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Green Engineering & Energy Efficiency in the USA Technology Case Study
7 pages (1992 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Green Engineering & Energy Efficiency in the USA" is a perfect example of a technology case study. Solar water collectors have been in the use from 1900 where they were being used in the USA (John Perlin, Evolution solar), where even lack tanks mounted on top of the roof was used. The first water heater was designed in the USA by enclosing a tank within a wooden box.
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Role of Technology in Modern Organisations - Wal-Mart, Samsung Electronics Company Technology Case Study
10 pages (3144 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Role of Technology in Modern Organisations - Wal-Mart, Samsung Electronics Company " is a perfect example of a technology case study. Arpaci (2010, p.37) stresses the importance of technological innovation by noting that it has helped revolutionized how organisations conduct their operations, deliver services to clients and counter competition in the dynamic environment.
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Perpetual Contact of Mobile Communication Technology Assignment
12 pages (3202 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Cops carry connected scanners which facilitate their task; in other places as London, wireless cameras are linked to a network that allows 24/7 communication. This sets an aura of constant surveillance and is a boon for the police who now can perform more efficiently since they are always in communication.
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The Impacts of Penalty Points System in Dubai Technology Case Study
8 pages (2196 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Abu Dhabi police have issued 14,349 tickets since new traffic laws were introduced on March 1 in a bid to reduce car accidents. Police had also withdrawn 111 driver’s licences for driving while under the influence of alcohol, and 41 truck drivers have so far had their licences seized for dangerous overtaking. 
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Security of a Strategic Installation Technology Assignment
13 pages (3718 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Information access should be on a ‘need to know’ basis. This helps to prevent the unnecessary proliferation of information (Cox, 1996). Another countermeasure technique is the introduction of policies that restrict the utilization of open communication lines, such as telephone system and the internet.
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Technological Advancement in All the Sectors of the Economy Technology Case Study
7 pages (1854 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Innovation propels a company to greater heights and determines the company’s performance in the market, however, the innovations must be well managed to achieve this goal. Innovation is well achieved through strategic innovation and the incorporation of research findings into the strategies to guide the process of strategic innovation.
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Calculating Susceptibility in High-Resolution Images Technology Assignment
8 pages (2387 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Line width broadening can sometimes be a limitation where there are larger matrix and low switching rate gradients. This is where the segmented EPI is used to regain true resolution. A combination of matrix size and gradient rate with a number of segments can be beneficial in distortion, resolution signal to noise ratio and gradient heating.
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Breast MRI Technology Technology Assignment
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Different materials do have a different indices of stiffness and just a mere sense of touch can tell the softness and hardness of a substance. Differentiating hard materials such as metals from rubbers is possible following this fact. The same is possible when a touch is applied to the human body to study tissues of the internal organs.
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Mobile Device Battles Technology Case Study
12 pages (3391 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The different mobile platforms have ventured into the market with the view of capturing the interest of the market by providing features that are meant to attract the market. Some platforms have targeted the business world while some target entertainment and communication. The use of these platforms in organizations has been on the rise and this has been projected to rise even further, surpassing the use of PCs shortly.
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Refurbishing Old Buildings for Sustainability Technology Case Study
16 pages (4553 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Refurbishing Old Buildings for Sustainability" is a good example of a case study on technology. The built environment throughout the world is faced with the challenge of keeping down energy consumption in old buildings which are found to make a significant percentage of all the constructions in the world.
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Remote Sensing And Image Processing Technology Assignment
10 pages (2702 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Advantages DisadvantagesA It reduces the amount of training required to make use of the imagery since the colours are familiar and they relate to physical components of the scene. 8-bit colour (256 colours) are used to represent a scene that draws (potentially) from a 24-bit (256^3 = almost 17 million) palette of possible colours.
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The Protection of Information and Its Systems Technology Article
7 pages (1980 words) , Download 0 , Article
The estimated number of affected users is quite huge noting the urgency of handling the effects of Facebook Malware. The users should be aware of their vulnerability to attacks which not only affects their relationship with friends on Facebook but are likely to have their information from banks, education, and businesses stolen.
