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Causes of Auditory Hallucinations - Term Paper Example

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The author of the paper under the title "Causes of Auditory Hallucinations" will begin with the statement that auditory hallucination is one of the psychotic disorders under Schizophrenia, which interferes with the normal operation of the human brain…
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Auditory Hallucinations Name: Institution: Overview of Auditory Hallucinations: Auditory hallucination is one of the psychotic disorders under Schizophrenia, which interferes with the normal operation of the human brain. Hallucination interferes with the normal thinking of human being; therefore, persons with the problem loose their memories, which affect their concentrations process (Water & Aleman, 2012). Through the incidence of the disease, auditory hallucination is associated with other effects to the victims. For instance, people suffering from auditory hallucination are most likely to suffer from other problems such as visual hallucination. Others who involve on using drugs may be affected by tactile hallucinations; therefore, in order to avoid some of the effects of the disease, victims need to avoid such acts like taking of unnecessary drugs. Hence, they will be able to reduce the effect of the disease in them, increases their chances of recovery. Causes of Auditory Hallucinations: There are many causes of auditory hallucinations, which can be either physiological or physical depending on the effect to the victim. One of the causes of hallucination in the body via the brain is neurochemical activities that occur in the brain. This process makes individual to go through a hallucination feeling known as aura before migraine. Another cause of hallucination in the body is the presence of brain diseases that damages the brain by affecting the normal functioning of the organ (Pletson, 2007). Therefore, these diseases cause changes in brain functionality resulting to the production of hallucinations. Although hallucination is common in adults, the disease also affects children in various ways. For instance, one f the common cause of hallucination in children is the presence of fever in their bodies. Therefore, through fever, children have high chances of developing hallucinations; hence, such diseases need to be cured in case signs are realized. Moreover, sensory deprivation is another cause of hallucination in the body. It is caused due to lack of external stimulation in the brain, which triggers perceptions formation in the brain (Wilkison, 2007). Consequently, formation of perceptions in the brain is more common among the deaf and should be treated in order to avoid such hallucinations. Theoretical Model Care on Auditory Hallucinations Victims (Nursing Model): Many victims of auditory hallucinations always go through various challenges in order for them to fit within their surrounding. Because some of the effects of hallucination need attention and care, many people may not be in the position to meet demands for the hallucinations victims (Hales, 2008). Therefore, nurses play an important role in making sure that these victims are treated well for them to feel as part of their surrounding. To achieve this, nurses need to understand hallucination victims by knowing their problems such as communication difficulties, and be able to note their abnormal characters. Nurses need to be patient and show some kindness, and companion in order to respond to the problems appropriately. Therefore, through apply these methods by the nurses; they will be in the position of dealing with the victims accordingly. Therapeutic Relationship Issue of Auditory Hallucinations Victim: In the realization of signs and symptoms on auditory hallucination, it is important for the victim to seek medication from medical practitioners. The process of adhering to medication is challenging as many victims may start the process of medication but fail to go through the period (Panayiotopoulos, 2012). In order for patients to go through medication, they must make sure they engage themselves towards the process because failure to adhere to the process will not cure the disease. Therefore, there must be good relation between the nurses and the victims for the process to be smooth. For instance, medical practitioners should take their time to discuss with the patients in order to understand their opinion on the medication, which will help them to understand their clients to come up with proper measures of providing medication to the victim. In case the victim is not convinced about the process of medication, the therapeutic group should give the victim time to think about the process because choice on medication should be the desire of the victim not the doctor. In case of disagreement, the victim should be given another chance to develop the ability of going through medication. In the agreement of medication between the doctor and the victim, a good environment should be provided for the victim for him or her to have easy time during medication. For instance, family of the victim should be in the position of supporting their child by providing any necessary assistance in relation to the process of medication (Videbeck, 2010). Therefore families of the victims should encourage the victims to continue with medication for them to be cured. They should also create good relationship among the families including the victim to make the victim to feel as part of the family. Moreover, during medication, victims should be given full attention both by the family members and doctors as well (Fatemi & Clayton, 2008). Consequently, doctors need to prove the victims with necessary counselling on the disease and encourage them on the medication for them to feel free from auditory hallucinations. Apart from the normal medication on drugs, victims of auditory hallucinations should involves in various physical activities such as taking a walk around, and playing games such as soccer in order to increase their level of concentration (Brazis et al, 2006). This help in increasing their concentrations, hence, helpful in curing auditory hallucination. Doctors also need to conduct close monitoring of the patients by ensuring that they take their medicine as prescribed (Noll, 2009). This will help them in keeping the track of the medication while notifying various improvements from the medication. In case the patient is not responding well towards medication, it is important for the victim to go through a series of medical check-up for the doctors to identify the problem in order to apply the best method of dealing with the problem. The process of medication in failure of improvement is good because it provide doctors with the opportunity of applying other form of medication. Moreover, it is important because some of the causes of auditory hallucination may be natural, which cannot be cured through such medications, for instance, those who were born deaf. Nursing Strategies on Auditory Hallucinations Victims: In the process of dealing with auditory hallucinations victims, there are various nursing strategies that should be applied for the process of healing and taking of the patients to be achieved. Some of these strategies are supportive of the patients, groups, educational, rehabilitations and involvement of the patients’ families. These strategies are important because they help in enhancing the process of healing among the patience. Via supportive, it is necessary for the patients to be supported in various ways (Roger, 2008). For