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It is naïve to believe that decision-making, which is based on democracy will result in justice for religious, racial, and linguistic minorities. It is also futile to expect such decision-making to arrive at optimal decisions regarding foreign countries, or environmental issues, and other problems that have a bearing on the interests of future generations.
Issues that have surfaced as a result of the internal wrangles in the DRC have impacted the stability of its neighboring countries a fact that has both disadvantaged these countries and times advantaged some militia groupings in these neighboring countries. More so, the DRC has a long history of internal wrangles that have gone beyond a century.
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America and most European countries have in the past dealt with GCC member states on an individual bilateral basis. It is now taking a strategic stand and forming alliances with the GCC. It is now taking a collective approach to the gulf region by discussing trade agreements with the GCC as a whole.
The paper discusses whether the United Kingdom needs a fully codified and written Constitution and concludes that a written and codified constitution would help regulate the executive powers and provide some security to rights. In Britain, social class was the principal determinant of voting in British elections in the 1960s.
The development of political economy in recent years has been largely influenced by globalization where there is an integrated global approach in the making of major policies and economic decisions that affect the overall and separated functioning of countries in the entire world (Baylis et al, 2013).
The political field in Australia is majorly dominated by two parties, the Liberal and Labor parties. Such a system is known as a two-party system. However, due to how the system of parliament is in Australia the independent and minority groups in parliament have significant affluence on elections, policies of government, and legislation.
The high level of globalization and exchange of political ideologies and religious values, in addition to the favorable mix of political and economic circumstances, made it possible for Gamal Abdel Nasser to import ideas of Westernised countries into Egypt, and for Qutb to compare the individualized lifestyles of the Western nations.
In the post-war period, liberal democracies entertained a further and final social welfare programs’ expansion (Lieberman 2012). Notable steps were undertaken by Britain’s Prime Minister’s Labor government and the Democratic government of the then US President Lyndon Johnson to this effect (Lieberman 2012).
As the governmental activities have expanded so have the public policies that influence the political changes (Blackburn 2016, p. 12). It is evident that the leaders in the past were compared to those who came before them such as in the case of Sir John Major who was once a Prime Minister of Britain.
Algerian economy is not as diverse since it is highly reliant on oil and natural gas and a fluctuation in the global prices can cause unrest due to the onset of social-economic challenges. Identity in France is established based on the need to make the country strong as a unit despite its diverse population.
The United States of America and the Korean State have had long-term conflicts that have persisted and in turn, have impacted other nations that link up with them as well (Jisi, 2005, 40). When such conflicts occur, several other parties get involved including some international bodies with the aim of striving to restore peace in those countries as well as the surrounding ones.
European countries are constantly faced with the problem of asylum seekers and immigrants. The European Union’s supranational policies have therefore decided to address the challenge brought about by the two issues. In the past, there has been the signing of agreements and passing of legislation that are aimed at harmonizing national approaches to the handling of the problem.
The environment and economy of Australia are much vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Australia understands its role as a developed country is playing an important role in the global arena and is appropriately reacting to this challenge. It is true that the approach of Australia to climate change is founded on three pillars.
Classical realism, as applied in international relations, explains the patterning of social structures in a situation where anarchy exists in international politics. Realists, through a naturalist approach, perceive certain interwoven patterns that determine which state plays what role, just like the laws of nature work.
Parties in most cases adopt an expressed vision or ideology supported by a platform that is written and with specific goals. They usually form a coalition with other parties interested. There are several party systems that may be involved in the political systems of a country. The systems may include non-partisan democracy (no-party democracy), single-party, two-party, and multi-party systems.
The last new phenomenon that the September 11 attacks brought about the making available of weapons of mass destruction. Howard points out that prior to the new millennium the terrorists were wont to use only small arms, plastic explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, and anti-aircraft missiles (Soderblom 2003, p. 2).
The paper will then highlight the functions played by political parties in liberal democracies with special emphasis on Australia by demonstrating some of their roles such as recruitment, policymaking, interest aggregation, and electioneering. The paper will then examine the increasing trend towards two-party political systems and evaluate whether this poses a threat to democracy.
