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, Literature review
As highlighted by Fenna (2012), federalism is basically a system whereby a written constitution shares power between a country’s central government and its sub-divisional/regional governments, with all of them acting directly on the citizens not only through the officials but also through their laws.
8 pages (2267 words)
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, Book Report/Review
John Kingdon’s streams model tends to embrace the relative significance of individual ideas, agents, institutions, as well as external processes. The policy streams approach of John Kingdon presumes continual change of policy. All the elements that are relevant to the process of policymaking shift and change, and eventually policy outcomes take place from the continual interplay.
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Constructivism, realism, and critical theory have been used widely within International relations to interpreting the security status in the world system. Balance of power has been used to explain the competing interests among states and how consensus is reached between alliances to avoid war. Constructivism recognizes the sovereignty of states and the need to achieve national interests.
As the paper outlines, Freeden can understand the concept of political theory as being an inclusive concept of promoting nationalism, this is made of several assumptions and standards which allows for the term political theory to be given meaning on the fact that the theory should be examined (Freeden, 2005).
9 pages (2895 words)
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, Research Paper
Honolulu in the island paradise of Hawaii offered both a haven and a sanctuary for the typical happy family that Stanley Ann Dunham, a White American and the elder Barack Obama from Africa, with their son Barrack Hussein Obama, Jr., endeavoured to build from love, hard work and trust. The bond was, however, short-lived.
The current research does not just look at UN roles in security and peace-keeping, but also considers the history of the organization, its stance on social issues and progress for women and children, and the potential need for sovereign authority of the United Nations, taking into account the full range of the organization’s activities.
8 pages (2068 words)
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, Book Report/Review
These are backed by the critical infrastructure; that includes all the assets whether physical or virtual which are extremely significant to the running of a society. An adverse effect on these would have a direct effect on the security, economy, politics, and social atmosphere of the nation. These include agriculture, transportation, telecommunication, finance, banks, emergency and health services, etc. in an economy.
9 pages (2579 words)
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, Literature review
Which countries are “net lenders” to the rest of the world? Cuadra, L. (2011) listed Japan as the top Net International creditor with over $3 Trillion followed by the Republic of China with $ 1.79 Trillion. Russia ranked # 13 with $ 15.684 billion. Both democratic countries, the UK and the USA are net borrowers of the international community.
A failed state is characterized by the following attributes. First, it has lost control over its physical territory or lost the monopoly to use its physical force legitimately. Second, it is a state whose legitimate authority to make decisions, which are collective, has been eroded. Third, it is unable to provide reasonable public services (Tan, 2009).
Hugh Seton-Watson (cited in Gellner 2006) says that nationalism is the application of the principle of popular sovereignty to the nation. It is apparent that defining nationalism is incomplete without a first understanding of what a nation is. The origin of the term nation indicates the application and use of the word nationalism.
The emergence of globalization in the 20th century has affected the world political and social phenomenon, and the effects of these changes can be observed in all spheres of life be it social, economic, cultural, or political. The media has today emerged as a strong tool in the hands of those who are in power as a mode through which they can reach out to the masses.
Consequently, the close connection between economics and international issues shaped Clinton's foreign policy. The American foreign policy under President Bill Clinton emphasized international trade and commerce. This argument reflects the position that international economic security is one of the most important issues that influence domestic economic growth and stability.
In a realist situation, politicians believe in-laws of politics objectivity just like the way a society is governed by objective laws having human nature as their roots. Realism also believes in the possibility of a rational theory being developed and reflecting on one side that is imperfect on the societal laws of objectivity.
Coca-Cola is an international firm that is found in almost every part of the world. The company has been one of the most successful in expanding from local, to national and finally to international products. This has come as a surprise considering that the firm produces and markets beverages, which are not necessarily basic needs and is basically in the entertainment or recreational sector.
Currently, the European Union is home to 27 member states with its headquarters primarily in Europe. The etiology of the European Union is traced back to 1945 after the culmination of the deadliest Second World War. It was formed primarily to shun the occurrence of such wars in the future that had led to the loss of innocent lives through military and civil warfare.
10 pages (2817 words)
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, Literature review
Over years the political arena especially in the United States has been considered to be a male-dominated arena. Although, in the last fifty years or so women have run for political offices in large numbers but it is quite evident that they have not achieved the same parity as men. The mean percentage of women represented in political offices is 15% which is very low compared to men.
