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Economic Contribution Of Illegal Immigration - Term Paper Example

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Both illegal and legal immigration has led to the diversity in America. The writer of the paper "Economic Contribution Of Illegal Immigration" focuses on illegal immigration, its benefits to America, and why illegal immigrants ought to be granted amnesty…
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Economic Contribution Of Illegal Immigration
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Economic Contribution Of Illegal Immigration I. Introduction a. Briefly introduces the topic on illegal immigration by stating that illegal immigrants ought to be granted amnesty. It also gives the thesis statement. II. Body III. Amnesty and illegal immigrants a. Concerns on national security are blown out of proportion and not a true representation of illegal immigrants. b. Illegal immigrants come to America due to economic empowerment c. They take lower wages as opposed to other Americans d. They contribute economically through the consumption of goods e. It is against equity and justice to subject illegal immigrants to detention IV. Arguments against Amnesty a. There is need for maintenance of order and respect for the laws of the land by illegal immigrants b. Low wages cause displacement of Americans in the low skilled sectors of the economy increasing unemployment among the vulnerable. c. Illegal immigrants tend to have low job skills and hence consume more welfare services than they contribute. V. Conclusion a. Summary A. Illegal immigration should be viewed on whether they bring additional costs or benefits B. Population increase and the level of skills may be worthwhile or detrimental to the social and economic conditions of various States. VI. Analysis a. Gradual changes in the demographic pattern has brought the issue of illegal immigration to the public domain b. Adherence to the constitution and immigration laws provides a strong argument against granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. Illegal Immigration United States is a cosmopolitan nation and a melting point of various cultures. The use of English and other national symbols like the national anthem is a unifying factor. Both illegal and legal immigration have led to the diversity in America. While legal migration is an accepted phenomenon in America, illegal immigration elicits heated debates between people of different political inclinations, among business owners, civil rights activists and the citizens. America has been a favorite country for most would be immigrants, due to political freedoms and perceived economic advantages. An immigrant is a native-born in one country but resides in another country. Legal migration follows the law in obtaining visas while illegal immigration connotes the lack of proper documentation with regards to residency and citizenship. Debates on illegal immigrants mostly focus on whether they contribute positively or negatively to the nation’s economy and national security. Additionally, there are questions as to whether the illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship or not. With regards to the history of illegal immigration, Nadadur (1039) asserts that illegal immigration began with the end of the Bracero program in 1964 in which Mexico supplied cheap labor to America’s agriculture industry. This assignment focuses on illegal immigration, its benefits to America, and why illegal immigrants ought to be granted amnesty. Conversely, it delves into instances in which illegal immigration is detrimental to conditions; it also offers brief explanations as to why amnesty for illegal immigration should be minimized. Reasons for granting amnesty to illegal immigrants Illegal immigrants do not threaten America’s sovereignty and national security since most of the claims made with regards to security are overstated by critics of illegal immigration. Immigrants of color have been subject to rigorous security checks even before the 9/11 attacks (Wise 35). The trepidation of immigrants stem from unwarranted fears that immigration poses a serious security risk through highlighting some instances in which there have been security threats while largely ignoring the positive contribution of immigrants. The statistics about the high number of illegal immigrants is wrong since there are no government records to support this view. In addition, some of the perceived ills of illegal immigrants emanate from prejudices and racial stereotypes about these immigrants. When illegal aliens come to America, they have a positive view about the American way of life and better economic conditions. The immigrants have a strong desire and determination to better their lives together with that of their families. After their arrival in America, many of the immigrants contribute a lot to America’s economy. Most illegal immigrants work in temporary jobs at low wages; thus, amnesty of these immigrants avails them the chance to contribute fully in the economic process. Illegal immigrants work in jobs less desired by Americans. Thus, they complement the job market rather than offering competition to Americans since they do not compete in the same job segments (Nadadur 1044).Illegal immigrants have a comparative advantage in unskilled jobs whilst Americans have a comparative advantage in skilled jobs resulting in greater economic efficiency. Low wages reduce the costs of doing business in America giving these businesses a competitive edge in the international market over other