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Aerofoils - What Speed Increase do Aerofoils Give to an F1 Car Technology Assignment
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Aerofoils - What Speed Increase do Aerofoils Give to an F1 Car?" is an excellent example of an assignment on technology. The concentration on straight-line speed in F1 cars has drastically reduced over years due to an invention that aerofoils could probably increase the grip against the track considering such conditions as tyre and negotiation of sharp corners by drivers.
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The Electric Vehicles and a Form of the Clean Mode of Transport Technology Article
7 pages (1978 words) , Download 0 , Article
The manufacture and processes involved in making the batteries of EVs cause much more damage to the environment through the emissions of carbon dioxide than do conventional oil-based vehicles. Besides, the limited driving range of EVs and the lack of a network of electric recharging facilities compound the problem.
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Definition of Dambusters Simulation Technology Case Study
8 pages (1930 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Definition of Dambusters Simulation" is an outstanding example of a case study on technology. In Dambusters simulation, various variable plays an important role, among them the speed of the aircraft releasing the bomb, the mass of the bomb, gravitational force, the height at which the aircraft is flying and air drag or force.
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Digital Media Technology Technology Assignment
7 pages (2194 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Digital Media Technologytitle" is a perfect example of an assignment on technology. Digital media technology is being implemented all over the world. Sunshine Children Home has decided to create a website, which will assist the orphan and needy children. This will enable these children to access education, food, shelter, and maternal love in these non-governmental organizations.
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Requirements Engineering for Intelligent Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Technology Case Study
87 pages (22775 words) , Case Study
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One of the most critical consequences of traffic problems is the delay of emergency vehicles such as an ambulance during accidents to reach hospitals on time, Fire brigade vehicles, and police vehicles responding to urgent calls. Traffic jams in cities usually occurrent there are special events and during rush hours.
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Aircraft Electronic Flight Management System Technology Case Study
8 pages (2368 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The system’s theory as proposed by McConnell Field-a retired US military and the military pilot came following much speculation about terrorists aboard a plane, suicidal pilots, and untrustworthy crews. The system is grounded on the possibility that the Boeing’s Uninterruptible Autopilot Model installed in any B777 model to enable external control of a plane’s route, and thus autopilot it anywhere without the real pilot’s control.
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The Development of New Technologies Technology Case Study
6 pages (1699 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
As such, technologies have enhanced the development of computer-aided translation (CAT) tools that not only facilitate processes of translation but provides a platform as a basic tool for intercultural communication models that help intercultural understanding.
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Role of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Hair Transplant Operative Surgery Technology Assignment
8 pages (2123 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Hair transplantation is a rapidly evolving technique; while several steps have standardized procedures; many variations are being used by different surgeons. The procedure is a skill-oriented technique and hence different results may be obtained by different procedures or even the same procedure by different surgeons.
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Developing Software That Promotes Gambling Technology Case Study
16 pages (4592 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The main concern in relation to on-line gambling would be can there be a universal code of ethics that is binding and enforceable against all individuals who are party to the code of ethics. This is based on the fact that most of the codes already created are not binding and that a developer can choose to abide or break the provisions.
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Imaging Site Using Ultrasound Technology Article
9 pages (2539 words) , Download 0 , Article
Imaging is a different technology used in medical science to see the inner part of the body. Every type of technology provides different information concerning what is being treated. Following the complex nature of opening up some parts of the body for examination, imaging has provided a better solution to solving the examination problem.
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Recent Innovative Achievements of the Baker Hughes Company Technology Case Study
9 pages (2413 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The activities conducted by the company are diverse and complex, requiring optimization of oil and gas reservoirs in countries and across the continents. This has created the need to design, develop and to provide new products and services so that the company can continue leading the industry in key areas. In addition, there has been a strong demand for new technology.
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Contemporary Online Practices to Enhance Digital Memory Technology Case Study
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author states that the Facebook moment entails the branded behaviors and branded memories that people have about their past life and different events that happened in the past. The aesthetic is highly appreciated by people whereby people post photographs to social media, such as Facebook to attract people’s comments.
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The Content of the Feasibility Study Technology Article
6 pages (1534 words) , Download 0 , Article
To support the assumption, relevant examples are provided by the company. An organizational structure is also provided with supporting illustrations of their job description.A clear explanation of how quality control planning ensures quality planning, control, assessment, and specification is provided.
