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This study, Commercial Aircraft Systems, outlines, most current CAT aircraft are fitted with global positioning systems (GPS) besides navigation instruments that had been in use for many years. One or two instruments called Very high-frequency omnidirectional range (VOR’s) are installed to the right side of the altimeter.
30 pages (7500 words)
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, Literature review
In this paper, the researcher would like to investigate the various issues involved with social networking, including its safety issues as well as the other controversies involved with it. Anybody who has been up to date with the latest trends and pop culture will know that social networking websites are popular to the technology savvy youngsters.
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10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
There are 10 tables spread around the room, where drinks and glasses are placed. Along the long side of the room is a long table with catering staff behind them ready to give trays of sandwiches to robots. There are 5 robots.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
This will be followed by an explanation of key concepts underlying the discussion such as information technology, information systems as well as the internet. The main body will evaluate how the organisation is harnessing the internet in its operations particularly on decision making and gaining competitive advantage.
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
Several security measures types are required in different areas to provide security solutions in different locations with different degrees of crime vulnerability. To achieve such a balance is very important and an approach that should be employed has to be of the utmost consideration to meet the specific needs of every individual facility.
Regarding specifically rapid manufacturing it is suggested that ‘it is a new area of manufacturing developed from a family of technologies known as Rapid Prototyping; these processes have already had the effect of improving products and reducing their development time: this, in turn, resulted in the development of the technology of Rapid Tooling
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
The term knowledge management encompasses various attributes such as data, information, and knowledge. Data are the collection of unrefined facts demonstrating events occurring in corporations or the physical environment before they have been refined and organized into a form that people can identify and make use of it.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Proposal
The author states that organic thin-film transistors now present characteristics comparable to devices made using hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Because pentacene thin-film transistors now show promise, it makes sense to prepare a literature review for fabrication methods and characterization of such thin-film transistors.
The conclusion states that the technological advancement has changed the face of the educational sector since the modern practices are amalgamated with extensive use of multimedia. Multimedia helps to retain the attention of students and facilitates their process of learning through the use of images, animations, videos, graphs etc.
Mobil phones should be included as one of the supreme technological inventions which have and will have a strong impact on society in the future. Since the world exists on communication as one of the main leading factors, mobile phones will never be considered as less important or having health effects etc.
The author states that during the period of globalization and technological advancement the invention and scientific technologies are in the process of advancement and development. Day by day new technological advancement is drifting the changes in the world. As a result of this technological advancement, the effectiveness of health care is easily improved.
Faster ships can transport goods very quickly from one part of the world to another. But at the same time increasing the number of ships has also increased the number of ship collision. Illegal activity is also one major issue associated with sea trade as a movement of illegal items is also carried out through seas.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the study, the doctor also informed him that had he not come to see him in time, he would have suffered permanent damage to the retinal arteries of the eye. On taking Matthew’s history, the doctor learned that Matthew has been in the habit of spending more than 7 hours watching the television and playing video games on the computer for the past 9 years or so.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
This review of literature intends to provide an overview of the application and the importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) or Early Childhood Education (ECE). The concern associated with the introduction of ICT within the field of education during early childhood years.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
Researchers see technology as the main driver in space exploration. As of the US, this may be termed as true due to the way in which the American society is driven by technological motives in so many aspects. While technology is important, technological advances cannot be achieved without technological drivers.
Technology is ubiquitous in the 21st century; access to low-cost information technology can change the way people interact with one another. One demographic routinely passed over when it comes to the benefits conferred by technology: senior citizens. While senior citizens could easily benefit from technology in the sense of improved health care.
19 pages (4750 words)
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, Research Paper
One of the most important components of the logical approach taken towards the facial recognition program is the method of Linear Discriminant Analysis, which along with the Fisher’s face method is used to determine the linear combination within features of entities such as images that help differentiate between two or more classes of objects.
