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The Foreign and Domestic Counterterrorism Policies that the US Have Set in Place Politics Research Paper
10 pages (2660 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Therefore, Americans take into consideration that they are not alone in the fight against the terror menace and confront the related threats for their foreseeable future. In the United States and the world at large, it has become a great concern to continue taking aggressive steps to uncover individuals or groups involved in terrorist activities (National Strategy for Combating Terrorism 5).
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The Predicaments of Current Gulf Cooperation Council Power Relations Politics Research Proposal
8 pages (2149 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The Gulf Cooperation Council as consolidated power originates from the observable fact that GCC countries depend heavily on oil and gas reserves to generate significant financial benefits in all sectors. As such, the current power in terms of the wealth of GCC countries poses a peculiar question to the scholars and organizations interested in the future prospects of GCC.
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Omans Mediation Role in Regional Conflicts - the Iranian Nuclear Deal Politics Research Proposal
8 pages (2581 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The objective of this study is to examine Oman’s mediation role in regional conflicts through the case of the Iranian nuclear deal. The methodology of the study involves the use of content analysis. A critical area of investigation will be to scrutinize the country’s foreign policy and its influence on Oman’s mediatory role in the Iranian nuclear deal.
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Can Australia Become a Food Bowl of Asia Politics Research Proposal
10 pages (2941 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The importance of Australia being a food bowl of Asia should not be understated. However, the major question running in everyone’s mind is the feasibility of this government objective. Comprehending the way in which Australia can end up in this scenario is the most essential part of its implementation.
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Substantial Digital Transition Mechanism at the Department of Health and Ageing Politics Research Paper
11 pages (3078 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The federal and the state government continue to acknowledge that there are substantial benefits both the government and its citizens can gain from these changes, particularly in pursuing a more citizen-oriented approach to service delivery through the integration of interactive processes that ensure information sharing.
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Similarities and Differences between Analysis for Policy and Analysis of Policy Politics Assignment
9 pages (2644 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There are a number of similarities as well as differences between analysis for policy and analysis of policy. One of the similarities is that the two fields of analysis look at the issue of policy, how policies are formulated and their implementation. Another similarity between analysis for policy and analysis of policy is that both involve the processes involved in analyzing policies.
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Sports Policies in Australia Politics Case Study
9 pages (2521 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Policies just like law give the order in the way things are carried out and especially help the stakeholders interrelate without conflicts and also help them have their rights obeyed and followed. A country with good policies is able to develop the sports industry and especially is able to produce high-profile sportsmen and women.
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Did the Arab Spring Achieved Its Objectives Politics Research Proposal
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The case study will enable the researcher to rise above the statistical results of the quantitative research and find out the behavioral conditions through the perspective of the actors. The case study will integrate both qualitative and quantitative data so as to explain the process of the Arab Spring as well as the outcome. 
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Nuclear Proliferation in International Relations Politics Research Paper
8 pages (2404 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Liberalism is guided by hope. They advocate for peaceful relationships between states and view the welfare and security of all people as a compassionate ethical concern (Jones 2012). Realism theories can be used in nuclear proliferation in Iran, North Korea, and other affected countries (Hymans 2006).
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South Australian Governments Child Protection Reform Program Politics Literature review
5 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Bacchi (2009) has remarked that commonplace view to policy analysis needs to be challenged. This is because governments while devising policies, seem to be going by the conventional method of identifying a fixed problem and providing policies in reaction to these problems. Normally these problems do not fall within the purview of the policy process.
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Security in Global Politics Politics Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The world faces insecurity from various challenges of security, including both the traditional and non-traditional challenges, which have and continue to manifest themselves in the global community in a myriad of ways. The purpose of this paper shall be to design research that will tackle the issue of security in contemporary global politics.
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Does Democracy Spur Economic Development Politics Assignment
6 pages (1754 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Democracy is a political system of government where the government is for, by, and of the people. In other words, the masses elect to accord power to individuals that form the government. Although democracy is a founding belief in the globe today, the discrepancies in definition have been key propellants for the evolution of democracies to complex and diverse dimensions.
