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Psychology Learning Journal Issues - Assignment Example

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The assignment "Psychology Learning Journal Issues" critically analyzes the main issues reflected in the Learning Journal in Psychology. A learning journal involves information that is gathered over a period of time through experiences in working learning and learning which applying scholarly concepts…
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Learning Journal Insert Name Course, Class, Semester Institution Instructor Date Introduction 1. What is a learning journal A learning journal involves information that is gathered over a period of time through experiences in working learning and learning which applying scholarly concepts. This works in the same way as self-awareness, through introspection and the concept of individualism. Self-awareness commands elements of introspection where by and individual exhibits the ability to examine with their conscious thoughts and feelings both mentally and spiritually. The significance of self-awareness and introspection is that, an individual is able to identify themselves as independent person separate from the general society. However, learning journal slightly differs from a day to day recording of personal information since it is more academic and involves brief reflections on the learning processes where writers apply knowledge from learning experiences. 2. Why I am completing a learning journal as part of my study of social psychology Learning journals are important in the study of Social psychology. Indirect, authentic and fictional presence of other people is likely to impact on people’s behaviors, thoughts and feelings. Social psychology employs empirical study to investigate such influences. Through collection or building up learning and work experience over time, leaners of social psychology get to understand what they are studying. A reflection of the leaning process gives leaners a chance to identify weaknesses and strengths associated with individual interactions with the society or community around them. Writing a reflective learning journal therefore improves the critical thinking of students in the subject of social psychology. 3. What do I hope to learn from this assignment The assignment involves a demonstration of learning from which I purpose to attain basic critical thinking skills that will guide me in decision making. I hope to attain abilities for self-assessment and improved approaches in conducting assignments in all my courses. To crown it all, I hope for general self-improvement in my school assignments and my career. Self-Identity 1. Which aspect of the topic interested me most? Why? The aspect of self-identity that interests me most is personal fulfillment. Self-identity does not involve aspects of technicality or arithmetic but provides an understanding of individualism and elements of social survival which are applicable in social interactions at school and professional levels. Reason for my interest in the aspect of personal fulfillment is because I support the fact that accomplishing one’s goals helps develop their identity (Kendrick, 2009). However, I don’t believe that personal fulfillment makes one what they are entirely. This aspect connects with my personality and perception of self-identity. This aspect will also answer my questions on perceived satisfaction of other individuals. 2. What are the main ideas, concepts and evidences related to this aspect The main idea of personal fulfillment is self-actualization and realization of personal goals which is a major aspect of social psychology. It helps individual to develop confidence of themselves and what they do and also supports individualism. Kendrick (2009, p.19) states that it is not necessarily that other people will think will be what an individual will view as fulfilling or meaningful. Success and failure are another concept of personal fulfillment. Fulfillment does not also mean that everything works out well or that an individual makes the right choices. Fulfillment and success are different such that, I can be a successful individual but on the other hand be so discontented with my life, even with the success itself because what am doing is not what I love doing but circumstances force me to do. The same way some individuals have failed in different aspects of their lives but are still better-off than those with conventional lives. Personal fulfillment is more about being true to oneself, your vital purpose in life and potential. Participation is another concept of personal fulfillment that boosts satisfaction among individuals. 3. What short quote from the text or reading illustrates an important point related to this aspect “Participation nurtures fulfillment in an individual in all inter-human relationships while alienation generates an event where people are denied respect in possibility of gaining fulfillment from the community. However, this is not shocking since it happens when a person bases fulfillment on participation” Wojtyla (cited in Fitzgerald (p. 160) “It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is the happiness of pursuit” Chinese saying 4. How is the aspect relevant to my social world? Personal fulfillment also referred to as the self-actualization has a great relevance in my personal social world. The act that the topic was assigned in the beginning of the semester is important since it gives me a chance to practice personal fulfillment all through the semester in the coming weeks. Understanding that self-actualization is more than individual happiness necessitates an as-soon-as-possible adjustment from my self-centred behaviours to interact more with my friends at university, friends at work or simply just a social group of friends thorough participation. I also learn that personal fulfilment is a motivating factor and therefore it will influence my choices from circumstance-based decisions to choices that help me realise personal fulfilment. There is an additional aspect of differentiating actualization of community or societal fulfilment from my individual sense of fulfilment. However, it is also important as it helps appreciate the need to avoid being involved with selfishness. Prejudice and Discrimination 1. Which aspect of the topic has interested me most? Why? There is one aspect of prejudice and discrimination which interests me most and that is the cultural element these two concepts and differences between the two. Prejudice plays a big role in creating disparities based on racial and gender. Prejudice and discrimination involve four different theories raising my concern on the cultural approach. My reason for being interested in the cultural aspect is because of the rising cultural differences in the multi-cultural society of Australia as I have learnt from class. Understanding these concepts is important so as to differentiate the two concepts and improve my understanding of the effects of the same on people’s interactions as is relevant in social psychology. 2. What are the main ideas, concepts and evidences related to this aspect? The main idea depicted by prejudice and discrimination is their aspect of negativity on the side of human behaviour. It sometimes just refers to a false statement yet other times could be some matters of actions. Prejudice does not involve judgements that are based on indispensible logic, nor evidence about a group and its members within, which can occur in both conscious and unconscious form (Richeson & Bodenhausen, 2010). The momentum based on perspective of Perceptive of prejudice is claimed to be the problem of classifying people into different groups that magnify the similarities and differences between groups accordingly. For example, western culture in Australia clusters my friends into a group of second language English speakers. As the group gets larger, so does the chance of them being made fun off or discriminated. Occasionally, racial or religious discrimination are also not very motivated. ). It is usually derived from the social and economic gap between one group and others, religious issues and the education provided. I found the nature and motivational sources of prejudice demonstrated very well in the bio-psycho-social model in which its mechanisms are represented in this aspect of social psychology. The consequences of prejudice are serious in the way that it perpetuates the false perception and resists changes, which eventually alter the overall interpretation to the discriminated objects. 