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Development and Marketing Plan for Domino Pizza Pizzeria Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2889 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Development and Marketing Plan for Domino Pizza Pizzeria" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. The aim of the paper is to develop a new product for Domino Pizza and establish effective marketing strategies for the product. The name of the product would be Pizzeria, which is a form of pizza that incorporates the various needs of the customers.
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Situation Analysis for Canberra Gardening Company Marketing Case Study
14 pages (3939 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Situation Analysis for Canberra Gardening Company " is a great example of a marketing case study. The situation analysis for this assessment is about Canberra Gardening Company based in Canberra, Australia. Canberra Gardening Company is a company that offers various services including garden refuse removal, lawn mowing, tree lopping, plant pruning, fertilising.
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7Ps of Marketing Marketing Coursework
7 pages (1774 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "7Ps of Marketing" is a perfect example of marketing coursework. Marketing incorporates different activities. To get into marketing an organization or industry has to make a decision on the target group or the customers they aim at serving. When they decide on the target group, the product could then be placed in the market by giving it the required, price, distribution and promotion.
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Social Media Marketing Marketing Coursework
16 pages (4320 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Social Media Marketing" is an outstanding example of marketing coursework. Marketing is one of the most important departments that a company cannot do without since it aids in building stronger market power in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, businesses are doing advertisement in different ways whenever a new product or services emerge or when they want to expand the market for their real goods or services.
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Roles of Marketing Relationship in Business Markets Marketing Coursework
15 pages (4358 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Roles of Marketing Relationship in Business Markets" is a great example of marketing coursework. This paper investigates the roles of marketing relationship in business markets. Relationship marketing is defined at the initial stage of the article. The overview of its development and integration into business practice and the growing significance in the field follows.
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Situational Analysis of the Australian Airline Industry Marketing Case Study
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Situational Analysis of the Australian Airline Industry" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The aviation industry of Australia is being taken through changes. The need for changes has arisen from the shift in market demand to low-cost carriers. The new aircraft have made most organizations to understand the need to capture different competitive market shares.
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Co-creation - Theoretical Analysis and Relevance to Business Marketing Coursework
12 pages (3636 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Co-creation - Theoretical Analysis and Relevance to Business" is a good example of marketing coursework. Value is a key concept in the current era of marketing. Gone are the days when marketing was just about creating publicity, advertising, and organization of resources towards the customer demands.
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NFL Social Media Sports Campaign - Twitter Amplify Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2069 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "NFL Social Media Sports Campaign - Twitter Amplify" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. Social media has emerged as a very powerful marketing tool today. Companies across industries are turning to social media in large numbers as a campaign tool because of the popularity of social media.
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The Settle in Consultancy Business Marketing Coursework
12 pages (3260 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Settle in Consultancy Business " is a good example of marketing coursework. The feasibility study is that of the Settle In Consultancy business that is set to cater for the needs of all the people that wish to settle in the country but are not sure how. Such are the people that come for work, tour, studies, and volunteer services.
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Significance of Customer Reviews to Business Marketing Coursework
20 pages (4517 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Significance of Customer Reviews to Business " is a great example of marketing coursework. With the rise of the internet, customer reviews have become an important business tool. Customers use social media, search engines and websites to spread the electronic word of mouth (eWOM) globally in a manner that is not easily forgettable (Filieri, 2015).
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The Extent to Which an Independent Beauty Consultant Participate in the Eight Universal Marketing Flows Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Extent to Which an Independent Beauty Consultant Participate in the Eight Universal Marketing Flows" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. World Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA) has defined direct selling as “on non-fixed retailing places and through the use of face to face way, the product and service are sold directly to the consumers.”
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What Is Strategy All about Marketing Coursework
6 pages (1890 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "What Is Strategy All about" is a great example of marketing coursework. The basis of strategy dates back to the emergence of the business world. Initially, the term strategy applied merely to the military world. However, with time, all businesses acknowledge their experiences of designing diverse strategies to deal with different problems.