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Geopolitical: Nursing and Phenomenological Community Politics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Geopolitical communities are formed by either natural or human-made boundaries.” A river, mountain range, or a valley may create natural boundaries.
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Tony Blair's Government Politics Case Study
6 pages (1877 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Undoubtedly, Tony Blair was instrumental in keeping world peace. Clearly, Tony Blair infused money for educating the youth. Conclusively, the people who felt attacking Iraq was Tony Blair's waterloo are wrong. In addition, Tony Blair was very instrumental in converting the British international currency from the London Pound to the European dollar.
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US-Mexico Border: Contemporary Problems Politics Coursework
9 pages (2431 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Existing domestic policies should be evaluated. For instance, there is the focus in the US on its border law enforcement that is proven to be not that effective. The border problem has plagued the border zone for several decades already. Policymakers should know by now that there must be some mistakes in the existing policies.
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Security in the 21st Century: Globalisation, Regionalisation and Individualisation of Security Politics Article
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 1 , Article
In its widest and scholarly term, security is defined in the modern world by Buzan and Weaver as being a special kind of politics in which particular developments are threats constructed socially as they have an existential characteristic of covering values as well as the property of human groups whereby they call for urgent measures.
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ISIS as a Terrorist Organisation Politics Term Paper
11 pages (3013 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It has gained publicity in the last five years. In this paper, I have presented some of the characteristics of ISIS which draws it apart from other terrorist organizations. For instance, its use of technology to spread propaganda, its use of women as a propaganda tool, the strong stance against allowing journalists into its territories among others.
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Advantages And Disadvantages The Federal And Unitary Government Politics Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The authority of the national government is to be exercised over the entire territory of a country.
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The Informal Sector in Latin America Politics Term Paper
11 pages (3091 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
While it could be argued that this is the reason for the economic problems in Latin America, since China’s economy has improved considerably since the informal sector began to shrink, a more valid argument is that the informal sector is still flourishing in Latin America because of other economic factors. The informal sector is defined as “all income-earning activities that are not regulated by the state in social environments where similar activities are regulated“. 
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To What Extent Do Markets Pose a Threat to Democracy Politics Term Paper
11 pages (3033 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Capitalist enterprises are driven by the laws οf the competitive market to maximize profit while leaving the social and environmental ravages οf market economics to the state. It is a government that is left with the task οf regulating or coping with environmental destruction, corporate monopolies, consumer exploitation, deserted cities, unemployment, cycles οf inflation and recession, speculation, corporate debt, and maldistributed wealth. 
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United States Strategy in Iraq Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3312 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The US strategy in Iraq has been the subject of much debate. From its own citizens to the international community, there have been questions concerning the validity of the actions performed by the US in the name of its own security. With so many questions, it is the duty of the government to answer any and all of these concerns, which in the opinion of many has not been satisfactorily done.
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Role of the Party in the British Political System Politics Coursework
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The organization of political parties is unique to the particular party, where some of them are being managed by a small elite group while in others the management is shared among various party departments and spread out components. The political party system is a fundamental component in the functioning of the British constitution. The contemporary political system in Britain is principally reliant on the parties. 
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Legality of Iraq Invasion Politics Coursework
6 pages (1980 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In spite of the views of various spectators, justification of the US-Iraq war in the light of international law must meet at least one of these minimum requirements. Since the UN Security Council did not explicitly justify the war through its numerous resolutions concerning Iraq, one of the two conditions is ultimately disqualified.  
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The Role of Independent Power Plants Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3229 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Actually Bangladesh has enormous reserves for gas and oil. According to the United States Geological survey the potential of gas reserves in Bangladesh is of about 33.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF), while according to the survey of the National Energy Policy of Bangladesh the country’s total coal potential is about 2527 million tones.
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Islamic Studies and Political Politics Thesis
27 pages (7152 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
The research will include several chapters: introduction, literature review, aims and methodology, results, discussion, limitations, and future recommendations, and conclusion. The researcher expects that the proposed research will become the first step in a more profound analysis of takfir in Saudi Arabia. 
