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Problems of Work Stress Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Due to the changing nature of interests, people begin to feel disconnected from their studies and jobs after reaching a particular level. For instance, a psychology student close to graduation might not be as interested in his studies as he was at the time of admission. This subsequently leads to discomfort in career choices. 
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the patient’s involvement in seeking pleasure from drinking and drugs is observed. Loneliness and unemployment pushed him into a state of denial and low self-esteem. This made him more depressed every day. Depression destroyed his physical, emotional and social life.
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Multiple Personality Disorder Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1383 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This type of disorder can occur at any age, and it exhibits an unusual prevalence in children who have exposure to traumatic childhoods. Due to the trauma that such children face, they may begin to exhibit a unique detachment from the real issues affecting them. In other cases, they may have extreme resentment towards themselves because of something traumatic that happened in their life.
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A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1468 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A Clockwork Orange is written by Anthony Burgess which is one of his most popular books, also his least favorite one. The work of Burgess in this book became quite controversial by the 20th century, where a lot of people attribute the controversy to Stanley Kubrick`s movie adaptation based on the book, with little variations.
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Mass Shooting and Mental Illness Psychology Coursework
10 pages (2690 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
According to the FBI crime report, a mass murderer is described as a person who kills more than four people in the event of an attack excluding the attacker. However, the FBI distinguishes a spree killer from a mass murderer because of the former strikes in more than one location, but relatively within a short time period.
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If Rape Were Legal Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
If Rape Were Legal, is one of the stories that the psychologist Irvin D. Yolam wrote in his book Love's Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy. If rape Were Legal is a story that focuses on the relationship between Yolam and a cancer patient by the name of Carlos. Carlos had incurable lymphoma, and he is in his last stages.
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The Present Concept of Beauty Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1554 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
What makes one beautiful however is debatable because the standards vary and are distorted to serve a certain purpose. At present beauty, is presented not just for the aesthetic purpose that would be pleasing to the senses but rather to stir discontent on the general public about how they should look, sound and move.
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Analysis of Cross-Cultural Psychology Case Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Mundane conflicts are part of everyday life. They are frustrating and test the limits of someone's patience. Effective communication or competence holds the key to diffuse or escalate the situation. The study by Brew et al. (2011) investigated the differences between Western and Chinese cultures on their perception of competence.
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Ethics in Psychology Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1304 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Having been a community counseling student at the College Counseling Center at the local university, James admits one of his challenges as having limited diversity in his relationships.  However, he is quick to state that this is not an important issue because he intends to open up a private practice in his home town immediately after graduation. 
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How Child Abuse Correlates with Psychosocial Results Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1447 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This study expounds on what child abuse is and its effects on the development of a child. It provides an introduction to child abuse types and the development domains that are affected by the abuse. The study also includes information on the methods used in carrying out the research. Results and discussions of the course are also provided in this study paper.
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Human and Animal Interrelationships Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
 The book has been chosen for the report because it covers the theme of the report – human and animal interrelationships. Moreover, it is important to study human-animal interrelationships because it has both animal and human characters that interact throughout each chapter.
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Psychology Homework Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Although he is not that reserved to the extent that he keeps most of the things to himself and would like to stay in highly secluded conditions, he is not comfortable with situations that warrant a lot of interactions with other individuals.  In this sense, he requires a job that does not entail talking, sharing, or exchange.
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The Treatment Plan of George Psychology Case Study
7 pages (1843 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
One of the ethical issues has to do with decision-making. Every decision made affects George directly to the extent that the impact can be felt in the present and in the future. There are critical and necessary decisions that might be necessary in order to save George from depression and various challenges faced.
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Why Dont We Listen Better by Petersen Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1377 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The most important thing after the reading of the book is the application of its theory on practice. However, it is also the most difficult part of it. The book of Peterson inspired me for further correction of my communication skills. Earlier I was concentrated only on my own opinion and a lot of my conversations more looked like a competition.
