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Political participation usually describes the level of social involvement of citizens in the political life of their country. This concept doesn’t only refer to participation in voting or having membership of a certain political party. It should be considered in a broader context. Thus, for example, participation and activities in sports or female organizations should be also considered as political participation.
The author states that Thomas grew up as a very thrifty and hardworking individual. From a family of farmers, Thomas never had a hard time in cultivating the farm left by his father. He was very fond of trying new techniques that would help to improve agriculture, which was applied not only in his land but also to others.
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Coming back to Obama’s performance in reforming healthcare, there are both achievements and failures. Even after reforms to the healthcare system the distribution of health insurance still remains unequal in the country. The medical system reform was a key campaign platform from which Obama contested.
A democracy, essentially, is a political system which stands on the ground that all the members of the society share an equal amount of power and no person rules above the other; if that happens, then there is always a system of checks and balances in order to ensure that no aspect of the government is exercising any more power than it should.
The first goal and objective of certain quarters of terror are to highlight their plight about the need for separation (Crenshaw, 1986, p. 391). These usually composed of groups of people who want to separate from existing entities through independence, political autonomy, or religious freedom or domination.
According to the founding fathers of implementation Pressman and Wildavsky (1984) public policy implementation is a process of interaction between the establishment of goals and the action that is geared towards achieving the set goals. Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) gave the definition of policy implementation on grounds that policy is usually laid down in official documents.
The electoral system of proportional representation is widely used because it ensures that virtually all constituencies within the country access to the hearing in the national as well as provisional legislatures. In countries that pride themselves as being democratic, it means that the average voter could not be represented through the candidate the voter specifically wanted.
Political representation comes about when political actors speak, support, represent and act on behalf of people in the political field. Simply put, political representation is a form of political aid. Rehfeld's, 2005 theory of representation argues that political representation is just having a relevant audience accepting a person as their representative in the political sphere.
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that hegemony refers to indirect governance by imperial means or dominance, by which a hegemon or the leading power rules geopolitically, subordinate states through the threat of force, implied means of force, rather than imposing direct military force (Clark 2009; Donnelly 2008; Wohlforth 2008).
Terrorism comes out as one of the most effective mechanisms of provoking fear and anxiety among diverse societies and states. In most cases, individuals tend to support counterterrorism policies because of the social, economic, and political implications of terrorist acts, thus making it a common issue in the global contexts.
Politics refers to the competition of ideas and methods surrounding the process of decision-making within any organizational structure (Titong, 2014). Although the term can be applied correctly to situations, such as the politics of social groups or office politics, it generally denotes legislation and decision-making at the governmental level.
Liberal democracy, according to Barber (2003), is one of the most studied political systems in modern West history. Being the form of democracy that is most dominant, it guided and informed many of the most enduring and successful governments the globe has ever known. Liberal democracy is a powerful model especially in the world of the West (Barber, 2003).
A number of scholars have tried to define power and the feature of power that dominates is the ability of its holder to influence the lives of other individuals. The commonly used definition is derived from the works of Max Weber. Weber defines power as the ability of an individual to have control over others, resources, or events.
The process of developing and implementing public policy has been perceived as an essential process in deciding the procedure through which a government will ensure that its resources are allocated in accordance with the demands of the law. This leads to the question concerning the relevance of a policy cycle in any public institution.
The democratic process of each and every country largely depends on media transparency. Society largely depends on the media to get information during and after political elections. It is through the Media’s responsibility of ensuring transparency that is termed ‘watchdog’ responsibility (Chappell, 2008).
Power is an essential component in any jurisdiction. This is because individuals in possession of instruments of power have the ability to manipulate different aspects that define their ability to ensure some level of influence on their subjects. In any jurisdiction, power has been used as a determinant of the techniques through which essential resources in the society can be distributed.
Dodson was at the time of his 1996 speech the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. He described how, from the time of colonization onwards, policy towards Aboriginals was dominated by attempts to eliminate differences, and that this has included suppressing the voices of those people.
In summary, public policy making is an important process that ought to be adopted by government agencies to control their operations both locally and internationally. It enables the government to plan its resources more effectively, to control economic trade, to control foreign matters as well as controlling its own operations within the country.
