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Social Inequality, Functionalism, and Conflict Theories - Statistics Project Example

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As the paper "Social Inequality, Functionalism, and Conflict Theories" tells, the struggle for power continues to be a battle amongst races in the UK. Based on conflict and functionalism theories, a racial divide shows that whites, blacks, and other non-whites have a significant difference…
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Social Inequality, Functionalism, and Conflict Theories
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Stata Final Project Affiliation STATA FINAL PROJECT Introduction The struggle for power continues to be a battle amongst races within the UK context. Based on conflict and functionalism theories, a racial divide in the region shows that whites, blacks, and other non-whites have a significant difference in terms of school enrollment, choice of higher education degree courses, and income under a variety of fields. Based on this information, this research paper takes a statistical approach for testing the four selected hypotheses. Since the research considers two sociology theories that correlate to showcase how inequality can be supported through the distribution of opportunities as well as struggle for supremacy, one hypothesis for functionalism theory and two for conflict theory are considered as outlined below. Research Question How is social inequality amongst whites, blacks, and other non-whites supported by functionalism and conflict theories within the UK context? Hypothesis Functionalism Theory a. Whites are favored in income distribution unlike blacks and Hispanic or Latinos. Conflict Theory b. Whites have an added advantage over income distribution. c. Blacks and other non-whites such as Asians have smaller income quotas allocated to them. Literature Review Functionalism Theory Functionalism is an American concept introduced by Talcott Parsons. It is based on ideas of Emile Durkheim who was interested in knowing how internal stability is maintained by societies. Emile managed to explain the source of stability to the society through the solidarity concept which he differentiates between organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity. Organic solidarity was considered for the modern society while mechanical solidarity was set for the primitive in the society (Wells, 2010. Durkheim observed that family bonds in modern society were weak and people engaged in different types of tasks whereas traditional societies performed similar tasks leading to close family ties incorporated by common symbols and shared values. Durkheim argued that the traditional mechanical solidarity would be destroyed by the modern industrial society which depends on organic solidarity due to the division of labor. Hence, the society interacts interchangeably in order to cater for its needs (Wells, 2010). Functionalism idea shows that societies relate to organic-relations with different social institutions working together to reproduce and maintain them. So as to maintain social equilibrium, various parts of society are believed to naturally work together. A change in one institution has the potential to a change in other institutions since social institutions form a stable system. Institutions that do not participate in overall society maintenance will stop existing. Robert Merton further explained functionalism by differentiating between manifest functions and latent functions. Manifest functions are intended in a social system whereas latent functions are not intended and have undesirable consequences. In regards to functionalism, social institutions are analyzed according to their functions and how much influence they have in maintaining social stability. Social inequality is a condition favored for and advocated highly by functionalism. It is a situation where individuals in a given society have different accounts of prestige, power, and wealth; and it is inevitably beneficial inevitable to society. The society layers, conceptualized by a pyramid, involve the sorting of unequal social groups. The layering ensures that individuals with the best social profiles are placed on top of the pyramid and those considered less useful are placed further down. The less worthy individuals are considered less powerful and receive fewer rewards (Manorama, 2011). The functionalism theory is mostly in favor of the White community if blacks and other ethnic groups are considered. The Whites in this case are considered to be the elite group, hence, they are allocated more privileges and more access to the opportunities to succeed and lead while the Blacks and other non-white groups are perceived to be unproductive and less Western. Social inequality shows that Whites fill influential jobs as they are regarded as being supreme and the least paying jobs can be given to the Blacks and other non-whites who are less valuable individuals. The functional importance of a job is determined by the degree of uniqueness and the skill needed which are considered to be characteristics of the White. This leads to a situation where Blacks are associated with poor lifestyles due to poor income distribution as they are regarded as having poorer skills and being less competent as compared to the White folks. On the