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Statistics Final Exam Analysis Statistics Assignment
7 pages (1795 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Many males had different height-arm spans. b) Ho: The distance from the sole of the feet to the tip of the head is the same as the distance between the outstretched hands. Ha: The distance from the sole of the feet to the tip of the head is not the same as the distance between the outstretched hands.
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Time Series Analysis Statistics Case Study
6 pages (1729 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It is used as a forecasting model to predict future values from the previously observed values (Boashash, 2003). The forecasting methods used in time series analysis are briefed below. ARIMA (Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model is a general forecasting model that can be rationalized by transformations like differencing and logging.
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Statistical Evaluation of Choosing Phone Provider Statistics Case Study
8 pages (2214 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
These factors included text messaging, emails, MMS packs, internet, camera quality GPS accuracy, and age. Also, the study was to determine the relationship between the satisfaction level of people from rural and urban areas as well as gender concerning different factors mentioned above. Statistical methods include t-test and regression analysis.
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Quantifying Experts Uncertainty about the Future Cost of Exotic Diseases Statistics Report
10 pages (3026 words) , Download 1 , Report
Variability and uncertainty are concepts that have been around for several decades. For us to be able to predict future outcomes of an event or action, the two components must be determined. While variability is a physical phenomenon that can be measured, analyzed, and explained, uncertainty involves knowledge (Vose, 2002).
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Statistical Questions Analysis Statistics Assignment
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
From the histogram, it is evidenced that following the introduction of this commodity (1-liter Orange Juice) in the Perth suburban market, it took time for the customers to familiarize themselves with the newly launched orange juice. The sales slugged in between 83rd and 100th week as evidenced by the sales of only four cartons of 1-liter orange juice.
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Critical Analysis of Statistical Operation Statistics Case Study
7 pages (2326 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The statistical proof of any incident involves a few steps that have to be followed sequentially with great rigor and care. Before resorting to any statistical operation it is necessary to mention and explain these steps. The process starts with a clear understanding of the concerned phenomenon; any vague idea would be catastrophic for further proceeding.
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Statistical Research Articles Analysis Statistics Research Paper
13 pages (3480 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Particularly, it explores the sampling method, sample size, variables used, and data collection, from which it evaluates how applicable and relevant the authors of the articles used the techniques (Goodman, 2011). Further, the paper evaluates how the authors analyzed their data from where the discussions were based and conclusions drawn.
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Quantitative Analysis in Research Statistics Term Paper
8 pages (2134 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Quantitative analysis helps to gather and analyze measurable data from a particular focus group or subgroup with strong numerical evidence that helps to apply the results to the large-scale population using probability theories. The paper analyzes the 2002 European social surveys to find out the prevalence of racial discrimination in the UK law field.
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Statistics Homework Analysis Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2254 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In this case then, the probability of either A or B happening, = P (A) +P (B); =0.30+0.20; =0.50. The probability of neither A nor B happening, =P (A) +P (B)-[P (A) and P (B)]; =0.5-0.06; =0.44. P(X) + P(Y); =0.05+0.02; =0.07 is the probability of either X or Y occurring. 0.07-(0.02*0.05); 0.07-0.001; 0.069 is the probability that neither X nor Y will happening.
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Data Management Statistics Case Study
9 pages (3881 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Each of the vehicle types has a set of unique advantages and disadvantages. The performance of hybrid vehicles is characterized by more power and covers more miles per gallon of fuel than gasoline vehicles. Additionally, the analysis of performance shows that hybrid vehicles are more favorable to the environment than gasoline vehicles.
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Statistics Exercises Analysis Statistics Assignment
8 pages (1932 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Range of the sample = (8-2) = 6. Range of population = (6-2) = 4. The population means are less dispersed compared to the sample means. Sample mean =  (0.333 + 1 + 2 + 1.333 + 2.333 + 3.333 + 3 + 3 + 2.333 + 3.333) = 20 / 10 = 2. Population mean = 10 / 5 = 2. Comparing the values of both the sample mean and the population mean, it is found out that they are equal.
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Outliers in Statistical Analysis Statistics Coursework
8 pages (2214 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Experimental errors aren't included in the data set. The probability of an outlier to occur in distribution is always there indicating that either there is a measurement error or that the population distribution is heavy-tailed. In the case of experimental errors, one may wish to do away with the statistics or utilize statistics that are strong for outliers.