example, these victims has poor memory therefore, they may forget to take their medicine as prescribed by the doctors, so it is advisable for the care takers to make sure the patients take medicine as demanded. Patients should also supported by providing them with the necessary basic needs such as food, clothes, shelters and healthcare. Moreover, some of these patients are form poor backgrounds and may not afford funds for medication; therefore, it is good for these patients to be generated medication fees from well wishers and other financial institutions in order to get the opportunity to recover from their illness. Although these patients may suffer from auditory hallucinations, they have their rights and freedom of acquiring education just like other people. For victims affect through deaf, they need to be taken to special schools, where they have their way of learning to get knowledge (Balain et al, 2012). So, auditory hallucinations should not be denied the opportunity of education as they can get knowledge and become knowledgeable in their areas of specialization. Another aspect of education to the auditory hallucinations patients is through training them on issues relating to their illness. Some of the patients who have little knowledge on the disease, may end continue using various drug that in the process have negative impacts on them. Therefore, they should be taught on the disease for them to know the implication of such drugs to their situation. Involvement of families the victims in finding solution to auditory hallucinations are of great importance to patients. Through families, these patients can be taken to hospital to seek medical advice because they are the first people to note these signs of the patients. After medical check-up, it through the families that provide funds for the victims to go through medication because they are able to convince the patients (Blom & Sommer, 2011). Moreover, through families, these victims get the opportunity of being taken care of in order to avoid negative impacts such as poor relations within family and community members. Therefore, presence of the families in dealing with auditory hallucinations is important and should be considered for the patient to gain full recovery. Lastly, there is need for the victims to interact among themselves for the process of recovery. This will give them the opportunity to be happy and feel free as they people of the same problem. This can be done by taking them to the same school or allowing them to play together during their leisure time. Evaluation of the Nursing Strategies: By applying the above nursing strategies, it will help in enhancing the recovery of the patients. For instance, by supporting the patents through donations, they will have the opportunity to raise necessary fund for their medication. In case of recovery, these patients will become pillars of the communities in encouraging people to support other victims. Moreover, they will also involve in helping other people who goes through the same process. This is achieved through encouraging other victims to get medication in order to solve their problems (Lutterveld & Sommer, 2012). In addition, through education, these victims will have the opportunity to receive education on their areas of specialization and be come useful people in the society, hence, encourages development in the society. Furthermore, the presence of the families help in providing better surrounding for the patients, therefore, they will be provided with any assistance whenever necessary. These will help the victims to go through the process of medication without any external pressure. Socio-cultural Impacts on Auditory Hallucinations: Auditory hallucination has both positive and negative impacts to the social cultural on the society. For instance, some of the community members welcome the victims because they understand their situations. Therefore, to those members, victims will have the opportunity to have good relations to their surrounding because they will be friendly to them. In most communities, they have come up with various schools for the disables, giving the victims of auditory hallucination the opportunity to attend school in order to receive education (Ford & Hoffman, 2012). Therefore, these people are capable of enjoying right and freedom of receiving education. In the contrary, some communities take auditory hallucinations as a course to the community, making the victims of the disease to be rejected by the communities. Through such implications, it will create conflicts among various families. Therefore, it is advisable for the community to understand auditory hallucinations in order to understand situations of the available victims in the region. Conflicts within Nurses Caring: When dealing with the patients, nurses should understand the patients in order to find ways of dealing with them. In most cases, patients are not doing as per the orders of the nurses, which results to some conflicts between caretakers and the patients. For instance, in the case where patients do not want to take their medication seriously, it provide patients with no opportunity but to force nurses to force patients to take medicine as required (Diederen et al, 2012). On the other hand, some of the patients are seriously affected with the disease; therefore, taking care of these victims may be difficult. In the process, nurses taking care of these victims may give u in taking care of these victims due to their behaviours. When members of the families realize this, it may results to conflicts between the nurses and the members of the victim. Limitations of Auditory Hallucination: There are various limitations of auditory hallucination to both patients and community. For instance, the victims need to go for special education, a different education as compared to other form of education of other people. Therefore, they are able to do some special jobs in the community (Badcock, 2012). This is of negative impacts to the patients because the type of job they are left for are few and of low income. On the other hand, in the presence of many victims in the society, it reduces the development of the community because most of these people have potential but are not able to show their talents because they are disabling. Conclusion: Auditory Hallucination is a dangerous disease and should be taken care of because it can result to negative impact to both the community and patients. In the realization of symptoms of hallucinations, it is important for the victims to be taken for medical examination for the disease to be treated. Moreover, members of the communities should make sure they understand the diseases in order to be able to accept these people in the communities. References: Badcock, J. C. (2012). ‘Cognitive mechanisms of auditory verbal hallucinations in psychotic and non-psychotic groups’. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 36, 1, pp.413 438. Diederen, K. M. J., Daalman, K., Weijer, A. D., Negger, S. F. W. (2012). ‘Auditory Hallucinations Elicit Similar Brain Activation in Psychotic and Nonpsychotic Individuals’. Oxford Journals. 38, 5, pp.1074-1082. Lutterveld, R., Koops, S., Sommer, I. E. C. (2012). ‘The effect of rTMS on auditory Hallucinations: Clues from an EEG-rTMS study’. Schizophrenial Research, 137, 1-3, pp. 174-179. Ford, J. M., Hoffman, R. E. (2012). ‘Functional Brain Imaging of Auditory Hallucinations: From Self-Monitoring Deficits to Co-opted Neural Resources’. THE NEUROSCIENCE OF HALLUCINATIONS, 4, pp.359-373. Balain, V, Radua, J, Liddle, P. L. 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