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Effects of Forms of Child Abuses on Children and Young People Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (3062 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The World Health Organization reports that about 25 percent of adults experienced child abuse during their tender years and that susceptibility to child abuse is a factor of gender (The World Health Organization, 2014). Data from the United States, a developed country, supports the world statistics that about 25 percent of children are abused (The Centres for Disease Control & Prevention, 2016).
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Social Psychology Concepts Psychology Movie Review
11 pages (2905 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Factors that may influence people's behaviors include various cognitive processes which include memories and inferences, the physical references, and the cultural context in which the behavior takes place (Mynhardt & Baron, 2006). This paper will critically analyze the social psychology aspects depicted in the film The Sound of Music.
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Psychological Geriatric Care Psychology Essay
15 pages (4811 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The increase of the elderly population – an inevitable outcome of the aging tendency – has considerable implications for the healthcare practices with care professionals increasingly involved in working with aging patients.
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Kens Character Development from a Biopsychosocial Perspective Psychology Essay
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 0 , Essay
He has held down a regular job for the past three years after getting out of prison and is doing an effective job of being a father to his son, as well as Jewell’s other children. Ken is battling against heavy odds - centuries of prejudice, the legacy of the system of slavery, together with a social and economic environment with the opportunities for advancement.
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Advantages of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Psychology Essay
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Negotiation is the communication required exclusively for getting a joint, mutually agreeable, decision. This is the process of getting what you want from others by essentially giving them what they want and it occurs whenever two separate interests are in conflict. People may desire the same outcome for different reasons and as a result.
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Generation Me Comparison/Contrast Psychology Essay
6 pages (1557 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is very clear that times have changed when looking at generations. There is a distinct difference between the children of the new millennium and those of previous generations. Generation Me, written by Dr. Twenge discusses the rise of the entitlement generation.
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Kids Who Kill are Still Kids Psychology Essay
9 pages (2839 words) , Download 0 , Essay
They are frightened and upset, but don’t know certainly how strappingly the sentence impacts their lives.“Not too bad” was a response of Nathaniel Brazil to nearly 30 years imprisonment punishment (McCormick). This is the way of teen’s perception and understanding of judicial process and sentence, which is again the result of the undeveloped brain.
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Effective Communication Between Parents and Children Psychology Essay
6 pages (1680 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Through Amy’s experience and my own experiences, it can be said that good communication is really important between parents and children. Effective communication helps parents to know what their children are thinking about and helps their children to decide what is right and wrong. When children discuss their ideas with parents they are more open.
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The Concept of Men Reaching Midlife Crisis Psychology Essay
6 pages (1676 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The assumptions that are made in the hypothesis create a bias with how the main concepts in the research are conducted.  More importantly, the researcher doesn’t evaluate the way in which individuals and society at large respond to other potential events and dependent variables, making the approach to the study and the expected results vague. 
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as the Most Common Psychological Injury Psychology Essay
6 pages (1177 words) , Download 0 , Essay
At the height of the Iraq war, the army routinely dismissed hundreds of soldiers for having a personality disorder. Yet, the cause of the soldier’s problem was the traumatic stresses of war as suggested by the data. Those who did not engage in direct combat roles have been denied mental health care.
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Influence of Personality of Consumers on their Behaviors Psychology Literature review
8 pages (2495 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Researchers like Brown et al. (2009, p. 67) have defined personality as the physical as well as the internal emotional behaviors that control and reveal how an individual reacts to the immediate environment. Personality displays through itself through an exclusive emotional character that triggers action within the individual.
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Depression among Children and Youths Psychology Literature review
10 pages (2907 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Depression among Children and Youths" is a great example of a literature review on psychology. Children and youths are the most important future investment. Community and families have a responsibility of ensuring that, children and youths have access to facilities that promote mental wellbeing and optimal human development.
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Crash of the Flight TWA 800 Psychology Essay
10 pages (2840 words) , Download 0 , Essay
``Perception ``is not only an intriguing factor in psychology texts but has also been proved to play a very important role in judging certain crucial events from time to time. One such incidence is the crash of flight TWA 800. Still, now the exact reason for the flight crash is not known clearly but the wide range of perception by the public is astonishing.