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Lubrication and its Components Technology Assignment
9 pages (2387 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Lubricants control the temperature and pressure between the moving surfaces. Lubrication is a process of applying the lubricants or oil in the moving parts which makes it important in any running machine lifecycle. When focusing on the lubrication process, it is inevitable to deliberate on the lubrication substance about the lubrication systems.
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New Possible Industries for Biometric Technology Technology Case Study
9 pages (2562 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Some of these technologies have actually been implemented with ease and success. Iris scanning is a fine example of biometric technology that is now being commercialized at a fast phase. Although, this concept existed for long, powerful cameras and computers are now affordable to make imaging a human iris.
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The Nature of Surveillance within the Context of Privacy Issues Associated with CCTV Technology Case Study
6 pages (2150 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This activity involves observing using equipment like cameras and data interception, in addition to human agents. These are used to collect data that can be used to follow the trends of the activities and be able to identify significant information from the process. Moreover, surveillance is used to improve security
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Water Jet Cutting Machine Technology Case Study
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Coming up with innovative products is seen as a critical intervention point towards transforming society towards sustainability. Evidence showing that the current methods applied in decision making in product innovation are insufficient to include resources being overused and the socio-ecological impacts witnessed in production.
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Using Plastic in Pavements Technology Case Study
64 pages (18211 words) , Case Study
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The quantum of plastic in solid is not only a concern in cities of Australia but the menace is now spreading in rural parts of the country. On the other hand, the deteriorating conditions of roads in Australia is another concern as the present roads are not even able to withstand the increasing traffic not to mention their abilities to resist the adverse weather conditions.
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Welding Technology Practical Utilizing Technology Assignment
7 pages (2014 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Adjustment of the welding torch ought to be done to produce the proper kind of flame for the metal undergoing welding (Mark B., & Bowditch W, 2009). The beads are made by raising or lowering the welding flare while slightly moving circularly while making forward progress. The tip then forms an angle of about 45 degrees with the plate surface.
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The Dynamic Impact of Random Fluctuations Technology Article
8 pages (1912 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'The Dynamic Impact of Random Fluctuations' is an excellent example of a technology assignment. A base group is a group that is used in testing, for example, when testing the ability of patients to quit smoking, a base group will be one group that is under treatment and another one not under treatment.
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Type of Safe Motos Innovation Technology Case Study
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Type of Safe Motos Innovation" is a good example of a technology case study. The key organisational innovation is in the process of integrating technology in the taxi and transport industry in Africa. The innovation includes the development of a smartphone application for its customers and drivers.
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Innovation in Silicon Valley Technology Case Study
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Innovation in Silicon Valley" is a good example of a technology case study. Over the past few years, Silicon Valley has become synonymous with innovation. Just like Hollywood is a place where people go to become movie stars, Silicon Valley is a place where entrepreneurs go to build some of the largest companies in the world.
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Traffic Problem in Abu Dhabi during Rush Hours Technology Case Study
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Traffic Problem in Abu Dhabi during Rush Hours" is a perfect example of a technology case study. Abu Dhabi has been experiencing a massive economic expansion, which as a result has resulted in corresponding pressure on the country’s infrastructure. Even though Abu Dhabi is considered one of the world’s modern cities, it faces a serious problem of traffic congestion, especially during rush hours.
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Sustainable Construction Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies Technology Assignment
12 pages (3385 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper 'Sustainable Construction Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies' is a great example of a Technology Assignment. In the building and construction environment, sustainable construction, and sustainable energy relate to the conservation and application of renewable energy technologies. The issues in considerations are the mechanisms of reducing energy use.
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Mobile Phone Networks in Australia Technology Case Study
6 pages (1765 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Mobile Phone Networks in Australia” is a worthy variant of the case study on technology. Australia is a large sparsely populated country making the cell phone coverage and service considerably good. In Australia, GSM service as a mobile phone network is used as it is in most of the other countries globally.
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Network Topology and Wireless Technologies Technology Assignment
11 pages (2978 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Network Topology and Wireless Technologies" is a wonderful example of an assignment on technology. Natro group is experiencing communication problems, and there is an urgent need to upgrade the systems in place. From the provided information, by the company, the business is experiencing communication issues, and the provided solution is an expansion of the network system.
