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Employees Turnover and Absenteeism - Total Oil Company in UAE Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1410 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Employees’ Turnover and Absenteeism - Total Oil Company in UAE" is a great example of a human resources case study.  The paper aims at looking at different problems that affect the human resource in Total Oil Company in UAE. The oil sector is one of the major product and service delivery providers in UAE is important to look at it.
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Human Resources Planning and Recruitment at Emaar Properties Company Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1361 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper  “Human Resources Planning and Recruitment at Emaar Properties Company”  is a bright example of a human resources case study. For any organization to succeed in the market, it must be able to plan better for its human resource skills. This is because, through human resource skills, an organization can gain a competitive advantage.
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The Role of the Human Resource Development within Global Industries Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1513 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “The Role of the Human Resource Development within Global Industries”  is an apt example of a human resources case study. This paper discusses the importance and role that human resource development plays in organizations. The paper first defines what human resource development entails and shows how it is linked with the human resource department.
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Shell's Upstream International Human Resources Planning and Recruitment Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1174 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Shell’s Upstream International Human Resources Planning and Recruitment”  is a germane example of a human resources case study. Upstream International Limited is a global business company that is led by Malcolm Brinded who is the Executive Director. The company has other global affiliate companies that are located in various summarized graphical locations.
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Organization Structure, Planning, and Recruitment Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1348 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Organization Structure, Planning, and Recruitment”  is an impressive example of a human resources case study. Every organization must have a certain structure that is very different from the structure of its rivals. The basic reason for this comes from the fact that each company is unique in its own way and therefore it structure of the organization must also be distinct from the others.
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Shell's Upstream Internationals Organizational Structure Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Shell’s Upstream International’s Organizational Structure”  is a forceful example of a human resources case study. Shell’s Upstream International is headed by an Executive Director who is the head of operations, and this is currently Malcolm Brinded. It has a management structure whose top leaders are the executive director and eight Executive Vice Presidents.
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Co-Operate Structure of Upstream International as the Most Well Structured International Company Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1417 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Co-Operate Structure of Upstream International as the Most Well Structured International Company”  is a useful example of a human resources case study. The upstream international was designed to be headed by an executive director; the head office was given to Malcolm Brinded.
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Upstream International - Reducing Losses Arising from the Poor Employee Turnover Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1319 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Upstream International - Reducing Losses Arising from the Poor Employee Turnover”  is a helpful example of a human resources case study. Upstream International presents an overview of a modern multinational organization. The company is headed by an Executive Director. The name of the Director is Brinded Malcolm.
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Team Development Phases at Rico Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1372 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Team Development Phases at Rico”  is a motivating example of a human resources case study. Every worker at Bayamon belongs to a team that plays a particular role. The first role of different groups includes assembling the materials to make a finished product. This group of workers is responsible for assembling or joining the different parts of the arrestors after receiving the raw materials.
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Human Resource Management at Emirates Airlines Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1634 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper  “Human Resource Management at Emirates Airlines”  is a suited example of a human resources case study. The Human Resource Department of the Emirates airline is headed by a senior president of the Human Resource and Business Development Section. The company has over fifty thousand employees in general.
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Human Resource Management at Etisalat Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1461 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper  “Human Resource Management at Etisalat”  is a convincing example of a human resources case study. Human Resource Department at Etisalat Company is large and more complex because the organization has thousands of employees and divisions. It has a Corporate Union, which entails Corporate Human Resource Department that has sections.
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Salient Human Resource Issues Identified Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1379 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Salient Human Resource Issues Identified”  is an apt example of a human resources case study. Human resource management is the art of achieving certain set goals within an organization through people. As a discipline, human resource management has broad salient issues which generally affect the performance of individual workers.
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Employee Voice as an Important Phenomenon of Organization Change Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1449 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper  “Employee Voice as an Important Phenomenon of Organization Change”  is an impressive example of a  human resources case study. Employee voice is a set of procedures or rules that allow individuals affected by a given decision to present information pertinent to it (van Ruiten, 2007).
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Strategic Human Resources - a New Source for Competitive Advantage in the Global Arena Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Strategic Human Resources - a New Source for Competitive  Advantage in the Global Arena”  is an affecting example of a  human resources case study. Organizations have realized the increasing importance of people and their management as the major player in competitive advantage.
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Creating the Right Corporate Culture Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1497 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper  “Creating the Right Corporate Culture”  is a cogent example of a  human resources case study. The organizational culture found in the field of organizational studies and management in any organization is found in many companies in the country. Organizational culture in any organization entails; psychology, beliefs, personal values, and cultural values of different people.
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Airbus - Internal and External Stakeholders Efforts in Diversity Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1355 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Airbus - Internal and External Stakeholders Efforts in Diversity”  is an intriguing example of human resources case study. Organizations should have strategic plans that identify future directions. Organizations establish an organizational structure that identifies responsibilities for every job position and the relationships among these positions.