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Suicides In Berks County Psychology Essay
9 pages (3378 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The survey conducted on Suicide in  Berks county shows us various problems or causes that may cause a  person to commit suicide. The purpose of this survey was to record the data for an extensive look at suicide and the formulation of a hypothesis for its cause,  effect, and treatment on victims. 
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Psychology of Crime Commitment Psychology Essay
10 pages (2763 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Humankind has a dark side, and its existence ought not to come as a surprise to those who think of themselves as good people. Most religions conceive of humankind as bad, unregenerate, and in dire need of redemption. The story of Adam and Eve depicts man's fall from grace and descent into a desperate condition.
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Human Growth And Development Psychology Essay
7 pages (1910 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Included in this paper is the analysis of each and every development theory and a brief summary of its facts. In addition to this, this research also includes a comparison of the said development theories from those different psychologists from the book Human Development Across the Lifespan by Dacey and Travers.
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How Critical Thinking Underpins Creative Thinking Psychology Essay
8 pages (2072 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The majority of individuals do not understand the problems that always go hand in hand with the elements of social knowledge. Under their expectations and achievements, those applying the use of both types of thinking, usually plan more as compared to what they would actually achieve in actual terms.
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Child Rearing and Physical Punishment Psychology Essay
8 pages (2107 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Professionals have researched and put forward their views and opinions in regard to the use of corporal punishment, its constructive and uncertain prolonged effects in the future. The following study reveals the effectiveness of punishment in facilitating the learning and growth of a child.
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Effects Of Divorce On Children Psychology Essay
6 pages (1843 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Children of divorced parents are found to be psychologically affected by their parents’ divorce that they tend to lack the emotional ability to sustain long-term relationships particularly in building trust and deep relationships with their partners. Thus, they themselves end up with a marriage full of marital discord and eventually divorce.
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Growth and Development in Old Age Psychology Essay
6 pages (2003 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Environmental factors may determine the description between old and young workers. A worker in Europe at the age of forty-five is considered to be old. While the USA a worker is considered to be old at the age of sixty or older. Intellectual and cognitive development that determines an individual's work performance increases as work gets old.
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Schizotypy and Creativity in a Group Problem-Solving Task Psychology Essay
8 pages (2029 words) , Download 0 , Essay
On Schizotypy and Creativity, Stoneham and Coughtrey concluded that although deviating thinking showed by a highly schizotypal person is often linked with creativity, in real-life problem-solving targets there may also be useful points received by the more different cognitive style of low-schizotypy persons.
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How May Motivation and Anxiety Both Contribute and Detract From Effective Learning Psychology Essay
10 pages (2816 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Motivation can be described as the activation of positive behavior that is goal-oriented, it is either intrinsic or extrinsic. This term is also theoretically, applicable in descriptions of the causes of animal behavior. Various motivation theories state that motivation could be embedded in an attempt to maximize pleasure and also minimize pain.
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Bulimia Nervosa and Schizophrenia Nowadays Psychology Essay
8 pages (2270 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Social and economic differences that exist across ethnic groups may also be another factor to consider. The biggest percentage of the minority group in any population live in poverty and this makes schizophrenia more common in those societies. The disease may therefore be in those ethnic groups that live in poverty and hence the trend.
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Does Stress Cause Headache Psychology Literature review
9 pages (2869 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Barton & Blanchard (2005) explains that the stages of headache disorder progress are highly dependent on the individual as well as the surrounding environment. Barton & Blanchard (2005) also adds that they could be circumstances under which the disorder progression worsens while in some situations, it diminishes with time.
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Tips for Understanding and Managing Autistic Child's Behavior Psychology Literature review
10 pages (3084 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Autism-Ribbon (2010) maintains that Autism is self-abnormal absorption that is marked by a disorder in communication and a short attention span with the inability to treat others as people. It is a complex disorder in development that affects the ability of a person to interact and communicate with others.
