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M-Learning and E-Learning Opportunities Technology Literature review
11 pages (3637 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
There, therefore, exists a great need for informed equipment selection. Mobile devices must be able to effectively deliver the learning content, and provide instructors with two-way communication with their students. This requires the mobilization of mobile device manufacturers, convenience of network access facilities, learning aids, scalability, and real-time communication features.
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Methods to Achieve Waste Minimization Technology Assignment
7 pages (1647 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The output is very high and involves the use of high-pressure pumps, storage tanks, and automated bottle filling machines. Unlike desalination plants, Sydney’s drinking water plants involve steps such as purification filling, rinsing, capping, adding of coagulation chemicals, sterilization of water by use of oxidants, filtration processes, further purifications, and water softening.
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Impacts of Smartphones on the Society Technology Literature review
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In the field of marketing, the term ‘Smartphone’ was launched in the market to refer to a new type of mobile phones, which provides incorporated services from computing, communication, and mobile services including messaging, voice communication, and wireless communication capacity (Zheng & Ni, 2006).
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The Components of an Alarm System Technology Term Paper
12 pages (3214 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The effective implementation of this system in the building will enhance the security of the premises by ensuring that potential fire or even intrusion is detected. In relation to the threat of personal injury, the alarm system can still cater for it in the event that such an injury is debilitating and hence the victim is unable to assist themselves.
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Waste Water Management System Technology Term Paper
13 pages (3710 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In the wastewater management design, the main areas of design include treatment of wastewater and sludge management activities and finally the design for reed water management. When the residents have used the water, it becomes waste and discharged to a wastewater system where it is managed so that it does not contribute to harm to the residents.
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Advanced Technology for the Aged: Smart Homes Technology Literature review
9 pages (2716 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Despite the threatening aging population, we still have different types of modern medicine that we have to thank for the longevity displayed but a greater percentage of the older people. However, the long life portrayed by the aging population only becomes useful when it is lived as independently as possible.
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History of the Development and Use of Microprocessor Technology Technology Case Study
10 pages (2796 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Over the years, the computing power of the microprocessor chip has increased steeply, along with the speed of processing, and this trend is continuing as newer applications are envisaged (Seitz, Frederick, and Norman G. Einspruch, 1998). The idea of a single chip computer was around even as early as the 1950s but at that time, electronics and integrated circuit technology were still in their infancy.
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The Use of CCTV Technology Technology Report
19 pages (5335 words) , Download 1 , Report
The use of CCTV may vary from country to country depending on the existing legislation governing their use and control. In the UK the use of CCTV can be accredited to some extent for fighting crime especially terrorism. It has been difficult for terrorists to hit UK than any other place in the world which is accredited to the extensive implementation of CCTV technology.
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Evaluation of Software Systems Technology Report
12 pages (3343 words) , Download 1 , Report
System evaluation is a critical process that enables an organization to evaluate and determine the usefulness of a system. The result of the evaluation is a report that would be used by the stalk holders to determine whether the system meets the user and the organizational requirements and whether the system can be retained or replaced with a new and more efficient system.
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Wi-Fi Protected Setup Vulnerabilities Technology Literature review
6 pages (3431 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
These flaws hinder the intended use of WPS and its acceptance3 among computer users. In line with this statement,  this paper will look at some of the weaknesses of WPS in tackling security issues. Additionally, it will also look up some of the possible remedies that could be afforded to WPS to ensure that it meets its intended objectives (Bing 2008, p. 150).
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Typewriter - a Dead Communication Technology Technology Essay
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The idea was to engross all the writings in paper or parchment so that the machine or the system may be of great use in settlements as well as public records. The impression was deeper and lasting than other writings which were not to be removed or imitated without noticeable discovery. But if the invention of Mill’s gained great use in settlements, there is no record that exists.
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Intelligent Building and Security Manager Technology Term Paper
11 pages (3389 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Some of the benefits associated with intelligent buildings include improving user productivity, a secure and safe environment, maintaining a comfortable environment, reduction of costs associated with changing configuration and occupancy, and energy-saving (Kolokotsa et al., 2011; Yan et al., 2012).