Most of the urban jurisdictions in Australia impose policies for the regulation of population growth and the utilization of the land in urban areas. The concept of modern planning came as a result of the social conditions during the 19th century. Poor planning, unequal wealth distribution, and high costs of land resulted in a concentration of population in the urban areas.
A debate that is very politicized on the contradiction found between the Asia values and Human rights are prevailed, engaging third-party states, United Nations human rights bodies, as well as domestic and international groups of human rights. The 1928 Human Rights Universal Declaration gave inspiration to a generation that was in shock from the occurrences of the first half of the 20th century.
Hobbes’ idea that only an absolute government can protect individual liberty can be stated as factual and practical based on the fact that an absolute government defends individual liberty by protecting the subjects against foreign invasion and injuries from one another, in so doing, securing them in their own preferred way.
The U.S. envisions a peaceful Syria led by rebel forces that are working to oust Assad while Russia, China, Iran, and other allies of Assad have come out to defend him against such a move. A number of forums have been organized by both the U.S. and Russia in a bid to facilitate dialogue but they have been largely unsuccessful.
Policy decisions by the government always involve an aspect of risk according to the perceptions of different stakeholders who are affected. Risk management has to be considered during the formulation of any important policies by the government. Risk has been defined as the probability of occurrence entails both gains and losses hence creating some level of uncertainty.
6 pages (1994 words)
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, Literature review
Additionally, the influence of indirect coercive transfers plays a role. For instance, less dominant or influential countries within a region may be compelled to rely on their more dominant and influential neighbors, since they are aware that substance divergence from a particular policy may inflict unfavorable implications.
Direct democracy is opposed to the representative type of democracy where the people elect representatives to decide policies on their behalf. Depending on a number of factors, the system of direct democracy might entail the use of sortition, the passage of executive decisions, making of laws, direct election of officials, and the conduction of trials.
Genocide, though wrong from a humanistic view, is an indirect result of human civilization where different groups of people are forced to live together without giving due credence to their inherent differences and their subsequent inability to cohabit peacefully without warring (Alvarez, 2001, p16). Common sense and learned opinion seek to paint genocide as an anti-thesis of modern civilization.
After the World Wars, the U.S. and the USSR were engaged in an arms race, which led to a buildup of nuclear weapons. None of the two countries was interested in having a nuclear war but they continued to build their nuclear weapons to counteract each other. Both sides were also unsure of how the other country would react in case the other started a nuclear showdown.
A move by the Poroshenko regime in Ukraine to sign agreements with NATO and the EU is likely to lead to the anchorage of Ukraine in the political system embraced by trans-European countries. Such a move is also likely to make Ukraine more secure because, if it becomes a member of NATO, it will be protected from unprecedented actions by Moscow.
It is evidently clear from the discussion that at the beginning of the twentieth century, Korea was in the wake of westernization while Japan was on the verge of military success as they defeated the Chinese in the Sino-Japanese of 1894-95 and the Russo-Japanese war of 1905, this made them a force to reckon in the east.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Literature review
The release of the investigation report on North Korea's human rights crimes was a result of the United Nations-backed by major States like the U.S, the UK, Japan, and South Korea's attention to the urgent dangers of atrocities (Hong 2014). There are different perspectives or international relation theories that can help look at 2014 North Korea's human rights issues.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Literature review
At the same time, we should keep in mind that various actors both at national, regional, and international levels identify and direct ideas hence facilitating solutions to our global crisis such as inequality and development challenges (Oestreich, 2012, p. 46). The paper will look at the impacts of international, state, and transnational actors on both inequity and development across the globe.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Totalitarianism can be defined as the state of economic, political, and social activities of a nation by the national government. It is the state whereby the state has utmost and total authority over the society and it seeks to take full control of all the aspects of the lives of the citizens be they publicly or privately.
17 pages (4250 words)
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, Research Proposal
The researcher conducted quantitative research of existing literature related to many aspects of the civil service organization/union. Firstly, the researcher conducted a review of actual standards through publications of the Public Service Union, and German Civil Servants' Union (DBB). The researcher then considered the organizational structure of these associations, taking into account the principle-agent theory.