3. What short quotes from the text or reading illustrate an important point related to this aspect? “Individual stereotyping in itself carries along judgement passed on an individual” Blacks academy (2005, p.1) “It is understandable that the suppressed people should develop an intense hostility towards a culture whose existence they make possible by their work, but in whose wealth they have too small a share” Freud 1927, cited in Griffin 2011, p.344 4. How is this aspect relevant to my social world? Prejudice and discrimination have occurred in severally in Australia, and although I might not be affected, my friends are. Since I have friends who are Australians but with Arabic origin, this aspect helps me to understand why they were discriminated. It is about my religious beliefs, my disability and even my skin colour, which does not fit into the generalised public presumptions of what ‘normality’ is. Bergin 2002 (cited in Pedersen et. al. 2005, p.170-178) states that, it is even more worrying in some other cases when indigenous Australians are described as pig or exaggerating information. Social Influence 1. Which aspect of the topic has interested me most? Why? The aspect of social influence that interests me most is peer pressure. My interest is neither in cultural influences or the effects of environment on people’s behavior. On the contrary, I am interested in developing an understanding of how people of a particular age group affect each other within the age group. Reason for my interest in the aspect of peer pressure is to improve my understanding in social psychology since the technicality of social psychology revolves around introspection, individualism and most importantly, aspects of influences of individuals’ behaviors. As a student I am also prone to the same and therefore, gaining an understanding of the topic will serve as a control solution for any challenges relating to the same. 2. What are the main ideas, concepts and evidences related to this aspect? The whole aspect of peer pressure exhibits the idea of common age group interrelationships and influences on people’s character. Calv´o-Armengol & Jackson (2008, p. 1) states that, negativity is perceived as the main intergroup dynamic when individuals of the same age group interact within the group and with other groups. When there is no negativity, groups become more positive and existence is more enjoyable due to mutual respect and coherence in the coexistence of different groups. Social groups influence the feelings, thoughts, behaviors and actions of individuals. Concepts of peer pressure include the different types of this aspect describing how an individual is likely to be influenced. A positive peer pressure occurs when what an individual is being forced to do is beneficial of good to that person (Calv´o-Armengol & Jackson, 2008, p. 1). A friend is likely to influence another friend to do something that they do not intend doing. This as a result leads to friendly peer pressure. A concept of bullying arises in case there is a verbal or physical threat involved to coerce an individual to do things that they would rather not do. Teasing peer pressure arises when an individual is made fun of with an attempt to make them do something. I would rather do something that my friends are doing so as to fit in the group and avoid looking different than fail to do it and not fit or being made fun of. I am likely to develop the habit into a character and it becomes my behavior. The change in behavior will be as a result of peer influence (Guzman, 2007). 3. What short quotes from the text or reading illustrates an important point related “Positivity in Peer pressure does not necessarily mean that it is beneficial, neither does negativity mean that the peer pressure is harmful.” Calv´o-Armengol & Jackson, 2008, p. 2 “What is a friend? I will tell you. It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself” Crane, cited in Griffin 2011, p.431 4. How is this aspect relevant to my social world The aspect of peer pressure has a lot of relevance to my social world in terms of my interaction with others and creation of new friendships. Being in a different learning institution from my high school friends makes it all together challenging to coexist alone. This means that it is a great chance of meeting new friends and creating new relationships. Developing close friendships is one of the most vital factors that have contributed to my studying process and perceptions of the society surrounding me. Since creation of these friends involve new friends, understanding peer pressure and especially the different types of peer pressure gives me an upper hand in dealing with influence issues. Conclusion 1. What value has this journal been for my learning of social psychology All topics of the assignment, starting from self-identify, prejudice and discrimination and social influence are related to the subject of social psychology. Aspects of these topics, that is personal fulfillment, cultural prejudice and discrimination and peer pressure also explain the concept of social psychology. The learning journal exercise was not conducted alone but together with in-class undertakings. This is also followed by the tutor’s feedback which provides a chance for improvement of my understanding on the general subject of social psychology other than experiencing personal growth. and my tutor’s feedbacks, there is no doubt that the impact of this journal to my own personal improvements, particularly in the study of social psychology is undeniable. It covers the vital aspects relevant to my study as well as my social relations. 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of my journal The journal is brief and concise to the main points of importance as I tried to summarize the vital aspects of the tasks provided. I tried to get rid of long sentences with no relevance ; instead, I ensured that I went straight and directly to the point to give clear understanding of my achievements and reflections of studying to the readers. However, there also exists some weaknesses in my learning journal such as inadequacy in the social psychology course since the course is broad but I only covered three topics. Inadequate recording was another weakness which happened as a result of failure to link instant thoughts, own experience and class related know-how. 3. Did I get out of this assignment what I hoped for? I have achieved my hope of gaining a better understanding of social psychology and its concepts. My interaction with other people will also be improved because of a change of attitude and the way of my thinking about peer pressure, personal fulfilment and cultural aspects of prejudice and discrimination. List of References Kendrick, M. J. 2009, Personal fulfilment, values and the role of supportive communities, Tash Connections Calv´o-Armengol, A, & Jackson, M.O 2008, Peer Pressure. Journal of the European Economic Association Guzman, M. R.T 2007, Friendships, peer influence and peer pressure during the teen years. University of Nebraska Baumeister, R. F 2010, Advanced social psychology, the state of science. Oxford University press Bergin, J. 2002, Prejudice toward Indigenous Australians: The role of the media, Murdoch University Pedersen, A., Clark, S., Dudgeon, P. and Griffiths, B 2005, ‘Attitudes toward Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers: The role of false beliefs and other social-psychological variables’, Australian Psychologist Fitzgerald, J. J 2008, Doing Good (or Evil) and Personal Fulfillment in the Thought of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II. ProQuest Blacksacademy, 2005, Psychological Theories of Prejudice and Discrimination. Blacksacademy Read More