14 pages (3500 words)
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, Research Paper
Technological inventions provide areas for possible risk encounter, for example the industrial revolution characterised by major events which introduced a lot of changes in the workplace and organizations. Modern capitalism emerged after a transition period over several centuries, during which the conditions needed for a capitalistic market society were created.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that a distributed database system facilitates other programs to access data from local and remote databases. Normally, a distributed database is a group of data divided into the different divisions under the management of disconnected database management systems (DBMSs) executing on autonomous computer platforms or systems.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The scope of the project is to try to understand and give clarifications on the various ways that the 4G generation wireless technology may continue to transform the telecommunications sector. The paper will also touch on the need for educational approaches that need to be embraced to advance more positive impacts on wireless technology
The resources are described to act as a technical guide on how the students can navigate through the resources with ease. The guide also gives links to the resources that students can follow to go directly to the websites and carry out a research. In addition tips on how to easily navigate through the resources are given.
The author states that the time taken by the echo to be reflected back to the source is used to measure the depth of the tissue interface. Images are generated along the beam line of the probe. 2D or 3D images of the area of interest can be generated by sweeping the probe over the area of interest.
The decade after the Wright brothers' success was also a time for new inventions in the aviation world. Glenn Curtiss, a motorcycle racer, also built and flew airplanes. He became a competitor of the Wright brothers and was even sued for using ideas similar to theirs. One of the planes Curtiss built was the Hydroplane.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Since time immemorial, technological innovations and advancements have caused a profound impact on our social, economic and cultural life and hence changes in the way we live. It has been speculated that technology singularity is likely to occur and emerge as a result of an increase in the intelligence of machines.
Burglary denotes the illegal entry into a house or building with the sole purpose for committing an offense or crime. Burglary prevention efforts characteristically involve a variety of responses such as installing burglar alarms, installing CCTV, hardening targets, or implementing neighborhood watch programs.
An Electronic Access Control System (EAC) is a mechanism for security control which is used physically or automatically in order to manage the entry and exit of protected areas of an organization or site of work. EAC can be used with the badge of an employee in order to unlock the entry of the particular office where the employee would be working.
One major area of work in the field focuses on the design of computer systems. The goal is to produce software and hardware that is useful, usable, and aesthetically pleasing. A closely aligned area is the evaluation of systems in use. This is related to design because to know if a design is useful or usable requires observing it in use.
Apple had remained the market leader until the early eighties, but with the introduction of IBM’s PCs, it saw its position going down. Apple had installed proprietary operating systems, as a result of which, the sales in its hardware sector were dampened by the sales in its software sector. The computer industry operates amidst tough competition.
19 pages (4750 words)
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, Research Paper
This research paper will explain historical and existing aircraft maintenance system adopted and performed geographically at maintenance and repair facilities. The research study establishes the need for automation in the field of aviation maintenance for reducing the maintenance error especially the human factor error.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
A national surveillance system of the FSIS inspects food-related consumer eventualities like illness or injury and use the collected information investigate and identify potentially harmful food products. This aids in finding out patterns of illnesses, adulterated food products, or intentional tampering (FSIS 6).
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Biotechnology is used to enhance the use of enzymes in the food industry. Biotechnology is expected to alter healthcare, agriculture, commercial and industrial products. The tools of biotechnology have been widely used for science seed research and plant breeding. Commercial products based on this research have come to the market.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
As more vehicles were invented in the early years of automobiles, the number of deaths related to car crashes and injuries boomed with the trend. As the government and concerned members of society were alarmed with such mishap, there were pleads to innovators to come up with safety devices and the authorities’ action to implement specific laws.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
It is apparent that the Gulf countries have questionable security, economic, and technological concerns that hinder safe installation and operation of nuclear plants for power generation. These concerns are not limited to the region as demonstrated by the recent nuclear disasters in developed countries.