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Irish Republicanism Politics Assignment
12 pages (3223 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that it was different from Irish nationalism which advocated a nonviolent approach towards independence. The ideology grew in the late eighteenth century as a response to British rule and an end to discrimination against Catholics. The Irish rebellion of 1798 saw the rise of Irish republicanism.
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The History of the Relationship between China and Canada Politics Case Study
6 pages (1632 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The manufacturing industry in China currently produces high-end technology through low-wage labour. According to Evans, “in the course of a generation, it has emerged as the shop floor of the world by crafting a production system that fuses high-end technology with low-wage, labour-intensive activity, cutthroat domestic competition. 
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The European Unions Neighborhood Policy Politics Case Study
12 pages (3325 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Generally, the European Union’s engagement with its immediate neighborhood over the past decade can justifiably be considered a highly distinctive and dynamic feature of Europe’s foreign and security policy. This also most clearly differentiates EU foreign and security policy from the Cold War period.
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Power in Domestic and International Politics Politics Term Paper
9 pages (2415 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The more power a particular state wields, the more likely it is of achieving its goals, the primary goal being that of basic survival. This arrangement of the international system cannot change unless the very nature of the system ceases to be anarchic. Despite the recent emergence of transnational organizations and such, the international system continues to be anarchic and there is a very little movement against state autonomy.
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The United Nations and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Limiting Production and Trade Politics Coursework
12 pages (3518 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The United Nations (UN), long crippled by the superpower divide of the Cold War, finally began to find its feet in international politics, a fact reflected by the number of peacekeeping operations it involved itself in. Of the 63 UN peacekeeping operations till date, more than two-thirds were initiated since 1991 (UN Peacekeeping 2008).
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Federalism and Same Sex Marriage: The Role of the Federal Government Politics Article
6 pages (1787 words) , Download 1 , Article
The legality of same-sex marriage is a complicated issue. With states divided internally and externally on the issue, it is clear that the United States is not ready to reach a consensus. Despite the fact that the United States Constitution does not try to define marriage in any way, states are now trying to do so with increasing regularity.
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The UK Government: From a System of Government to Governance Politics Coursework
6 pages (1743 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Any attempt to determine the extent of the shift of the UK government from centralization (government) to decentralization (governance) will consistently encourage the chance of appearing biased. The governance description opposes a perspective of the British government that views Britain as a unified state with a core executive.
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Canadas Involvement in Defeating the Apartheid System Politics Coursework
6 pages (1844 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It became more apparent when the South African government implemented the apartheid system. The series of events demonstrating the evil effects of the brutal policy had caught the attention of powerful and rich countries like the United States and Canada. 
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How Successful is America's Policy in Promoting Democracy since World War II Politics Coursework
11 pages (3201 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Considering that the World Bank and the IMF are serious about implementing the qualification standards when regards to the decision-making power over the international policies, there is a greater chance that the United States will lose its political power to govern the Asia-pacific part of the world.
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Critics of South East Asias Political and Economic Systems Politics Coursework
10 pages (2811 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Southeast Asian countries have been the object of economic discussions over the past decade. This began in the nineties where experts called these countries ‘economic miracles’. However, in the late nineties, these countries begun underperforming after the vulnerabilities of their economical and political reforms were exposed.
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Some Issues in International Relations Politics Assignment
7 pages (2208 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was conceived and inaugurated on the 14th of December 1950, through a consensus in the UN General Assembly.  Its core responsibilities include “leading and coordinating international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide and to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees”.
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US Foreign Policy in Asia Politics Case Study
10 pages (2644 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author states that first and foremost it is important to remember that state interest or state preference operates in an anarchic environment. The international system is inherently unstable and is aptly characterized by widespread anarchy. Due to the absence of a supra-state authority, states are placed in inevitable and perpetual competition.
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Indigenous Australian Politics and Activism Politics Essay
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Due to the continued opposition of the Aboriginal Community to the manner in which they were governed, the Aboriginal Land Rights Act of 1976 was passed. In 1986, the traditional claim to the traditional land by the Gurindji people was fully recognized and a freehold title based on the Aboriginal Land Rights Act of 1976 (Rowse, 2012). 
