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American-Turkey Relations and Protection of US Interests - Thesis Proposal Example

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The paper "American-Turkey Relations and Protection of US Interests" establishes how sound Turkey-US ties can foster advancement and protection of US interests in the Middle East; this comes in the face of serious doubts on Turkish allegiance to the US…
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American-Turkey Relations and Protection of US Interests
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The US-Turkey relations will foster Advancement and Protection of U.S Interests in the Middle East Abstract The Turkey-US ties have deteriorated adversely in the recent times, as a result of several diplomatic constrains and difficulties; these have put Turkey’s allegiance to the US in constant doubt. Turkey-US diplomatic ties started experiencing a downturn in the wake of the Cyprus crisis, and the later Turkish attack on Cyprus; because of these developments, Turkey was forced to seek wider security ties, and she was subjected to an arms embargo by the US congress respectively. The Cuban missile incidence further raised concerns over the US’s commitment to secure Turkey from its enemies, and consequently, the diplomatic ties between the two nations worsened. In the recent times, the decline in Turkey’s dependence on the US has seen Turkey realign herself as a powerful regional player in the Middle East, with interests to protect and a new role to play in the region. Turkey is less likely to side with the US on a number of issues than it were in the wake of the cold war and the Soviet threat, especially when its interests are in jeopardy due to conflicts of policy. However, this does not override the fact that there can be mutual benefit between the two nations as a result of a renewal of diplomatic ties; both nations need to seek new partnerships that will grant them a joint purpose of course in the Middle East (Larrabee 1-2). The US has always supported Turkey in the past since the onset of the Soviet threat, and the two nations have always carried joint security strategies; these partnerships have helped to advance US interests in the Middle East further. On the other side, Turkey, while her allegiance has been questionable in the recent past, still sides with the U.S., and will support a new order in the Middle East where democracy will eventually pervade the dictatorial states. Introduction The purpose of this study is to establish how sound Turkey-US ties can foster advancement and protection of US interests in the Middle East; this comes in the face of serious doubts on Turkish allegiance to the US. Even though the US-Turkish relationship has been deteriorating in the recent past, it is also clear that Turkey has always been a friend of the US since time immemorial. The strong diplomatic ties between the US and Turkey can be traced back at the end of World War II. The US-Turkey relationship at the onset of the cold war emanated out of their common interests in keeping the Soviet Union in check, from expanding further. In the year 1947, Turkey became a beneficiary of a special economic and military package from the US, which was meant to protect her against threats from the Soviet Union. In return, Turkey became a democracy and supported the US’s cold war agenda by joining NATO and contributing human resources to reinforce the UN forces in the Korean War; Turkey also co-founded the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and assented to the Eisenhower Doctrine of 1957. The Turkey-US relationship also fostered Turkey’s relationship with US allies in the Middle East such as Israel, Iran and Jordan; moreover, these countries jointly collaborated to include all the other countries that were allied to the Soviet Union such as Egypt, Iraq and Syria. In addition, Turkey contributed to the Cold War, especially on NATO’s Southeastern flank, and since the cold war, the gulf war up to the recent Iraq war; the US has maintained its businesses at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. The US-Turkey relations have been progressively deteriorating since the Cyprus crisis that impelled Turkey to seek alternative security ties, and the later Turkish attack on Cyprus that prompted the US to impose an arms embargo on Turkey (Larrabee 1-2). In the recent past, the US attack on Iraq coupled with the sour diplomatic relations between Turkey and the US allies such as Iran and Israel has further aggravated the diplomatic drift in the US-Turkey relationship. Without the Soviet Union threat in the contemporary context, the US-Turkey joint security strategy is no longer a common unifying goal for the two nations because Turkey’s dependence on the US has considerably been reduced (Larrabee 1-2). Additionally, Turkey’s growth has led to an inevitable expansion in its stakes and interests, thus giving her a new role to play in the region, and as a result, Turkey’s allegiance to the US has been in constant doubt, especially due to the foreseeable conflict of interests between the two nations. Turkey’s civilian autonomy and assertiveness has been felt strongly in the recent activism in her foreign policy; this activism begun with Turkeys objection to host US troops in the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. This was followed by Turkey’s refusal to assent to Iran sanctions despite that Russia, and China had already agreed to vote in favor of the sanctions. However, Turkey-US relations are still significant given that both nations still face common threats in the Middle East such as the challenges of power transitions, bloodshed in Syria and a potentially nuclear-armed Iran. Both nations have recently acknowledged the need for diplomatic ties, especially in view of the increasing turmoil in the Arab world since early 2011; Turkey has also gained an understanding of the US’s concerns over the emerging Iranian threat. The two governments need for joint efforts to address the challenges in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq is expressed in terms of “...securing both nations’ economic, strategic and security interests (“Turkish-US relations reconsidered”).” In this respect, it becomes imperative that the US-Turkey relationship should be reconsidered; a bilateral relationship between the two nations has the potential “to grow and mature into a mutually beneficial partnership that can manage