industrialized nations. Consequently, consumer costs reduce this because the illegal workers work for lower wages at the unskilled sectors of the economy and they indirectly subsidize the American consumers. Contrary to popular beliefs, illegal immigrants do not take away Americans’ jobs or lead to low wages in America, but rather lead to lower consumer costs and better productivity. Illegal immigrants consume goods in America and, thus, contribute positively to the economic growth of many sectors, through enhancing the aggregate demand of goods. Most of the wages gained by illegal immigrants are thought to be spent in America. Nearly all of the illegal immigrants are young to middle aged; in this age bracket consumption of goods is higher than at younger or older ages. In addition, illegal immigrants can be quickly hired when demand is high while they leave the jobs faster than Americans when the need arises. The American legal and political system supports equity, fairness, justice, and freedom of its citizens. Thus, illegal aliens ought to be treated in humane ways, especially with regards to unnecessary checks and detention. The security of the nation is of paramount importance, but the civil rights of the illegal immigrants ought to be respected too. In any case, the racial profiling of illegal aliens is a form of discrimination and against the ideals of a democratic nation. There is abuse of civil rights by authorities in the name of enforcing border laws in the Southern areas of the United States of America. Giving amnesty to these illegal immigrants would lead to a reduction in the abuses; when immigrants are held and placed in communities across borders, and then there is resentment within the community against border agencies. According to Clarke (50), America’s perception that all undocumented illegal immigrants come from the South of the border in Mexico is wrong and leads to misunderstanding with the border communities; in reality, only forty percent of illegals are crossing the border from Mexico. Another view in support of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is that due to the nature of work laws, some employers take advantage of the illegals. Employers grossly underpay the illegal immigrants and their working conditions are pathetic (Slaughter 80). The advantages of cheap labor are enormous, but this should not lead to exploitation and inhumane conditions for the workers. The exploitation may lead to rising poverty levels among these immigrants since the illegal immigrants lack better job skills and hence have no better sources of income. Additionally, the laws enacted to curb hiring of illegal immigrants are not thorough enough since immigrants can forge documents thus circumventing the system. In a nutshell, granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is essential to ensure that there is no exploitation from employers. The economic contributions of illegal immigrants ought not to be ignored when crafting immigration laws since they contribute economically through consumption of goods. Additionally, illegal immigrants take on jobs mostly shunned by Americans at lower wages; hence the cost of production reduces when compared with other industrialized nations. Amnesty ought to be granted upon careful review of criminal records where possible to avoid compromising on security matters. Additionally, there is a need for better enforcement of immigration laws to minimize the exploitation of immigrants by dishonest employers. Reasons for not granting amnesty to illegal immigrants Illegal immigration is not necessarily an issue of human rights and the lure of economic freedoms in America. There are laws instituted to deal with law and order in the fabric of American society. Thus, blanket amnesty in America may create unease and disorder in the host communities, given that most immigrants are not native English speakers while their cultures are alien to the American way of life. Providing blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants makes a mockery of the laws of the United States of America as it legalizes illegal acts of crossing borders without proper documentation. Despite being a nation of immigrants, America’s prosperity occurs under a system where there is respect for the rule of law. Amnesty may create a vicious cycle in which illegal aliens in America encourage their relatives to immigrate, creating an ever ending process in which people with no knowledge of English or the American way of life joins America. There is no doubt that lower wages paid to illegal immigrants help to keep the prices of commodities low. Even though most illegal immigrants work in low paid jobs, it does not mean that there are no Americans working in these jobs. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (31), illegal immigration causes displacement, rises in unemployment for American workers in sectors requiring low skills. Additionally, the low wages paid to illegal immigrants are a double edged sword in which low skilled American workers suffer displacement in the workforce. Employers may do this willingly by replacing Americans with illegals; alternatively, it could include sub contracting services in which workers are illegals. Consequently, America’s vulnerable workers receive depressed wages, and their poverty levels rise. Mexicans represent the largest chunk of illegal immigrants in America and there is a need to look into the costs associated with Mexican immigration. Even though illegal immigrants pay taxes in America, their contribution is less than the general American Public (Camarota 52). In 