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Individual's Technology Acceptance, Technology Acceptance Model Technology Literature review
10 pages (3012 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Niehaves and Ralf have analyzed the role of individual characteristics in boosting technology acceptance in schools. They are of the view that individual income levels may not have a great role to play in schools' acceptance of electronic-based systems since in most cases, the government would provide funds to boost its new technology policy.
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The Future of Robotics - Benefits, and Limitations of Robots for Individuals, Organisations, and Governments Technology Case Study
23 pages (6232 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The information obtained by robots will assist an individual to be aware of the surroundings. They can reveal dangerous information and also give out good data like in the weather forecasting for individuals to prepare for a day’s climatic change (Weinstein, 2010, p. 88). Robots are most useful in human beings' life since they give individual information that they cannot obtain.
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Characteristic of Computers Technology Term Paper
10 pages (2559 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The main work of ASPs is to manage and maintain business applications and to deliver them to customers via the Internet. Some of the services are charged while others are freely offered to all customers who can connect to the server host. ASPs play an important role in both large businesses by providing web hosting services and e-mail.
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Market Structure of the Industry Technology Case Study
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The most important section is the analysis of the case with the help of the theory of industrial organization. It shows that after the merger what will be the market structure and the outcome of this merger. The decision of their mergers will affect the single product manufacturing firms that are the competitors of these two firms.   
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Ethical Aspects of Computing Technology Case Study
6 pages (1567 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Theory of Justice, which is based on law, would be to follow the framework and guidelines prescribed by the appropriate legal system and BCS code of conduct. ‘The Code governs your personal conduct as an individual member of the BCS and not the nature of business or ethics of the relevant authority.
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Computer Studies Technology Research Paper
22 pages (7746 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The first computer designed by intel in the 1970s was of the size of a room. In the 1970s & early 1980s systems were constructed using vendor designed & fabricated integrated circuits. The starting was from SSI (Small Scale Integration), but, soon the density of the ICs in a system increased that fell under medium-scale integration (MSI).
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How to Buy a Digital Camera Technology Coursework
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Any individual, who wants to buy a camera, should talk to the people who own a digital camera in order to gain some knowledge. It is very beneficial because people can tell from their personal experiences about any specific model of a camera. They can not only tell the qualities of the model that they own but also the drawbacks regarding the model. 
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Innovations Reshaping the World after World War 2 Technology Essay
8 pages (2399 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In light of the above description of the development of innovation in the industry of tape recorders, in the form of the introduction of magnetic tape recorders, the effects of the innovation could be weighed following the value judgment of every individual. For some, the self-benefit might be held in greater significance as compared to the environmental loss it leads to. 
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Socio-Technical System: Trust and Identity in Socio-Technical Gap Technology Coursework
14 pages (4010 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The demands for the development of the human-centred system will increase not only in terms of organizational demands but also in terms of bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Finally, the gap between society and technology will slowly narrow as socio-technical systems consciously address concerns pertaining to the socio-technical gap.
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The Specialties of Horizontal Belt Filters Technology Case Study
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The implementation of the belt filter ensures a flexible range of operational conditions. For achieving this advantage no extra expense is required by the concerned industrial sector. If an industry requires simplicity in operation and maintenance belt filter system is the very suitable and faithful machinery.
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Non-Destructive Testing Methods to Ascertain the Quality of the Entire Weld Technology Report
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 1 , Report
Incorrect welding techniques and uncontrolled welding processes may hamper the quality of the welds which ultimately affect the functioning of the plant. This is because leakage of oil through weld seams poses serious risks in an oil installation. Fires may be caused due to this leakage. This affects man and material wastage in a refinery plant. 
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How Private Entities Help International Security Technology Essay
7 pages (2145 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The one statement that must remain supreme in the wake of adversarial times and shall by no means suggest that any entity has the right to invade peculiar zones which have been earmarked. Human nature should be understood and more than that there is a dire need to find out how development and growth bases of the human beings are judged.
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Fatigue Analysis Technology Research Proposal
10 pages (2699 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Cyclic or repetitive loading occurs in many applications like rotating equipment, thermal cyclic loading, etc. It is relevant to bring out two important aspects of fatigue fracture – 1) It involves cyclic or repetitive loading and 2) The applied load is well below the yield stress.