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Application of Technologies of War, Terror, Police Technology Assignment
6 pages (1952 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Application of Technologies Of War, Terror, Police" is an amazing example of a Technology essay. This essay therefore defines drone technology in a wider perspective and further elaborates current ethical controversies that are associated with the technology. The paper looks at the counterterrorism war and just war as the current ethical controversy, the history of ethical controversy.
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Wonthaggi Desalination Plant, Victoria, Australia Technology Case Study
12 pages (3451 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Wonthaggi Desalination Plant, Victoria, Australia" is a perfect example of a technology case study. Wonthaggi desalination plant is the biggest plant in Australia. The $3.5bn plants have been built on the Bass Coast neighboring the town of Wonthaggi, in the state of Victoria. The plant is a vital part of Victoria's water framework, supplying water by means of a progression of proposed and existing pipelines.
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NetComm Wireless Limited - New Product Development Technology Case Study
13 pages (3557 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “NetComm Wireless Limited - New Product Development” is a spectacular variant of the case study on technology. The growth of telecommunications technology has seen major internet service providers (ISPs) deploy fast internet connectivity in cities of most countries through the implementation of the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology, 4G.
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Impact of Technology on Business - Qantas Airline Technology Case Study
7 pages (2133 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Impact of Technology on Business - Qantas Airline" is a great example of a technology case study. There is no doubt that there has been a dramatic shift in the manner in which traditional businesses operate and interact with customers over the last century. This dramatic shift has been triggered by technological developments.
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Surface Pro Offered by Microsoft Company Technology Case Study
8 pages (2239 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Surface Pro Offered by Microsoft Company" is an outstanding example of a technology case study. Change is the process of becoming different. In businesses today change has become inevitable due to the increasing technological advancement is the advancements (Al-Haddad and Kotnour, 2015).
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The Culture Cell Phone in Its Conceptual Theory Technology Case Study
11 pages (2501 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
There are many ways of consuming cell phones. In the recent world, there are different ways which have been invented in which they compose different usages of cell phones. Cell phones are consumed throughout the globe in various ways. The main purpose of cell phones is to help people stay connected despite the geographical distance between them.
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Data Breach Autopsy Analysis Technology Case Study
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Many organizations have been falling victims to hackers who steal their data for different gains. One of the cases of data-stealing is with Target, the second-largest retailer in the US. The firm lost over 40 million credit and debit cards used to make purchases in its stores. Some of the personal data stolen were names, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
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Should Cell Phones be allowed in Academic Classrooms Technology Assignment
6 pages (1379 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
 Everyone in today’s world has a cell phone. This includes young people in most countries of the world. Phones are used in communications with parents and friends. They can also be used for entertainment, for connection and even to search for information on the internet. Just like all other devices, however, some freedoms and restrictions are associated with their use.
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Chinas Software Industry Technology Article
11 pages (3036 words) , Download 0 , Article
With the implementation of a novel diamond seeding technology, large saw diamond grits of extreme quality can mass-produce. With this breakthrough, the prices of saw grit will plume short lyre that should benefit the construction worldwide. Moreover, electronic or the thermal grade of large diamond crystals may be produced for applications in hemicordate electronic or optical industry. 
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BIM in Project Development and High-Quality Models and Designs Technology Article
9 pages (2399 words) , Download 0 , Article
With BIM, the site demands the incorporation of various software platforms especially when it comes to creating a site-linked building model. Such an undertaking exposes the data information thereby eliminating confidentiality of the entire model. Another limitation entails a high requirement of the available documented software knowledge.
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Product Design and Manufacturing Process Technology Article
8 pages (2245 words) , Download 0 , Article
The product relates to the art methods and apparatus for dispensing frozen products, in particular ice cream, and involves an improved method and apparatus for transferring heat to the portion that holds the scooped ice cream. This project entails developing a heated edge ice cream scooper that is electric and battery-powered.
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Heinrich Domino Theory of Accident Causation Technology Article
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 0 , Article
For the reason that construction activities comprise of complex procedures as well as the most demanding administrative atmosphere, the occurrence of accidents come in form of diverse circumstance and diverse causations. A good number of construction accidents emerge from operation sources like facilities and equipment in processes.
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