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Marketing Analysis of Casella Wines Ltd Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3275 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Analysis of Casella Wines Ltd" is a great example of a marketing case study. Effectiveness implies that a company must be able to satisfy clients’ demands. To achieve effectiveness, Casella Wines Ltd undertakes the following; they strive to understand the product features that are valued by various market segments; young and transitional consumers and established couples.
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Marketing Strategy Analysis of Holden Ltd Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Strategy Analysis of Holden Ltd " is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Holden ltd is a car manufacturing company in Australia. The company started manufacturing vehicles in Australia as Holden in 1917. In 1931, the company became a subsidiary of Ford Motor and renamed to General Motors-Holden’s Ltd and later to Holden Ltd in 1998.
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Business-to-Business Marketing Management Marketing Case Study
16 pages (4456 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Business-to-Business Marketing Management" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. Business-to-business (B2B) denotes the business transactions between businesses rather than businesses and consumers. B2B marketing places emphasis on the creation of value to the customers and as a consequence, creation of financial value to the company rather than just selling the products.
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Consumer Behavior-Internal Factors Marketing Case Study
17 pages (5001 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Consumer Behavior-Internal Factors" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. In the contemporary global market, the consumer is well-thought-out as the king. Therefore, the main motive of every marketer is to satisfy the customer by meeting their needs in a better way than their competitors. 
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An Influence of Positive Effect on Decision Making in Complex Situations Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2150 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "An Influence of Positive Effect on Decision Making in Complex Situations" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. A consumer refers to a person who buys goods and services from a market for personal use. Every marketer wishes to get into a consumer's mind and figure out how a customer makes his or her decisions before making a purchase. 
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Marketing Strategy and Customer Involvement in Product Development Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2096 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Strategy and Customer Involvement in Product Development" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The contents of this paper are aimed at pragmatically lying down the components of a strategic marketing plan for an organization and the aspects it needs to inculcate in the plan in order to have an edge in the market. 
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Understanding the Purchasing Environment Marketing Case Study
14 pages (3875 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Understanding the Purchasing Environment" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. This research was done to test the hypothesis mentioned. Out of 12 hypotheses, six hypotheses were accepted. This research was done to test the hypothesis H01 that cultural value is positively related to the loyalty of gold buying behavior. 
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Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Concept Marketing Article
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Concept " is a great example of a Marketing Article. This paper is a combination of marketing-related articles. Though different, the topics discussed in the articles are greatly related. The first article majorly expresses how a marketing concept can be shared among a number of the organization as opposed to a marketing philosophy. 
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Geico Ad Campaigns Marketing Coursework
6 pages (1685 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The ad campaigns of GEICO serves to exemplify the concepts that the company has attempted to stretch upon and the marketers’ imaginations are obvious in the style the ads are presented. It would be really adequate to say that the marketers of the company constitute a purely imaginative group of people.
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Buying Behavior Types Marketing Research Paper
10 pages (3260 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Buying Behavior Types" Is a wonderful example of a Marketing Research Paper. Consumers have four main types of buying behavior influenced by different factors relating to consumer needs. This behavior includes; complex behavior, dissonance tendencies, variety-seeking, and habitual purchasing traits behavior. This section explains each of these consumer buying behavior types in detail.
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Global Consumer Behavior Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3263 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Global Consumer Behavior" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. This section seeks to explore various factors that affect consumer behavior in making their purchase decisions. Consumer behavior is the buying behavior of prospective consumers. It is the selection, purchasing, and consumption of goods by the consumers. 
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Pioneer Strategy for New Market Entry Marketing Case Study
14 pages (4085 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Pioneer Strategy for New Market Entry" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. This paper presents a strategic marketing plan for the UNE organization. UNE is an institution of higher learning with different offers that constitute its business portfolio. In particular, the business comprises of graduation services, online shopping of books & other research support services. 
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Formulation of Purchasing Decisions Marketing Research Paper
23 pages (6659 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Customers spend very little time deciding whether to purchase these items and do not typically need to read reviews or consult with friends for their opinions before making routine purchases. However, when confronted with ‘ethical’ products, consumers often become more involved, and this results in a more extensive information search.