a complex set of security, economic, humanitarian, and environmental problems” (Albright and Hadley). Problem Statement The US-Turkey relations have been constrained due to myriad challenges that have undermined unity of the two governments. However, the prospects for economic, strategic and diplomatic ties between the two governments are high, especially concerning common benefits that are bound to accrue to both governments. The US must support Turkey’s pursuits in the Middle East, as this will foster advancement and protection of the US’s interests in the region. Research Objectives This study will strive to demonstrate how resuscitation of the US-Turkey relationship can result to mutual benefits for both nations, especially in the Middle East. The paper will specifically focus on how the US-Turkey friendly ties can bolster US foreign policy strategies, especially with respect to promoting and protecting US interests in the Middle East. The study will highlight possible areas of interest for both nations, where joint intervention of the two nations can foster the growth of stable future relationships. Benefits of the Study This study is beneficial because it is going to yield a lot of valuable information concerning how the US can benefit from her ties with Turkey. This information will greatly contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning this subject as exemplified in through mutual economic, diplomatic and strategic benefits. Literature Review Many studies have established that the relations between Turkey and the US have been deteriorating given the myriad difficulties and constrained realities bedeviling the two nations today. Gradual changes in global challenges to the US and Turkey’s great internal transformation have both instigated a gradual evolution in the US’s relations with Turkey. Turkey has lately emerged to be an active influential participant in the Muslim world affairs, thereby raising eyebrows over its allegiance to the west. Most importantly, existing literature has not out rightly declared Turkey’s resolve to withdraw its allegiance to the west, even in the face of her increasing courtship of the Arab world that has been a traditional foe to the west. Even so, Turkey has not neglected her former ties and economic treaties with the west in the NATO and EU, and still, its geopolitical importance to the US is unquestionable. This in effect, points out that there is still hope for the establishment of working diplomatic ties of mutual benefit between the two nations, though; such relationships will have to be based on different terms, of mutual respect for each other’s interests, trust and discretion, and close consultation on critical issues. It has also been established that the two nations should be honest with each other by stating their foreign policies; they should also work at appreciating and resolving differences between Washington and Ankara where possible. It is emerging that the US stands to benefit from strengthened ties with Turkey, as this will promote its interests in the Middle East. The former US-Turkish relations have undoubtedly been of mutual benefit for the two nations and, regardless of the shift in national interests that have undermined the former relations, there is a great potential in the renewal of these ties. Both sides need to identify new areas of common interest, which can act as reasons for unifying partnerships in the recent times. Possible areas where the two governments can jointly work together include but are not limited to security and military collaboration, NATO, the EU and energy challenges. The two governments can also jointly work to address issues allied to the Muslim world especially with respect to countries such as Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Afghanistan. The US has in the recent past, through the Obama’s administration, tried to initiate working ties between the two governments, even though the both the US and Turkey strike as unlikely bed partners. The two governments have jointly worked to contain the Arab insurgence, especially by controlling and managing the tumult instigated by civil unrest in Syria, Libya, Egypt and Iran (Ignatius). However, Turkey is keen not to destroy her mutual ties with the Arab world, by adopting an Islamist foreign policy that aims to protect Turkish interests in the Arab world backed by a pro-American military. Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, has been associated with what has come to be described as the “Turkish model”, which has earned him favor in the Muslim world. The US has been impressed by Turkish support of western ideals such as democracy and liberty while still committing to Islamic values. The declining US’s influence in the Middle East has a better chance of improvement in the Turkey-US ties given Turkey’s strategic position in the region. The US can take advantage of her relations with Turkey to push its foreign agenda in the Middle East using Turkey as a gateway to the Arab world. For instance, the two governments have jointly cooperated in the establishment of an Iraqi government that is now headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. This is in solidarity with the US ideals of democracy, human rights, regional security and liberty, in the creation of a free world (“US Relations with Turkey”). The two governments have also jointly contained terrorist groups in the Middle East such as the Kurdish PKK and, in addition, other partnerships have been established in the wake of the Arab insurgence and on Afghanistan (Ignatius). The two nations have greatly collaborated to bolster each other’s security and defense both bilaterally and through NATO’s defense strategies. The Arab world Middle East is perhaps the USs worst threat today; the US’s continued ties with Turkey is her only hope of survival and continued influence in the Middle East. The US and NATO must rely on Turkey for the stationing and carrying of weapons, loads, and workers (Zanoti 34). Turkey has recently portrayed its commitment to continue its ties with the US; this is by agreeing to host the US early warning radar as part of NATO’s missile defense strategy. In this regard, the relations between Turkey and the US are undoubtedly significant as they foster security and defense to the US and NATO. However, the Gaza flotilla episode has been a potential threat to the US-Turkey ties (Jones), especially in the wake of Washington’s defense of Israel’s military activities in