The report would focus on three markets, India, Brazil and South Africa. These three countries would be critiqued and compared in order to identify the different elements of the markets. The different elements would provide an idea of the viability of the launch and sale of the product in the international markets.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
The audience of this research are companies that operate parcel delivery services like the Amazon, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) groups. The information that it will provide is crucial to understanding the implications of drone technology in civilian commercial use.
Businesses that can effectively compete against others will survive in the market and likely to earn more profits through getting more customers, hence more share capital. Organizations which have the ability to adopt new technology and human resource training will have more advantage in the modern day competitive environment of earning more profits.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
From a practical perspective, an improvement in mental models development for pilots and aircrews should occur. Moreover, an emphasis should be made on attention skills development and memory capabilities improvement. A multi-channeled information processing is of high importance for pilots and it is relevant to develop this skill.
The technology involved in this practice comprises machines that are programmed to act in an equal manner in which human beings would act. The machines are capable of rationalizing and take the actions that will be important in the achievement of the organizational goals. Artificial intelligence can imply to mean the machines which exhibit human characteristics like learning.
24 pages (6000 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the paper, the increase in competition worldwide has led many firms to take a series of measures in order to keep their position in the market. There have been no standards in the plans developed by firms in order to achieve the above target; usually, the strategies of competitors influence the format and the content of corporate strategies in modern market.
The apparatus takes battering & either now or then it should be managed or it shall break down. Although it is achievable to construct some severance into action like as having extra scrap usage crane.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Predictions will focus on providing rapid transit and related services including entertainment, advanced security, information services, and risk mitigation. The mechanics of transportation in the automobile industry was facilitated by Information Technology thorough out the automobile transformation process
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Proposal
The author states that every electromagnetic occurrence in the factory control room not connected to the intended operation of the equipment is considered a disturbance emission. A key rule in fulfilling the criteria of an EMC directive in such a complex environment involves dividing the extensive system into dissimilar sub-systems.
A specific arrangement was portrayed in the standing position. Men who stood at the back watched the monitors and mirrors. Women avoided eye contact by staring at the monitors. Users seemed disturbed when a passenger would get into the lift and stand facing back. It seemed unconventional, as people tend to face the lift doors.
Innovation is implemented every day in a wide variety of technologies and products. So people are used to discarding many of the tech products when they don’t work anymore. Lithium-ion batteries do not last very long. A good idea to work on should be to use replaceable batteries in the near future for iPods and other small technological products.
A totally different set of results were obtained by a team of researchers in the research on the recycling of glass as a partial replacement in the concrete preparation ( Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2009). About 90 kg of crushed glass was taken for the experiment and was added in the proportion 10 %, 15 % and 20 % in the 900 Kg of mixes proportion.
28 pages (7000 words)
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, Research Paper
As the paper highlights, the campus area network connects with two or more networks of the educational institutes, universities or corporate campus. The connectivity involves library, departments, student halls of residence. The network devices and computing pieces of equipment have to be reliable and extendable, if the faculty staffs increases.
27 pages (7585 words)
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, Research Paper
It is a matter of common knowledge that anthropogenic sources of green gases like carbon-dioxide (CO2), methane, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrous oxide are changing the climate of the world forever. Due to their propensity to insulate the earth like a blanket, the increasing emissions of these gases increasingly cause retention of heat in the upper atmospheres and a rise in average global temperatures.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The present research has identified that the technology of the Global Positioning System is making huge changes in the society that have never been before seen. The applications which make use of GPS are constantly and increasingly growing. The cost of the receivers is dropping while at the same time the precision of the system is enhancing.
19 pages (4750 words)
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, Research Paper
Textile and clothing are very much related in production and trade. In essence, textile provides the main input to clothing and this creates vertical linkages between the two and hence making them interdependent. This study will look at the two as the textile and clothing sector because of their interdependence.
The improvement of the aviation safety measures in the long term should be the key target of legislators worldwide; the fact that accidents in the aviation industry of a country are kept at low levels cannot lead to the assumption that the systems promoting aviation industry in this country are of high quality