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Work and Changing Ages Psychology Case Study
14 pages (3762 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Studies have indicated that older working adults show different work behavior from that observed in their earlier years. There have been several efforts to determine the impact of aging on workers' productivity. Such studies mainly focus on the impacts but not on aging individuals' changes since employers fund many of them.
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Ethical Issues Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1300 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Al, the professor in charge of the program, discovers her plight in advance and sorts to help her, In a twist of events. Al, in turn, makes a shocking revelation after a student who is not familiar to him hands over an examination booklet with Sarah's name on it.
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The Ideal Shape of the Body and Physical Self-Worth Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1643 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Individuals’ anxiety rises with pressure to conform to leanness and muscularity or an aesthetic ideal this is socially associated with the ability of an athlete. As demonstrated in this article, body dysmorphic disorder is significant when acting on body perceptions of an athlete as it engenders an extreme preoccupation.
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Individual Portfolio for Career Guidance Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1535 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Being ethical requires much more than abiding by the professional code of conduct and ethics demanding confidentiality. A mentioned earlier, my philosophy and values are towards upholding ethics. Ethics surround the practice of counseling and are taken seriously in that profession. There is a specific code of ethics for psychologists and which has to be adhered to strictly at all times failure to which legal measures are taken.
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Causes of Autism Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1331 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The term autism is used to refer to a psychological disorder recognized as Autism Spectrum Disorder and people suffering from this disorder experience issues while communicating with others and experience social difficulties. Autism has several types and has several symptoms associated with it.
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Expediency of Continuing Psychotherapist-Client Interaction Surpassing Limits of Counseling Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1528 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The case study with Dr. Jones and Mr. Albertson is quite complicated because it involves close interaction between a psychotherapist and a client surpassing the limits of counseling. The issues that arise in the described case concern the aspects of privacy and confidentiality, education and training of the specialist, her competence, and human relations.
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Ethical Problems to Be Solved with a Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association Psychology Case Study
6 pages (1627 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Within this scenario, it remains not reasonably vivid whether Mr. Albertson does require therapy because he has serious problems with perception of reality due to his cognitive impairment. Therefore, probably it would be even more reason to cease the therapy until the client can assess the reality adequately.
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The Primary Diagnosis in Smiths Case Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1303 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In Smith’s case, her identity is pertinently impoverished. Also, Smith’s behaviour shows that her identity is poorly developed. Smith also exhibits an unstable self-perception that is closely linked to self-criticism and acute feelings of loneliness and emptiness, as well as dissociative behaviour under duress. Regarding self-direction, Smith displays instability in aspirations, career objectives, and values.
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Behavior Theory as as the Core Subject Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1473 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Of all the ethical obligations in a counseling relationship, patient-therapist confidentiality is the most crucial ethical obligation in my opinion. This is because counseling requires total confidentiality. People face different problems and ensuring that these problems stay between them and their therapists is imperative (Corey, 1990). 
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Autism and Dementia Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1350 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The disorders that occur during infancy or childhood include Autism spectrum and autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, motor disorder, and Down syndrome. The disorders have multiple causes that range from genetics, metabolism, deprivation, immune status, nutrition factors, exposure to trauma, environmental status, and toxicity (Association, American Psychiatric, 2013).  
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The Increasing Domestic Violence Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1545 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It is notable that there are six core competencies of MRT. These are Self-awareness, Self-Regulation, Optimism, Mental Agility, Strengths of Character, and Connection. This helps in attaining effective leadership skills among the senior leaders and thereby, led to the attainment of resilience to the soldiers and their family members at large.
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The Impact of Divorce on Children Psychology Case Study
7 pages (2044 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay focuses on the negative implications of divorce on the wellbeing of children under the age of 18. It is noted that the coping mechanism of adults is better than that of children since adults can make sound judgment pertaining to various issues that affect their lives. Children are more affected by broken families.