the region. Turkey has accused the US and the rest of the EU for failing to keep Israel in check, and described Israel’s activities as terrorist activities (Kohen). The varied opinions of both governments concerning the Gaza incident have been downplayed by their joint involvement with Syria. Both governments have recently been united over their common strategies to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power in Syria, and these include economic sanctions, support for the Syrian opposition efforts, asylum provisions especially along the Turkish border and humanitarian aid for Syrian insurgents. Study Design The study will take the structure of a qualitative research, and thereafter, a rigorous analysis of the data collected henceforth through data analysis techniques will follow. The feasibility of the US-Turkey relations can be tested from developments in their joint efforts at dealing with the emerging challenges in Syria, Iraq and Iran, and a host of other issues bedeviling the Muslim world. Data Collection and Analysis This study will hugely rely on a thorough exploration of relevant information sources through library research. The study will use both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques, to arrive at the established conclusions. Discussion and Conclusion The US-Turkey relation has the potential of promoting the US’s interests in the Middle East, especially given Turkey’s strategic geopolitical location in the Middle East. The gradual increase in Turkey’s political and economic influence in the Middle East makes it a significant US ally as it facilitates the US’s access and influence in the Middle East (Zanotti 1). The US is highly indebted to Turkey today, especially with the increasing pervasiveness in anti-America attitudes, in the Muslim dominated, Arab world. In this regard, Turkey’s close relation with the Arab world provides the best strategy for the advancement and protection of the US’s foreign policies in the Middle East. The US-Turkey military relations have transcended historical eras, and they continue to exist even in the wake of divergent national interests between the two governments. Their joint security strategies both bilaterally and through NATO have bolstered security in both nations; especially from the inevitable terrorism, attacks allied to the Arab world and global terror groups (“US Relations with Turkey”). The unstable government systems in the Middle East and the civilian unrest that have destabilized the region also act as deterrents to the pursuit of the US’s interests in the region. The US-Turkey relations have helped to contain the perennial insurgence in the region, and fostered peaceful power transitions. Despite recent attempts at strengthening the economic, military and diplomatic ties between the US and Turkey, there are myriad constrains that limit the stability of these relations (McCain). Both nations have greatly altered their interests and foreign policy strategies, in pursuit of their varied national interests. Turkey has undergone rapid internal changes, and reoriented herself to play a newer role in her new and influential position, in the Middle East. The Turkish administration has intensified its relations with the Arab world, thus raising concerns over its allegiance to the west and NATO. However, Turkey has also been keen on maintaining its traditional ties with the west by maintaining its membership in NATO, and candidature for inclusion into the EU. In this regard, the US-Turkey relations will ever be varied depending on individual nation’s interests. The US-Turkey relations have evolved differently, and as such, a new approach to economic, military and diplomatic ties between the two governments should be founded. The initial joint security strategies against the Soviet threat, which acted as a common unifying purpose for the two nations, are no longer worthwhile. The two nations are faced with the challenge of identifying a common unifying purpose that will inform new partnerships. However, there are numerous opportunities for partnerships between the two governments, which if exploited, can yield stable working relations between the two nations. Developments in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan provide a viable course of unity between Turkey and the US as this will eventually help to secure both nations economic, political and strategic interests in the Middle East region. Ultimately, importance of the US’s relations with Turkey has been emphasized by Turkey’s pervasive growth and influence in the Middle East. Turkey has gained a new political and economic role in the Middle East, and given its strategic geopolitical position in the region; it is the US’s main gateway to the Middle East. The US’s influence in the Middle East is highly dependent on its continued relations with Turkey, and in this regard, the US must strive to support Turkey’s interests in protection of her own. Current challenges that call for both nations’ attention such as the developments in Syria, Iran and Iraq provide avenues for the two nations to cultivate their relations. However, the two nations need to redefine their economic, political and diplomatic ties, in acknowledgement of their different policy issues especially concerning the Middle East. Both nations need to cultivate new terms of relations based on equality and shared respect for each others national interests, discretion and trust, and an understanding of unavoidable policy differences between the two governments. Finally, the two nations should constantly engage each other in consultations on critical issues to avoid foreign policy surprises that may undermine their ties. Works Cited Albright, Magdaleine K., and Hadley, Stephen J. “US-Turkey Relations: A New Partnership”. Council on Foreign Relations. 2012. Web. 11th Jan 2013. Jones, Dorian. “Gaza Crisis Strains US-Turkey Relations”. 2012. Web. 11th Jan 2013. “US Relations with Turkey”. 2013. Web. 11th Jan 2013. Kohen, Sami. “Gaza Complicates Turkey-US Relations”. 2011. Web. 11th Jan 2013. Zanotti, Jim. “Turkey: Background and U.S. Relations”. 2012. Web. 11th Jan 2013. McCain, John. “Transforming the US-Turkey alliance”. 2012. Web. 11th Jan 2013. Larrabee, Stephen F. “The ‘New Turkey’ and American-Turkish Relations”.; Vol. 13 / No. 1 / 2011. Print. 11th Jan 2013. Ignatius, David. “U.S. and Turkey find a relationship that works”. 2011. Web. 11th Jan 2013. Read More
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