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Propeller Maintenance: Tiger Moth Aircraft and Spitfire Mk XI Technology Coursework
12 pages (3347 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The Tiger Moth one-piece fixed wooden pitch propeller had no cracks and I only had to make sure that the wooden propeller was stored properly where there was no exposure of moisture. I only had to spray some paint on the newly installed Spitfire propeller that I had attached to the Tiger Moth and it is now ready for the exhibition.  
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Technology and the Future Technology Essay
6 pages (1852 words) , Download 1 , Essay
More than seventy percent of the human race is subjected to this ‘feed’. The feed may very well be referred to as a combination of the present-day internet highly dominated by advertisements and interacting suggesting bodies.
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Software Engineering Technology Literature review
12 pages (3396 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
There is a need for timely tackling of dissatisfactory results and any commitment issues that can interfere with the results of requirements. With consideration of changes that occur in the market daily, it is necessary to be flexible in the requirements needs though with consideration to the costs of time and money. The control over time and money allows for working within budgetary limits.
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology Literature review
7 pages (2135 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The information that has been collected by the system and stored can be used by the management for promotional purposes of those employees who have high-performance rates. On the other hand, the information collected can be used to dismiss employees who have shown extremely poor performance for a specific period of time (Lehpamer 2012, p. 165).
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Smart Devices in Education: Virtual Haptic Technology Research Proposal
7 pages (1792 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Being a student/lecturer at King Saud University, you were randomly selected to take part in this survey. I will greatly appreciate you taking some time to fill out this questionnaire which should take less than 15 minutes of your time. No identifying information of any kind will be collected about you. Only indirect information will be collected, like the course, you are undertaking as a student.
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Assessing Factors Smart Technologies Technology Research Proposal
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The smart grid aims at solving the downfalls of the old energy system and making things run more smoothly. For instance, if you take an example of the old lighting system, you will see that it was full of flaws, for instance, it's high energy consumption and the power wastages that come about when people leave their lights on and forget to switch them off.
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The Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance Design Technology Case Study
9 pages (2874 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The insecurity issues can either be internal or external. The external risks may result from the villages that are around by sneaking in with the mission of robbery (Fennelly, L. J., 2004). At times, the alarm systems may be activated by false alarms such as vibration or movements of animals around the entrance and along the fence. 
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Wavelet and Global Positioning System Technology Research Paper
12 pages (7093 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The use of GPS as a reliable tool for navigation is taking a different turn in these modern times. This has called for improved levels of accuracy since the quality of this service cannot be compromised. The residuals were analyzed by applying the de-noising and threshold functions found on the wavelet toolbox for MATLAB in order to come up with recommendations of how to treat the errors.
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Bioengineering - Gastric Balloon Development Technology Coursework
16 pages (4253 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The operation of the intragastric balloon is best understood by considering the functional components of the device. The size of the balloon is determined by the pressure of the fluid that has been used to fill it. Before insertion through the esophagus, the balloon must be in an uninflated condition.  
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Smart Technology for Power Management Technology Research Proposal
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Many power utility companies practice load shedding during peak hours to ensure the capacity of their power supply is not exceeded. This has resulted in renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind getting integrated into the traditional grid to boost the existing power. Most of these generation points are scattered all over and hence a system to integrate all of them is necessary.
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Environmental Management Policies and Energy Technologies in Plant Engineering Technology Assignment
5 pages (1739 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The persons affected are people who live in regions that experience winter and summer in higher altitudes. The micro-environment around the home is also affected. The only cost is designing of the landscape. When it comes to saving, a properly designed landscape is estimated to save up to 25% of household energy consumption for cooling and heating (Pandian).
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Rain Tank Required for Rain Water Harvesting, Water Consumption per Person, Sand Filters to Enhance Water Quality Technology Assignment
6 pages (1632 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Sand filters can be modified to improve their performance and design. One way of modifying these sand filters is that of adding a peat layer in the sand filters’ filtration chamber. The peat layer added to the sand filter may enhance the growth of microbes, which in turn improves nutrient and metals removal rates (Lindeburg, 2012).
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The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Technology Term Paper
6 pages (1985 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Aircraft that are remotely piloted normally recognized as drones are non-passenger aircraft flown remotely and range from long-endurance systems to short-range systems. Even though unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) have been utilized for many years, they have recently increased in number as well as effectiveness as automation technologies, sensors and aircraft continue advancing.