1999, 74 percent of American households contributed to federal income tax whilst 59 percent of immigrant Mexican households paid taxes. Illegal immigrants mostly work in low skills jobs; this may be a contributing factor to the lower level of federal income tax. The disproportionate high number of less educated immigrants leads to lower tax revenues and higher claims of welfare services, leading to an increase in fiscal debts in the welfare and social services sector. According to the National Research Council as quoted by Camarota (53), by 1999 immigrants without high school diplomas and education exerted fiscal liabilities totaling $ 89,000. Meanwhile, immigrants with high school education improved the fiscal accounts by an average of $ 105, 000. The table below shows that natives are less represented in welfare programs (adapted from the Center for Immigration Studies). In conclusion, illegal immigration ought to be handled carefully after assessing the impact on host communities, security and economic costs. Illegal immigrants overwhelmingly work in low paid jobs, often competing with Americans at low skills jobs. Thus, to avoid rises in unemployment among this population it is necessary to avoid blanket amnesty for all immigrants. Overall, amnesty for illegal immigrants should be viewed from a cost benefit basis. Illegal immigration undoubtedly increases the population pressure in many states where illegal immigrants may compete with Americans for services in education and healthcare industry. Analysis section Illegal immigration will continue to be on the limelight owing to the fact that the demographics of the United States are changing gradually. The intense debate across the political divide is a cause for concern due to the lack consensus on appropriate laws to deal with illegal immigration effectively. The argument that the constitution is the superior source of law that ought to be respected at all times makes a strong case against giving amnesty for illegal immigrants. In order to reach a consensus, politicians need to reach out to the citizens of the United States of America rather than simply debating on this issue maintaining hard-line positions. The demographic patterns of America are changing with more and more citizens becoming older, the population has also become diverse in race and ethnicity and most immigrants tend to be young. Immigration and differences in the fertility rates among diverse races influence the changing racial make up of America (Shrestha and Heisler 18). The topic of illegal immigration is relevant to America given the rise in immigrants over the years as Shrestha and Heisler wrote “Immigration has been an important component of population growth in the United States. The net immigration rate (Figure 2) has been and is projected to be positive (with in-migration exceeding out-migration) for the full century (1950 to 2050). It fluctuated in the low range of 1.5 to 2.4 net migrants per 1,000 resident populations between 1950 and 1979. An increasing trend has been noted since 1980, and the annual rates in the 1990s were generally in the range of 3.0 to 3.9. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that net migration will continue to be an important component of population growth in the United States through 2050 with net immigration continuing at higher rates than currently observed.” (10). Annotated Bibliography Camarota, Steven. Immigration from Mexico: Assessing the impact on the United States. Washington D.C: Center for Immigration Studies, 2001. P 1-60. The author looks into the patterns of Mexican Immigration to America, where the biggest percentage has not completed high school. The report came about after meetings between the Presidents of Mexico and America in 2001. The phenomenon of Mexican immigration was stable for many years but began peaking in the 1970’s. Armed with low education standards, immigrants tend to work in low paid jobs, imposing fiscal liabilities on many states especially California. For States in the South and Western part of USA a detailed analysis on the effects immigration on public coffers is critical. The impact of the economic downturn has made dual issues of cost cutting and illegal immigration on the forefront. The article is relevant to the study of illegal immigration since the biggest percentages of illegals come from Mexico. The unique features of the immigrants are significant as they speak Spanish as their first language and lack basic English language skills. Clarke, Nic-Paget. “Enforcement of Immigration Laws Harms Border Communities.” Opposing viewpoints series edited by William Dudley, Green haven Press: California, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. P 49-57. Clarke interviews Maria Jimenez whereby she asserts that the enforcement of immigration laws goes against the human rights of immigrants and border communities in the Mexico-USA border. The author uses the analogy of a war zone whereby calls for a militarized border harms the interests of poor immigrants. Additionally, most Americans hold the wrong views that nearly all of the illegal immigrants crossed into America from the Southern border neighboring Mexico. The article also points out that community policing might be better due to the lack of cooperation between immigrants and the police patrols. It is relevant as it gives an overview on the conditions of illegal immigrants and border communities through the words of Jimenez. It is an appropriate article that touches on the need to respect human rights regardless of the legal status of people across the Mexican US border. The