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Factors That Constrain Women from Participating in Political Arena Politics Essay
8 pages (2702 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In both countries, women are burdened by a top-heavy portion of domestic cores. They have very limited time available due to their twofold responsibilities in reproductive and productive fields. With their major function as wives and mothers together with challenging domestic cores along with care tasks, they have little time left for politics. 
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What Was the Polis and Why Was It So Significant to Greek Life Politics Essay
8 pages (2034 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The policies were the central institution of Greek life. A literal translation of the term poleis is city-state; however, the Greek polis was more like a town or village. It was a small territorial unit, comprised of one or more urban centers and agricultural land, which was self-governing and politically independent.
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The Ideology of Neo-Conservatism Politics Research Paper
11 pages (3336 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Neo-conservatism began as a hawkish yet compassionate branch of the left-wing. Over time, those of a liberal ideology abandoned the neo-cons to the far-right-wing which has a narrow and rigid view of the government’s role in foreign and domestic affairs. Neo-cons are in favor of forcefully imposing the will of the U.S. onto other countries and, in essence, ignoring domestic issues.
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How Has Immigration Transformed Britain in the Last Fifty Years Politics Coursework
10 pages (2788 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
White British children are now a minority in almost a fifth of education authorities in England, being outnumbered at primary and secondary schools in 29 of the 150 local education authority areas. Across the country, pupils from ethnic minorities account for almost 22 percent of those at primary school compared to 20.6 percent last year. 
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The Chinese Intelligence Service Politics Assignment
7 pages (2023 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Interventionist and protectionist policies on the part of the Chinese government-run the risk of sparking an international trade war. One of the gravest threats to the economic stability of the world is China's unfair manipulation of the exchange rate. This has resulted in explosive deficits that threaten the US dollar and our future prosperity.
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Conditions that Contribute to Successful Peacekeeping Operations Politics Article
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Article
Most of the peacekeeping operations in the recent past have been very successful with almost 90% of them achieving their objective. However, it is very difficult to avoid completely the humanitarian effect of war whether the aim of war is to enhance peace or otherwise. Due to this, it is better to avoid war as much as possible.  
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Role of Military and Civil Agencies in Post War Reconstruction Politics Research Proposal
12 pages (3639 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
My research will employ both secondary or desk research methods as well as empirical research methods. My secondary research will be conducted using an exhaustive review of literature pertaining to the role played by the military, and the US military in particular in post-war reconstructions across the globe. 
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Oil and Gas and American Foreign Policy Politics Case Study
8 pages (2340 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper states that competition between the US and the Soviet Union provoked interest in oil reserves in overseas fields. The US feared that it was going to be outflanked by other nations in the international arena as major companies from other powerful nations extended their global reach for oil resources.
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Violence and Radical Political Transformation Politics Research Paper
7 pages (2138 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Violence is the intentional use of physical force to either threaten an act against oneself, another individual, a group or an entire community. The results of violent actions are more likely to be physical harm or injury, death, maldevelopment and sometimes deprivation.
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Millennium Development Goals Politics Coursework
6 pages (1802 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The world leaders signed a commitment to eradicate and fight poverty, deal with hunger, find ways to eliminate illiteracy, ensure environmental conservation (fight degradation of the environment), and do away with the discrimination against women. The summit set a target for each of the MDGs by 2015.
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Women Leaders Politics Term Paper
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Over the years, women have always occupied leadership positions, and some of them have been successful, and some have not. Examples of successful female leaders are, Catherine the Great, a Russian Monarch, and Queen Elizabeth, an English Monarch.
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The War in Iraq Was Wrong on Many Fronts Politics Case Study
7 pages (2131 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Iraq is in political and sectarian turmoil. U.S. troops are bogged down in a bloody quagmire facing death, horrific bodily destruction and life-long mental issues. However, their sacrifice will not be in vain if they are allowed to accomplish the mission. To engage this war was wrong but with great patience and further sacrifice, the end-result could be viewed by future generations.
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