other hand, whites get better lifestyles in the expense of the Blacks and other non-whites within the UK and the North American contexts (Wells, 2010). Functionalism applauds social inequality as it believes it serves as a motivation for the elite White society to invest time and continuity of efforts into in order to achieve the best in life. These efforts make the involved individuals go an extra mile in acquiring success and earn what they have worked for including a better place in the society. The theory also portrays the poor Black people as being part of the society with a responsibility of working on jobs that the White counterparts would not do. Concerns relating to these differences include working in difficult conditions associated with blue collar jobs (jobs involving less professional knowhow and involving muscle rather than brains). The whites may not approve of these jobs but the social settings require community members to perform them. The presence of the Blacks and other non-whites in the society also acts as a reminder to the Whites that social differences are valid since the other ethnic groups are associated with poor qualifications and inability to perform in demanding job positions (Manorama, 2011). Defenders of functionalism argue that social inequality promotes social mobility and meritocracies as financial incentives help encourage talented poor individuals to aim for the top within the occupational hierarchy. Social inequality involving leadership roles acquired by the Whites is inevitable as it involves the ability to have decision making power that directs activities within the workplace involving non-white subordinate staff believed to lack the knowledge and capacity to take part in decision-making processes. Functionalist theorists defend themselves by arguing that the power imbalance in decision-making processes eventually benefits the society in general. Conflict Theory Conflict theory has its origins associated with Karl Marx who describes the society as a dynamic entity undergoing change caused by class conflict (Antony, p. 537). This perspective indicates that the society is made of people constantly competing for limited resources. In this case, competition is the main characteristic of human relationships. Organizations and social structures reflect competition for available resources and the inequality competition involves some individuals and institutions securing more resources than others and using them to maintain their position in the society (Mills, 2008). Wright Mills (2008) believes that social structures are formed due to conflicts of interests among various social groups. Individuals are impacted by social structures’ creation resulting in different powers between the government, large corporations, and the societies they administer. Conflict Theory dwells on the aspect of change brought about by the conflict over scarce resources and lack of consensus. The theory views change as sudden or revolutionary. Unlike functionalism, this conflict theory gives sociologists a platform for explaining social changes in the community (Morrow, 2011). Conflict Theory emphasizes that different social groups have to struggle in order to get the necessary resources they require in the society so as to compete for the social needs. Whites and Blacks as well as other non-whites are seen to be in constant conflict because they all struggle for social, political, and scarce economic resources since it is the only means to survival. This aspect does not embrace racial co-existence and good relationships among all individuals in the society. It fosters increased racial rivalry and lack of harmony within the communities. According to Abrahamson (2008), conflict theorists view social inequality as a result of a continuous system of Whites’ domination and total Blacks’ subordination where individuals and community with the most resources, the Whites, control and exploit others leading to other ethnic groups being denied equal opportunities in institutions like school’s enrollment despite proven recommendable abilities to perform. Blacks are also considered to be losers as they do not get fair competing chances. This position makes Blacks to be at the bottom of the hierarchy. These workers have no means to improve their lifestyles as they do not make enough money to sustain most of their basic needs. White elites use their acquired resources to regenerate their positions and advantages in the society as they shape the laws and societal beliefs to force legitimacy and fairness on their privileges. This strategy of maintaining power is unfair to the minority ethnic groups within the society as they do not have laws and policies implemented to consider fair distribution of resources and opportunities. Vital and difficult jobs performed by non-whites involve sustenance of life and but the rewards from these responsibilities are rewarded in the society. These social challenges lead to low morale of the sector workers within blue collar fields, hence, reducing their productivity despite their hard work and utmost devotion and passion. Social inequality has prevented much exposure of the black society’s ability as the talents and skills of black people at the bottom are not discovered and utilized. Therefore as long as there is social inequality, the society will never benefit from the skills