender, risk appraisal, and situational motivation on smoking, Addictive Behaviors 15(3), pp 209–220 Read More

Purpose The purpose of this research to is to determine why students at the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi smoke, despite them being aware of its significant disadvantages. The motivating factors being their behavior and their perceptions about the habit are to be identified by employing consumer behavior and perception oriented research. This can help in better understanding the psychology of the students, and designing public service messages that better warn them against the negative health effects of smoking by highlighting information that can motivate them to curb the habit.

Objectives The following are the set objectives for the research project: 1. Identify the motivators that influence the college and university students to smoke cigarettes 2. Determine the consumption level of cigarettes per day for an average university student who takes up the habit of smoking 3. Determine why the students smoke, despite them being aware of its various disadvantages. 4. Determine the willingness of the university students who smoke to give up the habit 5. Determine the perception of the smokers regarding their smoking habit and their respective ability to give it up at a later date Literature Review and Background When it comes to tobacco, consumption in any form, be it though water pipes, hookahs, cigars or cigarettes, the consumption of the product is harmful for human heath (‘Questions About Smoking Tobacco and Health’, 2012).

The degeneration of bladder and pancreas along with the risks of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases are significant amongst those who smoke (Brandon, 1994). Despite the prevalence of these health risks, and the public dissemination of warning regarding smoking, the consumption of tobacco and cigarettes is significant amongst consumers, particularly young adults and adolescents. The main motivators that are depicted through existing literature pertain to the perception and image portrayed for those who are involved in the habit of smoking.

They are perceived as stereotypically popular social icons and images with a personality of being different and daring. The desire to have these characteristics motivates people to adopt the habit (Smith, 2010); (Gough et al., 2009). In some cases boredom and the pleasure from the activity is also depicted as a motivator (Ho, 1989). Aside from this other environmental factors like stress also contribute to the increase in consumption of cigarette and the likes as well as an increase in tobacco consumption through smoking (Salvatore and Snow, 1999); (Penny and Robinson, 1986).

There existing different patterns of smoking and related consumption behavior between males and females, where males are mostly influenced by stress and pleasure seeking to indulge in the habit, while females are more likely indulges for social acceptance and sensation seeking (Zuckerman et al., 1990). Aside from these studies indicate that the differences in the sex especially for adolescents and young adults can be a main contributing factor for their smoking habits (Simantov et al., 2000) The teens and early twenties are the formative years for the personality of a person and in this phase adolescents are more likely to adopt the habit of smoking as a way of identifying themselves and their personalities (Denscombe, 2001).

Smokers also tend to distance themselves on a psychological and cognitive level from the health risks associated with smoking which aids them in deflecting the seriousness of the health risks despite being aware of them. Their perceptions can be self exempting in regards to the disadvantages of their smoking habits (Chapman et al., 1993). Specially based on age, education level as well as gender, the smokers can often distort their perception regarding smoking risks by adopting an optimistic approach which undermines the risks (Stretcher et al., 1995). Methodology For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire based survey was employed.

The students at the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi were the main respondents forming the population that were targeted with the survey instrument.

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