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Consumer Psychology in Behavioural Perspective Marketing Literature review
6 pages (1777 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Consumer Psychology in Behavioural Perspective” is a marketing version of a literature review on marketing. For every firm to remain in business as well as achieve their objectives in making profits, they have to retain and attract customers to buy their products as well as their services. This is by fetching in interactions of resources, which are beneficial to their clients/ customers.
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The Participation of Australia in the US Market Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1850 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Participation of Australia in the US Market " is a great example of a marketing case study. Peng (2008) says that in order for the hospitality industry to continue doing well then the business environment should be favourable. This will not only contribute to the growth of the organization but will also promote investment in this industry.
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Concentration in Different Market Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Concentration in Different Market" is a perfect example of a Marketing Case Study. The globalization that has occurred in the recent past has prompted many companies to increase their market concentration in some countries so that they can achieve an increase in revenue and enhance their competitiveness.
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The Effectiveness of Apples Advertising Campaign for the iPhone Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1592 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Creative advertisements are extremely important for making products successful in the market. They tell a lot about a product and create a definitive impression on the customers’ minds. Commercials can make or break a product, so a lot of energy and effort should be invested in this area. The advertising business is highly competitive.  
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China Sportswear and Sports Footwear Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2086 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "China Sportswear and Sports Footwear" is a great example of a marketing case study. Globalization entails sharing and communicating traditional, cultural and economic values including products, services, and information among different communities and countries the world over. Footwear and Sportswear industry is vital in the entire Chinese economy.
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High Levels of Consumer Satisfaction and Connected Productivity, the SMS, WAP, and Internet Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1818 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “High Levels of Consumer Satisfaction and Connected Productivity, the SMS, WAP, and Internet” is a perfect example of an assignment on marketing. The value fashioned by the company responds to the gains the firm’s consumers receive minus the costs the company’s suppliers acquire and minus the costs of with the company own assets.
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How Hospitality Experience Happens - Aesthetics of Built Environment and Customer Character Marketing Essay
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “How Hospitality Experience Happens - Aesthetics of Built Environment and Customer Character” is an engrossing option of an essay on marketing. The hospitality industry has been among the major revenue-generating businesses in many countries, which have made people attain their dreams of visiting places they have previously fantasized or dreamt about.
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SodaStream International Limited - Major Problems and Alternative Solutions Marketing Case Study
7 pages (1935 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper “SodaStream International Limited - Major Problems and Alternative Solutions”  is a persuasive example of a case study on marketing. SodaStream international limited is a company that manufactures, distributes, and markets home beverage carbonation systems and an assortment of related products.
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Service Gap Model for Qantas Airways Marketing Essay
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The service gap model plays an important role in terms of identifying the reasons for an organization being unable to satisfy the needs of the customers. Four provider gaps are usually utilized in the model which includes the knowledge gap, standard gap, positioning gap, and delivery gap (Adat, Noel, & Penceliah, 2014).
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Mission and Core Values of Apple Company Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The management should consider the use of the existing brand equity elements to formulate a competitive edge. For instance, its employee skills, experience, and talents can be formulated and used as its key competitive edge. The use of this edge will be sustainable as it is a rare and hard commodity for the competition to emulate it.
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Air China Cargo's Market Leadership and Profitability Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1905 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Air China Cargo’s Market Leadership and Profitability” is an excellent version of a case study on marketing. The airline industry is positioned based on first flights, military aviation, commercial aviation, and general aviation across the globe. Based on the changes in the aviation regulation act of 1978, the new act advocated for increased competition within the industry.
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Successful Products and Strategies of Apple Company Marketing Case Study
7 pages (1871 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Apple became the front runner in customer appeal as people waited in line overnight to buy the new phone because of the differentiation that the company introduced in the mobile phone industry. Unlike any other mobile phone or Smartphone at that time, but like some of the other Apple products were already popular.
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Marketing Analysis of Westfarmers Australian Company Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1771 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Analysis of Westfarmers Australian Company" is a great example of a marketing case study. Westfarmers is a public company in Australia which is ranked among the largest retailers in the country. The company was formed in 1914 as a farmer’s cooperative and grew to its current size being one of the largest employers.