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An Access Control System Trends and Future Directions Technology Report
8 pages (2076 words) , Download 0 , Report
Smartphones nowadays can perform functions similar to those of card readers and servers. Smartphones can also be used with traditional access systems panels. It can be able to verify identity, permission granting for a particular period, and the Smartphone’s Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) can be used to ascertain whether the person is near the door. (Cullis, 2014)
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Privacy in Computer Science Technology Essay
8 pages (2236 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In computer science, privacy refers to the availing of data only to those deemed as authorized through security features afforded through various means like passwords, applications, and so on. In doing so, one can control the content they feel foreign parties shouldn’t be allowed to have access to.
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Innovation in Society: Smart Shopping Mall Trolley Technology Case Study
6 pages (1805 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Shopping in an augmented world has become increasingly interactive as retail stores have integrated technologies that support shoppers. This project presents Smart Shopping Mall Trolley that supports shoppers while making their purchases in the stores. The group conducted an extensive literature search, focus group discussion, and user study to conceive the design for the trolley.
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Noise Measurement and Its Effect, including Australian Workplace Health and Safety Requirements Technology Assignment
6 pages (1663 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Any noise survey is required to start with an initial noise survey. This is required for any case where the workers could be having exposure of 82 dBA and above with a time duration of 8 hours or more or having a similar energy equivalent. The initial survey is usually inexpensive and can be considered as a red-flagging exercise
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Equipment to Monitor and Control the Industry Gas Plant Technology Report
11 pages (2947 words) , Download 0 , Report
Pumps, control valves, and compressors have been found to play important roles in industry as they have a significant impact on the movement of gas and other fluids within the plant. They could be used to change the speed of transporting the gas, change direction and even regulate pressure and therefore affect the performance of the system.
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Technology of Intelligent Building Management Systems Technology Term Paper
12 pages (3569 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
IB is a building that is flexible and adaptable by helping its users achieve their goals and support the functions of the occupants. In designing an IB, a holistic approach is required involving technology designers from the beginning. These technology designers include personnel responsible for the installation of information systems, security systems, and building automation systems.
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The Risk Strategies of the Building Management System in System Security Technology Term Paper
12 pages (3546 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The risk strategies cited started all the way from the design phase in order to ensure that system security was at the core of the development of the building management system. The installation phase was also found to be vulnerable and therefore measures must be undertaken to ensure security is not breached.
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Aspects of Smart Building Management Systems Technology Term Paper
9 pages (2603 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
An intelligent building is a building installed with innovative technology that has information and control services that fulfill the needs and wants of the occupants. Intelligent buildings use communication technologies that integrate and centralize monitoring, control, management, and operation of building (s) services.
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SCADA System Traffic Light Technology Case Study
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
First, it needs to be understood that this project needs security from hacking. This will be minimized by ensuring the system has a password so that only authorized individual(s) can access the system at one time. The computers at the central point will have the latest anti-virus software to prevent the system from damaging.  
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Risks in Different Nanotech Applications Technology Literature review
51 pages (13576 words) , Literature review
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Nanotech has led to amazing innovations that have revolutionized many areas of human life due to its many applications. The uses include medical uses, industrial processes, materials such as clothes, electronics, molecular manufacturing, sustainable energy applications, environmental applications, robotics, and many others. The use of nanotech has had numerous benefits.
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A Proposed CCTV System for a New Gold Storage Facility in Western Australia Technology Case Study
8 pages (2566 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The report will explain how this project is useful to the new facility as well as its objective that helps in minimizing the risks involved. The report also has a site plan which to mark the areas of concern, the site plans, the scenario, and formulas involved. Moreover, the concept has intrusion detection systems that can identify vehicle number plates as well as individuals.
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Evaluation of the Efficacy of an Internal Dual Technology Sensor Device Technology Term Paper
9 pages (2589 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Additionally, the dual technology sensors employ one or a number of sensors to detect any form of motion in the protected area. In other words, if the sensor is triggered, the security system is able to send a signal to the control panel of the security system that is linked to the monitoring center which then alerts the owner of any adversary or security threat within the protected area.
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