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From the Survey to Hypothesis in Establishing Cafeteria on Campus Statistics Research Paper
9 pages (2708 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Most university students prefer to have something to eat near them during school days because their bodies are actively growing and they might feel hungry over time. Most students prefer to enroll in universities where there is access to foodstuffs (Kokker 2002, p. 17). It determines the number of students to join the campus with a cafeteria (Trutna 2011, p. 29).
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Discussing the Idea of Canteen in University Campus Statistics Research Paper
9 pages (2776 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The study goes ahead to identify the type of food that would be required should the canteen be established. It is the role of the management to identify what should be put in the canteen depending on the survey that results in students’ requirements (Thomashow 2014). The study helps generate information that is required in making a decision.
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Quantitative Methods Analysis Statistics Case Study
7 pages (2066 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Without considering the random variability in growth rates, extend the worksheet in Figure 16.18 to 30 years. Confirm that by using the constant annual salary growth rate and the constant annual portfolio growth rate, Tom can expect to have a 30-year portfolio of $627,937. Analyze Tom’s annual investment rate to reach a 30-year, $1,000,000 goal.
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Quantitative Data Analysis Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2158 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
S/he comments on the summary statistics of the main features and distribution characteristics of JOBINC, and using JOBINC, s/he carries out significance tests on two and more than two population means. The graph below represents a box plot representing the variable JOBINC used to describe the overall distribution of responses for a group.
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Financial Mathematics and Business Statistics Statistics Assignment
7 pages (2001 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The total weighted profit of $13,845 is the highest due to action S1, it should be chosen, since EMV for International Expansion (S1) is the highest. One reformulates table 3 by subtracting the minimum element from each row. While dealing with conditional profits, a higher value for each state of nature shall be considered for calculating opportunity losses.
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Statistical Dataset Variables Significance Statistics Essay
6 pages (1890 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The value of the Pearson coefficient does not in any way generally or rather totally indicate the relationship that exists between the two variables (Mahdavi & Babak, 2012). The coefficient values range from -1 to +1, any value close to +1 means that there is a strong positive linear correlation while a value of -1 means a perfect negative linear correlation.
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Introduction to Statistics Questions and Calculations Statistics Assignment
6 pages (2289 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
From Table 1, the mean of marks in subject 1 is 46.53 with SD 30.43, and the mean of marks in subject 2 is 55.38 with SD 26.24. The skewness for both of the marks is close to 0, so they are almost perfectly skewed. The kurtosis for both of them is –ve which shows both of them are platykurtic. Also, the kurtosis of -1.61 is much higher than the normal range.
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Quantitative Technics in Business Statistics Assignment
10 pages (2551 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The scatter diagram shows that there exists a positive correlation between ROCE and RTA and also between RSF and RTA. The RTA values remain almost the same throughout the 10 years whereas the RSF values show a downward trend except for the years 2006 and 2013 whereas the RTA shows both upward and downward trends over the last 10 years of operation.
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SPSS Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Statistics Case Study
6 pages (1591 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It represents a positive linear relationship, that is, an increase in the variable Color Photo Cost (£) results in a subsequent increase in the variable Text Cost (pence per 10 page). Relationship between Price (£) and Color Photo Time (min); the Pearson correlation coefficient is given as -0.518; it represents a negative linear relationship.
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Representativeness Data Problem in Credit Scoring Statistics Research Paper
19 pages (4900 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
During statistical modeling, it is common for the sample to be split into two samples - the development sample (DEV) and the validation sample (VAL). The development sample is used to develop the model; learning and estimating parameters of the model, while the validation sample is used to evaluate the model and final model selection.
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Quantitative Methodological Analysis and Appraisal Statistics Case Study
7 pages (2126 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It also examined differences in outcomes between intervention levels. The differences in sitting time, standing time, and moving time are inquired concerning their cardiometabolic, anthropometric, and work-related outcomes. The sample for research was Camcare, a government agency ensuring workplace safety, rehabilitation, and compensation.
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Companies Statistics Analysis Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2117 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The main questions on the contingency table are: What is the probability that any of the companies selected is below the Average? What is the probability of a randomly selected company in Dubai Investments and the share price is above the mean? What are the Probability of a randomly selected company in Air Arabia and the share price is below or above the average?
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Structural Equation Modelling and Logistic Regression Statistics Report
13 pages (4154 words) , Download 1 , Report
In this case, the response or variable was binary. The predictor variables that were of interest include perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use cashless payments as well as trust. The perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of cashless payments and trust as predictor variables were measured with the use of 4 items scales and 5 item scale.