Asia-Pacific is the strongest economic region globally. It is home to more than a third of the world's total population. This highly dynamic region accounts for almost half of the world trade hence it is a critical trading block. In the 21st Century, this region is dominating the world economy and continues to rise to become a political powerhouse.
Insurgents have followers with well organization structures. Drug dealers, on the other hand, have got cash, a line of communication, and transportation. Drug mafias collaborate with the insurgents to execute their missions. Traffickers require insurgents to protect their assets and their powers in nation-states. Insurgents, on the other hand, need communications and cash from narcotics dealers.
The US has also benefitted considerably from this invasion. It is indeed distressing to note that this increased generation of wealth is not reflected in the economy or society of Iraq. Moreover, these developments were the outcome of the well-planned and exploitative strategy adopted by the US Government and its oil companies.
In the field of political science, scholars have tried to differentiate between authoritarian and democratic regimes. But there has not been a unanimously accepted set of characteristics that define what is a purely authoritarian regime and a purely democratic regime. Generally, it seems very easy to differentiate an authoritarian regime from a democratic one.
The article looks at the political and historical context of the concept in Australia and other parts of the world in a bid to solve economic historical injustices in the country. Recognition is the first process in the reconciliatory process and therefore recognition and reconciliation go hand in hand. With misrecognition, the people feel neglected and therefore the efforts go compromised.
The effectiveness of international organizations is dependent on trust. Globalization also plays an important role in the effectiveness of international institutions (Archer, 2001). An important question is; are international organizations effective? This paper will try to answer that question in reference to different international organizations and how they are effective.
The main goals of Hitler’s regime were to oppose the treaty of Versailles, to exterminate the Jews and to only allow “true” Germans to live in Germany, to nationalize large businesses and industries, and to institute a strong centralized. Hitler’s regime accused socialists of accepting the terms and conditions of the treaty of Versailles and hence harming Germany’s economy.
Hitler’s Nazi Party also received a boost from the economic crisis that faced Germany in the early 1930s (the Great Depression). Given that the Weimar Republic was unable to fix the problems that were facing the German population, Hitler criticized the Weimar democratic leadership system and attributed it to the failure to address the problems that the country was facing.
Political scientists and scholars contend that terrorists have been transitional actors ever since the 1960s (Sandler 2013, p.252). However, during the Cold War, terrorism was regarded more as a local issue and source of conflict based on the hostilities that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union.
African dictators are responsible for the lack of development in Africa. Africa as a continent is the most underdeveloped, boasting the highest HIV prevalence rates with some countries as high at 40%. The continent is also characterized by having the highest infant mortality rates at 16%. Africa also has the lowest life expectancies as low as 39 in some countries.
The American government has supplied huge amounts of taxpayer’s money in the name of bailouts. In fact, a bailout is the worst thing an elected government can give in return to the public. Most of the big companies which enjoyed the luxury of governmental help did nothing to the communities in which they operate.
In the case of the right to education, notice that the right to free education is limited to elementary education while the right to technical education is described as “generally accessible”. Further, the right to higher education is limited by merit and it is not universal under Article 26 of the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights.
The group decided to express their resistance to this policy by way of supporting corporate tax avoidance starting with a plan to occupy a Vodafone shop in Central London. However, this supposedly insignificant remonstration gave birth to one of the fastest and more successful protest movements in the country.
The ancestors of liberalism in the modern age belong to the era of education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge. While talking about the larger scope of liberalism, it stresses the personal rights of every individual. And it provides the same chance of quantity and value in the status of individuals (Manent, 1996).
Liberalism is applied in politics as well as in real life; governments are urged to adopt the liberal theory so that the freedom and liberty of citizens can be ensured. Liberals believe that humans are basically in, “a State of Perfect Freedom to order their actions…as they think fit...without asking leave, or depending on the Will of any other Man”, (Locke, 1960 [1689]: 287).
In the world of modernism, science was the basis of all knowledge, which is considered in a somewhat abstract notion and as universal. On the other hand, knowledge has a functional use and not based on the “grand narrative” of cultural beliefs. Also, in modernism, the narrative is the domain of the less knowledgeable – women, children, primitive, or the insane generally associated with narratives.