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Environmental Issues and Psychology Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1432 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Causes and impacts of environmental issues can be related to psychology through a field of study known as environmental psychology. It includes the study of the interrelationship between human behavior, cognition and their impacts on society. The study also explains ways that humans affect both natural and built environments and vice versa. The focus on environmental psychology is important since humans cause most of the environmental issues.
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Behavioral Theory or Cognitive Behavioral Theory Psychology Case Study
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
I now understand that the client is expected to focus on their experiences, feelings, moods, and behaviors with the aim of facilitating change. The coursework enabled me to acknowledge that the counselor plays a critical role in facilitating change through inspiring and motivating change, establishing trust with the client.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder in the UK Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1390 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The primary features of ASD, begin in infancy, though the effect of these may not be visible until there is a vital change in an individual’s life. These changes are as a change in school. It is estimated that a single individual in a group of 100 individuals in Britain has autism spectrum disorder.
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How to Win Friends and Influence People Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The book aims at offering psychological support to people with self-esteem issues and encourages those who are depressed. Moreover, the book is vital in explaining the techniques of handling people and how to be influential. The book targets the society at large, and the how they interact amongst themselves.
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The Significance of Play in Child Development Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1379 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The team worked under the concept of an upward spiral of grief while implementing strategies related to the Every Child Matters Act. Hence, the paper proves that play holds great significance in the life of a child. The introduction of play can alleviate stress from the young minds, thus, helping them grow emotionally and physically in the best possible manner.
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Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Living by Mark R Mcminn Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1316 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The book begins with the story of Jill, who is a depressed young lady. She thinks about various counselors while she tries to think about who is the right counselor. Some will advise her religiously while others will not, some may also opt to use therapy to solve emotional problems in patients. With this, the book thus says that the counselors are confused too.
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Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1426 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Using the different subtopics in his work, the author is able to explain various phenomena in life and derive meanings. For instance, he discusses the essence of existence and emphasizes the thought that man should live as if he has been given a second chance. He further takes his time in the book to explain the meaning of love.
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Distracted -The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age by Maggie Jackson Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
In her book "Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age", Jackson explains how technological advancements have corroded the capacity of human brains to focus deeply. Jackson presents a multi-dimensional image of the way attention shapes people, how it defines mental prowess, and tones our psychology to mindful happiness.
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Fear of Flying Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
To help fear of flying people, special programs are available. People use stress inoculation training, flooding, relaxation techniques and systemic desensitization to manage a fear of flying in most cases. This information is based on controlled research on the exposure and therapy covering the fear of flying.
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Depression and Anxiety Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1415 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In medication, there are two types which include anti-depressants and anti-anxiety. In obsessive-compulsive disorders, the distinguishing characteristic is that people have unreasonable thoughts. Individuals often are culminated with fear and thus lead to repetitive behaviors. Body dysmorphic disorder is one that an individual believes that their appearance is defective and should be covered.
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Alternative Dispute Resolution in Spark Island and Spark Island Lighthouse Psychology Case Study
5 pages (1475 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
ADR is a process used in lieu of judicial process, in litigation and administrative adjudication to solve disputes and conflicts and to fasten social justice (Nabatchi, 2007). Thus the residences of Spark Island, are seeking a faster and effective way of addressing their interests, whereas Timor County is seeking ways of improving its financial health by tapping into the lucrative tourist market.
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Far From the Tree Psychology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The author states that the child in such instances is expressly different from most of his or her peers and, therefore, less understood or accepted, Solomon, observes. It is true that the vertical identities tend to be reinforced from the earliest time they are detected. They are usually respected and accepted as identities.
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Depression and Its Treatment Psychology Case Study
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Major depression is a mental disorder in which feelings of melancholy, loss, exasperation, or frustration disrupt an individual’s daily life for weeks or longer (Pollit, 2013). Signs of major depression consist of diminished thinking memory and decision-making; clients have a negative mood and lack motivation, apathy, and social withdrawal.