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How People Behave in Situation of Fire Breakouts Psychology Literature review
10 pages (2724 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Human behavior indicates that faced with imminent danger, people will try to find the fastest escape route. When fires break out in residential buildings, therefore, it is expected that some people would use the staircase to escape the fire, while others would try other risky methods like jumping to the ground
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Leadership in Industrial-Organizational Psychology Psychology Essay
9 pages (2497 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Industrial-organizational psychology is meant to cause an improvement in performance at work by addressing various topics that directly affect leaders and employees in the workplace. Topics addressed in industrial-organizational psychology include productive and counterproductive behavior, leadership, group dynamics, etc.
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Comparison of Terror Theory Management and Sociometer Theory Psychology Essay
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 0 , Essay
No one knows the reality behind death yet there are many different versions of stories that are told concerning it thus many people mention it as if it is something obvious. Self-esteem enables a person to come up with beliefs that enhance his or her positive attitudes towards life and all that happens in it.
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A Review of the Role of Moral Reasoning in Burglary Offences Psychology Literature review
7 pages (1931 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The cognitive theory has also been described to be the main role of moral reasoning that affects crime activities’ such as petty thefts and burglary. This research was done in a criminology department. Psychologists present in the research group aimed at the study of how these offenders developed and the mode of occurrence in relation to events. 
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Confidentiality as Basically a Common Ethical Dilemma in Professional Psychology Psychology Essay
7 pages (1929 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One of the importance of ethical decision making is that it establishes integrity in the profession. When integrity is upheld by one professional the confidence of the public is enhanced. This is because the public will believe that psychologists are well trained and that they can effectively follow codes of ethics.
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The Role of Personal Self-Efficacy Psychology Literature review
13 pages (4207 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Moments of success in life bring with them a new form of competency demands and pressure that needs additional enhancement of personal efficacy in order to ensure effective functioning. According to Wood & Bandura, (1989), the development of personality is influenced by observational learning, reciprocal determinism, and through social experience. 
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Sexual Desire Disorder Nowadays Psychology Essay
6 pages (1634 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The current psychological treatment, vary and range from short to long term treatment. In this area, therapists use various therapy that includes hypnosis, feminist and systemic perspectives, cognitive behavior therapy and Gestalt therapy. However, the efficacy of hypnosis has not been evaluated fully as a modifier in low sex desire.
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How the Development of Working Memory Contributes to Predicting Psychology Literature review
6 pages (2305 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Messer and Dockrell (2006:309-325) suggest that in case the capacity of the working memory is weak, learning should be improved by selecting material that places less burden on the working memory. Hill (2001:149-171) argues that the use of simple language is an important tool that reduces the burden on linguistic working memory.
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Good Is Beautiful: The Halo Effect and Whether Wearing Glasses Makes One Look More Intelligent Psychology Lab Report
10 pages (2788 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
The results show enough statistical significance to prove the statement that the person in image A is perceived as more attractive than the person in figure B. This also aligns itself with the findings of is that people who are overweight are perceived as less attractive seeing as the person in figure B is huskier than the person in figure B.
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Difference between the Two Theories of Conflict Psychology Essay
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Stella Dallas film is a form of canonical text when studying women’s film and concepts of female spectatorship in Hollywood.   It displays protagonist’s attempts to generate a life that entails a degree of movement, liberty, and contentment. It also portrays constant thwarting challenges by a self-righteous average class that observes her femininity wanting.
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Counseling and Practice Development Psychology Literature review
10 pages (2748 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The client was in apposition where she felt that she was not going to make it. She developed a negative attitude in her life. I was able to employ several models to deal with this situation. Humanistic nature and realistic theories assert that human nature likes to seek comfort and have a life without struggle, especially from others.
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Risk Assessment in Criminology Psychology Literature review
9 pages (2413 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Davies & Beech (2012) Reinforcing behavior change among the offenders need combined efforts. Such efforts stream among the community members, experts, and the individual need to adapt change. Different instruments are applied among the law breakers to assess the risk of committing a specific offense.
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Coping Strategies and Resilience When Encountering Life Stressors Psychology Literature review
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The most immediate help can be accessed from family, religious, or professional members and fraternities that are well equipped with experiences and capability to shape new approaches to life and stress. An individual will then receive direct help, coordinated activities, or unplanned sessions that promote their coping mechanism. 