Most economists argue that with the no income tax move, the state will lure more growth opportunities and thus development. There will be a better chance to create jobs as well as making the job environment within the state favorable. The move will then enhance the retention of the young and vibrant workforce that is educated and productive from crossing into other states.
The Unique Aspects of the Iranian Revolution: In some basic ways, Katouzian (2009) assesses that the Iranian Revolution of 1979 “did not conform to the usual norms of western revolutions, because the state did not represent just an ordinary dictatorship but an absolute and arbitrary system that lacked political legitimacy and a social base…”
Since the establishment of the federation more than 100 years ago, federalism, especially in Australia has undergone numerous changes currently all the level of government, federal, state, and local have more roles to play in terms of authoritative allocation of resources and provision of different services to the citizens.
Humanitarian intervention at the end of the Cold War has been very selective as evidenced in Rwanda and Darfur. This is because of the fact that actions associated with humanitarian interventions are yet to be approved, and many states are not willing to incur the costs as well as risks brought about by such actions.
Democracy is the government of the people. Generally, democracy is the government that comes from the people and also exercised by the people for the purposes of their interests. Liberal democracy involves political systems that are aimed at defending as well as increasing civil liberties against the violation of powerful forces of the government, society as well as institutions.
World War I caused a big surprise to the world with its impacts. Holger (2014, p.27) stated that the world was shocked with gunshots which lasted for four years, from 1914 to 1918, and even laid a platform for the Second World War. The war steered prosperity in some countries, whereas it led to economic depression in others.
The significance of its foreign relations ensures that the national identity of Russia is dictated according to the current systems (Stolper, 1951). Russia should be able to define itself for what it knows marks its national identity, constant shifts in search of an acceptable status quo is not of any help internally and even in the international caucus.
From the experience of the United States Civil Rights Movement, the strategy that gained popularity was the use of non-violence which was introduced by Martin Luther King. However, African Americans used the strategy of non-violence relatively loosely. Their public non-violence stance was necessary to attract the attention of the public while the private stance relied on violence.
NATOs mission in Afghanistan was to pursue a greater goal of ending terrorism especially following the U.S 9/11 attack. Again, NATO was also offered an additional role by the UN asking NATO to disarm militants, fight the drug trade, reform the justice system, train a national army and police force, and offer security for elections.
There is no way that a leader can claim to serve the interests of people when he or she is an outsider of a certain society, and different scholars have been in agreement that a leader is better if he or she is chosen amongst the people. An insider understands the problems, abilities, and interests of the people and therefore is best suited to serve the same people (Urbinati 2006).
Interestingly, Miller (2012) states that the resilience of authoritarianism in Central Asia is only short-lived. He is of the opinion that although these countries have been able to effectively veer off any possibilities of democratic transition, there are inherent challenges that can avert this situation in the future.
It would be too early to state clearly whether the worldwide recession has a beginning on the Chinese investment in Africa. Though it’s clearly seen that the Chinese investment in Africa is wholly beneficial to the countries in question, a server analysis of the Chinese’s activities will show that the still Chinese have hidden motives, especially in oil extraction.
For quite a long period now Iran has been slapped with many sanctions not only by the United Nations but also from the United States and western European countries. Regardless of these efforts, the country is still pursuing the enrichment of uranium. In an interview with Reuters, the head of Iran’s atomic agency Salehi said that: "There is no limit on enrichment.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Literature review
Due to its might economic wise i.e., its economy contributes to more than a quarter of the total gross domestic product globally, The United States is termed as the world superpower country. Its military resource allocation ranges up to more than 40% of the world’s military spending (McCormick, 2009).
Nevertheless, analysts contend that none of the policies have improved the aborigines’ conditions in Australia, for their conditions are no better than they were before the European invasion. In 1901, there was a creation of the six Australian colonies into a federation. Then, white Australia perceived the Aborigines as a dying race; hence the only two references made to them by the Constitution.
As the process through which people elect their leaders and representatives, voting is an essential aspect of democracies and one of the pillars that sustain such systems. Elections in most countries are normally rigid processes that the authorities carry out within the guidance of rigorous rules and regulations.