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Employee Reward Management and Practice Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1470 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper “Employee Reward Management and Practice”  is a perfect example of human resources case study. During the course of this discussion, the results obtained from the interviews conducted with managers in the UAE shall be presented concerning the research objectives and questions posed in Chapter 1 of this paper. T
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Ethical Concerns towards the Whistleblowing Human Resources Case Study
5 pages (1269 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Ethical Concerns towards the Whistleblowing” is a breathtaking example of human resources case study. There are many corporate issues, which sometimes refer to ethical issues, one should underline that such issues can produce certain problems for people, which are engaged in some unsocial behavior.
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Human Behavior Theory for Social Work Assessment Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1528 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Our primary responsibility is in developing encouraging and positive relationships with others.  First, and most importantly, we must get to know the individual and what the individual values in him or her, what the dreams of or hopes to become. We must learn the individual’s goals and aspirations, culture, and background, personal situations regarding work and family.
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Exercising Expert Power Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1515 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author states that motivating intermediaries are very important in the distribution of goods. Only intermediaries that are motivated will recommend the goods to buyers and retailers. Therefore it is essential that intermediaries are motivated to that they also act as promoters and campaigners of the product.
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Criticize The Performance Appraisal System at HLC Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1361 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The promotion policies which are followed in HLC involve inducting fresh graduates as trainees in the company. They are then kept in for a probation period of 6-12 months which is also extendable up to 18 months. After the successful completion of the probation period, the trainees are promoted to the post of officers.
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Effective Leaders Dealing With Dilemmas Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1501 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
While Dabrowski's swift and forthright actions prevented the tragic occurrence of snowballing into a fatal disaster for the company, one must consider further actions that could have been taken. With the flat organizational structure at Mattel, the company could have implemented a company-wide safety review that completely restructured design standards for future toys.
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The Traits Theory of Leadership Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1349 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Trait leadership theory may be claimed to not sufficiently yield to the targeted success due as well to the issue with universalism that situates traits to be optimum in general conditions but may not follow as such when narrowed to specifics. Theatrics and cultural factors, in a similar manner, also take to account limited avenues to leadership success with relative traits (Trait Leadership).
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Employee Reward and Development Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1513 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Total reward includes all types of reward – non-financial as well as financial, indirect as well as direct, intrinsic as well as intrinsic. It is a value proposition that embraces everything that people value in the employment relationship and is developed and implemented as an integrated and coherent whole. (Armstrong, 2004)
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Individual Professional Development Plan in Human Resources Human Resources Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1372 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
Working on the Bachelor’s degree in human services provides the motivation and dedication to proceed further toward becoming a beneficial member of society and as a social advocate for individuals in need. In one year’s time, it is expected to be employed still in HR or expand my skill-set by transferring to a career position in psychology work.
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Management Staffing Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1393 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Strategic staffing is the process where the staffing implications of business strategies are identified and addressed. It is a long-term strategy that involves recruiting, training, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce within the organization. To perform this function effectively, managers must understand four fundamentals points.
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Human Resources Development Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Human Resource Managers randomly select the best candidates that align with job tasks. In so doing, the team creates a strong platform for the company to achieve its intended goals. The HR management plays a vital role in staffing that involves the effective and proper selection of the organization structure and development and appraisal of the responsibilities.
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Organizational Climate and Culture Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The research paper critically analyzes the organization’s climate and culture and makes some recommendations to remove the discrepancies. Organizational climate and culture are studied simultaneously as they interpret somewhat similar characteristics of an organization’s setting.
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Stages of Career Development Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Stages of Career Development" is a wonderful example of an assignment on human resources. A well-documented job description focuses on describing the job that is currently being performed and it contains important sections such as job name, a summary description of the job, a listing of job duties and responsibilities, and an explanation of how the job is related to the firm.
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Portfolio on Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins Human Resources Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The journal article by Coelho et al (2011) attempts to analyze just how the dietary fat composition can serve to promote the development of obesity in the human body. The research also points out just how high fat diets can serve to alter not only the rate of fat oxidation but also the rate of its deposition.
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Ethical Issue Faced by the Character and Ethical Leader Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Ethical dilemma refers to the state of mind of an individual faced with uncertainty to make a choice when faced with moral imperatives. In the particular case, choosing either of the options often results into the transgression of the alternate option. There are various factors considered important when law enforcement becomes a subject of emphasis
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Motivating Employee Performance through Rewards Human Resources Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
In our course work, we learned that employees are always motivated, by appreciating their work. No matter how small their contribution to the company is, it is always good to reward it. This is one of the ways in which the business has been able to keep aloft despite the many economic downpours (Mangalindan 1). 
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Introduction to Quality in Health Care Human Resources Assignment
15 pages (4593 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Juran opined that customer satisfaction is the objective that should drive quality control. He stated that the performance of a product should meet the customer's satisfaction. Consequently, he believed that quality should be the determinant for the fitness to use an individual product, thus, "Quality is fitness for use".
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Human Resources Movie Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
From the start employees and executives at Enron are corrupt. This is so because of varied reasons. In the first two years of it is the establishment, three workers engage in ethically immoral actions and the company keeps silent. When the company almost goes bankrupt, that’s when an action is taken and the three employees are fired. 