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Sampling and Statistical Inference Statistics Case Study
8 pages (2238 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Gulf Real Estate Properties entails a firm that deals with the advertising of its business in the real estate market, located in Florida. It monitors the condominium sales for the market through the collection of the data regarding the listing price, the sale price, and the period (in days) that is taken to sell a single unit.
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Statistics Project Survey Statistics Report
8 pages (2243 words) , Download 1 , Report
There were increased allegations of unethical business behavior among the management officials and the executives; an observation was made by the Wall Street Executives, Corporate Officers, and the Financial Managers. Consequently, an article posted claimed that such unethical business affairs and behaviors could have stemmed from the massive cheating.
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Quantitative Analysis Performance Statistics Assignment
7 pages (1961 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Therefore, 200 units will be allocated to square DA. Since supply is unsatisfied, we will move to DB. Since the demand is unsatisfied, we will move to EB. Since the demand is unsatisfied, we will move to EC. Since the demand is still unsatisfied, we will move to FC. The shipping schedule is as shown in brackets and is found to add up to 700.
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Influence of Various Options on Asking Price for Used Mustangs Statistics Case Study
7 pages (2085 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The age of the car is very important and it varies inversely with asking price. Therefore, at the very least, a higher price should be charged for newer cars, and lower prices should be charged for older cars. Specifically, each additional year should imply a reduction in the asking price by some value lying within the range of $1171 to $1495. 
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Data Interpretation Practicum Statistics Statistics Project
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The main limitation is being the sample size of 51 and if some more locations are included the study would throw more light regarding the safety aspects of employees in the work culture. A ‘safe’ organization—results from the constant engineering of diverse elements - for example, skills, materials, relations, and communications. 
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The Results of the Training Program of the Retail Company Statistics Statistics Project
7 pages (1779 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
A Retail Company with more than 500 staff members across ten different locations in the United States was interested in training their staff members to improve job performance. The training program focused on how staff members interacted with customers and what the correct methods of dealing with issues of cultural competence. 
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Predictability of Exchange Rate: USD and Yen Statistics Statistics Project
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The data considered for the purpose of running regression is focused on the time series data of 30 years starting from that of 1982 to 2011. The database has been extracted from different sources which include majorly from the US census government sites. The GDP has been extracted from calculating them at nominal prices.
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Green Consumer Behaviour Analysis Statistics Statistics Project
6 pages (1546 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
It is observed that the difference in proportions of persons buying local fruits and organic fruits is significant. The same finding is made in the comparison of people who have never bought local vegetables and those who have never bought organic vegetables. This finding can be translated to mean that most people prefer ‘green products’.
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Hypothesis Testing as a Statistical Tool and Its Application in the Current Business Setup Statistics Coursework
6 pages (1746 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The reflections obtained from the sample statistics may lead to false acceptance of a wrong alternative hypothesis, a situation referred to as type 2 error (Arshamp1). It is, therefore, necessary to conduct multiple hypothesis testing using different samples from the same population to ascertain the validity of the hypothesis.  
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Red Blood Cell Damage and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Statistics Thesis
27 pages (8347 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
The topic that was majorly focused on in Cardiac surgery was written based on the protocol structure. The question that was addressed included whether the centrifugal pump is better when compared to a roller pump in patients under cardiac surgery. In summary, there was the identification of 53 papers through the application of the below search mentioned.
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The Study of Direct Annual Sales of 400 Dutch Fashion Stores in 1990 Statistics Statistics Project
9 pages (2361 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The regression coefficient of the dependent variable (sales per sq. mtr.) on the independent variable hoursw (hours worked) 37.53 is clearly depicting an upward influence of sales on hoursw and a downward influence of sales on size (sales floor space of the store.). The constant of 5133.59 is also highly influential.
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Existing Relationships between the Response Variable: Sales and Four Independent Variables Statistics Assignment
6 pages (1765 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The results showed that the dependent variable has a relationship with all the independent variables given in the model. However, three explanatory variables (Number of full-timers, the total number of hours worked, and the Salesfloor space of the store (in square meters)) had a statistically significant relationship with the dependent variable.