Kendrick (2009, p.19) states that it is not necessarily that other people will think will be what an individual will view as fulfilling or meaningful. Success and failure are another concept of personal fulfillment. Fulfillment does not also mean that everything works out well or that an individual makes the right choices. Fulfillment and success are different such that, I can be a successful individual but on the other hand be so discontented with my life, even with the success itself because what am doing is not what I love doing but circumstances force me to do.

The same way some individuals have failed in different aspects of their lives but are still better-off than those with conventional lives. Personal fulfillment is more about being true to oneself, your vital purpose in life and potential. Participation is another concept of personal fulfillment that boosts satisfaction among individuals. 3. What short quote from the text or reading illustrates an important point related to this aspect “Participation nurtures fulfillment in an individual in all inter-human relationships while alienation generates an event where people are denied respect in possibility of gaining fulfillment from the community.

However, this is not shocking since it happens when a person bases fulfillment on participation” Wojtyla (cited in Fitzgerald (p. 160) “It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is the happiness of pursuit” Chinese saying 4. How is the aspect relevant to my social world? Personal fulfillment also referred to as the self-actualization has a great relevance in my personal social world. The act that the topic was assigned in the beginning of the semester is important since it gives me a chance to practice personal fulfillment all through the semester in the coming weeks.

Understanding that self-actualization is more than individual happiness necessitates an as-soon-as-possible adjustment from my self-centred behaviours to interact more with my friends at university, friends at work or simply just a social group of friends thorough participation. I also learn that personal fulfilment is a motivating factor and therefore it will influence my choices from circumstance-based decisions to choices that help me realise personal fulfilment. There is an additional aspect of differentiating actualization of community or societal fulfilment from my individual sense of fulfilment.

However, it is also important as it helps appreciate the need to avoid being involved with selfishness. Prejudice and Discrimination 1. Which aspect of the topic has interested me most? Why? There is one aspect of prejudice and discrimination which interests me most and that is the cultural element these two concepts and differences between the two. Prejudice plays a big role in creating disparities based on racial and gender. Prejudice and discrimination involve four different theories raising my concern on the cultural approach.

My reason for being interested in the cultural aspect is because of the rising cultural differences in the multi-cultural society of Australia as I have learnt from class. Understanding these concepts is important so as to differentiate the two concepts and improve my understanding of the effects of the same on people’s interactions as is relevant in social psychology. 2. What are the main ideas, concepts and evidences related to this aspect? The main idea depicted by prejudice and discrimination is their aspect of negativity on the side of human behaviour.

It sometimes just refers to a false statement yet other times could be some matters of actions. Prejudice does not involve judgements that are based on indispensible logic, nor evidence about a group and its members within, which can occur in both conscious and unconscious form (Richeson & Bodenhausen, 2010). The momentum based on perspective of Perceptive of prejudice is claimed to be the problem of classifying people into different groups that magnify the similarities and differences between groups accordingly.

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