Political participation usually describes the level of social involvement of citizens in the political life of their country. This concept doesn’t only refer to participation in voting or having membership of a certain political party. It should be considered in a broader context. Thus, for example, participation and activities in sports or female organizations should be also considered as political participation.
The author states that Thomas grew up as a very thrifty and hardworking individual. From a family of farmers, Thomas never had a hard time in cultivating the farm left by his father. He was very fond of trying new techniques that would help to improve agriculture, which was applied not only in his land but also to others.
Coming back to Obama’s performance in reforming healthcare, there are both achievements and failures. Even after reforms to the healthcare system the distribution of health insurance still remains unequal in the country. The medical system reform was a key campaign platform from which Obama contested.
A democracy, essentially, is a political system which stands on the ground that all the members of the society share an equal amount of power and no person rules above the other; if that happens, then there is always a system of checks and balances in order to ensure that no aspect of the government is exercising any more power than it should.
The first goal and objective of certain quarters of terror are to highlight their plight about the need for separation (Crenshaw, 1986, p. 391). These usually composed of groups of people who want to separate from existing entities through independence, political autonomy, or religious freedom or domination.
According to the founding fathers of implementation Pressman and Wildavsky (1984) public policy implementation is a process of interaction between the establishment of goals and the action that is geared towards achieving the set goals. Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) gave the definition of policy implementation on grounds that policy is usually laid down in official documents.
The electoral system of proportional representation is widely used because it ensures that virtually all constituencies within the country access to the hearing in the national as well as provisional legislatures. In countries that pride themselves as being democratic, it means that the average voter could not be represented through the candidate the voter specifically wanted.
Political representation comes about when political actors speak, support, represent and act on behalf of people in the political field. Simply put, political representation is a form of political aid. Rehfeld's, 2005 theory of representation argues that political representation is just having a relevant audience accepting a person as their representative in the political sphere.
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that hegemony refers to indirect governance by imperial means or dominance, by which a hegemon or the leading power rules geopolitically, subordinate states through the threat of force, implied means of force, rather than imposing direct military force (Clark 2009; Donnelly 2008; Wohlforth 2008).
Terrorism comes out as one of the most effective mechanisms of provoking fear and anxiety among diverse societies and states. In most cases, individuals tend to support counterterrorism policies because of the social, economic, and political implications of terrorist acts, thus making it a common issue in the global contexts.
Politics refers to the competition of ideas and methods surrounding the process of decision-making within any organizational structure (Titong, 2014). Although the term can be applied correctly to situations, such as the politics of social groups or office politics, it generally denotes legislation and decision-making at the governmental level.
Liberal democracy, according to Barber (2003), is one of the most studied political systems in modern West history. Being the form of democracy that is most dominant, it guided and informed many of the most enduring and successful governments the globe has ever known. Liberal democracy is a powerful model especially in the world of the West (Barber, 2003).
A number of scholars have tried to define power and the feature of power that dominates is the ability of its holder to influence the lives of other individuals. The commonly used definition is derived from the works of Max Weber. Weber defines power as the ability of an individual to have control over others, resources, or events.
The process of developing and implementing public policy has been perceived as an essential process in deciding the procedure through which a government will ensure that its resources are allocated in accordance with the demands of the law. This leads to the question concerning the relevance of a policy cycle in any public institution.
The democratic process of each and every country largely depends on media transparency. Society largely depends on the media to get information during and after political elections. It is through the Media’s responsibility of ensuring transparency that is termed ‘watchdog’ responsibility (Chappell, 2008).
Power is an essential component in any jurisdiction. This is because individuals in possession of instruments of power have the ability to manipulate different aspects that define their ability to ensure some level of influence on their subjects. In any jurisdiction, power has been used as a determinant of the techniques through which essential resources in the society can be distributed.
Dodson was at the time of his 1996 speech the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. He described how, from the time of colonization onwards, policy towards Aboriginals was dominated by attempts to eliminate differences, and that this has included suppressing the voices of those people.
In summary, public policy making is an important process that ought to be adopted by government agencies to control their operations both locally and internationally. It enables the government to plan its resources more effectively, to control economic trade, to control foreign matters as well as controlling its own operations within the country.
Most economists argue that with the no income tax move, the state will lure more growth opportunities and thus development. There will be a better chance to create jobs as well as making the job environment within the state favorable. The move will then enhance the retention of the young and vibrant workforce that is educated and productive from crossing into other states.