Test and class anxiety is the anxiety that is involved when one is taking statistics class or test and computational self concept is the anxiety that is involved in the attempt to solve mathematics and also the way the student perceive themselves in terms of doing mathematics. The fear of statistics teacher is the perception of the student about the statistics instructor while fear of asking for help comes about when the students are asking either their fellow students or instructors for help so they can have an understanding what has been covered in class or any other statistical data.
Statistics anxiety has been found to have a relationship with self concept of mathematics, the number of courses that one has pursued previously, the length of time since one took his last mathematical course, ones academic status, mathematical ability, use of calculator, style used in learning, ethnicity and grade expectation(Benson, 1989; Zeidner, 1991; Wilson, 1997; Onwuegbuzie, 1999a). Several research that have been done have shown that there is a negative relationship of course performance and statistics (Zeidner, 1991; Elmore et al.
, 1993; Lalonde & Gardner, 1993; Onwuegbuzie & Seaman, 1995). To support this it has been established that statistics anxiety is the best indicator of research methodology and also statistics (Fitzgerald et al., 1996; Hollander & Wolfe, 1973). According to a research by Onwuegbuzie and Seaman (1995) it was established that the graduate students that recorded high statistics anxiety on being randomly assigned a statistics examination that was administered in a condition of timing had poor performance when compared to the low anxiousness counterparts who were given the same test in un timed conditions.
Statistical anxiety has also been found to have a relationship with the age of the students. Students who are pursuing their degree courses with age of 25 years or above have been found to perform poorly because of the different challenges they face in class. These challenges include unrealistic goals, poor self image, social-familial problems and excessive practical orientation (Bill, 2010). Research has also been done to establish the relationship between anxiety and academic procrastination.
It was established that there was a positive correlation between the two. Although a lot of research has been done in the area of statistics anxiety there are gaps that need to be filled by more research work. One of the areas that may need more research and which this study addressed was attitude of students towards statistics and its relationship with statistics anxiety. The hypothesis of the study were that there is a negative correlation between statistics anxiety and the attitude towards statistics, that the over 25 students have higher statistics anxiety and more negative attitude towards statistics as compared to those who are below 25 years.
Another hypothesis of the study was that most of the research participants had had a previous experience of beyond year 12. Method The research involved the administering of Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) and statistical attitude (SA) to 239 undergraduate psychology students who had enrolled in a course of introduction to research methods. A questionnaire was presented to the participants and they were to fill it voluntarily. The participants gave their demographic details in the questionnaire including their age and sex.
Out of the 239 students a total of 198 students managed to feel the questionnaire and gave permission for their data to be used in the study. Out of the 198 female students were 160 while the 38 were male. For the female participants, 126 belonged to group 1 (less than 25 years of age) while for the male 31 belonged to this group. The number of those who belonged to group 2 is as shown in the table. The participants also gave information about their previous Maths experience 71 of the participants indicated that they had a less than year 12 math experience while 128 had year 12 experience of mathematics.
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