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Fashion and Its Influence on People Psychology Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The external perception has an undeniable effect upon our inner identity, a perception heavily influenced by the media. “We want our lives to match our vision of the good life, itself largely a product of the media. We want to have the right clothes, the right car, the right house, the right job, the right spouse, the right children, even the right toothpaste”.
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Cross Cultural Communication in Early Childhood Education Psychology Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Admission/Application Essay
 Neil is a 6-year-old Maori boy who used to live in a close-knit community prior to coming to Australia. Neil is a cheerful and energetic child who has grown speaking his native language and he has also been exposed to English and various dialects. However, he has not acquired standard English, his articulation is poor and he resorts to baby talk.
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Flashbulb Memories Psychology Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Article
Flashbulb memories are unusual in that they retain minutiae not usually present in memories of everyday activities and differ further in that they also have what Brown and Kulik called a primary, or live, quality. One further striking feature is that flashbulb memories appear to endure for years and decades without noticeably degrading. 
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Diagnosing and Treatment of Schizophrenia Psychology Article
5 pages (1383 words) , Download 1 , Article
Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic disabling brain disorder that affects the whole life of a person. It affects men and women equally, and it rarely occurs in children. It is tough to diagnose Schizophrenia in teens, and this happens because the first signs of Schizophrenia include a change in friends, drop in grades, sleep problems, and irritability.
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Social and Cognitive Bases of Behavior Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
It also recognizes three stages of memory which include sensory, short-term or working, and long-term memories (Craik & Lockhart, 2008). Psychologists, in the past few decades, have performed several studies to justify the authenticity of this model. Consequently, they have formulated other theories that favor or criticize the standard model of information processing.
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Revenge Relationships Psychology Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The research has identified that many couples nowadays are afraid to get married because they have doubts about themselves or their partner. Some tend to feel undecided because of disloyal partners. Any woman would really feel doubtful should she find out that her boyfriend still flirting with another woman after they have made plans of getting married.
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Cognitive Psychology and Theories of Personality Psychology Assignment
9 pages (2421 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The information processing theory is applicable in my life through the adoption of TOTE. In energy, goals are set, and resources are directed for their achievement. Thus, TOTE advises me that if I have tested a specific purpose and have not achieved it, I need to operate to complete the set goal. However, if the goal is not achievable after several attempts, I need to abandon it since continued testing is imprudent.
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Essential Psychology for Managers Psychology Assignment
5 pages (1511 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The vice president gave his approval because he believes that the previous department manager failed to make competent decisions and could not acquire adequate input and enough cooperation from the department employees. The project manager contacted the vice president and attempted to persuade him to postpone his demand for modifications, but he turns down the request.      
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Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Depression Psychology Article
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 1 , Article
Antidepressants can only offer immediate relief while putting the patient at risk for health problems caused by the side effects of drugs. Many psychologists have resorted to nurturing positive emotions in the treatment of depression as it provides a natural way to treat the problem. Positive emotions will surely help to get rid of depression without the side effects.
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Memory and the Brain: Neural Basis of Attention Processes Psychology Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1598 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This article examines the role played by ventrolateral, dorsolateral, and frontopolar prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions in both working (WM) and long-term memory (LTM). The researchers utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to make a comparison of whether the prefrontal cortex (PFC) exhibits activation that can only be realized through one memory domain (Braver et al., 2001).
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Facilitation in Recognizing Pairs of Words: Evidence of a Dependence Between Retrieval Operations Psychology Article
5 pages (1339 words) , Download 1 , Article
Retrieval of information from a long term memory resembled the retrieval of information from a magnetic disk. The association effect appears to be more limited to semantic decisions and same-different judgments hence, providing means for the study of relations temporarily contagious (Meyer & Schvaneveldt, 1971). 
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