The analysis also provides an insight into how oil is of great importance to the U.S; they have always shown a keen interest in the Middle East as they have to ensure the free flow of oil in the international market. America’s consumption of Oil is quite high and thus even if they have to point fingers at the Middle East government and focus their foreign policy on them they will.
The target is to understand and analyze the basic elements of Democracy and the transformation that it has followed since its beginning. The emphasis is on the theoretical and the practical proceedings related to the term and the application under its terminology. The political theory holds that democracy is basically related to a small number of persuasions in a form of government.
One of the arguments of the proponents of the two-party system is that such a system helps in speedy legislation and law-making, thus saving a lot of electoral tax money, whereas in a multi-party system the legislative process is slow and tedious and full of compromises to accommodate the wishes of the other parties.
The immediate aftermath of WWII divided the world, with few countries remaining really neutral most of the world’s countries were divided into two blocks: the Communist and the Capitalist. Both blocks and their immediate allies formed two opposing military alliances: The NATO Treaty Alliance and the Warsaw Treaty Alliance.
A long time ago Charles Montesquieu had concluded that tyranny and federation are two ways to preserve unity in large countries. In the case of Soviet Russia, his observation can be applied. Russia has ended in concentrating power state in central government hands, after ten years of federalization experiment.
While it cannot be disregarded that America has a predominant control over many countries in the world, some through economics, others through military (Schell, 2003), there is another school of thought, however, that America’s powers are on the wane, with other power structures coming into prominence in the recent years.
This period can be traced between the 1940s and the 1990s – even as historians, journalists, and politicians remain divided over the true origin of the cold war. This paper will trace the concept of balance of power and its play in the cold war and sum up the events that led to the end of the cold war.
Members of the committee who drafted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights included E. Roosevelt, who served in the capacity of the first chairperson for the commission, along with C. Malik of Lebanon, J. Humphrey of Canada, R. Cassin of France, and P.C. Chang of China. They labeled the proclamation as the Magna Carta for mankind.
As such, "major scandals over the past two decades were first disclosed by other media, such as magazines or foreign media or police" (Chen-Cooper 1997). Incidentally, reporters that have as their employer's political parties, religious organizations, periodicals, and magazines are not allowed to join the mainline kisha kurabu. (Freeman 1993).
The allies integrated the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and the United State of America. These nations were given control to aid increase different countries in Europe and Asia. The S.U. at the period by Joseph Stalin took political command of the provinces they were assigned, and these nations turn into communists.
An analysis of two case studies also supports the thesis statement. In the Iraq and Afghan war that started in 2003, the just war sheds light on why it was supported initially – because there was the possibility of positive results. Additionally, this war was seen as a means of regime change since it would overthrow oppressive rule.
The media is an intermediate agency that facilitates communication. They include transnational corporations, radios, television, films, magazines, newspapers, and online media. The media plays a significant role in politics as political communication occurs mainly through the media. Politics could be inconceivable in the absence of the media.
Economic and trade relations between the two have been improving over the years. The change in the Sino-American relationship has further aided this as Australia has traditionally been close to the US on strategic issues. However, the US has an unstable relationship with China with a growing economic relationship yet with concerns over the dominance in the Asia Pacific region.
The prince is one of the first attempts to explain politics and science from a purely scientific and rational point of view. The prince is one of the most accepted and well-known doctrines of political thought. Machiavelli wrote The Prince because he was a strong patriot and wanted his people to live under a free and effective government.
Whether one supported the candidature of Barrack Obama or was fiercely opposed to it, most Americans have very glowing memories of the momentous election of 2008. Following one of the most controversial campaigns that can be remembered, the country’s first African-American president was ultimately elected amidst merriment that spanned the world.
The notion of the state is a central aspect of political analysis. Originally the state was perceived as a military organization, for several years it remained as a territory governed by a king who was assisted by court officials and a small group of worriers. The leadership system was basically forceful over a large number of people.
However, sovereignty remains full-bodied and, at least with at most respect to the absolute rights of humans, largely unchallenged. The relationship between the sovereignty of the state and human rights has been a major focus among many these years (Mohammed 2002, p. 81-102). It is not only an ideal theoretical problem but also remains a political issue.