and abilities of all its citizens (Mills, 2008). Conflict theory further illustrates how social inequality has dictated its way into giving different groups in the society better jobs than others despite equal qualifications. These differences are enforced by the leadership of the community that favors the Whites over other ethnic groups. Whites believe that inferior ethnic groups such as blacks should not be progressive in achieving (Antony, p. 552). Further demonstration of social inequality by the conflict theorists’ perspective illustrates how black people are made to suffer through the use of a justice system that is in favor of the whites. Authorities want the public to acknowledge that it puts all cases to trial but the system believed to be biased as more blacks are confined in correctional facilities than any other race with a high disregard of fair and conclusive trials. This result is associated with the community’s belief that blacks are more inclined to committing crime. Methodology Data for this research was accessed through the UK Government Census Department website for the year 2011. The data was downloaded in MS excel file and imported to STATA. The data was analyzed through the use of Poisson Regression to show statistical significance among the variables. Although whites were not considered the depended variables, they were analyzed and compared with blacks, Asians, and other ethnic groups. The Poisson regression aims at showing z test, Poisson regression coefficient, and the 95% confidence level. Iteration 0 Log Likelihood -19134.63 Iteration 1 Log Likelihood -19134.625 Iteration 2 Log Likelihood -19134.625 Poisson Regression Number of Observations 526 LR chi2(1) 7655.73 Prob > chi2 0.0000 Pseudo R2 0.1667 White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Ireland Coefficient Standard Error z P> [z] 95% Confidence Interval Asians, British Asians, Other Asians -0.0028894 0.000034 -85.10 0.000 -0.0029559 -0.0028229 Con_ -6.42352 0.0051623 -1244.31 0.000 -6.433638 -6.413402 Table 1 Table 1 above shows that Whites against Asians living in the UK have statistically significant differences. In the output, the z test at an alpha level of 0.05 indicates that the model has significant notable differences between whites living the UK and Asians living in the UK. In addition, the poisson coefficient also confirms that the model rejects the null hypothesis. Iteration 0 Log Likelihood -20760.572 Iteration 1 Log Likelihood -20760.571 Poisson Regression Number of Observations 526 LR chi2(1) 4403.84 Prob > chi2 0.0000 Pseudo R2 0.0959 White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Ireland Coefficient Standard Error z P> [z] 95% Confidence Interval Black, African, Caribbean, Black British -0.0021897 0.0000338 -64.80 0.000 -0.0022559 -0.0021234 Con_ -6.499324 0.0050677 -1288.57 0.000 -6.540071 -6.520206 Table 2 Table 2 above shows a poisson regression test to show whether whites and blacks living in the UK have statistically significant differences and whether the null hypothesis in this case is valid. The coefficient of poisson regression output shows a coefficient of -0.0021897 and a z test of 0.000 at an alpha level of 0.05. These variables show that the null hypothesis is invalid while statistically significant differences are noted between the two test variables. Iteration 0 Log Likelihood -20238.081 Iteration 1 Log Likelihood -20238.081 Poisson Regression Number of Observations 526 LR chi2(1) 5448.82 Prob > chi2 0.0000 Pseudo R2 0.1186 White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Ireland Coefficient Standard Error Z P> [z] 95% Confidence Interval Any Other Ethnic Group -0.0024417 .0000339 -71.95 0.000 -0.0025082 -0.0023751 Con_ -6.495179 .0050847 -1277.39 0.000 -6.505145 -6.485213 Table 3 Table 3 above shows that at a 95% confidence interval. If the model is tested numerously, it would result into a statistically significant level of -0.0024417. In addition, the coefficient of the poisson regression of 0.000 confirms the statistical significance of the model showing that Whites living in the UK and other ethnic groups within the UK have statistically significant differences and allowing the rejection of the null hypothesis. Iteration 0 Log Likelihood -20668.969 Iteration 1 Log Likelihood -20668.969 Poisson Regression Number of Observations 526 LR chi2(1) 57337.58 Prob > chi2 0.0000 Pseudo R2 0.5811 0.5535 Asians, British Asians, Other Asians Coefficient Standard Error z P> [z] 95% Confidence Interval Black, African, Caribbean, Black British 0.0077621 0.0000341 227.61 0.000 0.0076953 0.007829 Con_ -8.254265 0.0082065 -1005.82 0.000 -8.270349 -8.23818 Table 4 Table 4 above shows that the poisson regression coefficient of 0.0077621 allows for the rejection of the null hypothesis that there are no statistically significant differences between Asians living in the UK and blacks living in the UK. The z test as well as the 95% confidence of 0.000 and 0.0076953 respectively show the statistical significance the differences between Blacks and Asians living in the UK. Analysis and Discussion Functionalism Theory a. Whites are favored in income distribution unlike blacks and Asians With reference to the output data from a poisson regression to test whether whites were favored in income distribution. The statistical significance of the two variables confirms functionalism theory