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Classical and Contemporary Management Theories, Current Trends in Customer Management Practices Marketing Literature review
6 pages (1873 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Classical and Contemporary Management Theories, Current Trends in Customer Management Practices” is an engrossing example of a literature review on marketing. The classical theories in management were developed as early as during the age of the industrial revolution and were majorly skewed towards the improvement of productivity and efficiency.
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Applying of Actors into Advertising for Successful Positioning of a Brand That Meets Consumer Needs Marketing Literature review
6 pages (1850 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Applying of Actors into Advertising for Successful Positioning of a Brand That Meets Consumer Needs” is a motivating example of a literature review on marketing. According to Kama (2012), perception refers to the ability of a human being to recognize and interprets stimuli. Perceptions are created by the first impressions of an object.
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The Company WRSX - Strategic Capability, PESTEL and Porters Five Forces, Analysis, Porters Five Forces Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2451 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper “The Company WRSX - Strategic Capability, PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces, Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces ” is a worthy variant of case study on marketing. The company WRSX expects to create quality and a variety of advertising and marketing communications to support global client targets.
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Creating Customer's Emotional Involvement with Brands Marketing Essay
6 pages (1573 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Creating Customer’s Emotional Involvement with Brands” is an exciting example of an essay on marketing. According to Jeff Bezos, a brand for a corporation can be compared to a reputation for an individual. Reputation is earned when hard things are done in the right way. If a company creates great experience clients will inform each about it.
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Millennial and the Social Media in Marketing Marketing Literature review
9 pages (2375 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The use of digital devices is increased up to a high level. A research study shows that 90% of Y Generation people check their mobile phones before getting out of bed in the morning. They are using different mobile applications on their smartphones. Most of their leisure time is spent using their smartphones and surfing the internet. 
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Elements of the General Environment That Apply to the Bookshop Business Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1774 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Elements of the General Environment That Apply to the Bookshop Business” is a thrilling version of a case study on marketing. The business environment is highly dynamic and is likely to be affected by a great variety of environmental factors. Accordingly, a business must be in a position to adapt to the effects of the environment in order to enhance profitability.
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Toyotas Internal Environment Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Toyotas Internal Environment" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Toyota is a multinational company with branches in many countries of the world. It mainly specializes in manufacturing and selling of vehicles. Toyota has five main types of resources, these are; financial resources, physical resources, human resources, technological resources and organizational resources.
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Integration Strategy Plan for the Mayer Company Marketing Case Study
6 pages (2005 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Integration Strategy Plan for the Mayer Company " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. The Mayer Company has over the years established an increasing market reputation for quality and reliability in its products offerings. The organization’s products proposition that seeks to serve the Australian retail industry, especially the middle and high-end middle classes has earned it its current market reputation and status.
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Marketing Analysis of Coles Supermarket Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1963 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In general, the paper "Marketing Analysis of Cole’s Supermarket " is a great example of a marketing case study. Similar to other global armlets, the Australian market is gradually but steadily changing. In this regard, the market faces increased macroeconomic factors such as economic and social factors.
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Early Understanding of Brand Awareness and Consumer Buying Behaviour Marketing Literature review
6 pages (1632 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Early Understanding of Brand Awareness and Consumer Buying Behaviour” is a  thoughtful variant of literature review on marketing. The brand image notion was formally introduced in the 1950s and has since then become a commonplace not only in motivational research but also consumer behaviour research.
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The Role of Motivational Research Based on Brand Awareness in the Market Marketing Essay
6 pages (1819 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “The Role of Motivational Research Based on Brand Awareness in the Market” is an exciting variant of an essay on marketing. Brand awareness is the extent to which the buyers or the consumers of a particular commodity can recall or recognize the availability of a certain product or service offered by a particular company or business.
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How to Manage Tourism Consumer Behaviour to Achieve Marketing Success Marketing Literature review
7 pages (2085 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “How to Manage Tourism Consumer Behaviour to Achieve Marketing Success” is a convincing variant of literature review on marketing. Marketing research allows marketers to formulate marketing strategies, psychological advertisement and mix that are in sync with customer needs. It has been repeated over and over that information is a resource to any organization.
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