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Implications of Illegal Immigrants on the US Economy - Essay Example

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The writer of the essay "Implications of Illegal Immigrants on the US Economy" suggests that illegal immigrants hurt the US economy since it poses a financial burden on the economy and introduces a class of workers that is hard to regulate and hence they should be either documented or deported…
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Implications of Illegal Immigrants on the US Economy
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•The workers spend most of their income by sending it to relatives in their home countries in form of remittances, which indirectly stimulates the US economy.•The children of the immigrants born in the US are entitled to government services since they are citizens hence regardless of the legality of the parent’s presence; they have a right to public goods. • immigrants protect jobs through accepting to work at very low wages since, at the absence of their willingness to accept low wages, organizations would prefer automating their operations rather than pay higher wages.

•The US is an industrial nation in need of labor offered by the undocumented immigrants especially in the jobs that face a high level of discrimination from the American work force population who are selective •The undocumented contribute more to the economy in form of investments and consumption of commodities than they spend on social services.Economic Arguments Supporting My Position •The immigrants make negligible or no contribution to the US economy since they earn very low wages, which is undocumented hence impossible to trace, and subsequently, the economy loses taxes in respect to this group.

•Despite their lack of contribution to the economy’s growth, the immigrants use government facilities such as hospitals and schools financed using taxpayers’ money.•Undocumented workers have to work at very low wage rates that lower the pay of American citizens without a high school diploma by up to 7%.

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