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Regression Analysis Updating the Study by Barro and Sala I Martin for Income Convergence across States Statistics Statistics Project
9 pages (2335 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
According to Barro and Sala I martin, state income per capita were converging to a constant value and will at some time in the future be equal across all the states. There was a shortcoming in their study since they considered nominal income per capita, never adjusted for inflation, and never factored the cost of living differences across states.
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Social Inequality, Functionalism, and Conflict Theories Statistics Statistics Project
11 pages (3164 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
This research paper takes a statistical approach to test the four selected hypotheses. Since the research considers two sociology theories that correlate to showcase how inequality can be supported through the distribution of opportunities, as well as the struggle for supremacy, one hypothesis for functionalism theory and two for conflict theory, are considered as outlined below.
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The Connection between Hat Size and Intelligence Statistics Coursework
6 pages (1799 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The standard deviation utilized for table 1 above is actually the standard deviation (SD) of the means. For the purpose of clarity, the SD column in table 1 will be relabeled as SE. Because only the summary data were available, the standard deviation cannot be computed directly, hence, the researcher computed for variance first. 
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Personal Income and Wealth Statistics Coursework
7 pages (2350 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The issue of personal incomes and wealth has gained center focus especially in the aftermath of the global economic crisis that highlighted unethical practices in use by top business executives. It has been suggested over time that personal income and wealth levels have become skewed to favor those at the top. 
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The Company Competitive Advantages: Santa Fe Case Statistics Case Study
12 pages (3044 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The remaining variables are then checked for complex structures. The complex structure is found when one variable has high loadings of 0.4 or greater on more than one component. Any variable found to have a complex structure is removed from the analysis and after removal, the factor analysis is conducted once again without the excluded variable. 
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Data Analysis Portfolio of Work: Working Party Forum Questionnaire Canteen and Staff Shop Statistics Coursework
9 pages (2518 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The Mars Company Staff Canteen was established on 14th July 1999 to provide selected goods and services to the staff. It is the only shopping point located on the premises of the company. The canteen mainly sells packed food to staff during breaks. It is managed by the staff welfare committee on behalf of all Mars company employees.
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Business Statistics: Harangue Ltd Statistics Case Study
7 pages (2510 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Trend Illustration of growth projection of operational competencies in the IT Unit and Accounting Department time-series forecasting of growth shows the consistent distribution of performance. Telemarketing Program trend forecasting reveals inconsistencies between Cold Calls and New Customers during the short period analyzed. 
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Composition of the US Population Statistics Report
8 pages (1567 words) , Download 1 , Report
For the total family income in the preceding year (2009), it was clear that for any income category, there was a higher proportion of natives as compared to foreign-born individuals. More interesting is the fact that the highest income category also recorded the highest proportion of each of the sub-populations earning that much.
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Car Mileage and Market Prices: An Asymptotic Negative Relationship Statistics Statistics Project
8 pages (2383 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The aim of this work has been related to the capacity to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the major aspects and technicalities concerning the used car market, together with a major discussion of the primary factors that influence the pricing behaviors through major market-based evidence on an analytical approach. 
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Unemployment Rate in Virginia State for a Period of 66 Years Statistics Research Paper
8 pages (2123 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
From the scatter diagram of Virginia State, the unemployment rate is expected to increase with time at an overall rate of 0.055. This predicts that the level of sales for the retail will be reducing as time goes by. This implies that the management of the retail store will have to reduce the stock as the level of unemployment increases.    
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Analysis of the Data Included in BIMS Case by Computing Descriptive Statistics in the Form of Tables Statistics Statistics Project
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
Although BMIS may purpose to provide its employees with good pay, as well as room for personal career advancement and recognition, if the workers do not like their manager, they will leave. As a matter of fact, the primary reason for high employee turnover in most organizations is dislike or lack of respect for immediate supervisors.
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How Do We Select Our Life Mates Statistics Research Paper
10 pages (3645 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Social researchers study numerous human behaviors.  One of them is the selection of the ideal life mate.  Both researchers and ordinary people pay paramount importance to this issue.  The reason is obvious.  Social sciences have put forward many theories and concepts in order to explain how one selects his or her life partner.
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The Relationship Between Customers Income and Customers Credit Charges Statistics Report
6 pages (1786 words) , Download 1 , Report
It is quite clear that from all the statistical tests and analyses that have been carried, there is a strong relationship between the consumer’s income and the consumers’ credit charges. This shows consumers' income increases, so does the credit charges. People who have higher incomes incur high charges when using the credit card.
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