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Individual Differences, Personality and Assessment Psychology Literature review
11 pages (3405 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) score highly in coming up with this comparison from the analysis carried out. The research is in concurrence with earlier researches such as Burns et al., (2007)  whose report predicts considerable variance on the standard measures of satisfaction in life.
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Developmental Psychology and Enquiry to How the Subject Matter Offers Insights into Other Specific Areas Psychology Literature review
7 pages (2153 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This review has captured some major theorists of developmental psychology, noting its rich history and available researches. As mentioned, these theories and models have their shortcomings but still handy in future researches especially the broader theories and measures of Loevinger, Kegan, and those that have developed recently.
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Clinical Diagnosis Film Assignment Psychology Literature review
8 pages (2199 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The film thus shows how much misinformed the public is in terms of this disorder such as they cannot identify the major symptoms and recognize the episodes manifested by David. It does not occur to them that he could be severely depressed and thus they do not support him to cope and overcome the illness. 
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Analysis of Human Errors in the Workplace Psychology Literature review
11 pages (3477 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Understanding these factors and interrelationships human helps to implement barriers to prevent, reduce, or mitigate the occurrence of potential errors. Error reduction or prevention strategies are aimed at targeting the various task stages, limitations of human abilities that predispose to errors, and learning from errors that occur.
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How Morality Dvls and What Imds Dvlmnt Psychology Literature review
7 pages (2118 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Most people do not go past this stage of moral development to the post-conventional level. Various issues hinder morality development in adolescents. Violent games lead to a low sense of compassion among adolescents who played them. Some adolescents may have gone through traumatic experiences such as physical, sexual, or emotional torture.
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Sports-related Concussions & Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Psychology Literature review
6 pages (1810 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Mariana et al (2014), carried out a review of animal models to study injuries linked to sporting activities. Mild traumatic brain injury was considered to be more severe than other injuries since it leaves most players struggling with neurological defects including mood disorders and cognitive impairment.
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The Role of Meaning in Stress and Coping in Terms of Both Positive and Negative Outcomes Psychology Literature review
10 pages (2875 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The core for many people’s identities according to Wortmann and Park is a religion based on how they comprehend themselves as spiritual or religious beings and being socially identified with a particular religious group. Religious identity may offer a source of moral supremacy and self-esteem and can strongly impact beliefs concerning control.
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Different Types of Simulation Psychology Literature review
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The process of simulating something first needs a specified model to be introduced to represent the major features or even behaviors of the selected abstract system (Brette, et al. 2007). Moreover, the model usually represents the real-world system itself, while on the other hand, the aspect of simulation represents the system operation over a particular period.
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Homicidal Schizophrenia Psychology Literature review
10 pages (3077 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Accordingly, average quality evidence postulates that the rate of relapse is about twenty-eight percent at one-year post-treatment and close to fifty-four percent after three years of post-treatment. These studies also state that most patients and family members can detect changes in behavior and experience that precede a psychotic relapse.
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Children with Autism Aged from18 Months to 4 Years Old Psychology Literature review
8 pages (2525 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The existence of autism in the life of a child may be the result of a combination of both environmental and genetic factors. Children with autism suffer from slow development of social skills and difficulties in communication. Other symptoms include aggressive behavior that may be violent, disturbing, and self-destructive.
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Is Mercy Killing Right and Are Atheist Good People Psychology Literature review
8 pages (2277 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
From this compilation, there is a clear truth that moral judgment comes with moral dilemmas that psychologists and other researchers find themselves tangled in. Therefore, it is imperative that this research explores the significance of reason, intuition, and emotion in moral judgments. To achieve this, the research did come up with four hypotheses
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Concepts of the Abject and Psychoanalytic Concepts Psychology Literature review
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The imagery y has a protruding belly signifying pregnancy. The round big belly triggers the mind of the viewer to think of the reproductive feminine body. The image of the mother is once again portrayed but rather in an abject way (Krauss, Sherman & Bryson, 1993). Sherman’s work signifies the life and death concept.
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