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1406 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The notion should be the ability to strike a balance given the fact that it is a balanced team that replaces the goal of absolute efficiency with a target of working toward realistic, achievable targets within the awareness of the fact that being members of a team would bring with it a set of problems specific to themselves.    
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HR Planning, Work and Job Design Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1451 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper 'HR Planning, Work and Job Design" is a good example of a human resources assignment.  Since time immemorial, there has been a notable paradigm shift in managing employee relations. This has resonated with a focus on integrated and strategic frameworks based on employee workplace interests and commitment (Nankervis & Baird, 2011).
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Personal Career Action Plan and Personal Reflection Human Resources Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1411 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
The paper  “Personal Career Action Plan and Personal Reflection”  is a suited example of human resources application essay. People that plan their profession years ahead and work hard accomplish many things compared to people without long-term plans or those who let their direct benefits dictate their occupation decision.
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Input-Output Analysis for Organizational Human Resources Management Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1312 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper  “Input-Output Analysis for Organizational Human Resources Management”  is a cognitive example of a human resources assignment. Shell upstream international will be a natural gas and petroleum products exploration company outside the United States. Its activities will be carried out in Europe, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Australia among other companies.
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Employee Involvement and Employee Commitment to Their Activities Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1397 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper  “Employee Involvement and Employee Commitment to Their Activities”  is an apposite example of a  human resources assignmentю This is a form of emotional regulation where employers expect employees to display certain kinds of emotions aimed at promoting organizational goals.
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Business Communications - Problem Solving, Employment Messages, Online Applications Human Resources Assignment
5 pages (1531 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper  “Business Communications - Problem Solving, Employment Messages, Online Applications”  is a germane example of human resources assignment. Concerning your letter supplies/08/0010/ref; I am writing this mail to regret that G.O.D has processed the request but we apologize for its turndown.
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Transforming the Organization Outline Human Resources
9 pages (2531 words) , Download 0
The paper "Transforming the Organization Outline" is a great example of a report on human resources. The business environment is changing rapidly courtesy of technology and innovation development. Competition amongst organizations is increasing as the business environment changes. The changes present opportunities and challenges to organizations.
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Leadership Capacity Development Training Human Resources
21 pages (5528 words)
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The paper "Leadership Capacity Development Training" is a wonderful example of a report on human resources. Through rigorous training program, managers of the modern day context often attempt to develop the competencies of their team members, which are essentially required to make them perform productively for the organization.
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Role of the Line Manager in Managing and Developing People in Organisations Human Resources
11 pages (3217 words) , Download 1
The paper "Role of the Line Manager in Managing and Developing People in Organisations" is a wonderful example of a report on human resources. Line managers are the managers in an organization to whom the employees and the teams functioning under the manager report directly. The line managers are accountable to the top-level managers for the entire team and their employees.
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Radiology Employee Retention Plan Human Resources
10 pages (2759 words) , Download 0
The paper "Radiology Employee Retention Plan" is a great example of a report on human resources. In any firm employee retention is ideal because it minimizes the cost spent in hiring and training new employees to the firm. Employee retention is brought up by rewards, the purpose of the job among many.
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Requirements for Occupational Safety Major in Boar Beer Company Human Resources
12 pages (3141 words) , Download 0
The paper “Requirements for Occupational Safety Major in Boar Beer Company” is a useful example of human resources report. The aim of a job hazard analysis (JHA) is to observe the employee and record the process of a task from beginning till the end. This involves the identification, control, and elimination of probable hazards in a task.
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Performance Management Approaches Used by O2 Telecommunication and Marks & Spencer Human Resources
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0
The paper “Performance Management Approaches Used by O2 Telecommunication and Marks & Spencer” is a fascinating example of human resources report. The modern business environment is getting highly competitive mainly due to the presence of numerous well-set market players and a growing number of new market entrants.
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Personal and Team Effectiveness Human Resources
12 pages (3339 words) , Download 0
The paper “Personal and Team Effectiveness ” is a motivating example of human resources report. Global Enterprises Inc. was selected as the company I could interview because of their efficient employees and good interpersonal relations due to their public relations. The interviewee was selected through a thorough analysis of the employees of Global Enterprises Inc.
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Understanding How Self Managed Learning Enhances Lifelong Development Human Resources
14 pages (3861 words) , Download 0
The paper "Understanding How Self Managed Learning Enhances Lifelong Development" is a great example of a report on human resources. There are numerous approaches to self-managed learning; the method a learner uses depends on individual preference.
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How to Cope with Negative Emotions that May Accompany an Employee Layoff Human Resources
7 pages (1887 words) , Download 0
The paper "How to Cope with Negative Emotions that May Accompany an Employee Layoff" is a perfect example of a report on human resources. When there is an economic crisis or a company’s business goes south, discharging employees is one of the strategies that many business organizations apply so as to chop their costs.
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Duties and Responsibilities of a Leader Human Resources
14 pages (3727 words) , Download 0
The paper "Duties and Responsibilities of a Leader" is a great example of a report on human resources. A Leader influences people in the organization, people, and activities towards achieving the set objectives of the organization. They direct people in order to ensure they are moving in the same direction. They prioritize important activities that contribute most to the organization.
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