that whites have an upper hand in the access and distribution of income unlike Blacks and Asians as well. In addition, significant differences between the two variables also confirm that white have higher income when compared with blacks. With reference to the income allocation system within the UK system that assumes Blacks or Africans to be lesser individuals within the society shows that the number of white accessing sustainable income is higher than that of blacks and Asians. With reference to the functionalism theory, the classification of individuals in to social units or organisms contributes to the unequal allocation of sustainable income. While considering the social organism that are supported by various institutions within the society in order to remain functional, the domination of the whites within the test scope shows that more social organisms comprising of whites provides an upper hand to whites existing and having access to resources. On the other hands, regardless of equal academic and professional qualifications, whites are favored by the system hand higher number of whites has access to income generating opportunities. On the receiving end, the number of blacks and Asians with access to income generating opportunities is limited unlike the case of whites. The functionalist application of the differences between Asians & blacks and whites is that these ethnic groups occupy a small portion of the total population and do not have as many social and stable organisms within the UK context as their white counterparts have. In this case, for an economy dominated by the whites, opportunities in the hands of the white folks are not equally extended to other ethnic groups living within the UK. Conflict Theory b. Whites have an added advantage over income distribution While the systems of governance as well as the variables that play a role in the sustenance of social organisms, they also have an influence in the distribution of income. With reference to various policies regarding the distribution of responsibilities at the workplace, top priorities are allocated to whites who the governing bodies of various corporations see as elites and deserving than other ethnic groups. With reference to a white governments within the UK, the allocation of important governing positions are allocated to the whites. This advantage is shown in the results area as whites and another ethnic group have statistically significant differences. Since the results encourage the rejection of the null hypothesis, the data collected shows conflict theory is still valid in the contemporary UK context. c. Blacks, Whites and other non-whites such as Asians have smaller income quotas allocated to them. Based on minority in numbers, fewer Blacks and Asians live in the UK. This shows that the system by design is structured to favor the majority. In this case, while competition and struggle for power supports the jurisdictions of the conflict theory, the minority groups have a smaller likelihood of attaining equal income distribution from governing bodies within the job market. Conclusion The white community is considered an elite group given a higher access to social opportunities to succeed and lead while Blacks and other non-whites are perceived to be unproductive and less useful. Social inequality involving leadership roles acquired by the Whites is inevitable as it involves the ability to have decision-making responsibilities to manage minority ethnic groups’ subordinate staff that is believed to lack the capacity of participating decision making activities. Conflict Theory emphasizes that different groups have to struggle in order to get necessary resources in the society so as to compete for the corresponding social needs. \ With reference to the income allocation system within the UK system that assumes Blacks or African Americans to be lesser individuals within the society shows that the number of White accessing sustainable income is higher than that of Blacks and Asians. On the receiving end, the number of blacks and Asians with access to income generating opportunities is limited unlike the case of Whites. While the systems of governance as well as the variables that play a role in the sustenance of social organisms, they also have an influence in the distribution of income. The minority groups have a smaller likelihood of attaining equal income distribution from governing bodies within the job market. References Abrahamson, M. (2008). Functionalism and Functional Theory. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 108(4); pp. 36-46. Cohen. (2013). Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy Reply to Elster on “Marxism, Functionalism, and Game Theory. London, UK: Princeton University Press. Manorama, S. (2011). Sociology of Conflict Theory. Social Scientist, Vol. 3(2); pp. 29-42. Michael, A. (2006). Vagueness and the Metaphysics of Consciousness. An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Vol. 128 (3); pp. 515-538 Mills, D. (2008). Conflict Theory. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 7(14); pp. 5-17 Morrow, P. (2011). Functionalism and Conflict Theory. International Journal of Modern sociology, Vol. 28(2); pp. 9-15. Wells, A. (2010). Conflict Theory and Functionalism. Teaching Sociology, Vol. 29(37); pp. 284-297 Read More
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