article gives credence for the need to offer amnesty to illegal immigrants in light Federation for American Immigration Reform. “Illegal Immigrants Harm America’s Economy and Workers.” Opposing viewpoints series edited by William Dudley, Green haven Press: California, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale.P31-34. The Federation for America Immigration Reform (FAIR) aims to limit the flow of illegal immigrants in America. In this article, the organization is of the opinion that illegals are willing to work for low wages, thus, causing economic hardships to American workers. In addition, illegal immigrants led to the displacement of American employees leading to a rise in unemployment. The organization further contends that the low earnings by immigrants lead to depressed wages, and unhealthy competition as such there is a need to stop immigration for the benefit of American workers. An emphasis on the economic effects of illegal immigration on American workers is purposeful as it relates to the reason as to why illegal immigration ought to be reduced. Unemployment brought about by illegal immigration should thus be dealt with by the legislators and bureaucrats. Nadadur, Ramanujan. “Illegal immigration: A positive Economic Contribution to the United Sates,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2009: P 1037- 1052. Ramanujan looks into the impact of illegal immigrants on America’s economy especially the wages and the job market. Even though they exert fiscal liabilities on the economy, overall illegal immigrants play a positive role. The author mentions the labor market theory where there is a secondary market composed of low skilled workers. There is also a primary market made up of skilled workers with an assurance of job security. Skilled workers are useful as they work in production sectors where there is a stable demand for goods, whilst unskilled workers satisfy the demands unstable portions of products. The paper further argues that the efficient allocation of resources would help to address the fiscal costs of illegal immigration. This article is useful as it uses models to evaluate the economic impact of illegal immigration. The paper is appropriate as it points out that illegal immigration increases fiscal liabilities besides mentioning the economic benefits of illegal immigration. Shrestha, Laura and Heisler Elayne. “The Changing Demographic Profile of the United States.” Congressional Research Service, 2011.Web. 10 Aug 2012 . In this congressional research report, the authors delve into the shifts in demographic patterns taking place from the 1950’s onwards. Among the findings are that American population was getting older over time, population increased gradually, and the racial makeup was more diverse owing to immigration. Hispanics surpassed African Americans as the largest minority group, while the increase in the number of older people would likely put a strain on the healthcare industry. The changing demographics in America are relevant in researching on the topic of illegal immigration, since the population increases due to the prevailing fertility rates and immigration rates. Slaughter, Jane. “Illegal Immigrants Are Victimized By Unscrupulous Employees.” Illegal Immigration, Green haven Press: California, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. P 87-94 Slaughter argues that employers were taking advantage of illegal immigrants by offering them low wages and poor working conditions. Illegal immigrants lack legal avenues to seek redress in the judicial system further complicating their plight. The low wages paid to illegal immigrants are a hurdle in their quest for attaining legal status, since the law says that their total earnings should be above the poverty level by twenty five percent for them to qualify as legal residents. Cheap labor is good for business but it raises the question as to the effects of low wages on the plight of illegal immigration. There is a need for a complete overhaul on immigration laws since employers have found ways to dodge earlier sanctions. The commentary is relevant as it spells out exploitation of illegal immigrants is done out in disregard of their welfare. Wise, Tim. “Illegal Immigration Does Not Threaten America.” Defending the Unwelcome Stranger: the Truth about Illegal immigration. Green haven Press, 2006.Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. P 26- 29. In this viewpoint, Wise disagrees with immigration critics whereby he claims that opposition to immigration emanates from racist individuals. Wise singles out conservative activists as racists who amplify instances in which illegal immigrants are on the wrong in order to create a White’s only country. He emphasizes this by stating that immigration opponents exaggerate their claims that immigrants are responsible for many criminal activities in America. Equally, the claims that illegal immigrants are lazy welfare claimants are wrong given that they are not eligible for food stamps and cash welfare. The article points out that unsubstantiated claims about immigrants are detrimental to their status in America. However, the author seems to disregard the opinions of others by not acknowledging that in deed some criminal activities could be tied to illegal immigrants. It is clear that the author holds liberal views on immigration issues, but the critique is suitable as it spells out that race is an underlying issue in immigration debates. Draconian laws on immigration need not be accepted if they cause ethnic profiling. Read More
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