17 pages (4250 words)
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, Literature review
The author of the paper investigates the role of the US in shaping relations between the KSA and Iran. The chapter particularly looks at the dynamics of alliances between Gulf countries and the US, and how such alliances have affected the relationship between the KSA and Iran and by extension, the region.
The group of nations’ interaction occurs with regard to their political as well as economic affairs. It is a fact that their interaction is based on an intergovernmental union rather than a single state. Therefore, the European Union is made of 28 member countries whose interaction operates based on independent institutions representing nations.
With time the anarchy encroached into the political system prompting the power struggles between the two major tribes in South Sudan. So far, all the initiatives taken by the International community to stop the war have not been successful. This means that the international community is not in a position to broker peace in South Sudan, not just yet.
In such an economic environment, a stable and secure source of energy is imperative for the national government because it is essential for both household and industrial progress and economic growth (Porter 2005). Energy is therefore vital for a country’s national security, however, either lack of or its presence can be a source of conflict (Ross, 2008).
Being the leading Islamic and political nation in the region has caused constant tension that continues to brew between the two nations. The tense nature of the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia has escalated resulting from Iran’s subversions of Arabian governments, especially those in the Gulf region that have large Shiite populations.
Some would like to have both liberal democracy and global capitalism but do it make sense to encourage international treaties that control national regulatory decision based on existing organizations? World history is irreversible but putting in mind the hazards brought by capitalism to democracy; the socialists should seek ways to curb these hazards.
As Australia moves its focus from an interest in physical foundation to creating a socio-political framework, and as the nation moves from fare-driven development to political arrangement and utilization drove development, there is a need to evaluate Australia's association with different nations. Our understanding of public policy in theory and practice stretches beyond this scope.
6 pages (1791 words)
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, Book Report/Review
According to many philosophers, virtue is what defines the good life and is significant of a normative nature, it can, therefore, be hard to identify sometimes in The Prince. It can also be defined as a political ability that enables leaders or rulers to achieve the set political objectives and goals. Virtue can be a utility or physical strength.
Under the separation of power, the governing power should be distributed among the judiciary, executive, and Parliament with the purpose of not allowing a single group to have all the power. Furthermore, each of these groups has to work with a defined mandate allowing checking the responsibility and actions of the other.
The following report investigates areas of political influence on fraud and corruption and suggests ways in which the Task Force may approach these two issues. The research conducted for this report indicates that transparency and accountability are two primary elements that must be incorporated into any anti-fraud and corruption strategy.
The term imperialism is usually applied when speaking about such countries as the United Kingdom, the USA, Japan, Italy, Spain, and France of the 19th century. In that time these countries were trying to found empires by owning areas in Africa. This process is known as “the Scramble for Africa”.
The increasing importance of non-strictly-governmental institutions that nonetheless craft policy and influence policy-making such as the IMF and World Bank might be contributing to this notion. Consider the forces involved in making a decision even for a small municipality. The decision will need to comply with local, provincial or regional, and national or federal laws; it will likely have political lobbies both for and against it by local groups such as grassroots activism groups, PTAs, and churches.
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Literature review
In the early 1980s, the country slightly improved export and reduced the rate of inflation via the decrease of real wages and subsidies of agriculture products. It also liberalized the trade policies and the financial market was deregulated. This was done in accordance with the signed agreement and the promise it had made to IFIs.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Literature review
International relations concerns economic, social, cultural, and other related matters of concern. Human rights movements have advanced from one level to higher levels over time. The emphasis is to create a society where every individual is living in freedom in relation to their own life. This is based on the fact that people should be allowed to make choices on how they want to live.
A cabinet decision-making process happens when everyone in the cabinet has the confidence to contribute to any issue without being afraid of retribution if they have a view that contradicts that of the Prime Minister or any other senior person in Cabinet. These senior members may be the Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, and the Chancellor.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Literature review
Many scholars in diverse fields of academia have divided the era of the cold war into two phases. The first phase was from 1945 to the mid or late 1960. On the other hand, the second phase has been described to have stretched from the early 1980s, with a period of virtual détente in between. Nonetheless, the nuclear arms race prevailed in both of these phases.